Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 281 I will never embarrass you today! 【6.2k】

"Mr. Cai, the current situation is not good for us. Now the Internet is full of topics related to virtual games."

Magic City.

Miyou Technology Company.

In the president's office, Liu Wei stood respectfully in front of his desk and reported the latest status of the company.

As the person in charge of the company, Cai Dongsheng, although he was sitting in the boss's chair, felt restless all over his body and his brows were furrowed together.

He has already understood the situation Liu Wei mentioned through other channels in the company and knows what the current situation is. In short, it is not optimistic for the entire company.

Although he had considered this when Xingyuan Technology first announced the virtual game news, knowing that the company was likely to face difficulties.

But when the facts really happened in front of him, his mentality was completely different.

Even though he kept reminding himself in his mind to stay calm, his body was still tense involuntarily.


The company has experienced many hardships and setbacks in growing to its current size.

I don’t know how many people have given their blood and sweat.

Now because of a product released by Xingyuan Technology, the company's future will be ruined. This is something Cai Dongsheng absolutely does not want to see.


Miyou Technology alone is no match for Xingyuan Technology.

It cannot change the current situation.

This is also where Cai Dongsheng is most depressed, with a deep sense of powerlessness.

But at this moment, before Cai Dongsheng could make a decision, Liu Wei in front of him spoke again:

"Mr. Cai, given the current situation, it is obviously not feasible for our company alone. Should we contact Wangyi Fengteng? After all, the virtual game created by Xingyuan Technology will have an impact on more than just us. One family.”

At first glance, the suggestion put forward by Liu Wei is indeed the best way at present.

Since the enemies we encounter are too powerful, we can only stay together to keep warm.

In this way, there may be new opportunities.

But Cai Dongsheng did not adopt Liu Wei's suggestion. Instead, he shook his head and replied:

"The emergence of virtual games is a complete dimensionality reduction blow to the traditional game industry. It cannot be competed by three or five companies joining together. I am afraid that no one can stop the transformation of the game industry."

have to say.

As the president of Miyou Technology, Cai Dongsheng has relatively strong vision and foresight.

Easily see through the essence of things.

When this sentence reached his ears, Liu Wei was silent for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Mr. Cai, is there nothing we can do now?"

"No, we still have a chance."

I don’t know if Cai Dongsheng suddenly thought of something. After replying decisively, he then ordered:

"Order me a flight ticket to Jingzhou City. I want to talk to the president of Xinyuan Technology in person."

In Cai Dongsheng's view, it is an indisputable fact that the emergence of virtual games has changed the traditional game industry.

Not to mention joining forces with and others, even if all the domestic game companies united, they would not be able to compete with Xingyuan Technology.

Since this road is impassable, Cai Dongsheng will definitely not waste time on it.

As the saying goes, you need to tie the knot to untie the bell. This incident originally started because of Xingyuan Technology. If Miyou Technology Company wants to change the next predicament, it can only ask Xingyuan Technology for help.

Although Cai Dongsheng does not have much confidence in his decision, it is still the safest method that he can think of at present.

In addition, Cai Dongsheng also has a big ambition.

The emergence of virtual games definitely affects not only the domestic game industry, but also affects the whole world.

After all, after the official open beta tomorrow, players from all over the world will not miss it.

By that time, major overseas game companies will inevitably face the same dilemma, and in all likelihood they will gradually decline.

Because based on Cai Dongsheng's judgment of Xingyuan Technology's behavior over the years, Xingyuan Technology will never cooperate with those overseas game companies.

In other words, if Miyou Technology can establish cooperation with Xingyuan Technology to a certain extent, then what it will face in the future will be the global market. If you think about it this way, it may not be a good opportunity.

Even if it grows to the level of Spark Studio, it is unimaginable.

Even if the company pays a higher price for this, it is completely worth it.

for this.

Cai Dongsheng had already made a decision.

Although Liu Wei didn't know Cai Dongsheng's true plan, he thought carefully that going to Xingyuan Technology was indeed the safest way at the moment, so he didn't say anything more and immediately nodded in response.

"It's Mr. Cai, I'll make arrangements right away."

The words just fell.

Then he immediately left the office.

It wasn't until Liu Wei's figure completely disappeared from sight that Cai Dongsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the look in his eyes became more determined, as if he would never look back until he hit the wall.


Compared with the chaos within companies such as, Xingyuan Technology was full of laughter at this time.

