An evolutionary game starting from Suolongjing

Chapter 386 Who taught you how to transform in front of others?

With the emergence of a huge throne in the portal, a dazzling light suddenly pierced the sky on the vast plain that had been shrouded in a sea of ​​​​fire, and the red earth suddenly split into another color.

It was a bright morning sun, brilliant golden light.

The dark and twisted portal created by the demons seemed to be purified under the fierce rising light, and the profound light disappeared.

Holding the throne under their feet, the newborn demons twisted their bodies uncomfortably, trying to hide their bodies in the remaining darkness to avoid the scorching heat and boiling heat carried by the morning light!

Vaguely, it seemed like someone was singing from nowhere:

The great morning star, the bright son of the morning.

You who fell from heaven, who defeated the nations, will eventually return to heaven and exalt your throne above the stars of God.

Sitting on the mountain of gathering, in the far reaches of the north.

Equal to the Supreme Being.

Oh, great morning star.


Listening to the mysterious voice and the figure sitting on the throne who always maintained elegance but couldn't help but hold his head high, Zhang Ke felt a little embarrassed.

The scorched earth beneath my feet was dug and dug, and enough sand to fill an artificial lake was piled up between my fingers.

He is not someone who has never seen the world.

From the Dragon King Temple on the banks of the Daming River, to the Earth God Temple in the Western Regions, and all the rest. Along the way to now, although there are many haters and curses, most of the time, what Zhang Ke enjoys is basically bragging and admiration.

To be honest, the time points he crossed several times were not very suitable. Otherwise, why wouldn't he be able to mix in some of Li Du's poems?

Compared with Jiuzhou's tactful and atmospheric way of singing, this arrogant way of appearing is undoubtedly too low-grade.

This is like carrying a speaker on the subway and loudly playing: My surname is Ma, and my name is Ma NiuX.

Although it is not that embarrassing, it has the same purpose, especially when Zhang Ke heard that the straightforward poem was reciting the son of the morning star instead of the arrogance of the monarch, the original embarrassed look was even more mixed. Somewhat inexplicably weird.

The legend of Morning Star-Lucifer is not unfamiliar to every Kyushu person in later generations.

Anyone who has read some comics, film and television works will know this fallen angel.

God's most trusted archangel, but because he was so confident in his beauty, wisdom and strength that he even became arrogant, so much so that he began to long for the honor and glory that only belonged to God. This pride represents the actual beginning of sin in the universe—before the fall of man Adam.

The first person to use Lucifer as the name of the devil before his fall is said to be the early church fathers as early as the Middle Ages. The real Lucifer, the star of dawn, should be a derivative legend of folk mythology. There are similar legends in Canaan, Egypt and Persia. The Canaanites believed that the dawn star was a god named Hellel. Because they were jealous of the far more glorious Sun God, they launched a rebellion, ended in a disastrous defeat, and were thrown from the sky.

No matter what kind of legend, the final outcome of this thing is defeat and fall from the sky.

The key is that after he lost, God or the Sun God did not kill the Dawn Star, but allowed him to carry the banner with almost connivance, hang out with a group of original sins in hell, and think about rebellion all day long.

Perhaps it was the familiar look in Zhang Ke's eyes that stung the other party.

The light of dawn, which had almost separated the world from the sea of ​​fire before, suddenly dimmed. Although it was still bright, a touch of darkness was added to its essence, with black and white blending together like a fluid.

Just making eye contact can make people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

"I recognize you, the giant god from Kyushu. You have previously contributed to the fall of Gluttony with the Killing Star, making the originally empty hell even more desolate."

"Putting aside the will of hell, on a certain level, I may have to thank you. There is one less waste to share the authority of hell with me, so I will be able to take a step closer to my great cause."

"It stands to reason that since you have given me such a generous reward, I should share some of the benefits with you. Since you want to be the savior, then just leave this world to you. But, you should never, never should If I seize the soul essence (true spirit) of those demons, the will of hell will be angry, and there is nothing I can do.”

"Keep the essence you collected and remember the previous love. I can give you this world as a stepping stone to promote your reputation. Otherwise, I will decompose your flesh and blood, break your bones and muscles, and destroy you." I will forge my brand-new throne with your own bones, and after I drive that damn old man off the Holy Mountain, I will take the throne forged by you to conquer Kyushu!"

Morning Star should now be called Maharaja - Arrogance, staring at Zhang Ke standing in the distance in the violent sea of ​​fire.

The dim light of dawn and the rising waves of flames came and went at the midpoint between the two parties, like hot oil and cold water. The violent blasts of flames blasted the already riddled ground even more thinly. broken.

But regardless of Zhang Ke's arrogance, he chose to ignore the impact of the aftermath of both sides' spells on the local environment.

It's not their own territory anyway, so why should they care if the landlord hasn't said anything yet.

Zhang Ke, on the other hand, originally wanted to discuss in detail how Lucifer became arrogant. He was quite curious about some of the secrets in the transformation process.

