The address was sent to Shang Fan, and he rushed over within half an hour, as if he was on standby at any time.

"Here are six VIP tickets. You can invite your friends to watch it together."

Wen Qiao: "Too many, I only need one."

"You can keep them all. You can bring your brothers over too."

As soon as the top figure from Shang University left, Lu Youyou came across a Weibo post from Song Yinhe, a friend of Shang Fan's circle and a popular film and television actor.

@Song Yinhe: I was on time and on time to grab the tickets, but I couldn’t get them. I asked some people for a friendship ticket, but they actually said they didn’t have any, so we can break off our friendship. @Shang Fan.

Lu Youyou clicked her tongue and said, "I rejected the best buddy in the circle and gave you all six tickets. Qiao, your status in his heart is more important than Mount Tai."

Wen Qiao had eight tickets in total. Xia Bai and Ding Hai each had to travel abroad with their families that day.

So, six people from the folk music club, plus her two younger brothers, went to watch the concert together.

Wen Qiao was a little worried about Wen Mo: "If you really don't like it, you don't have to go."

She occasionally wants to take her brother to crowded and lively places, blend in with the crowd, and live the life that young people live today.

Wen Mo hesitated in his eyes, finally nodded and went with them.

It was already the coldest time of the year. A group of young people went to the gymnasium. The gymnasium, which could accommodate 60,000 people, was packed with seats. Chunxiao and Lu Youyou were fully prepared and distributed banners and support lights to each of them.

A blue ocean.

Only then did Wen Qiao really feel that Shang Fan seemed to be really popular.

She was shocked when she heard her music being sung by tens of thousands of people in a stadium of 60,000 people. It seemed that 60,000 people resonated with her spirit. This feeling of recognition made her feel Goosebumps all over my body.

She is not a sentimental person, and at this moment, she was also moved by such an occasion.

Fortunately, Brother Hao appreciates her.

Fortunately, Shang Fan sang with the effect she wanted.

Dong Yao stood behind Lu Youyou. He was forcefully pulled over. In this kind of situation, girls are nymphomaniacs and thousands of people are singing together. For him, it is quite boring. He might as well dissect a guinea pig and a white rabbit at home.

The girl next to Lu Youyou was so excited that the SLR camera she was holding was about to hit Lu Youyou's head. He stretched out his hand to block it for her.

Lu Youyou didn't pay attention the whole time and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Lu Youyou and Chunxiao are in charge of roaring.

Wen Chi, Wen Mo, Dong Yao, Wen Qiao, Lin Xiang, and Yu Shu were rationalists and seemed out of tune with everything around them.

Shang Fan sang his new Christmas song for the first time at the concert, which was still composed by Wen Qiao.

As soon as it was announced, it triggered a chorus of chorus. Shang Fan's position as the top brother in the entertainment industry was firmly established.

The concert lasted from 7 to 9:30. Lu Youyou met a group of little sisters from all over the Internet. They had to wait for Shang Fan outside the venue, and there were some activities for their fans.

Wen Qiao was worried about leaving her alone, so she asked Wen Chi and Wen Mo to go home first and stay with them.

The group of star-chasing girls were extremely crazy about their love. After meeting Shang Fan from a distance, they cleaned up the garbage left on the day outside the stadium.

It was freezing cold and the northwest wind was blowing. Wen Qiao was touched by the actions of these little girls in order to prevent their idols from attracting bad reputations.

After picking up the garbage, it was already past twelve o'clock.

Wen Qiao originally thought that there was heating in the gymnasium, so he didn't even wear a down jacket, but the northwest wind came down.

I caught a cold the next day.

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