Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 272 No one knows better than me... [6.1k monthly vote requested]

Xingyuan Technology has built the first controllable nuclear fusion reactor in human history. This news not only shocked domestic netizens, but also attracted the attention of various overseas forces. For a time, the global pattern was undercurrent.

But no matter what, the use of nuclear fusion energy is always a reflection of its own strong strength.

For the surrounding small forces, showing good will is the most appropriate approach under such circumstances.


In the eyes of those developed forces, it is a different idea.

Shengya City.

In the Consul General's office, Baik looked obviously haggard compared to some time ago.

Coupled with his relatively high age, he gives people the feeling of being a candle in the wind.

It seemed like it might go out at any moment.

But despite this, Morrison and Barter, who were standing upright in front of their desks, looked very nervous.

Because they knew that Byker was on the verge of breaking out.

No one wants to find fault for themselves.

"I want to know how you, the person in charge of the security building, did it. They built a nuclear fusion reactor without saying a word, and you didn't know anything about it?"

Baker pressed his temples with his fingers and slowly raised his gaze to look at Battle in front of him, feeling extremely depressed.

During this period, he was extremely busy with the zombie virus alone. He also had to deal with several governors frequently, which made him feel more and more powerless. Finally, the situation was almost stable, but this happened again. It was really bad luck. To the extreme.

Even he began to feel a sense of regret in his heart...

If I had known earlier, I would not have been elected to this position.

Otherwise, no matter how bad his physical condition is, at least he will have no problem spending his old age peacefully.

But now that there is Xingyuan Technology, there is no guarantee.

Because Baik always felt that he might be pissed off by Xingyuan Technology one day.

Faced with the scolding from his leader, regardless of whether he felt aggrieved or not, all Battelle could do was make one choice.

That is to admit your mistakes unconditionally.

"The general lesson learned is that our security building did not do this well, so please punish us."

The words just fell.

Before Byker could take the next step, Morrison beside him couldn't bear it any longer and immediately took over the conversation: "Chief Commander, according to the information I have, the only related projects they have been researching over the years are artificial ones. The sun, and now a nuclear fusion reactor suddenly appears, I’m afraid it’s the latest thing.”

This is not to say that Morrison is interceding for Battle. The main reason is that the two of them spend a long time on official business, so it will be more convenient for them to deal with each other's problems.

If Battelle is really removed from his position and a new person in charge is replaced, it is uncertain what will happen.

However, Baker disagrees with Morrison's views.

Although he didn't point it out directly, he shook his head and asked a slightly strange question.

"The possibility of what you said is almost zero."

"Let me ask you a question first, how much do you know about controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

Morrison didn't know why Backer suddenly asked him about this knowledge. After all, he was not a talent in the relevant field, but since the questions were all asked, he could only answer them truthfully based on what he knew.

"Nuclear fusion is a powerful energy source that humans have been studying. Its existence can bring human civilization into a new world. However, because there are currently no suitable materials in the world for reactor construction, the technical level is still not up to par. , so we are always in the early stages of research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology, and strictly speaking we can’t even get started.”

"It's a pity that this law has been broken now, and it seems that Xingyuan Technology is involved."

After hearing Morrison's answer, Back seemed to feel quite satisfied, and then nodded in response:

"You're absolutely right."

"Since there are so many problems with controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is absolutely impossible for Xingyuan Technology to suddenly build a nuclear fusion reactor that can operate normally even if it cooperates with their scientific research institutions."

"Just research on materials requires a lot of time and money. I asked the scientists about this during the inspection."

"No one knows controllable nuclear fusion technology better than me!"

Needless to say, controllable nuclear fusion technology, as the future energy source of mankind, has far-reaching impacts. There are even artificial sun projects in the east. As the most powerful developed force in the world, how can they let themselves be left blank in this field.

Naturally, they also have their own nuclear fusion energy research and development project.

It's no surprise that Back knew something.

When these words reached Morrison's ears, an idea suddenly occurred to him.

Then he frowned and whispered: "General, do you want to say that the other party has been secretly researching and developing nuclear fusion energy for a long time?"

"You're not too stupid after all."

Seeing Morrison's enlightenment under his own prompting, Back praised him without hesitation, and then continued to explain: "In my opinion, their so-called artificial sun project is basically a cover up, but It’s to deceive others, and I’m afraid that the construction of a nuclear fusion reactor has already been underway secretly.”