Although it is unethical to expose people's scars, he has an inexplicable obsession with this mythological epic that has been circulated on the earth. As for the Kyushu mythology, well, it can only be said that it is too early.

I am not strong yet, but when I am strong, things will change!

But after Zhang Ke heard the arrogant words, he suddenly lost the intention to talk. He just wanted to hand over the nearly tens of millions of true spirit fragments. The fraud was not so cruel.

If the logic doesn't make sense, then we can only resort to force!

While Arrogant was waiting impatiently for a response, he saw the giant opposite him suddenly move. With both hands, he lifted two strange-shaped peaks from his side.

If you look carefully through the sea of ​​burning fire, you will see that there are some kind of mountain peaks. They are clearly two huge weapons.

In just an instant, Arrogance knew that his negotiation with this strange Nine Provinces giant had broken down.

But that’s okay. In his long life, apart from taking the initiative to ask for things from him, he rarely solved problems through verbal negotiation. Those stupid and clumsy guys didn’t seem to understand the great Morning Star. Son, what an honor it is to be willing to talk to them!

After all, we still have to take action.

Anyway, this Angel Throne has been used for thousands of years, and it has long been tired of it. Compared with the huge figure of the Nine Provinces Giant God, the throne forged from bones is much more majestic than it is now, not to mention that after the matter is completed, it will return. Go to hell and enjoy the attention.

Unless those two losers can also kill a Kyushu Titan of the same size and status, otherwise, they will never be able to be on an equal footing with themselves!

Along with the change in his arrogant mood, the light that emitted from his body, which maintained a certain nature that was neither black nor white, now completely changed towards the dark side. Even the sea of ​​​​fire that reached the sky could not completely illuminate this twisted darkness. at.

And at the moment when the darkness took shape, the majestic battle ax pulled up from the ground had already slashed down. In a short moment that could not be measured in units, the battle ax sank directly into the depths of darkness with a violent force that could tear the earth apart.

In an instant, like an ink bottle being knocked over, the concentrated darkness suddenly exploded.

The darkness that condensed like fluid, along with the fragments of the portal, flew and shot out in all directions.

In the direction where the battle ax pointed directly, the cold, dark and huge throne was divided into two. The smooth cross-section reflected the red light from the surroundings, and under the blade of the battle ax, a black wing was struggling. Resisting the violent force coming from the top of his head.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was clearly a god from Kyushu, but in the hasty contact, Arrogance did not feel the power of the god's authority.

In other words, what hit him was almost pure physical strength, with some hints of disaster mixed in, but not too much.

He couldn't understand, how could you, a God of authority, get such powerful physical power?

But obviously, reality didn't give him much time to think.

With one strike of the ax, Arrogant's pure gold long sword forged with magical metal was knocked aside at the moment of contact. His violently trembling arms could hardly even grasp the hilt of the sword, let alone counterattack.

In a hurry, he could only gather the wings behind him to resist this brutal top-down attack!

As a price for hastily responding to this blow, the eight black wings on my back flew away under the chop of the ax blade. A deep bone-visible scar penetrated all the wings, and the flowing blood poured down from the head like a stream, He was soaked.

And the remaining strength smashed the dark throne under Arrogant's feet onto the ground.

As the throne was torn apart, the countless demons holding the throne below also turned into a mixture of flesh and blood.


While the ground was being violently impacted and a huge basin appeared on the unsupportable earth, a painful scream was faintly heard from the distance behind Zhang Ke.


With a scratching sound that made people feel sour, Zhang Ke forcibly pulled out the ax blade stuck in the wings.

During the process of lifting it again, due to the fit between the ax blade and the wing bones, Arrogance, who was easing, was caught off guard and was almost lifted together!

Fortunately, he woke up from his doubts in time and forcefully pulled himself out, thus avoiding the end of being split open like firewood.

But even so, when the blood-drenched Arrogance raised his head and looked at Zhang Ke again, he inexplicably felt that something had changed on him. He seemed to be a little shorter than before?

Will reducing the size of the body be more conducive to the development of strength?

But why didn't the weapons undergo the same size change and still maintain the previous size? And... witnessing the tomahawk being raised again and then slashed down again neatly, even the blood on his face couldn't cover the arrogant red face. face.

How dare you, how dare you be so arrogant!

"It was just a sneak attack. How dare you be so arrogant? God, you are seeking your own death!"

Zhang Ke's simple and straightforward behavior made the arrogance of the now lonely man fall into a deeper level of anger.

His roaring voice was like a house dog convulsing in the dead of night, particularly harsh.

As the anger became more and more violent, the beautiful appearance of human beings could no longer be maintained. The delicate white skin was torn apart by the stirring flesh and blood. The bright red muscles were exposed and multiplied rapidly. The white bones pierced the flesh and blood and quickly formed a layer of flesh on the body surface. A layer of snow-white bone armor and wings.

Before the transformation of the body was complete, the sky above his head was shrouded in a shadow that blocked the sky and the sun.

In the fierce storm, the blood-stained battle ax struck down again!

