Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 106 Exclusive interview live broadcast [Three updates please order first]

"But Xingyuan Technology doesn't seem to have any reaction to this. Could it be that it is holding back some big move?" Facing Liu Zhengyang's praise, Yao Qisheng was still a little worried and couldn't help but mention it again.


Liu Zhengyang patted Yao Qisheng on the shoulder and showed that he was in control: "Xingyao launches smart notebooks so quickly just to seize the market. If their new computers are so powerful, how can they set such a low price. "

"We are all capitalists, no one understands the other!"

"That's what Mr. Liu taught."

Yao Qisheng savored these words carefully and felt that they made sense. He immediately responded: "Then I will arrange for those well-known bloggers and media to continue to publish articles to promote public opinion."

The whole person was completely relieved.

Before the words could even be finished, the person had already left the office.

Liu Zhengyang looked at the back of Yao Qisheng who quickly disappeared from his field of vision, and he became more and more satisfied with Yao Qisheng.

Having an efficient and obedient subordinate can often get twice the result with half the effort, helping him gain greater interests and voice within the Lianxiang Group.


The negative influence online continues.

In the office of the president of Xingyuan Technology, just as Niu Geng was checking the company's quarterly performance data, he suddenly received this special call.

After seeing the note name on the screen, I was startled for a moment, and then quickly answered the call: "Principal Sun, why did you suddenly remember to call me? Is there something wrong?"

That's right.

It was no one else who called Niu Geng at this time.

It is the president of Jingzhou University.

As Niu Geng took the initiative to say hello, he heard a still strong and powerful voice coming from the receiver.

"Xiao Geng, the reporter from the main station happened to be doing an event at school today. Didn't your company develop a domestic intelligent operating system? The reporter wanted to drop by for an exclusive interview. Isn't it appropriate?"

Doing an interview?

Niu Geng was stunned: "What kind of interview?"

"Let me ask reporter Zhang."

Principal Sun paused for a few seconds and then quickly replied: "Reporter Zhang said it was a live broadcast. Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, forget it."

Niu Geng never expected that his alma mater would actually host a live interview with a reporter from the main station, and his originally calm mood suddenly became excited.

Thought this might be a good opportunity.

If done correctly, you should be able to easily combat negative influences online.

Because Xingyao Smart cannot be mailed to users within a short period of time, other people's slander and rumors will inevitably make users think more and worry about whether there is really a problem with this computer.

Even if you ask bloggers or UP owners with a certain number of fans to help clarify, everyone will naturally think that they are bribed.

After all, apart from having some fans, they are essentially no different from users.

But the main station is completely different.

Even if it is only a very small live broadcast event, it can rely on its own credibility to convey a concept to users.

That is to say, Xingyao Wisdom is reliable and has no problems.

However, judging from Principal Sun's words, the other party's main purpose seems to be the Fanxing Operating System. If they want to guide it to the smart notebook as much as possible, they need to think of a way.

Originally, Niu Geng planned to speed up the delivery of Xingyao smart notebooks and let the product quality speak for itself regarding what happened to Online Lianxiang.

But since Principal Sun has given us such a good opportunity, why not put it into good use?

Niu Geng also wanted to see Lian Xiang's dumbfounded look.

After thinking about this clearly, Niu Geng no longer hesitated and immediately replied: "With Principal Sun speaking out, how could I be inconvenienced? I will personally receive them later."

"You kid, that's settled."

Principal Sun's happy smile came from the receiver, and then he hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards.

Niu Geng put down his mobile phone and picked up the company's internal phone on his desk, and said, "Ask Assistant Qin to come to my office."

After saying that, he looked at He Guang sitting on the sofa next to him.

"The reporters from the main station will come to our company for a live interview. Send a few people to maintain order and prevent any problems."

"It's the boss."

He Guang stood up immediately after hearing the order, nodded in response and walked outside. There was no sloppiness in the whole process. He didn't know whether it was out of professionalism or if he knew in advance that something like this would happen. There was no expression of surprise at all. Variety.

After a while, when Qin Xiaoman came to the office, Niu Geng carefully explained a few things to him, and then waited for the reporter whom Principal Sun mentioned to arrive.


It's about two o'clock in the afternoon.

A car with the logo of the main station was parked downstairs of Xinyue City.

Three people, one woman, two men, got out of the car.

"Hello, Mr. Niu, I am Zhang Ying, a reporter from the main station. In addition to a live broadcast today, I may also conduct a simple interview with you, which will be broadcast together with the Jingzhou University film later."

"I wonder if you have any questions?"

Inside Xingyuan Technology Company, Zhang Ying was holding a microphone and patiently explaining to Niu Geng. The cameraman standing opposite was already in place.

Niu Geng looked at the other party.

Short hair for round faces.

Dress appropriately.

The smile that always hangs on his face gives people a deep affinity.

I can only say that he is worthy of being a reporter from the main station. I don’t know how much better he is than the reporter who interviewed him at the last Jingzhou University freshman party.

So he immediately replied: "No problem."

Upon hearing the sound, Zhang Ying faced the camera and reminded the cameraman: "It's time to start."

And it's worth mentioning.

This time, because they came temporarily from an event at Jingzhou University and had no way to access the TV station, they finally had to choose the official account of millions of fans on Beep Station for live broadcast.

Niu Geng didn't care much about this. Anyway, all Xingyao needed was a gimmick.

After the live broadcast is over, there will naturally be a way to tell users that reporters from the main station are coming to interview.

"Mr. Niu, your company's Fanxing Intelligent Computer Operating System has been highly anticipated by domestic users as soon as it was launched. It is said to have filled the gap in domestic computer operating systems. Can you tell us more about it?"


Facing the question raised by Zhang Ying, Niu Geng nodded slightly, then looked at the camera and said: "The Fanxing intelligent computer operating system developed by our company is..."

As Niu Geng introduced the characteristics of the Fanxing system and the functions of Xingling, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to increase rapidly.

My first reaction when I came in was that I was a little confused.

"Am I right? Dream linkage?"

"My Yingying actually interviewed Mr. Niu. This is a total ecstasy for the two chefs."

"It turns out that the internal environment of Xingyuan Technology Company is like this, but I learned a lot today."

"This is too superficial!"

"Could it be that Mr. Niu thought that Xingyao Wisdom had a bad reputation and deliberately invited the main station to do publicity? Sure enough, if you have money, you can do whatever you want."

"You must have watched too many movies upstairs. Why are there conspiracy theories everywhere? I didn't see the title. Is this an exclusive interview for the Star System?"

"Fanxing System has filled the gap in domestic computer operating systems and has broken through the overseas technology blockade. It is normal for the higher authorities to notice and intentionally promote it. Everyone should use their brains before speaking."

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