"It just happened that we had achieved great results recently, and our confidence increased dramatically, so we chose to make it public to the outside world."

When Baker said these words, it seemed as if there were only two words written on his entire face.


It was as if he had already seen through his opponent's plan.

This explanation also shocked Morrison and Bartel. They nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice. They strongly agreed with Backer's analysis.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the main controllable nuclear fusion technology is the sky shield of mankind. Even though Xingyuan Technology has brought many surprises to people before, it is essentially just a technology company, and it is impossible to expand it in a short time. Nerang has made such great progress in the construction of nuclear fusion reactors.

Therefore, only Back's explanation is the most reasonable.

Thinking that the other party had secretly launched such a big project under his nose, and he hadn't discovered it for so long.

It's really embarrassing.

But for Morrison's obstruction, Battle would have wanted to resign on the spot.

When something like this happens, how can he, the person in charge of the security building that collects forces from all over the world, have the dignity to continue doing this?

But the most urgent task now is to make a decision as soon as possible on how to deal with this sudden incident.

And whether we should change our attitude towards that side.

After all, they knew that after the news came out that Luyang City had successfully built the first nuclear fusion reactor in human history, many forces were ready to move and want to have deeper friendly cooperation.

It's called thigh hugging for short.

Thinking of this, Morrison naturally did not dare to hesitate and asked quickly: "General, many forces are undecided now. The emergence of nuclear fusion reactors is very detrimental to us, and we must formulate a response strategy as soon as possible."

"Yes, this has obviously threatened our position." Battelle also echoed.

Baker himself is well aware of Morrison Bartle's concerns.

But it is obviously impossible for him to change his previous attitude because of a nuclear fusion reactor.

After about a few seconds of silence, I only listened to Baik's instructions: "Increase the R\u0026D funding of the scientific research department, and we must also build our own nuclear fusion reactor as soon as possible."

"in addition……"

"Even if they have made great progress in controllable nuclear fusion technology, we still can't let them have an easy life and let people make some negative news."

Byke made two decisions in succession, both indicating that he would not admit defeat in the competition for nuclear fusion energy.

I want to achieve overtaking in corners through subsequent efforts.

Just like when Xingyuan Technology developed domestically produced high-end lithography machines, it wanted to break through the overseas blockade.

It can only be said that things are changing.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi are not as simple as just talking.

As subordinates, Morrison and Battelle would naturally not question anything about their superior's orders. After hearing these two sentences, there was almost no hesitation and they immediately gave an unequivocal assurance:

"It's the chief."

After that, he left the office.

Seeing the two figures completely disappear from his sight, Baik relaxed instantly and leaned on the chair to massage his temples with his index finger.

He didn't know if he could catch up with others and build his own nuclear fusion reactor as soon as possible.

But the current situation has developed to this point, and there is no better solution.

Now we can only do our best.

But one thing is certain, that is, Baik feels very regretful now and regrets not paying attention to Xingyuan Technology earlier.

If Xingyuan Technology used more powerful power and means to develop its own high-end lithography machines due to chip limitations, I am afraid that Xingyuan Technology would no longer exist.

Without such a thorn in his side, his life as commander-in-chief would be much more peaceful.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, so he can only think about this kind of thing in his mind during the day.

As Byker's confidant, Morrison was meticulous in executing Byker's orders, and was very efficient and practical.

As soon as it entered late January, major media outlets in Shengya City officially issued documents stating that the Consul General's Office would increase research funding for the nuclear fusion reactor project and was confident of becoming the second force in the world to own a nuclear fusion reactor.

At the same time, other members of the federation have also made more or less actions in this field.

It makes people feel like a storm is coming.

While netizens were still immersed in the joy of Luyang City's successful construction of the first nuclear fusion reactor in human history, a large number of inexplicable content and comments suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Not only will nuclear fusion produce huge radiation when used in power plants, affecting the normal lives of residents, but it may also double the price of electricity in the future.

Some marketing accounts even directly stated that the cost of nuclear fusion is extremely high and a large amount of resources should not be spent on this matter.

It was completely forced to make everyone feel uncomfortable.

It's like someone forcing you to eat noodles in the toilet.

What’s even more irritating is that some public figures with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans on the bib also like and repost these comments. I don’t know whether they did it accidentally or deliberately.

The former may be forgiven for being carelessly slippery, but the latter is really a person with a dark heart and a half million person walking around on the Internet.

