Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 177 Cuiliu City

From then on, Gao Feng was no longer required to learn the so-called upper-class etiquette, but there was a little tail around him, Luo Xing.

Cuiliu City is now nominally run by only one family, the Yuetan family, so Gao Feng can walk freely on the streets of Cuiliu City as long as he has Luo Xing with him.

Regarding Luo Xing, Gao Feng maintains a lukewarm attitude. The memory of his past life deeply affects him. He does not accept the marriage method of this era. In this era, women are just subordinate items of men. As long as the man is strong enough, he can Get more women without restrictions.

Fei'er in Gao Feng's memory disappeared long ago, so he could convince himself to contact other women, but that didn't mean he wanted to accept a group of women. So far, he already had Kai Yue in his heart, and that was enough. There is no room for other women.

But he does not exclude Luo Xing from following him. Luo Xing is a very sensible woman, and her words and deeds are natural and elegant. With her by his side, it is like bathing in the spring breeze with ease and freedom. Occasionally, when he sees her concentrated profile, he will feel a trace of The touch of a heartbeat.

Walking on the streets of Gothic architectural style, Gao Feng keenly observes everything in the mainstream world and understands the intelligence and knowledge he lacks.

For the wilderness people, being able to walk into the Fortress of Despair and stand upright in Green Willow City is an incredible achievement, as enviable as traveling around the world in the previous life.

However, Gao Feng saw something in Cuiliu City that others had seen long ago but had always ignored.

As far as he knew, the legends about Green Willow were likened to paradise. In Gao Feng's eyes, this place may not be better than Beilong Canyon, just because the humanities here are not as vibrant as the Tianzhao tribe.

In Cuiliu City, various commercial activities are relatively developed. Most of the residents in the city are handicraftsmen and small business families, and the rest are mostly servants and servants of the patrons. In addition, they are relatives of the family warriors and the management of the city. personnel.

Walking on the streets, you can see the prosperity and affluence here. Many people dress in gorgeous and cumbersome costumes and try their best to dress up like peacocks. Many of the dressing styles are vulgar and stupid, but people enjoy it.

The wealthy class accounts for one-tenth of the population, and more than half of the remaining people are the middle class. Their services are more concise, their movements are hurried, and their pace of life is faster than that of the wilderness. They all have rosy complexions and appear to be well-nourished.

The rest belong to the poor class. There are also a lot of poor people here, and they are mostly divided into the northern area. The northern area is also the area closest to the Fortress of Despair. When the deserters invaded Cuiliu City that day, the poor here were the first to suffer. , although they were driven out not long after, they still caused considerable losses that could not be ignored.

A certain number of poor people were killed and injured in exchange for an epic victory. The victors toasted to celebrate, and the proletariat cried bitterly among the corpses. This is what Cui Liucheng really looked like.

Walking on the street, Gao Feng leisurely looked at the surrounding shops. The poor people in ragged clothes were working hard to accept exploitation and oppression for a day's food. He felt bored because he could not see that the numb poor people had any hope of changing their lives. and determination.

"The original intention of establishing Cuiliu was only to serve as a residential area for the families of the Fortress of Despair. The Fortress of Despair was originally the dividing line of the family's territory and the only entrance and exit to the wilderness. Except for the original indigenous people, the rest of the wilderness were people who had lived there over the years. A place where sinners are exiled. According to the rules set by the first generation of Garro, everyone is precious. Except for war, others cannot easily take other people's lives. Exile has become the only standard of punishment..."

Luo Xing's clear and soft voice whispered in Gao Feng's ear, and Gao Feng nodded thoughtfully, stirring up a storm in his heart. What kind of person was the first Jialuo? He actually has such a huge mind and the rules he set are still followed hundreds of years later?

"In the beginning, they just exiled ordinary people. After getting a certain amount of supplies in the Fortress of Despair, they disappeared into the wilderness. The wilderness at that time was more barren and more dangerous. Every day, a large number of exiles gathered under the Fortress of Despair and wailed and died. Later, they were exiled Most of them are prisoners of the underground and traitors. After several ground wars, a group of people will always be liquidated. These people have taken refuge in the underground during the war to provide food for the underground in exchange for the continuation of the family. There are about Three hundred thousand prisoners and half a million traitors were exiled to the wilderness. No one kept statistics later. As long as they were found guilty, the whole family would be exiled to the wilderness..."

The Star is like a living encyclopedia. It tells Gao Feng the origin of the entire wilderness based on the history of Cuiliu City, and also gives Gao Feng the most intuitive understanding of the history of the formation of the wilderness.

"So, the number of people exiled in the wilderness over the years is no less than two million?" Gao Feng said in a deep voice, which made Luo Xing's Qingya face reveal a trace of surprise. She did not expect that Gao Feng actually had the concept of millions in his mind? When she said 300,000 and 500,000 before, she was still worried that Gao Feng didn't know how to add them up.

"If my calculations are correct, after hundreds of years of development in the wilderness, the actual population should be around 5 million to 8 million. But now, even the total population of the entire wilderness is less than 1.5 million. Calculation In this desperate battle, the population of the wilderness will have dropped by at least 20% to 3 levels. By this time next year, the population will continue to decline, and the final loss may exceed 500,000..."

Having said these words, Gao Feng thought of the groveling Xianfeng Jialuochi Yeye, as well as the countless single deserters who fled to the central wilderness, and the countless tribal people who had been robbed of supplies and food. They could not survive this winter, and a large amount of supplies and food were thrown into the camp by the deserters, and most of the supplies in the camp went to the Fortress of Despair. The southern tribe elders could only get some leftovers for the feast. They could not have too much food to help other tribes.

The tribesmen abandoned by the desert people will become ronin or indentured slaves. Even the Tianzhao tribe that takes advantage of the opportunity to develop cannot save too many people. It is just a Huangjian tribe that can stretch its appetite to the limit.

It is foreseeable that in the future, the entire wilderness will be caught in the flames of war. In the war for food, people without resources will unite together and attack tribes that still retain resources. Regardless of victory or defeat, there is a glimmer of hope. Victory If you succeed, you will rob other people's food. If you fail, you will be taken as a prisoner or become an indentured slave.

"The eastern part of the wilderness is the Sunken Mountains. It is an ancient battlefield that has the power of a curse. Mortals will become weak if they enter. If you continue to move forward, your skin will rot, your hair will fall off, and your nails will disappear. No one can survive, not even Jia Luo. Impossible to survive.

The westernmost part of the wilderness is the Wailing Plains, where countless evil ghosts wander. They are all black and like to haunt at night. Even an army of ten thousand people will turn into withered bones when encountering them. They like to feed on human blood. They are the creatures of the wilderness. Nightmare.

The northernmost area is the mysterious ice field. It is covered with ice and snow all year round. The temperature difference changes mysteriously. The flowing cold current can freeze people into ice sculptures in an instant. No one wants to go there, even the most cold-resistant Garo. I will also freeze to death over there...

There is no room for expansion in the wilderness. A small area cannot support too many people. Master Youming knows that you have no future in the wilderness, so he is willing to pay the price to help you establish a family. As long as you have a family, you and Your descendants will no longer have to suffer from the barren wilderness... "

{Piaotian Literature


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