"Tell me, where did you hide Yueli?" Mo

Chen said to Fu Shimin with a cold gaze.

"Mo Chen, what do you want to do, are you really planning to betray all mankind?"

Fu Shimin shouted in a panic.

"Why not?"

Mo Chen put his hand down, using a certain vector direction, changing the direction and concentrating a little to attack Fu Shimin, wanting to bury him in the ground.


Fu Shimin laughed maniacally.

Mo Chen's vector attack was easily blocked by him, and not only was he unscathed, but there was no crack in the ground beneath his feet.

Obviously, like Mo Chen's invisible vector attack, Fu Shimin also used invisible power, and it was this invisible force that resisted Mo Chen's vector attack.

"Alright, it's your turn.

Fu Shimin followed Mo Chen's example and put his hand down.

Seeing a plop, Mo Chen was crushed to the ground by an unstoppable force, unable to move.

"My ability is telekinesis, how about it, it doesn't feel good to be suppressed by telekinesis.

Fu Shimin said leisurely.


Under the pressure of the power of thought, Mo Chen couldn't even open his mouth, he could only raise his head and look at Fu Shimin with unwilling eyes, other than that, he couldn't do anything else.

"Mo Chen, don't worry, I'm a kind-hearted person, I'll let you see the last side of Yueli, you can come with me honestly.

Fu Shimin held his hand and grabbed Mo Chen from the ground in the air, then he took out a remote control, he pressed it lightly, and a door opened from the white wall.

Behind the door was a long passage, and after walking through the passage, Fu Shimin came to a strange room.

This room is very large, larger than the hall just now, and all kinds of instruments and equipment are arranged haphazardly, without a trace of beauty.

In the middle of the room was an ancient and mysterious altar, surrounded by strange circles drawn with blood, and Yueli lay flat in the middle of the altar with her eyes closed, and a holy light overflowed from her body, reaching into the sky.

"Look, Yueli is here.

Fu Shimin put his hand down and slammed Mo Chen to the ground with his mental power.


ground cracked instantly, Mo Chen spurted out a mouthful of blood, his internal organs were seriously damaged, his ribs were almost all broken, and he could no longer stand up.

This is exactly the result Fu Shimin wants, he knows that Mo Chen, this kid, is restless, if he is not incapacitated, God knows what stupid things he will do.

"Ah...... Ah......h

"It's coming, the gods are coming soon, Mo Chen, do you see that light? That is the connection between the moon glass and the gods, and it will be connected in less than 10 minutes according to this progress.

"Mo Chen, you have to watch it carefully.

"After all, Yueli is a great hero who saves all mankind, and when she leaves, she will be happy if she has your brother to see her off."

Fu Shimin said.

"Is it over?" Mo

Chen asked himself in his heart.

The reality of despair was laid naked in front of him, and in front of Fu Shimin, who was in the diamond rank, he was as powerless as a child, and he had no means to resist.

Even if he is allowed to spare his life, the result will not change in any way, the reality is so cruel.

He had nothing to do.

He knows,

he knows!!

is it right to accept his weakness and sigh and say that he has nothing to do? Is it the way he should be to accept this regret and hide his sorrow in his heart?

He can't think so.

"No, it's not over yet!" A

nameless anger ignited in Mo Chen's heart, how could he admit it? How could he accept it? The only thing that could act was now, he would rather die in the struggle than leave regrets for the future.

"Mo Chen, aren't you honest?"

Seeing Mo Chen trying to struggle to stand up, Fu Shimin's face immediately changed, he didn't expect this Mo Chen to be so ignorant, it seems that it is not okay to teach him a good lesson.

"That's honest. "

This is ......"

Fu Shimin put his hand down hard, doubling the mental power that was pressing on Mo Chen's body, and just as he was relieved, he saw an incredible scene.

Mo Chen, who was still struggling, suddenly stood up.

Something popped out of his back, and it was black wings, similar to jet-like black wings.

Fu Shimin couldn't stop shouting:

"What's going on, what's the black wing behind you——!?"

Mo Chen actually stood up, standing up against his doubled mental power, how is this possible? What kind of strength did this rely on to stand up?

And the wings behind Mo Chen were also very strange, not so much wings, it should be said to be similar to jetting, blacker than ink, swallowing all the light, unidentified jet wings.

Fu Shimin is the director of the Soul Research Institute, and he can even touch the gods, but even so, he can't correctly understand the phenomenon unfolding in front of him.


Fu Shimin moved with murderous intent, he shook his hands and grabbed Mo Chen with his mental power, this time he used all his strength, wanting to directly pinch Mo Chen.

Mo Chen's situation is really abnormal, if Mo Chen is not killed here, maybe Mo Chen can really destroy their carefully planned summoning ritual.


Fu Shimin broke out in a cold sweat, Mo Chen, who should have been crushed by the telekinesis, actually stood in place, and there was an invisible force that he couldn't understand that resisted his telekinesis.

How could this kind of thing happen?

He was a diamond rank, Mo Chen was only a silver rank, a difference of three big ranks, it stands to reason that Mo Chen would not be able to take his attack no matter what! Suddenly, Mo Chen's

hand grabbed his face.


is unaware and cannot be disobeyed.

It was only at this moment that Fu Shimin realized the difference in strength between the two sides, and felt the constant feeling of oppression coming from the skull, and he smiled instead.

He asked:

"After ...... Behind...... Didn't you notice, monster?

" "ihbf kill wq!"

"boom!!black wings suddenly squirted.

Mo Chen pressed Fu Shimin to the ground, and an inexplicable invisible force erupted from his hand, attacking Fu Shimin.

Like a rocket launch, Fu Shimin broke away from Mo Chen's palm and rushed towards the ground at a terrifying speed, disappearing in an instant.

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