In particular, the titles of these popular science videos are more exaggerated and eye-catching than the last.

"Shocking! If the nuclear fusion power plant goes out of control, it will destroy the entire Asia."

"How much radiation will be generated by a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees? Experts say: It is unimaginable!"

"The conspiracy of the nuclear fusion power station! It's free to use electricity now, but the electricity bill will double in the future!"

Fortunately, today's Internet users have experienced several similar turmoils. Let's not talk about everyone. At least most people have their own understanding and judgment, and they will not be messed up because of some junk videos.

Therefore, these accounts that posted similar videos and public figures who liked and retweeted their scarves were all attacked by netizens without exception.

The scene was once out of control.

Some people cannot even protect their ancestors who were eighteen generations ago.

"Originally, I thought there would be no more trash people like this on the Internet, but I didn't expect today to open my eyes to the fact that there are still bad people among the masses!"

"Brothers, let us have a good hunt today."

"The nuclear fusion station radiates a lot, right? The signal base station still radiates. I suggest you quickly dismantle all the base stations near where you live. This way you can at least survive for a few seconds longer."

"He's just a public figure. I don't want to say anything about it."

"Don't think that it will be fine if you cancel likes and delete records. I have saved all the evidence. You must report whatever you say."

"Anyone with some brains can see that this must have been deliberately done by overseas forces. They just wanted to see that we had built a nuclear fusion reactor. Those who posted the rumored video were paid by others."

Maybe this incident caused quite a stir on the Internet, and it was expected that the situation would still be one-sided. In order to be implicated, many platforms and websites banned their accounts in a short time, which finally made the network environment a little better. Some.

At least I won't be force-fed with shit.

The only regret is that the marketing accounts and bloggers who posted these rumored videos were only punished by having their accounts banned.

Although it will be difficult to continue to make money online after a comeback, it still feels like the punishment is light.

On the other hand, those public figures who deliberately liked the rumor-mongering videos and later explained it as a swipe operation were directly de-followed and disliked by a large number of fans.

If you want to use a song to describe it, there are only two simple words.


At this time, Niu Geng, who had returned to Jingzhou City from Luyang City, had no intention of understanding what was going on online because he was waiting for a new round of settlement of funds.

It was the first time that he stayed in another city for such a long time. Niu Geng was somewhat uncomfortable with it, so after successfully building the first nuclear fusion reactor, he took Xing Ling back to Jingzhou City and did not stay there for too long.

It happened to coincide with a new round of fund settlement, so it naturally attracted all his attention.

There is no other energy to pay attention to what is happening online.

You must know that during this time, the company has designed an intelligent bionic robot suitable for work, and its appearance uses new materials produced by the research center as its skin, which looks almost the same as humans.

It's just that it can't be compared with Xing Ling's body.

However, from the beginning of the design of this bionic robot, it was determined to use nuclear fusion as its energy supply, at least to ensure that it can be used for a long time on a single charge.

However, only a large-scale nuclear fusion reactor has just been built, not even the first official nuclear fusion power station. If you want to commercialize nuclear fusion technology, you can only rely on optimization.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Niu Geng pays special attention to this fund settlement.

In addition, the fund settlement cycle has reached one year. After that, it will still increase according to the thirty-day cycle. There are still new changes, which Niu Geng does not know.

But if it is the latter, the method of obtaining optimization points may gradually become more difficult in the future, and it will be impossible to waste without restraint.

Even more worth mentioning…

Since this time period coincides with the Spring Festival, and because he has a lot of work at hand, Niu Geng does not plan to go back to celebrate the New Year, and the same goes for bringing his parents to Jingzhou City.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025.


Niu Geng sat on the sofa in the living room, carefully examining the light screen suspended in his sight.


As the light curtain flashed, all the numbers on it suddenly changed.

[Host: Niu Geng]

[Company funds: 3458.06 billion]

[Personal funds: 37.8 billion]

[Fund conversion ratio 100:1]

[Fund settlement time: 23:59:55, 719 days]

[Optimization points: 0]

Niu Geng had looked at the company's funds before the funds were settled, and already knew how much personal funds he would convert this time. In addition, due to problems with nuclear fusion technology, there was not much remaining funds, so he was not too concerned about the final number. Big reaction.

What really concerned him was the cycle of fund settlement.

It turns out.

What Niu Geng was most worried about happened.

