The decisive battle plan is to defend the Sakura Country itself.

In response to the threat of the Dahua Empire, the military leadership decided to repatriate some of the elite divisions and remaining armored units of the Kwantung Army, and at the same time changed the home defense combat system, forming three army groups.

The First Army Group was formed in Edo and had three fronts under its command to defend the entire eastern part of the Sakura Country.

The Second Army Group was formed at Qijima Island and had two fronts under its command to defend the entire western part of the Sakura Country and the island of Shikoku.

Army Group III is the General Aviation Corps, which has three air armies. It is planned that the landing of American troops in Kyushu and the Kanto region will be eliminated … Hundreds of flying squadrons were hastily built, and the “kamikaze” suicide aircraft were also formed, and 2,000 suicide planes have been built so far.

In addition, in order to guard the defense of the mainland, the little devil also prepared 50 large and medium-sized submarines and numerous suicide boats … The southern coast of Kyushu is ideal for the use of suicide aircraft and suicide assault boats.

In order to be able to defend against the attack of the Dahua Empire on the mainland, the military top brass of the Little Devil used the railway wagons to transport supplies and troops to southern Kyushu and build fortifications.

Chased and beaten by the Dahua Empire, now the little devils have a fear of the Dahua Empire.

No way, the Dahua “850” empire is too strong.

Every battle against the Dahua Empire ended in defeat.

How else to fight this?

Even if they fought with Eagle Sauce, it was a fight back and forth, victory and defeat.

But when facing the Dahua Empire, they all ended in failure.

It’s very weak!

Therefore, Matsui Ishine, Prime Minister Tojo and other high-ranking military officials also know very well that the soldiers and morale of the troops will be relatively low when facing the Dahua Empire… But the stubborn little devil high-ranking insisted that as long as the Dahua Empire dared to land in Minamikyushu, the resistance of all Japan would be stimulated, and the combat effectiveness of the troops at that time could explode.

After some discussion between the military and the government, the military and political top officials emphasized the key defense of Honshu and Kyushu, and also formulated operational regulations: the landing fleet of the Dahua Empire must be destroyed in the far sea as much as possible, the “kamikaze” special attack force will mainly attack the ships transporting the landing force, the soldiers must carry forward the spirit of “jade shattered”, and destroy the Dahua Imperial army landing on the mainland at the same cost, and the resistance must be carried out to the end.

After fighting for so long, the powerful comprehensive strength of the Dahua Empire has been fully displayed in front of the little devil, and he is about to hit the mainland, but the little devil is still holding on.

The reason is simple.

The illusion of the invincibility of the so-called empire has lost millions of soldiers … How can they give up so easily … Since the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, more than fifty years of cattle have been blown out … As soon as this dream was shattered, the militarists simply did not dare to think about the consequences, so they could only hold on.

According to the deliberations of Prime Minister Tojo, Matsui Ishine, Furuto Hirofumi, and others, in the face of the attack of the Dahua Empire, it was planned to use the advantages of the homeland operations to transform the remaining army, navy, and aviation units into “special offensive combat units” to thwart the momentum of landing on the Dahua Empire to attack the mainland.

The so-called “special offensive operation” is actually a death squad that blocks bullets with the lives of soldiers, and the typical representative is the “kamikaze” … Then mobilize all troops, both minors and non-combatants, to fight against the Great Hua Empire.

After this military meeting, the little devils frantically recruited labor among the civilian population … Many young people who are attending school or working are urgently drafted into the army. pass through

With such a massive mobilization, but not immediately able to obtain enough weapons, these people had to use large knives, spears, and even forks, hoes or other agricultural tools to go into battle.

In addition, the base camp accelerated the mobilization of troops from the northeast and Koryo and transferred the already particularly weak Kwantung Army elite to the mainland.

A large number of half-baked imperial soldiers crowded the fortifications.

In order to unify the deployment of native operations, the little devil established five army headquarters and five officer district headquarters, which were dedicated to the deployment of unified orders.

It can be said that in order to prevent the Dahua Empire from attacking the mainland, the little devil has deployed all the troops that can be deployed and all the civilians who can be mobilized to the defensive line to pull up the front line, waiting for the Dahua Empire’s offensive landing.

They thought that such a large force must be solid. However, the blind militarists did not notice that the decline and collapse of the little devils made it difficult for them to imagine.

Without air and sea supremacy, no amount of land forces is useful, they can only be targets for torpedoes and incendiary bombs.

And the little devil homeland is an island country, and once the sea lines of communication are completely blocked, then the cherry blossom country, which is already short of supplies, will be like a dry pond, with nothing but people, including food, oil, ammunition and other strategic reserves.