Everyone is proud and happy about the impressive results achieved by the virtual gaming helmet.

As the head of Spark Studio, Li Chao also rushed to Niu Geng's office as soon as possible after going to work.

Recalling what Niu Geng said to him last time, it seemed like it was just yesterday. He couldn't believe it for a moment. In such a short period of time, Niu Geng really turned what he said into reality.

Successfully build tomorrow into the second virtual game world.

No matter how much Li Chao trusted Niu Geng, this result really shocked him.

If he hadn't personally experienced the pleasure brought by a virtual game last night, he probably still wouldn't believe it.

So after seeing Niu Geng, he quickly reported:

"Mr. Niu, regarding tomorrow's internal beta test of the virtual game, it can be said to be perfect. There are voices praising us everywhere on the Internet. Many people are urging us to conduct a public beta test as soon as possible, including many overseas players."

Talk about it.

Last night, Niu Geng also used the virtual game cabin to log in to the game, feeling the charm of the virtual world for himself.

But since Niu Geng had long lost the habit of staying up late, he only played for a few hours this time before quitting the game.

Although he didn't bother to browse the online comments, based on his personal experience last night, he thought it wouldn't be too bad.

And that turns out to be exactly the case.

As for the public beta of the game.

There are still some situations that need to be resolved in full.

Virtual gaming helmets need to meet the needs of both the market and the military, so it is unlikely that it will be open to public testing in a short period of time.

It is estimated that it will have to wait until next month at the earliest.

The main reason is that if a public beta is launched tomorrow, it will be for the whole world. In this case, overseas players will rush to buy virtual game helmets or virtual game cabins. Such formalities must be resolved in advance.

However, Niu Geng has asked Ding Zhaotong to help solve this matter. I believe it won't take too long.

After all, Ding Zhaotong has so many virtual gaming headsets that he can't do anything else.

Anyway, the current desire of overseas players for virtual game helmets has reached an unprecedented level. They can’t wait to fly to Jingzhou City to get one back immediately. Therefore, under this situation, I believe that no overseas force will interfere with it and prevent virtual game helmets. The circulation of gaming helmets and virtual gaming cabins.

In addition, Niu Geng is even less concerned about the safety of virtual gaming helmets.

Quite literally.

Even if you throw a virtual game helmet or game cabin directly to them and let the world's most advanced laboratories dismantle and analyze it, there is no way to imitate similar products.

Therefore, Niu Geng is not worried that other companies will imitate virtual gaming helmets.

Instead, his attention was on another thing.

The new bionic intelligent robot launched by Xingyuan Technology has been officially announced for some time, but there are still very few companies willing to purchase it, and not many units have been sold so far, which makes it impossible for Niu Geng's plan to advance.

In this case, continuing to accompany those companies is not a good thing for both parties.

So Niu Geng came up with the idea of ​​calling all the heads of well-known domestic enterprises and companies to gather together during this incident, so that any issues could be decided directly in person.

Think of this.

Niu Geng passed by Li Chao first, focused his attention on Xing Ling next to him, and at the same time said:

"Xing Ling, there is something I need you to do."

"In my name, I invite the heads of other companies to come to Jingzhou City to discuss business issues. The issue of the new bionic intelligent robot should also be resolved."

Niu Geng did not adopt this method before because he knew that others still had a sense of luck and would never easily accept this new working model until the last moment.

But now the situation is completely different.

The emergence of virtual games will inevitably make more young people devote themselves to the status of professional players and will not be willing to continue to be ordinary workers.

As a result, those companies are left with the last option, which is to hire new bionic intelligent robots produced by Xingyuan Technology.

Otherwise, if the company does not have the support of its employees, it will gradually decline in a short time.

Losing a portion of your capital is nothing compared to a company going bankrupt.

Therefore, now is the most appropriate time to invite the heads of these companies to discuss the business of hiring new bionic intelligent robots.

However, after Xing Ling received the order, he did not immediately nod in agreement. Instead, he asked a question.

"Master, what are the criteria for invited companies?"

Mainly looking at the country, there are quite a few well-known companies. If we want to invite all their leaders, I am afraid that no matter how big the conference room is, there will be no way to accommodate it.

What's more, if the personnel are too chaotic, it will not be conducive to the progress of negotiations.

It is reasonable for Xing Ling to worry about this issue.

When Niu Geng heard this, he immediately understood what Xing Ling meant.

