The God of Wind, God of Fire, and God of Dragon hurriedly took out their palms, and in this short space, Ye Shengtian's figure moved, and he was already above the head of Sea God, and his five fingers were seized. M (氵 Kun 氵 Kun Novel Network


An extremely miserable voice suddenly sounded in this space. Originally, there was a war going on here, and there were sounds of fighting everywhere, and a little sound would be drowned out immediately, but his screams resounded in the sky, and everyone heard it. At this time, all the soldiers forgot to fight and looked here. I saw that Ye Shengtian's five fingers had grabbed his head at this time, and when he squeezed it hard, his head was immediately crushed, and the Sea God immediately let out a scream.

At this moment, his Primordial Spirit just escaped from the body, and was caught by Ye Shengtian. In an instant, countless seals were punched into Primordial Spirit, completely sealing his Primordial Spirit, and then he threw it into the Qiankun Ring.

Ye Shengtian solved the Sea God and looked at the Vulcan. Seeing Ye Shengtian's target, Vulcan looked at him, secretly said something bad, and immediately tore through the space and fled.

As soon as Vulcan escaped, Fengshen and Dragon God were completely stunned. They didn't expect Vulcan to be so shameless, so they ran away like this. What they didn't expect was that Ye Shengtian was so powerful. Fengshen and Longshen looked at each other, and immediately ripped apart the space and fled.

"If you run fast, this deity deliberately let you go."

The escape of these people was not a big problem for Ye Shengtian, and he deliberately let them go. There is still some use in keeping the three of them, and now is not the time to take their lives.

The four gods came, and now they died and fled three times. The army below saw it and immediately retreated, while Ye Shengtian led people everywhere to capture prisoners. Originally, the army of 1.5 billion was repelled by Ye Shengtian's army of less than 100 million. This war can be said to shine in the annals of history, and it is a typical battle in which less wins more.

Of the 1.5 billion army, I am afraid that no 500 million can really escape. The losers are not ordinary, but very miserable and unbearable. As soon as Fengshen, Vulcan, and Dragon God returned, they sighed and didn't say a word.

"Vulcan, you are not very moral, you are the first to slip away, or maybe we and Ye Shengtian still have a fight."

Fengshen blamed Vulcan.

Vulcan's escape did affect morale, otherwise Fengshen and Dragon God would not choose to escape. Therefore, it can be said that Vulcan escaped, which directly led to the defeat of the army. Now that they have gone to the army of 1.5 billion, they have only returned less than 500 million. It is not easy for them to explain to the various forces, and now they can only take one step at a time. (簵 Kun 簵 Kun Novel Network

For the time being, they are still very safe. Ye Shengtian is now dealing with prisoners and cleaning the battlefield. How can he deal with them? As long as Ye Shengtian relaxes his breath, he will send troops again.

"Humph! Can you blame me? How powerful is the Sea God, don't you know? If he dies, how can I be Ye Shengtian's opponent?"

"Okay, this incident has already happened, and it's true that Vulcan can't be blamed. If we want to blame, we can only blame us for underestimating Ye Shengtian's strength."

At this time, Dragon Shinto.

"What should we do now?"

Fengshen Tao.

Long Shendao: "For now, we are still going to win over other forces to deal with Ye Shengtian. Now we will split up to find it. If necessary, the cities here can be abandoned. We will have a chance in the future."

"Okay, let's do that."

As soon as the Dragon God turned around, he turned into a light and left, and the Vulcan also turned into a flame and floated away. Seeing that the two had left, Fengshen snorted coldly, "The two old guys are useless at all. It seems that this last city is about to be lost. Huh? Who should I go to? By the way, how could I? Forgot about him."

Fengshen's body moved and turned into a breeze to leave.

Fengshen is looking for a powerful person. This person does not have any power, but his strength is absolutely powerful. This person is a strong man in the ancient times, and has been living in seclusion under a hill because of some problems.

There are many hills in the southwest of the God Realm, there are probably millions of them. Among these hills, there is a hill that is very special. Because this hill looks like a Pu fan, it is named Pu Shan. Pushan has a beautiful environment, strange rocks, and beautiful Zhongling Yuxiu. It is a good place for self-cultivation. Just at a moment, a gust of breeze blew, and a figure appeared at the foot of the mountain.

The one who appeared was Fengshen.

Fengshen looked at Pushan, and said in his heart: "That old guy of Wushen, who has been hiding here and refuses to go out, must have his reasons. Now that I come to invite him out of the mountain, it may be difficult. How can I say it? All right?"

Just when Fengshen lowered his head to meditate, a figure about ten feet tall appeared in the void directly above him, but it was just a phantom. This phantom is the image of an old man, with a leisurely look behind his hands, he seems to be a person with extremely high cultivation, "Fengshen, you don't cultivate well, what are you doing in the old man's land?"

Fengshen was awakened by his voice, and immediately tidied up his clothes, respectfully performed the etiquette of the junior, and said, "Senior Martial God, the junior did not want to disturb your cultivation, but now the junior has to come."

