Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 181 Personal Intelligent Terminal

"If installed throughout the entire park, it would be a considerable amount of work."

Facing the boss's proposal, Tong Xiangyun's face immediately flashed with embarrassment, and he added this after a slight hesitation.

Longhu High-tech Park covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres. If you want to meet the requirements for Xingling's 3D projection to appear in most major areas, you need to install a large number of projection equipment. The financial consumption is small, but the key operation is more laborious.

In addition, in terms of practicality, apart from adding a sense of technology to the park, there is nothing else.


Niu Geng must have had his own considerations in doing this.

After Xingling has been optimized many times to reach the level of intelligence it has today, in addition to having extremely strong computing and protection capabilities, its own potential is also very huge.

It can even develop self-awareness as it gradually absorbs information from the Internet. At that time, it can be called an intelligent brain in a strict sense, and is no longer just an intelligent program.

The huge progress in holographic projection technology will, to a certain extent, allow Xing Ling to freely enter and exit the park like humans, better learn how humans get along with each other and their emotions, and speed up Xing Ling's birth of his own consciousness.

Although Niu Geng can also choose to use millions of optimization points to optimize Xingling again. Once successful, self-awareness will inevitably be born, which can shorten the learning and evolution process in the middle. However, the risk is too high. Even if there is any problem, the wife will be compensated. He also lost his troops and lost more than he gained.

That's why he didn't choose to take the risk.

Immediately afterwards.

He told Tong Xiangyun again: "Just do as I say. If you need anything, just ask Assistant Qin to apply."

Seeing that his proposal had no effect, Tong Xiangyun felt somewhat regretful. He always felt that this move had no benefit except a waste of resources.

After all, even if Niu Geng wanted to see Xing Ling all the time, he could do it just in the office.

But as a subordinate, he had no reason to refuse the boss's order. He paused for a few seconds and nodded, "Okay boss, I will lead people to complete this project as soon as possible and install holographic projection equipment throughout the park." .”


Hearing this, Niu Geng looked satisfied: "If you don't have anything else to do, go ahead and get busy. I will go to the research center to express my condolences to everyone in the next two days."

"Thank you boss for your concern. I will pass it on to my colleagues in the center."

Tong Xiangyun responded sincerely, and immediately turned around and left to start installing the projection equipment.

Because as a scientific researcher, even if you don't agree with your boss's ideas, you will still devote yourself to the work and strive to complete it in the shortest time.

It would be a shame for them to waste any time.

The surprise had been revealed. Lu Xiu, Qin Xiaoman and the others were also very sensible and did not stay in the office to interfere with Niu Geng's rest. They casually explained and exited the office together.

"Mr. Niu, the Modulus Manufacturing Factory still needs to hurry up and deal with it. I want to discuss the specific reception plan with Gong Zhang, and then I will go back to Xiaoxing Automobile first."

"Go quickly."

Niu Geng waved his hand to signal Lu Xiu, his attention always focused on the three-dimensional projection of Xing Ling beside him.

After the two figures disappeared from sight, I was about to take a closer look at the projection, but I noticed that Lin Wan was still standing in front of the desk and didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

"Why, is there anything else?"

"Boss, I plan to launch Xingyao's new product next spring, what do you think?" Lin Wan moved a chair from the side very familiarly, sat across from Niu Geng, and asked excitedly.

Since Xingyao was taken over by Xingyuan Technology, it has only released two products for mobile phones and computers. It was only with the help of the Star System that it was brought back to life and became famous in the industry. Now it has occupied the domestic market. most of the market share.

But this put great pressure on Lin Wan.

They don’t want to live up to Niu Geng’s expectations, but they are also afraid that rashly launching new products will cause consumers to not buy them and damage the brand’s reputation and reputation.

I don't know how much hair I lost during the ordeal, and I was obviously very haggard.

Now I finally have a direction and decided to release Xingyao's new product. The whole idea can be said to be understood instantly. Although there is still a lot of pressure, at least I have a goal to work towards.

However, in order to ensure that the new product could be launched smoothly without causing problems, Lin Wan told Niu Geng about the matter immediately.

"This is a good thing. Is it going to be released on a mobile phone or a computer?"

When Niu Geng heard Lin Wan talking about Xingyao's new product, he immediately became interested and asked hurriedly.

For any brand, if it wants to survive in the market for a long time, it must introduce new products in a timely manner, especially technology-based products such as digital products, which must be updated frequently.

For example, Huawei and Xiaomi do this.

Often consumers take a fancy to a new mobile phone and just after saving up enough money to place an order, they find that another new mobile phone has been launched.

The speed of mobile phone use is far slower than the speed of replacement.

