

After bombing the designated targets, the B29 bombers on their respective missions began to retreat.

Pull up the height!

Arrive at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then begin to retreat back to the mountain city.

Although the little devil’s fighter was urgently lifted into the air to intercept, it was found that the B29 bombers had already flown to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and they could not be found at all.

This makes the little devil very helpless!

The bombing of the mainland of Sakura Country was a very successful air raid bombing, which caught the little devil by surprise and completed the mission perfectly.



The final result of the five B29 bombers of the Dahua Empire was to successfully evacuate the Sakura Territory and return to Yamashiro Airport, replenish and then return to the Dahua Empire.

25 Of course.

The war report about the bombing of the mainland of the Sakura Country soon spread back to the Dahua Empire.

Dahua Empire.

Imperial Palace.

Suji has been waiting for the results of the bombing of the Sakura Country mainland.

It can be said that so far, the Dahua Empire is the first country to bomb the mainland of the Sakura Country with live ammunition.

Before this, there were also countries that bombed the country of cherry blossoms.

This country is the Dragon Country.

The Dragon Kingdom bombed the Little Devil homeland in 1983… It’s nothing more than a flyer bombing.

Chang Kaishen began to plan for the Air Force to bomb the Little Devil’s homeland to gain air supremacy, but the strength of the Air Force of the Dragon Kingdom was too weak, and the losses in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War were serious, and the plan to purchase bombers from abroad was repeatedly frustrated, and the idea of bombing the Little Devil’s homeland had to be temporarily shelved.

On May 19, 1938, the Dragon Air Force flew to the Little Devil’s homeland to “bomb” with leaflets.

The reason why leaflet bombing is also because the air force of the Dragon Kingdom is too weak, the air force is insufficient, the home of the little devil is too far away, there are only two Martin planes that can reach the home of the little devil, the bomb dropped is very weak, the strategic effect is not large, so there is no need to do this risky action.

Now that the Dahua Empire has the ability to bomb the mainland, it is natural to drop bombs.


By the afternoon.

Air Force Commander Shi Yongming came to Su Ji excitedly and said, “Report Your Majesty, just now we got the latest combat report information, we successfully completed the combat mission, and completed the combat mission perfectly!” ”

“Our air force bombed four positions in Edo, Kyonro, Hibiscus Peak and Qifu, and successfully completed the established combat mission!”

“The Volcano battle plan is perfectly completed.”

When Su Ji heard this, a happy smile appeared on his face and said, “This… It’s really great! Very good action! ”

“It’s just a pity!”

Shi Yongming: “It’s a pity… Your Majesty, what is a pity? ”

Su Ji smiled and said, “It’s a pity that the power of this bombing is not enough… The shells are not powerful enough! ”

If this time the B29 red fighter dropped a mushroom bomb, then it would be cool!

Directly nucleated the little devil.

But until now, the Dahua Empire has not developed a mushroom bomb … It is still in the research stage.

However, the research of the Institute of Atomic Energy is progressing rapidly, after all, there are 183 nuclear physics experts like Fermi.

At this rate, it is estimated that it will not take long to develop a mushroom bomb.

Whoever disobeys throws a mushroom bomb at the soil of his country.

If one is not enough, use two.

Absolutely awesome!

Only this time the B29 bombers bombed the conventional bombs used by the imps.

It’s a bit of a pity!

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