Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 242 You can’t buy it at night!

The news that Xingyuan Technology was developing anti-cancer drugs naturally quickly reached Jiro Asada's ears, but he did not say anything about it.

The island country has many years of advanced experience in the field of cancer treatment.

With the help of the best medical experts in the country and the help of Meiligen, the anti-cancer drugs developed will definitely be more effective than those produced by Xingyuan Technology, even if they have not undergone complete clinical trials.

Jiro Asada is very confident about this.

After all, Xingyuan Technology is indeed unique in other industries, but when it comes to medicine, it is a layman.

Even Jiro Asada suspected that Xingyuan Technology was unwilling to be robbed of the limelight when it saw its own anti-cancer drug coming online, so it hurriedly issued an announcement.

Maybe the project hasn't officially started yet.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Jiro Asada to focus too much on Xingyuan Technology.

For the island, the most important thing to do right now is to further expand the impact of anti-cancer drugs.


Mei Lijian is just doing superficial work.

Although they used the power of the media to help promote it, they never mentioned the intention of introducing it.

Only the Wandao side expressed their willingness to cooperate as soon as they heard the news. Their positive attitude made people feel that good things cannot be bought without buying them.

But to be honest, Jiro Asada still looks down on Wandao’s international influence.

If no other country had introduced anti-cancer drugs for the time being, it would have been impossible for him to attach importance to giving priority to the first batch of anti-cancer drugs for use in the Gulf Islands, and to report and publicize it internationally.

It seems like he has really made a great contribution to the medical field!


I'm talking about the Bay Island side.

After receiving the first batch of anti-cancer drugs produced by Dongjing, there was almost no delay and they were directly distributed in hospitals across the province.

And officials have called on cancer patients to use it as soon as possible to prevent their condition from getting worse.

A well-known current affairs program in the province also specifically mentioned this matter during the recording.

What is even more speechless is that the guests on the show also used the method of criticizing and comparing the anti-cancer drug research and development project announced by Xingyuan Technology with that of the island.

It reduced Xingyuan Technology to nothing.

Moreover, after the program was officially aired, it was recognized by most people, which made others feel that their views were shattered.

I really don’t know what to say.

at the same time.

Jingzhou City.

Xingyuan Technology Longhu Park.

Qin Xiaoman, who had been transferred to be in charge of the newly established Xingyuan Biological Company, took the initiative to come to the door of Niu Geng's office. After adjusting his mood for a while, he slowly raised his finger and knocked on the door.

Soon a familiar voice was heard coming from inside.

"Please come in."

Qin Xiaoman pushed open the door and walked straight to the desk and said, "Mr. Niu, there is something I want to report to you."

Niu Geng was quite surprised to see Qin Xiaoman coming over at this time, because it stands to reason that Qin Xiaoman should be busy with the matter of Star Origin Creatures at this time.

Mainly, although Qin Xiaoman is very capable and has trained a lot over the years, he is an assistant after all.

In some aspects, he is definitely worse than Lin Wan.

Taking over a newly established company will definitely take more energy and time to get it on the right track.

What's more.

At present, the company has just announced the Pfaff project, and the project team led by Gu Wenyu is also working hard to conduct clinical trials. It is believed that Pfaff will be mass-produced soon.

These work such as docking production management must be done in advance.

Fortunately, Xing Ling's ability can alleviate a lot of burden and pressure. Otherwise, whether Qin Xiaoman can survive is really a question?

At least we need to transfer people from within Xingyuan Technology.

Although clinical trials normally take a long time, Niu Geng is very reassured about the anti-cancer drug Pfaff, believing that there will never be any problems even in clinical trials.

After all, tens of millions of optimization points are not in vain.

It is precisely because the intermediate process will not be too long that Qin Xiaoman needs to be prepared in time.

However, judging from Qin Xiaoman's expression, there must be something that really needed to be reported, so Niu Geng stopped wasting time.

He temporarily stopped what he was doing and asked, "I'm a little curious about whether you can go there in person, so I'll just tell you."

"It's about Baifu's anti-cancer drug. Mr. Niu, you'd better take a look at this."

Qin Xiaoman did not answer Niu Geng's question immediately. After replying with a slight frown, he turned his attention to Xing Ling who was sitting next to the secretary and signaled: "Xing Ling, I just transferred the things." I’ve given it to you, please put it here.”

