Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 227: College Tournament (5)

Seeing Ye Shengtian's agreement, Lakas was full of joy, and said in agreement: "The purpose of the academy's martial arts competition is to promote the exchange of martial arts. It's a great blessing that Ye can understand the intention of the academy. [Baidu search.]..."

Ye Shengtian looked at Lacas with a beating expression, thinking that no matter who has a job, he will say some high-sounding words. When I was in Huaxia, I often said that some officials of the Celestial Dynasty would only use official accents, eat, drink, and have fun, and would not do anything beneficial for the common people. Now it seems that no matter where they are, they can be seen everywhere.

Lakas has been traveling for so many years, and he dare not say that he has traveled all over the mainland, but he has traveled only half of it is still small. If he didn't have some skills, he just knew how to practice the Law God, how could the post of the dean of the Royal Academy of Magic and Martial Arts fall on him for decades, and it has not changed.

"Old man, if nothing else, I'm going to the game."

"Stinky boy, you must win the game, don't let the water go."

It turned out that Lacas was afraid that Ye Shengtian would only participate in the competition, but he would admit defeat on purpose. Then everything he did was not a waste of effort, so he reminded Ye Shengtian emphatically.

"Don't worry, old man, the first place must be mine." Ye Shengtian said very arrogantly, and now he looks even worse than Lakas just now.

"Let's go." Now that Lacas saw that Ye Shengtian had agreed, the trip was over, so he let Ye Shengtian leave. He would also be busy later, so he was in a hurry.

"Damn it, this old man is really sinister, he is willing to walk into his trap, and he will leave a heart when we meet again next time. [. Read and see update our speed first]" Ye Shengtian then left, halfway through Depressed thought.

Ye Shengtian naturally still sits on the big tree, and the classmates he sees are not used to it, and even some of the classmates will find a big tree to sit on, but he just smiles at these Ye Shengtian.

After a while, Lacas came with the old men again, and he didn't know that Lacas was so good at kung fu, and he didn't know how to find the old men.

"Yesterday's first round was very exciting. We saw the efforts of our students, but the competition is cruel. If you can't do it, you will be eliminated. Don't complain, don't have low self-esteem, and don't give up. Failure is success. Mother, who can guarantee that the journey of cultivation will be smooth sailing, and only by working hard can you get what you should want." Lacas saw that the students were almost here, so he gave a speech on the stage.

"There are 300 students in the second round of the competition. They are all good and excellent. The elders, me and the teachers are very pleased, but don't be complacent. The following competition is more cruel than before. Maybe we will be eliminated in the second round today, please don't laugh at a hundred paces."

As soon as Lacas finished speaking, the following applause sounded, and it continued.

"I didn't expect that this broken old man is still a bit eloquent." Ye Shengtian couldn't help thinking when he saw Lacas' performance just now.

What Ye Shengtian didn't know was that those who were in power either lived for a few decades, or people like Lacas who lived for a hundred years, how bad was their eloquence. Since ancient times, there has been an official saying that one mouth can be used to describe a happy event as a mourning event and a bad event as a good event.

Didn't someone say that you can eat all over the world with one mouthful. From this point of view, eloquence is very important. People with eloquence, even if they don't have real talent and real learning, can eat it no matter where they are.

Having said that, Lacas saw that the emotions of the students below had been mobilized, so he raised his right hand, and the students below immediately stopped clapping when they saw it.

"I'm here to announce that the second round of the knockout rounds starts now."

As soon as Lacas said this, it heralded that today's game had begun, so the hundreds of students who had advanced were gearing up for it and couldn't wait.

People who practice martial arts have the pleasure of defeating their opponents, but they don't have the will to be strong and aggressive, so why practice martial arts? Even if you practice, you will not achieve greater success.

The next game is the game time. One by one, the classmates came on the court, some excited and sighed. Of course, there were also some smiling and proudly walking off.

Today's Hu Zhi is still as strong as yesterday, with no effort, he is like a smasher, and his opponent's classmates have not gone through ten rounds in his hands so far. Coupled with Hu Zhi's handsome appearance, it attracted some small mm's exclamations.

Shangguan Yanyu's opponent today is much stronger than yesterday's, but luck is still on her side, she even encountered a fire magician with similar attributes, so in the end Shangguan Yanyu won.

In the following competitions, many people showed some strength, such as summoning their own magic pets, but they were all monsters below level 5, and there was no one above level 7. There was no viewing experience. Ye Shengtian was not interested in not going. Look.

"The students in the following competition are Ye Shengtian and King Kong. I have invited two students to prepare." Referee Teacher No. 16 read a roster book in his hand after the game was over.

"Huh? It's finally time for me to play. Should I be low-key or high-key? If it's too high-profile, those little mms shouldn't scream and pass out. If it's low-key, there will be someone who doesn't have eyes to come over and ask for trouble in the future. "

Ye Shengtian jumped off the tree, came to the competition stage, smiled and waved at the classmates below. This style was somewhat similar to the performance of the star concert.

"Wow, so handsome, I like it."

"Look, look, the first handsome guy in the academy finally appeared." A girl said, holding the hand of the female companion next to her.

Needless to say, this girl is from the same class as Shangguan Yanyu.

"I don't know if this handsome guy has a girlfriend? I have to seize the Now all the handsome guys have been robbed, it will be too late if we don't start."

"Hmph, look at all of you being a nympho, and cooperate with me to grab it, he must be the old lady's." A very aggressive-looking girl said. I saw that this girl is full of muscles, much stronger than the boys in the college, not to mention that this girl must be a violent girl.

"Brother handsome, I love you, I love you like a mouse loves rice."

"Handsome guy, your favorite Ruhua has been waiting for you to appear."

PS: Ask for a gold medal! Ask for a recommendation! Ask for collection! Ask for a red envelope! Ask for gifts!

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