Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 359 Fantasy Journey

This thing is certainly not an aphrodisiac, and Gao Feng has no intention of moving stupidly, but he feels that his condition is better than ever, his eyesight has improved a lot, and he can already see some things on the rock wall in the distance.

Gao Feng found that the plants grew very regularly. There was only one plant every ten square meters, and there were definitely not several plants growing together. If it weren't for the slight difference in distance, Gao Feng would have thought that this thing was artificially planted. Then he discovered that more than a hundred meters below, there was a small platform in the shape of a stone bed, and behind the platform there was a cave as high as a person. He immediately became excited, and he finally found a place to step on.

It's not easy to get over. The rocks here are very hard and the surface is relatively smooth. Even if you use a metal drill to drill a hole, it will take a lot of effort.

There is a Death Scimitar in Gaofeng, which is perfect for use here. It can dig a hole in a few clicks and embed the chain head. The chain head will expand the moment it is inserted, filling the stone pit without revealing any gaps, which is equivalent to a fixed point.

Gao Feng was constantly moving and collecting these plants. When he reached the stone bed and took a long breath, he already had more than ten plants on his body.

"Let's call it Three Star Cone..."

Gao Feng randomly named the plant, slowly lay down on the stone bed, stretched out his waist comfortably, and fell asleep...

Peak's sleep was very short, and he woke up after only ten minutes of sleep, because he knew that now was not the time to sleep.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground and moving his limbs, Gao Feng focused on the cave behind him. There was also light in the cave, but there were no plants, but the light emitted by the rock itself.

"Fluorite mine?"

Gao Feng's heart moved, and then he wanted to understand why these plants emitted light, but the pole never mentioned it to him. The possible reason was these fluorite mines.

There are two types of fluorite ore, one is fluorescent and needs natural light to emit light, and the other is phosphorescent, which does not require natural light and can emit light. It is an optical phenomenon caused by rare earth ions.

Phosphorescent fluorite is a luminous pearl after being carefully carved, which can illuminate a dark cave for thousands of years. There is no doubt that the fluorite mines here are phosphorescent fluorite that was very rare in previous generations.

Gao Feng walked into the top of the mountain and walked forward slowly. At this time, the air became turbid. Gao Feng protected himself with a metal mask to form an air filter just in case.

The further you walk, the purer the texture of the phosphorescent fluorite and the greater the brightness. Finally, it feels like walking in a brightly lit hall, making Gao Feng not feel like he is underground.

When he reached the brightest place, his eyes were almost dazzled by the bright light. This was a huge fluorite wall. The entire wall was illuminated with light sources. Even the shadows of the peaks were dispersed, and the peaks touched them. Looking at the wall, he found that the light shone brightly on his palms, and even the bones and blood vessels inside could be seen clearly.

Because of the filtered air, Gaofeng couldn't smell it, but he could see everything clearly. He felt like he was in a fairy tale world. Everything was so amazing. If the cave hadn't been rugged and winding, he wouldn't have been able to smell it. I thought it was an artificial background wall.

These things didn't have much effect on Gao Feng. He couldn't possibly exchange them for money, just like the gold mine he discovered in Beilong Canyon. Apart from making gold masks for decoration, he didn't know what they could be used for. Even if it is made into jewelry, it is considered to be a burden.

Not to mention the entire fluorite wall, even some scattered fluorite ore on the ground had an addictive luster. Gao Feng picked up a handful and put it on his body, preparing to use it as lighting.

After passing the fluorite wall, the light source gradually weakened and gradually became dark. The wall began to become damp. Stalactites formed of sedimentary rocks appeared on the rock wall above the head, and water continued to drip onto Gao Feng's body.

The further you go, the more stalactites there are and the ground becomes more rugged. The fluorite found before the peak comes in handy here, it can illuminate the direction more than 20 meters around you, like a torch.

Walking here, Gao Feng's heart was hanging again, because he didn't know if there was a way out ahead.

However, Gao Feng saw new plants here, clusters of mushrooms that grew like Ganoderma lucidum. These mushrooms were large and small, and the largest one was like a screen. When you break off a piece casually, you can feel the fiber and moisture inside. There are also some here. In addition to the living creatures outside the peak, some insects make their homes and nests in the plants, enjoying the food in their mouths.

When the peak moved forward, another hall fell down. Countless stalactites came down from the dome and formed a line with the ground. I don't know how many years it took to grow like this? These stalactite pillars made the entire cave look like a maze, making it difficult for Gao Feng to distinguish between front, back, left and right.

There was no GPS or map at the peak, so when he got here, he began to hesitate. Once he got lost, he would not be able to get out immediately.

But once I got here, I felt unwilling to move forward.

In the light of fluorite, the afterimage of the scimitar of death flashed. A huge stalactite split into two and fell with a roar. The next moment, more stalactites fell along a line. Since it is possible to get lost, the peak is artificial. Create a sign.

Gao Feng moved forward violently and demolished, leaving behind a piece of stalagmite debris. He passed through the stalagmite jungle without any trouble, but he felt a pain in his mouth at the seven or eight caves arranged in a semicircle. What bothered him most now was drilling into the cave, and he just wanted to Find a way out of Calculation.

Taking off his mask, Gao Feng stayed at each cave entrance for a while, feeling whether the natural wind was blowing from the entrance of the cave. Walking from the first to the last, Gao Feng was a little disappointed and was about to leave to find another direction. At this moment, his hair Fluttering slightly, Gao Feng's eyes lit up.

The passage under his feet is the longest that Gao Feng has ever walked. From the slow walk at the beginning, to the fast walk in the middle, to the current trot, based on one breath per second, Gao Feng took at least tens of thousands of breaths. That is, he walked for ten hours straight.

According to his physical strength and speed, his speed was at least forty kilometers per hour. In other words, he ran continuously for four hundred kilometers, which is what he could only do as a Xianfeng Jialuo. In his previous life, he would have run at most Traveling a hundred kilometers requires exhaustion of energy.

The only good thing is that I don't feel hungry at the peak, my stomach is always full and warm, and my energy and physical strength can keep up.

"Should we be in the southern wilderness?"

This thought flashed through Gao Feng's mind, and he immediately regretted it. He shouldn't have been too paranoid just now. He ran away and disappeared, thinking that the exit was in front. Then he ran for another hour, thinking that the exit must be in front. Hour by hour, he added up. Just like a losing gambler who thinks he will win until he loses completely.

When the losses accumulate to a huge variable, the paranoid brain at the peak begins to wake up. He is afraid that he will have to run for ten hours, or dozens of hours?

But at this moment, he was asked to go back, but he was unwilling to do so. Maybe he would reach the exit after just a few more steps.

Life is full of various choices. What bothers people is not the benefits between choices, but the consequences they will bear. This is the peak situation. If he runs for another ten hours, then his efforts will be doubled and the time wasted. Also double.

But Gao Feng's position is firm in his heart. Since he has paid so much, let's keep going. Maybe he can see scenery that he has never seen in his life?

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