"Yeah, no problem."

Facing Qin Xiaoman, Xing Ling nodded obediently and then connected to the virtual projection device in the office.

Play what Qin Xiaoman said.

Niu Geng raised his eyes and looked up, and found that the virtual projection light screen displayed a program clip video. Just by listening to the accent, he knew it was from the Bay Island.

"Mr. Li, I wonder what you think about Xingyuan Technology imitating the island side to develop anti-cancer drugs?"

As the scene progressed, a girl who looked like the host of a program was seen asking the middle-aged man next to her. Although she looked serious, just by hearing this question, she knew that she was deliberately setting the pace.

Under the man, his identity is specially noted.

Li Zhenghao.

Famous political commentator.

The camera was shown to the other party, and only Li Zhenghao was heard speaking with high spirits: "We all know that Xingyuan Technology is just a company that produces digital products. He knows Hammer Pharmaceuticals."

"But Dongjing is different."

"The hospital in Dongjing has rich experience in treating cancer. The development of a new anti-cancer drug this time is simply good news for mankind. It is definitely the most correct thing for us to introduce it as soon as possible."

"If it's late, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the goods."

"In my opinion, Xingyuan Technology's announcement of its anti-cancer drug research and development plan at this time is just to ride on the popularity."

The female host next to her seemed to agree with these words very much, nodding her head frequently during the process. When Li Zhenghao came to a pause after finishing his point of view, he quickly asked the next question.

"Mr. Li, I heard that your daughter was unfortunately diagnosed with leukemia. Have you taken the anti-cancer drugs imported from the island?"


When Li Zhenghao answered this question, his speech was clear and powerful, full of a strong sense of confidence.

The words just fell.

Then he added: "The doctor said that with this medicine, my daughter's condition will be effectively controlled and it will not even affect her normal life."

The short slice video has finished playing, followed by a few comments from netizens on the Bay Island.

"Our speed was really fast this time, so we did a good job."

"I heard that the island gave us the first batch of products. It seems that our international influence is growing."

"It's a good thing for cancer patients to be supportive."

"I guess the other side won't be able to grab it."

"What is Xingyuan Technology? Why haven't I heard of it? Is it famous?"

Niu Geng watched the entire video. Although he was quite speechless in his heart, he was still relatively calm on the surface.

After all, it's not surprising at all that this kind of thing appears on the Bay Island.

Niu Geng even agreed with the fact that they didn't even understand Xingyuan Technology.

Every product released by Xingyuan Technology basically focuses on the domestic and North American markets. As for the Bay Island market, it doesn't take it to heart at all.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to see the products of Xingyuan Technology in Wandao. It is completely understandable that the company is not well known.

Anyway, Niu Geng didn't ask them to know.

However, the commentator in the video, Li Zhenghao, directly used anti-cancer drugs imported from Dongjing to his daughter suffering from leukemia, which surprised Niu Geng.

It's completely irresponsible.

After all, the efficacy of this anti-cancer drug was boasted by the island side and has not been verified in practice. In addition, the records and results of clinical trials have not been announced, which really makes people suspicious.

In addition, Niu Geng is also paying attention to the anti-cancer drug developed by Dongjing.

I know that only one family on the island has introduced this medicine.

Just imagine.

If this drug has a good therapeutic effect on most cancers, with so many developed countries in the West, how can a good thing happen to a small force?

Niu Geng didn't believe that no one would know such a simple and easy-to-understand truth.

"Hey, I don't know where these people get such superior self-confidence. I really want to learn from it."

Thinking of this, Niu Geng couldn't help but sigh, and then the controller clicked on the virtual screen to open the comment area under the video.

I want to see what domestic netizens think of it.

"To actually say that Xingyuan Technology only produces digital products is ridiculous."

"I've told you so many times that Awan's videos will always be placed in the entertainment section."

"I've watched a lot of videos of this guy. He can't do anything but talk. I only watch them as skits."

"How much money can you get for filming a show like this? I feel like I can do it."

"I believe that as long as it is a product produced by Xingyuan Technology, it will never disappoint everyone."

"Just support Mr. Niu and that's it!"