The introduction of new bionic intelligent robots into the industry does need to be implemented as soon as possible, but as the saying goes, it is obviously unrealistic for all companies to accept bionic robots in a short period of time.

The number of bionic robots currently stored in the park cannot be supported.

Especially after the company accelerated the manufacturing and production of virtual game helmets and virtual game cabins, the production efficiency of bionic robots was somewhat affected, with a significant decline compared with before.

Considering these factors, Niu Geng finally decided to let the leading companies in the industry accept bionic robots first, and let them take the lead in gradually spreading them throughout the industry.

Strive to achieve a step-by-step result.

The industry will not be affected by sudden changes in work patterns.

As for the candidates to participate in this negotiation meeting, Niu Geng also has the answer in his mind.

After pondering for a moment, he directly replied to Xing Ling: "Let's find candidates for the company from the last joint statement on boycotting tomorrow's trading system. All companies that issued that joint statement will send invitations to them. It doesn't matter whether they come or not. It’s their own business.”

"It's the master, Xing Ling understands."

After receiving this answer, Xing Ling had nothing to worry about and immediately responded and started to take action.

Li Chao, who also heard this sentence, suddenly felt happy.

I think when the tomorrow trading system was just launched, it was because of this joint statement that the trading system was forced to shut down for a period of time. Now Niu Geng invites the heads of the companies who issued the joint statement to Jingzhou City, which is a disguised form of support. Spark Studios took it out on themselves.

Anyway, that's what Li Chao thought in his heart.

So I couldn't help but say in excitement: "Mr. Niu, I didn't expect that you still remember this after such a long time. I would like to say thank you to you on behalf of all the staff of Spark Studio!"

Faced with Li Chao's sudden move, Niu Geng was stunned for a few seconds.

But then he realized what he was thinking and realized that Li Chao was thinking about something strange.

To be honest, the most important reason why Niu Geng chose the company that issued the joint statement to participate in this meeting led by Xingyuan Technology was because of convenience.

The number of companies is relatively suitable.

What's more, the companies that originally issued these joint statements are also leading players in the industry, such as Alibaba, Fengteng Wanda Group, etc.

As long as they are willing to hire bionic intelligent robots produced by Xingyuan Technology, other companies will definitely follow suit.


Niu Geng did not express these inner thoughts.

No matter what content Li Chao brained up, it would be beneficial to the company, and there was no need to break his illusions.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Geng asked Li Chao a few words about the virtual game to ensure that the game operates normally and stably. If there are no accidents during the process, the public beta may be officially launched as soon as next month.

However, virtual game helmets and virtual game cabins will definitely still be hot-buy sales models by then.

After all, to meet the needs of so many players at home and abroad, even if a few more sets of smart production lines are added in a short period of time, there is still no way to do it.

With Xingling's capabilities, this invitation can be issued to all companies at the same time without spending much time.

Has very high efficiency.

Although this invitation is not mandatory, and those companies can choose to ignore it automatically after receiving it, I believe that in today's situation, no company will be so bold as to blatantly refuse the invitation of Xingyuan Technology.

Even if you are not planning to cooperate with Xingyuan Technology, you still have to give this kind of face.

that's all.

Almost that morning.

Companies that have issued joint statements before have successively received invitations from Xingyuan Technology.

Industry leading companies such as Alibaba, Fengteng and Wanda are naturally included.

In this regard, no matter what the leaders of these companies think in their hearts, at least they give Xingyuan Technology enough respect on the surface.

They all responded and said they would definitely attend on time.

Especially for Feng Teng, after learning the news, instead of being angry, Ma Teng seemed a little happy.

Because compared to other companies that only had personnel problems, Feng Teng, whose gaming business accounts for a larger proportion, was undoubtedly more affected by this incident.

Ma Teng was already at a loss and couldn't think of any good way to deal with it.

It is even ready to make drastic changes to the company's gaming business.

But it happened that Xingyuan Technology sent an invitation at this time, and Ma Teng immediately felt that this might be a good opportunity.

If he can meet Niu Geng again, everything will turn around.


Three days passed quickly.

Monday, June 23rd.

Compared with the calm of the past, Longfor Park welcomed many unfamiliar faces today, making the entire park lively.

It also increases the workload of the security team.

The heads of well-known companies from major cities across the country all gathered here to participate in this negotiation meeting initiated by Xingyuan Technology.

If anyone were in the parking lot area of ​​the park at this time, they would be blinded by the various brand-name luxury cars in front of them.

