The Imperial Council, an important part of the military system of the little devils, was the supreme meeting held in the imperial palace to discuss major state affairs with the presence of the emperor.

The first imperial council was a meeting held in 1894 that decided to start the war of the Nissin-Qin Naval War… It was interrupted during the Taisho period and the early Showa period, but resumed operations after 1938.

It was a royal meeting.

Prior to this, many imperial conferences had been held to decide on the fundamental policy of aggression against China and the conclusion of the Triple Alliance of Japan, Germany and Italy… The Imperial Council discussed the Pacific War and the Southeast War.

The Imperial Council was convened by the Emperor and attended by military and political elders, important cabinet members, and military heads including the President of the Privy Council, the Prime Minister, the Minister of War, the Minister of the Navy, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of the Naval Command, the Foreign Minister, and the President of the Planning Institute.

The Emperor looked at everyone present: “This time we have convened a pre-imperial meeting to discuss the battle plan for the next stage!” ”

“The imperial army has already captured the southeast and indochina peninsulas, and the offensive in the battlefield in China is very unsuccessful.”

“In addition, countries such as Eagle Sauce have imposed embargoes on weapons, steel, oil, etc., and at the same time frozen our own funds in their countries, which is really a grab.”

“Guys, what’s the way to crack it?”

Foreign Minister Yoyo Matsuoka looked right at the emperor and said, “Your Majesty, we should move south to build a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.” ”

“At present, the battlefield in China is scorching and deadlocked, if we take the southeast Yao, then it will open the southwestern gate of the Dragon Kingdom, and then we can invade the Dragon Country back and forth.”

Some of the people present nodded one after another, agreeing with Matsuoka Yoyo’s look.

Chief of Staff Toyoda Toshiichi said, “No, no, no… I think we should go north and dominate the whole of Asia, not small East Asia or Southeast Asia! ”

There are also some people who agree with Toyoda Shouichi.

There has always been a dispute between moving north and south in Sakura Country.

Advance north, that is, attack the Siberian region of the Soviet Union to the north, defeat the Soviet State and dominate Asia.

The purpose of going south, that is, attacking the Nanyang Islands occupied by European and American powers, such as the Southeast Yao and Nanyang Islands, is to obtain strategic resources such as oil.

In the country of cherry blossoms, the army is a southward faction, advocating a southward attack on the Nanyang Islands and a war with the United States and Britain, while the navy is a northward faction, advocating a northward attack on Siberia and a war with the Soviet Union … The little devil’s army and navy have been on the same page from the beginning, and they are also inseparable in whether to advance south or north.

This matter is still being quarreled in the imperial council.

Because this is related to the direction of the Japanese army’s concentrated attack next.

Prime Minister Tojo slowly spoke, “I agree with the southward strategy!” ”

“Because Southeast Yao is rich in oil, rubber and mineral resources, etc., it is also a huge market.”

“This market provides our manufacturing industry with a large and reliable market and a stable source of raw materials, which in turn builds a self-sufficient economic system and makes our empire stronger.”

Minister of the Navy Furuto Hirofumi spoke: “The southward march strategy thinks that we are facing European and American powers, especially Eagle Sauce… This is definitely an opponent that we cannot ignore! ”

Indeed, the southeast is basically a colony of Europe and the United States.

Specifically in the southeast region, Great Britain occupies Burma, Malay and New Zealand, Eagle Sauce occupies the Philippines, and Huaguo occupies the Indochinese Peninsula, that is, Annam, Laos, and Cambodia, the Netherlands occupies the country of the Kuril Islands, and Portugal occupies East Timor… Only Thailand is formally independent.

Of course, now there is another Dahua Empire.

Matsuoka Yoyo spoke, “No, no, no… This was just the case before, and now the European war has broken out. ”

“The Germanic Empire conquered most of Europe, and even the French Empire surrendered.”

“Now the European and American powers are mainly focusing on the European battlefield, transferring resources to the west, and there is no time to look east, and the entire southeast is a vacuum… This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to move south. ”

“Besides, the Mao Bear Country you face in the north is also very powerful!”

Furuto Hirofumi: “What about Eagle Sauce?” The comprehensive strength of Eagle Sauce is not weak. ”

“Now the war has not burned to the country of Eagle Sauce, and it is difficult for us to end the battlefield in China in a short time, and we have no experience in dealing with such a big country as Eagle Sauce.”

At this moment, Yamamoto Fifty-Six, who was silent on the side, spoke: “Our biggest opponent in the Southeast Yao is Eagle Sauce. ”

“What if we strike preemptively?”

PS: The fifth more, the 10 more outbreak, and 5 more… Ask for a little free evaluation ticket and monthly pass, and throw some of it at me, otherwise there will be no motivation to break out 10.

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