"I remember when the companion robots first came out, the guys overseas also said the same thing. Now even if you sell them to them for ten times the price, they will still buy them. I hope they can stick to it in the future and never use those produced by Xingyuan Technology. Anticancer drugs.”

While Niu Geng was immersed in the video, Qin Xiaoman standing next to him was also quite nervous.

Because although Xing Ling's appearance meant that she had to do less and less as Niu Geng's assistant and could only go to Lin Wan to help from time to time, at least she wasn't under much pressure.

She is quite satisfied with this state.

But when it comes to being responsible for the work of star-source creatures, the situation is completely different.

Not only has the pressure suddenly increased, but I also need to be careful in everything I do, for fear that something may go wrong and affect the entire company's subsequent plans.

Just like today's incident, after watching the video, she knew that Niu Geng's character would most likely not be taken seriously, but she was also afraid of what Niu Geng might do, so she had no choice but to go here specifically. Take a run.

Ask Niu Geng personally for his opinion.

At this time.

Qin Xiaoman saw Niu Geng turn off the video, so he quickly said: "Mr. Niu, in addition to Awan, some Western media have also questioned our Pfaff project, and even said that we have not developed anti-cancer drugs at all. Qualifications."

"Those are just clowns. They can't get on the stage, so don't bother with them."

Qin Xiaoman's voice sounded in his ears, and Niu Geng replied with a sneer.

His attitude is very clear.

Even God has no control over the East. He, a Western media, wants to control whether the company is qualified or not. It is stretching his hand too far.

If you look at him one more time, you will lose.

Nowadays, the anti-cancer drugs produced by the island side are indeed very popular, but in terms of efficacy, they are definitely not comparable to Pfaff. When Pfaff’s clinical trial data comes out, it will be clear who is the wolf and who is the dog.

However, Niu Geng also knew the pressure Qin Xiaoman was under, so he specifically asked: "Now you just need to improve the company's production equipment to ensure that Pfaff can be mass-produced in a short time. As for the rest, hand over Just give it to Gu Wenyu and their project team."

"I understand Mr. Niu."

After Qin Xiaoman heard these words, he felt much relaxed.

With Niu Geng and Xingyuan Technology backing her up, she really has nothing to fear. Li Chao was previously in charge of Spark Studio's business, but now he is not leading the company to prosper in the game industry.

After a heartfelt reply, he didn't stay in the office and turned around to leave.

Niu Geng looked at Qin Xiaoman's back until it completely disappeared from sight, then he looked back at Xingling.

And at the same time, he ordered: "Xing Ling, from now on, if there is any situation on Gu Wenyu's side, report it to me immediately."

"It's the master."

After receiving the new order, Xing Ling immediately replied.

Time flies, always passing by inadvertently, and Jingzhou City has also ushered in a new winter.

With Niu Geng's patient waiting, the project team in charge of Gu Wenyu finally made new progress, which will also mark that the first anti-cancer drug Pfaff produced by Xingyuan Biology will be officially launched soon.

Monday, November 27th.

At Gu Wenyu's request, Niu Geng went to the research center in the park.

In addition to Xing Ling, the companions also included Qin Xiaoman.

After all, just judging from the tone of Gu Wenyu's words, Niu Geng could basically guess what should make people happy.

As the person in charge of Xingyuan Biology, Qin Xiaoman cannot miss such a memorable occasion.


Niu Geng and his party took a new energy scooter to the research center.

"Professor Gu, you are so anxious to call us here because there is some new progress in Pfaff's clinical trials. Just say it without being too pretentious."

In the conference room, Niu Geng looked at Gu Wenyu, who was full of joy, with a smile on his lips, and then said these words.

Hearing the sound, Gu Wenyu naturally stopped delaying and took out a thick document in front of everyone.

After handing it to Niu Geng, he said: "Mr. Niu, as expected, I can't hide anything from you, so I'll tell you directly. There were no problems with Baidu during the clinical trial, and all the patients recovered well. This is definitely a big step forward for the medical community."

Gu Wenyu may have been too emotional at the end of his speech, and his tone was already filled with vibrato, which was enough to prove what this document represented.

At this time, Niu Geng was also very impatient. After taking the document from Gu Wenyu, he immediately looked at it carefully.

But after seeing the first patient's name that appeared in the file, Niu Geng was stunned!

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