Even many models are limited editions.

If you don't have a certain social status, you won't have the means to buy it even if you pay for it.

I believe that if a reporter covers this negotiation meeting, it will definitely cause quite a stir on the Internet.

However, with the security strength of Longhu Park, it is impossible for outsiders to enter.

Mainly those who can come to this kind of meeting must have a high status. Whether it is to gain face for themselves or to improve the company's image, they cannot simply come to Jingzhou City.

Naturally, I have to take out everything I have packed at the bottom of the box.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

In the largest conference hall in Longfor Park.

There were almost dozens of figures sitting there. They were all company leaders who came to participate in the negotiation meeting.

Although most of them are relatively unfamiliar, a few of them who are often active on the screen are relatively familiar.

For example, Ma Teng, the chairman of Feng Teng.

Wang Peng of Wanda Group.

As for Alibaba, since Ma Yun has officially announced his retirement, the new chairman is coming this time.

Compared with the popularity of horse racing, it is obviously much weaker.

It is also worth mentioning that among the people present, it can be said that all of them are the chairman or president of the company, and not even a vice president can be found, which shows that everyone attaches great importance to this meeting.

I am afraid that the dispatched company representative is too low-level and will not have enough say when the time comes to fight for the company's interests in a timely manner.

At this time, although Niu Geng, as the host, has not yet appeared, everyone has begun to feel uneasy, and an uneasy emotion can't help but emerge in their hearts.

I have a feeling that this discussion will not be that simple and easy.

In addition, the more important point is that these people here, under the leadership of Ma Yun, were all involved in the actions against Spark Studio's games and issued the joint statement.

Eventually, the trading system in Spark Studio’s most popular game Tomorrow was forced to shut down, resulting in a loss of players.

On a larger scale, this is completely equivalent to forming a gap for Xingyuan Technology.

Now that these people are gathered together, no matter how you look at it, it feels like settling accounts.

But amidst this collective mood, there was one person who always maintained a calm expression.

This person is Cai Dongsheng, the president of Miyou Technology Company.

Unlike other companies, Miyou Technology did not accept Alibaba's invitation to issue the joint statement, so there is no need to worry about retaliation from Xingyuan Technology at this time.

Moreover, the fundamental purpose of his visit to Jingzhou City this time was to reach cooperation with Xingyuan Technology.

This is to ensure that our company retains its strength as much as possible during this storm.

Just at this time.

As the door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside, Niu Geng and Xingling He Guang were immediately seen walking in.

Behind him were several strange men in suits.

The reason why they are strange is that these people look lifeless and always maintain the same expression, giving outsiders a cold feeling.

These special figures are the latest bionic intelligent robots produced by Xingyuan Technology Company.

Since the main content of this meeting is to discuss the employment of bionic intelligent robots, it is very reasonable to bring some samples.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, Niu Geng walked straight to the main seat and sat down. After patting the microphone in front of him, he smiled and said:

"First of all, please allow me to thank everyone for being willing to give Xingyuan Technology the face to attend today's meeting. I just had something to do and couldn't come in time, which kept everyone waiting for a long time."

Although it was not easy to summon so many industry leaders at once, Niu Geng still did not talk too much about his plans and still pursued a quick resolution.

So after finishing his opening remarks, he didn't plan to waste too much time and simply got straight to the point:

"Maybe some of you still don't know the real purpose of this meeting, so I'll just make it clear now. The latest bionic intelligent robot launched by our company has been online for some time. This is related to the change of the working model of all industries, so today I hope everyone here will choose to cooperate with Xingyuan Technology and hire these bionic robots to serve as the company’s employees.”

These behind me are the bionic robot samples specially brought here for everyone to check at will. "

"But don't be too nervous. Even if you still choose to refuse to cooperate, I guarantee that Xingyuan Technology will not embarrass everyone here today."

As Niu Geng's words rang out in the conference room and reached everyone's ears, you could see that many people's expressions had changed.

It can be said that it is uncertain, thinking about the pros and cons of things in my mind.

I don’t know how to choose for a while.

Of course, many smart people among these people have already guessed that Xingyuan Technology must have lost patience. If they do not agree to cooperate this time, I am afraid that even if they leave safely from here, the company's future status will definitely not be much better.

After all, Niu Geng said he wouldn't do anything to them today, but he couldn't tell what would happen tomorrow.

Without knowing the truth, no one dares to take a bold gamble because no one can bear the consequences.

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