Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 401 Huge Shadow

"But the most important thing is how to get out? It seems that this monster is not going to drive away the bugs..." After making the promise, Huo Yan looked helplessly at the cloud of insects hovering in the cave. He saw that some bugs had landed on the sulfur and began to devour it. Obviously, this cave was a restaurant for bugs. Gao Feng had never heard of insects that survived by devouring minerals. Now that he saw it, he felt particularly troubled. He saw that the bugs were building nests on the rock wall. If so, this place would become a death zone. "They should be fine now. Once they wake up, I'm afraid there will be nothing left..." Gao Feng looked up at the cliff opposite and said it with his heart. "This is a small matter. The key is how we get out. We have to find a way to get the monster out..." Huo Yan was still trying to attract the tiger and drive away the wolf. Gao Feng carefully checked the cloud of insects outside. He found that the bugs that devoured sulfur could not enter the poisonous smoke. In other words, the bugs just hated the smoke, not the toxins, because the sulfur itself contains toxins. "Others are afraid of bugs, but you don't have to be afraid. If I'm not mistaken, Jialuo is the nemesis of these bugs..." Gao Feng suddenly figured out something and said to Huo Yan. Huo Yan was half-believing and half-doubting, but did not object. So far, Gao Feng's performance has been remarkable. Not to mention that he got the blood of the beast without anyone noticing, and saved him once, under his nose, he stripped the powerful underground man naked. Gao Feng should not be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people. The most important thing is that he found that no matter at any time, Gao Feng is absolutely calm and rational, which is what he values ​​most. "Boy, I believe you this time. If you are eaten by bugs, be careful that I will turn into a ghost to find you..." Huo Yan made a few empty complaints and jumped out. The next moment, the bugs were startled and rushed over. Facing countless bugs, Huo Yan's adrenaline secretion accelerated, and his whole body fell into unprecedented fear. On the swaying iron chain, even his body began to be unstable. In front of the insect, he turned around and looked at Gao Feng, only to see Gao Feng raised his arms and clenched his fists in front of his chest to cheer him up, which prevented him from turning around and running away.

"Taste my power..." With a roar, Huo Yan pushed his hands forward suddenly, and spurted out hot and strong flames from his palms, like two huge fountains, sweeping over the insects. The next moment, countless insects collided in the flames, and then turned into charcoal, falling like black beans.

The insects did not give up, and still collided. In the flames, the collision was futile. Some insects bypassed the flames and flew towards Huo Yan like bullets. Huo Yan was surrounded by scarlet flames, forming an absolute protective shield. The insects rushed into Huo Yan and were forced back by the flames. They did not disperse for a while, and lingered like flies.

A little bit of fire as big as peanuts splashed out from the flames around Huo Yan, forming a rain of flowers all over the sky, pouring on these insects, and falling one after another. After the initial panic, Huo Yan found that he was the nemesis of the insects, and immediately became excited like chicken blood, and took the initiative to rush towards the insects.

The fire dragon also seemed to have life, actively chasing the cloud of insects to sweep, the whole cave was bright as day, and the dense black beetles were like dark clouds, and black raindrops fell in the firelight. The continuous black rain fell into the magma and turned into black smoke, and fell on the magma rock to lay a thick carpet.

Huo Yan swept away the decadence of the previous defeat, jumping up and down like a monkey in heat, chasing the insects, with a wildness that would not return until Loulan was destroyed. Gao Feng slapped his forehead. He forgot to explain that it was not necessary to kill all the insects, but just to bring Jieming and Qiaoer back.


A huge roar came from below, and the magma churned again, rushing out a huge body. The Golden Dragon Beast jumped out of the magma again, spewing a hundred-meter-long flame, sweeping across the chaotic insect swarm, majestic and majestic.

However, the beautiful red scales on the beast's body were mottled, like a mangy dog ​​without hair.

The flame swept to Huo Yan's side, and was strangely absorbed into the middle of Huo Yan's own flame, but Gao Feng shouted loudly:

"Don't worry about it..."

Huo Yan obeyed Gao Feng's orders, and ignored the beast and continued to sweep the insect cloud. Anyway, the flames spewed by the beast could not cause any harm to him.

The beast and the man cooperated with each other, turning countless insects into flying smoke. The temperature of the entire cave rose rapidly, like a furnace. Gao Feng's cave was the upwind outlet of the passage behind him, and the temperature was much lower than that of the cave. Even so, he was still extremely hot, and his whole body seemed to be on fire. The woman behind him was also in the firelight, sweating like oil, but full of strong temptation.

In the end, the insects couldn't resist and rushed to the cave entrance. Huo Yan was so depressed because of the previous repression that he didn't let go and chased the insects closely. He didn't stop after reaching the cliff, jumping on the bulge on the rock wall until he reached the entrance of the insect's cave, condensing a huge fireball and throwing it in fiercely.

With a rumble, the cave entrance was like a volcano with an exit facing downwards, erupting a scorching stream of fire and a bunch of charred insect corpses at the same time. By accident, Huo Yan found the best way to kill the insects. In a semi-sealed environment, the power of the flame explosion increased several times. When the flame system was extinguished, the cave was still full of falling insect corpses.

Huo Yan achieved success in one fell swoop and laughed loudly. The wild beasts were still sweeping away the scattered insects, but they were no longer targeting Huo Yan.

Gao Feng looked at Huo Yan strangely, not because he was frightened by Huo Yan's methods, but because he was thinking, how did such a guy who doesn't know the importance of his actions survive until now? You must know that no matter in any battle, the purpose is to achieve the goal, and meaningless fighting is purely a waste of energy.

"Buzz..." Like the scream of a dive bomber, the red countercurrent spurted out from the cave, surrounding the fire.

The sudden sudden change caused Gao Feng to change his color, and Huo Yan was wrapped tightly, but not long after, the rolling fire cloud ignited all the red beetles around him. These ignited bugs did not die for a while, and continued to attack Huo Yan as fiercely as ever. Shi Huoyan couldn't bear it anymore, so he jumped down and fell towards the beast.

Insects burning with beautiful flames chased after them. Some burned to ashes in the pursuit, but the rest still endured severe pain and chased wildly.

The savage beast let out a roar, took the initiative to meet it, avoided the falling fire flames, opened its mouth, and spurted out flames to hit the exit.

The exit wrapped in flames shook violently, shattering millions of rubbles and expanding the gap more than ten times. The barbarian beast's fire pillar turned into flames, and then a huge shadow appeared in the gap, like a dying creature. The king, rushed out of the flames and rushed towards the beast.

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