Reality is not a tokusatsu drama. Without that almost buggy transformation invincibility frame, who would watch you open your second form?

If you want to transform, you have to survive this round first!

Although the tomahawk is still the same tomahawk as before, because the previous attack failed to kill the opponent, Qianqi, who has received a layer of special effects, has experienced new changes in strength and weight.

Arrogance, who was unaware of this, continued to choose to face it head-on.

No one has ever been able to make the great morning star take a step back. The old man who was high in the sky couldn't do it, and it's equally impossible for the arrogant giant now.

Although now, my power has not been fully released, but with just a brute force, I could not kill myself before. Now that part of my power has been released and I have become stronger, how can I fall to this arrogant person? The enemy's axe.

He raised the golden sword wrapped in white bones again, and there was a little contempt in Arrogant's blood-red eyes.

When your power is completely released, it will be time for the situation to reverse. Titan, cherish your last moments!

In a short period of time that was less than a moment, the flesh, flesh and bones of Arrogance were still growing, stretching his body into an even more deformed form. At the same time, a steady stream of dark power was pouring into the bone-white golden sword.

The dim morning light rises from the horizon again!

But in the next moment, the light fell!

The moment the two weapons came into contact, a far more violent force than before poured directly into the arrogant body along the raised sword. The stalemate only lasted for a moment. Both arms could not support the huge force. First, the white bone armor The fragments exploded, and then the arms squeezed and spurted out countless blood. Clusters of splattered blood hit the ground and even opened holes the size of houses.

Accompanied by the overbearing fracture of the internal bones of both arms.

The situation after that was a long march.


With enough brutal force, not even the remaining battle ax could catch up with the falling figure. The arrogance from hell was like a falling star, quickly hitting the ground and directly penetrating the scorched ground. Downward, drilling non-stop.

There is a wonderful sense of relief in the head that is rapidly breaking through.

In a trance, he seemed to see himself holding a big banner high, leading countless demons to the sky, occupying the holy mountain, wearing a crown and sitting on the highest throne, with Jehovah serving beside him.

The fantasy that once stayed in a dream seems to have become a reality at this moment.

But why is there water flowing on my face, why are all the bones in my body crying out in despair, and why is my body so painful as if in rebellion against such a dream scene?


The violent roars coming from the deep pits underground, restrained by the narrow cave, the rising air waves even penetrated the sky covered by dark clouds, and the long-lost sunshine shone on the broken earth.

And further away, on the front line of the battle with the hell demons, the demons, who were originally as strong as chicken blood, suddenly became depressed.

Not one or two, but all demons.

This scene made all the players look at each other, some of them confused as to what happened.

However, although they were surprised, the killing by their men was non-stop. Just kidding, at the last moment before the dungeon is settled, any ideas can be discussed afterwards, but if the rewards are not collected quickly, the final settlement will not be made!

The few players who are qualified to take on the mission but have not participated in this carnival are staring at the health bar that looks like a bungee jump in a daze.

Unlike other players at the carnival, high-level players like them will be punished by experience when attacking these low-level demons because of their strength. Their war points are also twice those of other players, and the bonus is not even enough when converted into other players. 0.8 times that of a human being, there is no need to participate in this carnival.

In contrast, they are more interested in the arrogance of the great king labeled BOSS.

However, when they were moving forward in the direction guided by the map, more than a thousand kilometers away from the battlefield, their way forward was blocked by a sea of ​​burning fire.

How could they pass through the terrifying flames that were so violent and destructive that even the gods could only cower?

I'm afraid that not long after I walked in, I could go to the urn to stay.

The idea of ​​getting some assists and getting some rewards was undoubtedly a failure, and the flames in the sky blocked their sight, and they couldn't even watch the battle. What else could they do besides being in a daze?

But even from a spectator position, the battle situation in the depths of the sea of ​​fire was particularly terrifying.

It seems, it seems, maybe it's a flat A twice?

Or it's two spells, but A doesn't make a third move anyway.

The arrogant health bar was directly refreshed twice. The first form was completely empty, and the second form of violent activation also lost a third of the health bar. Although on the densely packed status bar of the BOSS, they seemed to still see the form transformation that was still retained. Opportunity, but judging from the current situation, it seems that beating the BOSS really has nothing to do with them?

"Boom boom boom!"

Continuous and intensive roars continued to sound from the plains.

From a topographic point of view, perhaps it is more accurate to call it a basin?

Zhang Ke, who received the traditional education of Kyushu, did not understand what chivalry meant. After his arrogance went deep into the ground, he was not even given a chance to get up and regroup. The battle ax in his hand was slashed down one after another.

The slightly sunken earth formed an endless abyss in a matter of seconds.

However, the arrogant life bar is unexpectedly long. Should he be said to be the king of hell who has an affair with heaven?

Three axes in a row, each blow was more powerful than the last, but he could still retain his breath. In the short period of time when the tomahawk was turning, this thing also took the initiative to drill deep into the earth's core.

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