Because of the cloudburst bombardment and the powerful air force bombing capability, the army of the Dahua Empire successfully landed on St. Jones in Luzon without paying much casualties.

This time, the Great Chinese Empire mobilized 500,000 Royal Army troops and 200,000 Chinese Union coalition troops.

The scale is huge.

Full flood.

Seeing this situation, Masao Maruyama, commander of the Second Division, immediately ordered his troops to block the attack.

Bang bang…

Snap …


A fierce battle broke out between the two sides at St. Johnson.

However, it is clear that the Dahua Empire occupies the top.

Whether it is weapons and equipment or combat effectiveness, the strength of these 10 armies of the Dahua Empire cannot be underestimated.

Having just landed in San Jones was the 8th Army … This is an elite unit that has experienced hundreds of battles, and compared with the new second division of the little devil, it is absolutely crushing.

Therefore, after more than three hours of fierce fighting, the Eighth Army successfully eliminated the 50,000 little devils mainly in the Second Division, completely controlled St. Jones, and created favorable conditions for the landing of the army troops behind.

After capturing St. Johnson, 500,000 troops of the Dahua Empire and 200,000 allied troops of the Chinese Federation landed in Luzon one after another, and began to advance the front in an all-round way.

Air fire resources are also provided by carrier-based aircraft units of the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy Forces.

Constantly at war with the little devils of Luzon.

Bang bang bang…



Fierce gunfire began to erupt throughout Luzon, and the two sides engaged in a fierce confrontation.

However, the front line of the Dahua Empire is still constantly advancing.

Constantly killing the little devils.

You know, in Luzon, Ke697 is the elite army of the little devil.

At that time, it was to drive away all the eagle-chan.

At that time, after the little devil attacked Pearl Harbor, the little devil began to attack Luzon.

Without the support of land and sea forces, the eagle sauce troops in Luzon could only give it a go with more advanced army weapons… But no matter how fierce the bullets and the most advanced weapons and equipment, they could not withstand the attack of the little devil’s sea, land and air, and the powerful eagle sauce soldiers were obviously a little unable to parry.

As for the native army of Luzon, although it has an overwhelming superiority in numbers, it has not undergone systematic military training, most of them are ordinary Luzon people, they have no experience to speak of, and their combat effectiveness is very weak.

As a result, the little devil quickly destroyed Eagle Sauce’s aircraft and military facilities in Luzon.

The end result was that MacArthur and his Eagle Sauce troops were defeated, and after several heavy losses, Eagle Sauce troops were no longer able to resist, and seeing that the situation was out of control, MacArthur had to flee with shame.

The little devils beat away the powerful eagle sauce, which made the elite little devils of Luzon a little floating.

But now that they encounter the powerful Dahua Empire, they instantly feel what is really powerful.

Whether it is the troops of the Dahua Empire or the 200,000 troops of the Chinese Federation Coalition Army, the combat effectiveness is quite strong.

The 200,000 Chinese Federation coalition troops have all undergone systematic training in the Dahua Empire and equipped with advanced weapons and equipment, and their combat effectiveness has naturally been qualitatively improved.

The little devil found that these troops were stronger than Eagle Sauce’s troops!

How else to fight this?

However, the advance of the Dahua Empire was still affected to a certain extent, mainly from the influence of the environment.

Because the landscape of Luzon is mainly mountainous, the typical tropical rainforest climate makes it hot and rainy all year round, the humidity, the complex terrain and dense jungle make it a natural refuge, and the leaves and rainforest create zero-cost cover, allowing the little devils with broken troops to find a good hiding place.

Some of the little devil troops who were severely damaged by the Dahua Empire hid in the jungle rainforest.

The jungle rainforest environment is complex, which can allow the remnants of the little devils to avoid the pursuit of the Dahua Empire for a short time, but this environment has advantages and disadvantages for the little devils who are in the downwind.

Hiding in such a humid jungle environment for a long time, without the supply of clothing and food, the logistics of the little devils cannot support the health of these soldiers, let alone combat effectiveness.

Many little devils are suffering from diseases in the jungle, coupled with the original injured little devils because they have not been well treated for a long time, in the humid and harsh outdoor environment, wound infection, bacteria breeding, malaria for a while devoured their bodies, making these little devils completely lose the ability to fight.

Another part of the little devils because of the pain caused by hunger, panicked, eating wild sour fruits and drinking rain is already a gluttonous feast for them, and in the end, the little devils can only rely on eating the corpses of their comrades to maintain their lives.

The end result is that most of the imps who fled into the jungle rainforest fell ill or starved to death.