After the last settlement cycle reached 360 days, which is equivalent to one year, it no longer increased by 30 days.

Instead, he was directly promoted to Tao for one year.

When the next fund settlement comes, it will already be two years later, which does make people feel a little uncomfortable.

In this case, before the next fund settlement cycle comes, he must make reasonable use of the optimization points he has at hand, otherwise losing his biggest trump card will inevitably give people a false sense of security.

"It seems that good steel should be used on the blade!"

After a while.

Niu Geng turned off the light curtain in his sight, couldn't help but sigh, and then reconsidered the distribution of optimization points.

It’s good to use important things in the most appropriate place, but now it’s most important to take nuclear fusion technology a step further and be able to create micro-reactors that can be used in bionic robot bodies, because this is related to the subsequent company’s plans.

After thinking about this clearly, Niu Geng was not prepared to waste any more time.

It's all a matter of time anyway. Using optimization points in advance to develop micro-reactor manufacturing technology can also bring the company's new bionic robot online earlier.

You must know that tomorrow’s trading system is still in a state of upgrading!

It’s been upgrading for so long, and it’s time to officially open it.

"Currently, there are nearly 40 billion personal funds in hand. Multiple optimizations will increase the failure rate of optimization, which is currently unacceptable to me."

"In that case..."

"Then we can only use optimization points as much as possible to achieve first-time success."

With Niu Geng's thinking running quickly, he quickly made his own decision, which was to directly invest in a huge number of optimization points and strive to directly achieve the desired effect.

Relatively speaking, this is the most appropriate method.

If there really was a failure during the process, Niu Geng would be heartbroken no matter what.

After all, that's a lot of optimization points.

A special existence that you won’t expect to see again within two years of use.

Making up his mind, Niu Geng immediately spent 10 billion of his personal funds to purchase a large number of optimization points, and then chose to use them all.

[You are using optimization points to optimize controllable nuclear fusion technology. Once selected, it cannot be revoked. Please refer to the facts for the optimization results]

He was too familiar with the familiar prompt message to appear, so Niu Geng clicked OK without even looking at it.

Then he closed his eyes slightly, immersed his consciousness in his mind, and patiently waited for the final optimization results.

In any case, it is an optimization point worth tens of millions of dollars, and it is the first time to optimize it. The success rate will be much higher no matter what.

So in less than a few seconds, Niu Geng clearly felt that the knowledge and experience accumulated through this trip to Luyang began to change in his mind.

This feeling is like taking apart the strokes of Chinese characters one by one and forming new words.

It makes people just want to say that it is really wonderful!

I don't know how much time passed before Niu Geng opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly to reveal a meaningful smile.

He murmured to himself: "Fortunately, this optimization point has solved the problem, otherwise things would be really difficult!"

According to his general glance, the optimized technology does include methods for manufacturing small and micro controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

Niu Geng believed that with his experience in building the large reactor in Luyang City, he could complete the relevant manufacturing in Longfor Park by applying for the special materials required.

But some places need a little modification.

In addition to preparing to manufacture micro-reactors, Niu Geng also plans to build a small-scale reactor under Longhu Park.

In order to better operate the entire park.

Maybe other companies can't do this, but Niu Geng believes that as long as he talks to Ding Zhaotong when the time comes, there won't be any major problems.

As for this so-called micro-reactor, it is actually only the size of a fist. Although it is a simplified version many generations later, it can support the movement workload of a new bionic robot for up to one year.

After the energy is exhausted, it only needs to be recharged.

It is simply tailor-made for the new bionic robots that are about to be launched for major companies. I believe that other company bosses will be forced to accept this major change in the industry even if they are not willing to do so.


When this first micro-reactor is manufactured, it must be used by Xingling first.

After all, her body and various abilities are far from comparable to ordinary intelligent robots, but she is always a shortcoming in terms of energy.

It just so happened that this time she could completely reach perfection.

After making the next few plans, Niu Geng also immediately issued an order to Xing Ling, asking her to start purchasing corresponding materials and transform the park.

As for Ding Zhaotong, Niu Geng also took the time to tell him that no matter what, it was a good cooperation with him before, and hiding this was not a good choice.

Anyway, the nuclear fusion reactor in Luyang City is no secret.

What's more, after the bionic robot is officially launched, Niu Geng will need Ding Zhaotong's help to stand up for himself and Xingyuan Technology.

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