Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 199: Long Ying is actually in Cuihua Building?

At Xu that night, Long Ying slowly woke up, touched his forehead with his right hand, and is still a little uncomfortable. Long Ying, who still had his eyes closed, felt that there was an object pressing on his body, so he pushed his hand away. When his hand touched the object, Long Ying immediately opened his eyes.

It turned out that what Long Ying touched was the skin of a woman, and it was not a woman who was pressing on him. Long Ying opened his eyes and looked at the dozen or so coquettishly dressed women on the carpet, but they all looked like Yang Guifei. , weighing more than 100 kilograms. Long Ying couldn't believe his eyes. These more than a dozen women had tooth marks, bruises and other new marks all over their bodies, and their lower bodies were obviously swollen, showing how intense the hand-to-hand combat was today.

Long Ying looked at the dozen or so sleeping prostitutes with thick waists and round shoulders, and he felt like he was throwing up. They were carved in the same mold as Ximen Qin, and they were all superb. Ordinary people can enjoy one of them, and they are "extremely happy", but the dragon eagle can control the twelve phoenixes in one night, and kill all the daughters.

Long Ying doesn't know what happened until now, and as for his brain is still in a mess, he can't remember what happened before. Long Ying pushed aside a few hands and feet on his body, and stood up reluctantly, because after a battle in the afternoon, Long Ying's body was almost exhausted, and now he can barely stand up.

From the pile of skirts and bellybands, he found his clothes, put them on, looked at the girls who were still sleeping on the ground, sighed, his legs trembled, and walked to the door step by step. Before opening the door, he heard a burst of depressing music, including a sultry sound. Combined with the situation in the house, no matter how stupid Long Ying was, he knew that this was the place where the prostitutes of Lefang were located.

Long Ying opened the door and walked out. Sure enough, he saw a lot of coquettishly dressed women with low **** and bare shoulders talking and laughing with some men.

Long Ying came to the railing, leaned on the railing, and looked downstairs, only to see that the downstairs was even worse. There were prostitutes in inch-clothed clothes on the stage, and the guests below were drinking small wine, which can be said to be smiling. Full face, extremely happy.

Those guests who are a little more secure are kissing their mouths and touching their small hands. If they are too much, they touch their **** and their private parts. What is even more unbearable is that some guests openly fall in love with prostitutes, and the men and women who see this scene are the same. It's not surprising that he smiled.

Although Long Ying was lustful, he still kept himself clean and did not dare to enter the land of fireworks for half a step. He knew that his father and other princes and ministers had placed a lot of chess pieces around him. If he entered the field of fireworks today, he would be impeached by the ministers tomorrow. By then, his brothers and sisters would not be brought down one by one. put yourself to death.

Long Ying is anxious to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible. This is not his place of joy, but his place of burial. Thinking about how precious he was as a prince, how noble his status was, but now he is afraid of this and that, so go back Must be cross-examined by that Ximen Qin.

Long Ying exhausted all his strength and finally walked downstairs. Unfortunately, the old bustard just finished sending a nobleman to leave. When he saw Long Ying, who was somewhat disheveled, seeing that he wanted to leave, he smiled and said, "Young master, do you want to? Where are you going?"

Although Long Ying had never eaten pork, he had seen Pig Run before, and knew that the middle-aged woman must be the owner of the brothel, commonly known as the prostitute. Long Ying said: "I want to leave and return to the residence."

The old bustard smiled and said, "Could it be that our girl from Zuixianju was not serving me well?" Long Ying had no choice but to say, "No."

The old bustard said: "That's right. Our Cuihua Building is the first happy place in the imperial capital. As long as the son comes in once, it is guaranteed that the son will come every day in the future. The son, the slave family has to admire you."

When Long Ying heard that it was Cuihualou, the secret path was bad. Cuihualou was a famous brothel in the imperial capital. There were many noble sons in it, and of course there were spies from other families. Now he walked out without covering his face, obviously telling people outside that the prince is now in the Cuihua Building, and the royal father's scolding is inevitable.

The worried Long Ying heard this and asked casually, "What do you admire about me?"

The old bustard covered his mouth and smiled and said, "The slave family has been running this building for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen someone like your son. You must know that since you entered the door yesterday, the girl in the room has never stopped crying. Sharp weapons must be rare in the world, if it weren't for the slave family getting old, or else I would have to serve the son in person."

Long Ying knew that he had lost face this time, and it seemed that he had fallen into someone's plot. Long Ying, who originally wanted to leave, didn't know who was plotting against him, and felt uneasy, so he said: "Then why did I come here yesterday? Now my mind is very confused, and I don't remember what happened yesterday. I'll say it."

Hearing that Long Ying called himself a prostitute, the prostitute laughed and said, "So the son is still a young child, so this is the first time he has entered a brothel." Long Ying asked, "How do you say this?" The prostitute patiently said, "Usually The guests who enter the brothel, no matter how old they are, must respectfully call the slave family mother, and the son will reveal his secrets as soon as he opens his mouth."

Long Ying smiled awkwardly and said, "Then the question I asked before..." The old man said, "It's not a big deal, I just told you to listen to me. This morning, it was around 30 hours when the young master was drinking. Drunk, he was supported by two of the young master's friends. Those two young masters asked us to gather all the girls and let them choose by themselves, so later, twelve girls were selected and sent to the son's room. "

Long Ying knew that it was the two so-called "friends" in the mouth of the prostitute who framed him, so he asked again, "What does my friend look like? What about his clothes? When will he leave?"

The old prostitute recalled for a and said: "Those two sons are so handsome that they are not human, and they make our girls in Cuihualou dizzy. As for the clothes, they are all dressed in white robes, and they are scribes. Dress up. Pick a girl, pay and leave."

Long Ying recalled that among the people who had hatred with him, there were indeed many qualified people. It seemed that he had to go back and investigate secretly. Long Ying, who couldn't get the news, wanted to leave. Who would have thought that a group of soldiers came in at this time. Suddenly, the brothel was quiet and no one dared to speak.

There are fifty or sixty soldiers in this team, and the leader is a young man in military uniform. The young man is named He Zhang, the official worship is three rank, and the official position is the deputy general of the city, and he is Ye Zhantian's favorite general. . At noon today, I received His Majesty's decree, asking him to send his minions to find the prince. He Zhang naturally did not dare to be slack, he sent troops to guard all the city gates, and he personally led the troops out to search.

PS: Ask for a gold medal! Ask for a recommendation! Ask for collection! Ask for a red envelope! Ask for gifts! Ahem, it's been a long time since Nongyue received a red envelope gift! ! !

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