Although Xingyao's smart notebooks and Fanxing system mobile phones are far ahead of other brands in terms of technology and can not be eliminated for a long time, they themselves also have a lifespan. If they only sell this model for a long time Products will inevitably make users feel bored.

Cannot stimulate consumption.

After all, it is human nature to like the new and dislike the old, and most people cannot avoid it.

This is just like someone who bought a new mobile phone. In the first few days after receiving it, he may cherish it very much, like a daughter, covering it with a film and a mobile phone case.

Any scratches will make you feel distressed for a long time.

But what about a month or half a year later...

If it flies out of your hand, you have to hesitate for a few seconds before picking it up.

Because Niu Geng had too many things to deal with, and some overseas companies were doing things all day long, he couldn't take care of every department of the company, so Lin Wan was basically in charge of Xingyao's business.

The fact that Lin Wan was able to decide to release Xingyao's new product under such great pressure shows that he has grown a lot during this time.

The emergence of major Xingyao smartbooks and Fanxing system mobile phones has suddenly raised Xingling's competitiveness to a very high level, creating a huge sense of expectation among users, which means that the overall performance of the next product to be released must be better. , otherwise you will definitely be ridiculed and ridiculed by users.

Niu Geng naturally knew this, so as soon as he finished speaking, he asked again: "How confident are you that the concept model has been produced now?"

What Niu Geng is most worried about now is that the new Xingyao product that Lin Wan said is just a new product without changing the medicine, and simply changes the appearance. If this is the case, it is better to continue to sell the original two Fanxing system products.

Otherwise, the only loss will be the reputation that Xingyao has worked so hard to build and the trust of users.

Lin Wan obviously didn't know what Niu Geng was thinking at this time. Faced with the inquiry, he was quite excited and said seriously: "I am going to build a personal smart terminal and incorporate the research center's latest holographic projection technology into it. Only watches It can realize the functions of mobile phones and computers. As long as this terminal can be successfully produced, it will definitely lead to changes in the industry again."

Personal smart terminal?

Niu Geng was quite surprised when he heard the most important keywords in the sentence. He didn't expect that Lin Wan would make such a big move right away.

There is no problem in applying holographic projection technology to digital products, but it is not only technically difficult to ensure powerful functions but also to condense all accessories into a space the size of a watch.

Even if the holographic projection technology developed by Tong Xiangyun can meet the requirements, the problems of materials and ultra-precision core chips will be difficult to solve.

If you really want it to come out smoothly, you probably have to rely on optimization.

However, the company currently has no shortage of money-making projects. If it costs a lot of optimization points, Niu Geng thinks it is not worth it.

Thinking of this, Niu Geng could only continue to ask: "According to you, the technical difficulty of this personal terminal is not small at all. How successful is it?"

"Boss, actually I had the idea of ​​launching such a product just after Tong Xiangyun joined the research center. The reason why I often went to the research center during this period was to determine whether such a product could be achieved with the power of our Star Source Technology. After developing it, fortunately the final result did not disappoint me.”

"Now the research center has made significant breakthroughs in semiconductor materials and holographic projection technology. According to the calculation data given by Xingling, this personal terminal is fully expected to be developed."

"It's just that the Tianxin series chips used by our company now are 7-nanometer and 5-nanometer processes, which cannot meet the needs of personal terminals. We must improve the chip manufacturing technology."

After listening to Lin Wan's explanation, Niu Geng fell into deep thought.

If the problem of personal smart terminals is now limited to the chip, then you can definitely give it a try.

With the help of Xingyuan Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has successfully conquered high-end chip manufacturing technology, and its technology has reached the world's first-class level, which is enough to manufacture 5-nanometer chips. In addition, they have not stopped during this period. Continuing the pace of research, the manufacturing process is moving towards 3 nanometers.

Even if it still cannot meet the needs of personal smart terminals, it can still spend some optimization points to optimize the technology that can manufacture 1 nanometer chips.

In this case, it should be enough no matter what.

Anyway, if only one technology is involved, the number of optimization points spent is still within the acceptable range.

In addition, if you think about it carefully, if Xingyuan Technology can really develop a personal intelligent terminal like the one in a science fiction movie, it will not only be popular in the domestic market, but the whole world will definitely be caught in a rush to buy it.

The profits will also be unimaginable.

Niu Geng made a decision, without any hesitation, and immediately told Lin Wan categorically: "This project will be officially launched from today. I will work with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to strive to manufacture chips that can be used on terminals. I will try my best to Launch this new product in the shortest possible time.”

"It's the boss. I'll set up a project team as soon as I get back."

After her thoughts were acknowledged, one can imagine Lin Wan's mood at the moment. When she said this, she forcibly controlled her body that was shaking slightly with excitement.

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