Even if there are ten times more troops in this situation, it will not be able to hold on.

Of course, all this is an afterthought.

But what is certain is that the local battle plan has already begun to be implemented.

The Dahua Empire’s offensive in Luzon continued.

Although the little devils rely on the jungle, rainforest, swamp and other places to resist madly, they can’t withstand the crazy attack of the Dahua Empire and the Chinese Federation coalition army.

Too strong!

The gap is too big!

The little devil is not an opponent at all!

Bang bang bang…

Snap …



The whole country of Luzon was filled with the sound of gunfire and the sound of battles.

It’s intense!

The little devil is stubbornly resisting, but it can’t stop the crazy attack of the Dahua Empire. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, the speed of the Dahua Empire’s attack on Luzon was very fast.

It took more than three months before and after the little devil fought Luzon!

After the situation in Luzon stabilized, Su Ji returned directly to Huadu.

Now the Dahua Empire has formed an expeditionary force to enter Europa to participate in the war, and the first troops to participate in the war are 300,000 people.

The expeditionary force of the Dahua Empire entered the Maoxiong country by way from the Dragon Country, and then fought the Hairy Bear Country and the Germanic Empire through the Maoxiong Country.

The situation in the country of hairy bears is not optimistic now.

Before the Germanic Empire did not attack the Mao Bear Country, the Mao Bear Country did not realize the danger of the expansion of the ambitions of the German Empire, and cared about drawing a security line for itself, naively thinking that this would allow them to rest easy.

But the Mao Bear people did not think that the goals of the Germanic Empire were never only Western Europe … The invasion of the Mao Bear Country has long been one of the planned agendas of the Germanic Empire.

In June 1941, Hitler said that he would turn his face over, openly tore up the non-aggression pact between the two countries, and sent troops to attack the Mao Bear Country … Mao Xiongguo has suffered a lot of losses because of the relaxation of vigilance in the early stage, and has been in a passive beating situation, with heavy losses………

However, as a large country, it has always had the main advantage in numbers.

At the time of the outbreak of the war between the Mao Bear Country and the Germanic Empire, the Mao Bear Country had a population of more than 170 million, while the Germanic Empire only had more than 60 million… Therefore, the Mao Bear Country can continue to fill the gap in the army personnel caused by the war in the war, but the Germanic Empire does not have so many people who can go to the battlefield.

Therefore, once the front is lengthened, the possibility of defeat of the Germanic Empire is very large, which must be well understood by the leaders of the Germanic Empire.

Finally, another key factor in winning the war is the country’s ability to supply materials.

Mao Xiong Guo is good at using a highly centralized system to integrate materials to serve the war, although such a means may not bring benefits to economic construction in peacetime, but in war years, it can bring significant results… Therefore, the Mao Bear Country was able to maintain the supply of materials for a long war, which is why the Mao Bear Country was able to turn defeat into victory in the Battle of Mosco.

Although it is to hold the Mosko family, the whole situation is still not optimistic for the Mao Bear Country.

However, with the first expeditionary force of the Dahua Empire of 300,000 troops entering the Maoxiong Country, the whole situation has changed dramatically.

When the 300,000-strong army of the Great Household Empire entered the Mao Bear Country, the first battle was the Battle of Uzstein

In Uzstan, the 300,000-strong army of the Dahua Empire showed superior combat quality, using tanks and armored vehicles to advance quickly and divide and cut the army group units of the Germanic Empire.

Such a super mobile armor ability shocked the Germanic Empire.

I never expected that the Dahua Empire, a small country in the southeast, could still have such a strong combat power.

It’s incredible.

The First Battle of Uzstein ended up annihilating more than 30,000 Germanic soldiers and capturing more than 50,000.

After this battle, the Dahua Empire can be regarded as 0.3 to play a prestige in Europa.

It showed the super strength and combat effectiveness of the Dahua Empire, which shocked the Mao Bear Country and the Germanic Empire.

After all, Mao Xiong Country did not expect the Dahua Empire to be so strong.


The Uzstein triumph was reported back to the Dahua Empire.


Imperial Palace.

Wang Mingfu quickly came to Su Ji and said, “Your Majesty, the latest war report has just come back from the expeditionary army, our army and the army of the Maoxiong Country defeated the army of the Germanic Empire in Uzstan!” ”

“After this battle, our army and the army of the Mao Bear Country annihilated a total of 30,000 Germanic soldiers and captured 50,000 Germanic soldiers, and won the first battle into Europa!”

The first victory is definitely very exciting.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Su Ji’s face and said, “Great… It’s a good start, and we’ve got into Europa! ”

Su Ji’s ambition is not small, not satisfied with the southeast, but officially marching into Europa…

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