Martial God said: "Oh, what do you mean by coming here?"

Fengshen thought about it for a while, but said honestly: "Senior, now that the demon star is falling from the sky, there is a big catastrophe in the entire God Realm. I also asked the senior to come out and preside over justice. Don't let the God Realm be destroyed in the flames of war."

Martial God said: "The old man knows what you said. The old man has already calculated this matter. There is divine will in this, and we cannot force it."

"Senior, are you unwilling to come out of the mountain? Would you allow such a monster to destroy the peace of our God Realm, arbitrarily kill our God Race, and harm the creatures of the God Race?"

"It's not that the old man refuses to go out, but that the old man peeped at the secret before and was punished by the heaven. Now the old man is in retreat to heal his wounds, but the old man advises you not to fight against this person, or your cultivation will be destroyed. "

Fengshen asked: "Did the seniors peep into some secrets?"

Martial God said: "Yes, the old man peeped at a young man who pointed to the sky and pointed to the ground, and kept saying four words in his mouth."

"Which four words?"

Fengshen immediately asked.

"I am the only one."

"I am the only one?" Fengshen muttered, and wanted to ask again, but at this time, the figure of Wushen had disappeared. Fengshen had to leave this place first, but he kept thinking about what Wushen had said. What Martial God said couldn't be more obvious, that person was Ye Shengtian, and in the end Ye Shengtian unified the gods and demons for two sessions and became the most powerful person here.

"No, I must not let him do as he wishes."

Fengshen and Ye Shengtian hated like a sea, wishing to kill Ye Shengtian with his own hands, how could he let Ye Shengtian do as he wished. It's just that Ye Shengtian's power is too strong, and he can no longer find some strong people. Now the most powerful force in God's Domain is not the Angel God Race, so he went to the Angel God Race to seek assistance. Since the God of Light was in retreat, it was a strong man under the God of Light who received him. Fengshen simply stated his intention, but he spoke hesitantly, neither agreeing nor refusing.

Fengshen knew that he couldn't count on the God of Light, so he contacted other forces everywhere. In the end, there were very few forces willing to help him, and during this period of time, Ye Shengtian took the opportunity to capture all the territory of Fengshen. At the same time, Ye Shengtian sent someone to capture the Sea God's territory.

Now that the Sea God is dead, the sea clan is bound to be in chaos. This just gives Ye Shengtian a chance. If they are captured in one fell swoop, then Ye Shengtian will make a lot of money. Poseidon baby is only a lot more than Fengshen. In order to succeed, Ye Shengtian deliberately sent some more master gods over there.

Because the sea clan's territory is too large, and its strength is indeed very strong, although the sea **** has died, they are still stubbornly resisting. When Ye Shengtian captured more than half of the sea clan's territory, he realized that the reason why these sea clan resisted so stubbornly was that the sea **** could not die.

Ye Shengtian didn't bother to explain to them, but let Fengying lead people to attack. No matter how many sea clan troops there are, without the command of the sea god, it will be a mess.

But even if it was scattered sand, it took Ye Shengtian three months to occupy all the sea clan's territory. At this time, Ye Shengtian had already captured half of the territory of the God Realm, and the rest of the territory was basically controlled by the God of Light. Up to now, Ye Shengtian's army was very tired, so Ye Shengtian took a rest for more than a month, and let God Domain continue to transfer troops. In addition, Ye Shengtian also let the planes under his control attack the planes under the control of the God of Light, so not only the God Realm is at war, but the Human Realm is also at war.

After resting for more than a month, Ye Shengtian aimed the gun at the Angel God Clan and began to attack the city under the control of the Angel God Clan in an all-round Due to the many strong shots, the Angel God Clan could not resist Ye Shengtian at all. In the footsteps, hundreds of cities soon fell into the hands of Ye Shengtian, and the army of Angel Gods defeated by Ye Shengtian was tens of millions.

The powerhouses of the Angelic Protoss reported the affairs of the God Realm to the God of Light. The God of Light replied that they could delay if they could. In addition, the God of Light sent all the main **** powerhouses he secretly cultivated to resist Ye Shengtian.

And when Ye Shengtian attacked the Angel God Race, the God of War and the others also started to attack. They specially attacked a city and then looted the property. As for the angelic protoss in the city, whether they surrendered or not, they would be slaughtered by them.

The God of War and the others were indeed hunted down by the Angelic God Race before, but after receiving the secret help of the Water God and the Elf Goddess, they were better and recovered a lot.

Now they see that the gods are in chaos, so they come out to get some benefits, and by the way, they can give some blows to the angel gods. The Angel Protoss is now focused on Ye Shengtian, and has no strength to deal with them, so they have succeeded many times, causing some losses to the Angel Protoss.

When the powerhouses of the Angel God Clan rushed over, they had already disappeared without a trace, and they really made the Angel God Clan half-dead with rage, scolding the God of War for their despicableness.

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