However, even if the little devil is dying in the jungle, the troops of the Dahua Empire and the Chinese Federation coalition forces are still in hot blood and still chasing behind them, coupled with the support and leadership of the native resistance forces of Luzon who are familiar with jungle operations and geographical environment, they have constantly carried out a crazy sweep of the rainforest, so that the remnants of the little devil’s army are corpses, and the entire rainforest is full of fear and death.

This time, the Dahua Empire attacked Luzon, which was supported by the local people and anti-Japanese forces in Luzon.

Because after the little devil occupied the country of Luzon, he did not do personnel.

Although the little devils did not occupy Luzon for a long time, under the colonial rule of the little devils, the people of Luzon experienced a very cruel rule, forced forced labor and hard labor, a large number of civilians and soldiers were killed, and many ordinary civilians suffered from hunger and disease.

It can be said that this brought huge casualties and economic damage to the country of Luzon.

What is even more terrifying is that the little devils are still killing frantically in Luzon, and about 100,000 people in Luzon have been slaughtered and killed.

The oppressed Luzon people formed a large guerrilla detachment to meet the surviving little devils in the jungle…. (chdg).. Therefore, Luzon also had some anti-Japanese forces.

After the Dahua Empire attacked Luzon, these anti-Japanese troops and the local people would become the vanguard, helping to lead the way or provide intelligence, which made the Dahua Empire’s attack smoother.

In terms of combat strength, whether it is weapons or physical fitness, the Dahua Empire itself is slightly superior, even if the combat effectiveness is poor, the Hua Federation coalition has performed well.

In addition, the Dahua Empire relies on powerful air power to bomb and attack, and cooperates with the powerful army units on the ground, pressing on the little devils step by step, constantly killing the little devils.

If you encounter a really difficult defensive position, then throw a few cloud bombs to solve it.

Under such a fierce attack, the little devils were defeated and embarrassed, and many of the little devil’s remnants were forced to flee to the jungle.

Of course, there is also the credit of the intelligence of the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

After such a long period of development, the intelligence power of the Imperial Intelligence Agency is very terrifying.

Even in the Kingdom of Luzon, they organized a powerful intelligence network, and even did not hesitate to become prisoners of war of the little devils, collect intelligence, and risk their lives several times to transmit intelligence to the Dahua Empire, even at the cost of their lives.

In a word.

The advance of the Luzon line did not have the same speed as before, but it was still quite good.

It’s naturally a little tougher to fight.

Half a month after the outbreak of the Battle of Luzon, the Dahua Empire had already occupied two-thirds of the territory of Luzon.


Front-line operational command base.

Su Ji was listening to the reports of various troops.

Up to now, the combined forces of the Dahua Empire and the Chinese Federation have eliminated nearly 300,000 Japanese troops.

The results of the battle are also very fruitful.

Gao Shoude, commander-in-chief of the Royal Army, looked at Su Ji and reported: “Your Majesty, because the environment in Luzon is relatively complicated, our attack speed is relatively slow!” ”

“At our current pace of advance, it is estimated that the normal campaign will end within a month.”

Su Ji nodded and said, “Luzon is a tropical rainforest jungle environment, which is really unfavorable to our attackers!” ”

“Let’s advance the front line steadily according to the plan, there is no need to be too aggressive, otherwise it may cause us a very big loss.”

Gao Shoude: “Yes, Your Majesty!” ”

“We are currently in accordance with the established action plan for the Falling Flowers operation!”

Su Ji knew that now the Dahua Empire had the initiative in the Luzon War, and it was only a matter of time before the little devils of the Luzon Kingdom were eliminated.

Luzon has a tropical rainforest climate, food is not suitable for preservation, and now that the Dahua Empire has controlled air and sea supremacy, it can carry out a complete blockade, which means that the army of the little devil can hardly get supplies.

The little devils trapped in the jungle, facing diseases, plagues, injuries, and only waiting for death.

There was the heavy firepower of the Dahua Empire and the continuous advance of powerful army units in front, and the sneak attack of the Luzon guerrillas behind, hundreds of thousands of people scattered in various places, not even daring to light a bonfire.

In such a situation, there has already been a situation of cannibalism within the little devils … These little devils are no longer even people, and the biggest enemy is no longer the Dahua Empire, but their own people … At this time, it is a relief to kill a shuttle bullet.

It can be said that for the little devils of Luzon, they are already in a desperate situation.

The Dahua Empire has never taken little devils prisoner.

This made the little devil completely desperate.

Rich results!

The most important thing is that once the little devils of the Luzon Kingdom are solved, then the Dahua Empire will become the hegemon of Southeast Asia!

At this time, the native base camp of the Sakura Country learned of such a situation in Luzon Country, and they were also panicked…

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