Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 441 It seems to hurt?

"Sir, can I ask you a favor?"

Gao Feng was thinking about other trophies on his body. The man timidly spoke to Gao Feng. Gao Feng raised his eyebrows and looked over.

"My name is Chen Haonan, and he is my son, Chen Honghu."

Although his son has physical defects, Chen Haonan did not dislike him and stroked his son's head lovingly.

"I think your husband is a capable person. I have no future in this life. The only thing I am proud of is that I have a son. He is still young. If he is in danger, please take care of him. I don't ask for anything else. He can survive..."

Perhaps having a premonition, Chen Haonan looked at Feng Feng with pleading eyes, but Feng Feng did not agree.

Gao Feng had seen more corpses in his two lives than Chen Haonan had ever heard of. Besides, Gao Feng had his own goals and had no time to take care of others.

"Of course, I won't let sir do it in vain, it's just a small thing..."

As he spoke, Chen Haonan opened his rough palms, and there was a white crystal the size of a rice grain in his palm. Gao Feng could tell at a glance that it was an energy crystal.

"I found this in a scrapped machine in a garbage dump. It's worth at least three thousand credits..."

In order to impress Gao Feng, Chen Haonan emphasized the word three thousand and looked at his serious and sacred look, as if it was three hundred billion.

"No interest. If he is lucky, he will live. If he is not lucky, he will die even if someone takes care of him. I just hope he is smart enough..."

Gao Feng rejected Chen Haonan's bribe, which made Chen Haonan look sad. Just as they were talking, the floor under their feet suddenly vibrated, and then began to tilt, causing everyone in the carriage to scream in panic. The next moment, the floor was split into two. , all the people in the carriage fell down.

One vehicle was carrying about twenty or thirty people. More than a dozen floats were opened and nearly four hundred people were thrown down. Below was a steep slope of nearly 70 degrees. People fell down and tumbled downwards. Countless people tumbled. As he was swallowed by the cave of the abyss, the only thing he could stand on was the peak. He quickly jumped downwards, dodging the hidden people in front and behind him who were waving their arms to catch something.

After rushing for about two hundred meters, Fengfeng bumped into a bunch of struggling and twisting human bodies. Some people tried to hold Fengfeng back, but he nimbly dodged past him and stepped on the human body to reach the open space. Behind him, he was still like a duck swimming in the river. Plop sound.

The underground was very dark, but it was not hard to see. Gao Feng soon got used to it. At this time, he discovered that the slope was man-made. There were two conveyor belts hundreds of meters long on both sides, leading to the top, with bright lights above. , but couldn’t see anything clearly, but the underground was dark and damp, with gravel and slag everywhere, and occasionally human bones could be seen.

The bottom is completely different from the top. The cement walls and adjacent street lamps above are full of modern flavor, while below, except for the two conveyor belts, the cave rocks are rugged and protruding like sharp blades. Even if there are some lights, they are dim and covered in barbed wire. Placed on the most dangerous rock wall, the top of the cave is illuminated even brighter than the one below.

Behind them, hundreds of people were still huddled together struggling and squirming. The painful cries and howls made the place feel like a vegetable market. Scattered people broke out one after another and did not dare to leave. They squatted around the crowd, waiting for their unknown fate.

Gao Feng didn't mix it in, so he took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. The thin cigarette was like a child's toy, holding it in his mouth like a toothpick, but it was very durable. He only smoked about a third of it in three to five minutes, which made him feel uncomfortable. Gao Feng's mood suddenly improved. At least, that cigarette box could provide him with hundreds of cigarettes.

Just as he was puffing away the smoke and waiting for new changes to appear, a burst of panting footsteps came from the deepest part of the cave, and at the same time there were muffled roars. For some reason, Gao Feng heard from these roars Feeling excited.

The footsteps and roars stunned the hidden tribes who broke free one after another. Then they howled wildly, trying to find a place to hide. Many people rushed towards Gaofeng, but were kicked back by Gaofeng.

Before Gao Feng pretended to be captured, it was impossible for him to challenge the entire underground city, but he was not afraid of any single force, so when he got here, he no longer needed to pretend.

Ragged, strong men ran out one after another, waving weapons made of steel in their hands and howling at the crowd. The crowd suddenly looked like a flock of chickens that had exploded, running around in chaos, and some people bumped into each other and fell on the ground. The ground was wailing. Some people tried to climb up the 70-degree steep slope, but were pulled down by the people behind them. Others knelt on the ground and begged loudly for mercy.

This farce unfolded in front of Gao Feng. Gao Feng, who was standing alone in a corner smoking a cigarette, watched with cold eyes. He saw Chen Haonan holding his son and hiding in another corner. He also saw someone looking for stones on the ground, seemingly preparing to resist.

The collision happened as expected. The man who rushed out of the cave brandished a stick and other blunt objects and hit the people running around wildly. He ignored the hidden people who were kneeling on the ground or hiding in the corner. For a moment, they were miserable. There was an endless stream of shouts and howls.

Finally, someone looked at Gao Feng, or rather, at the cigarette in Gao Feng's hand. His eyes suddenly became greedy, and he opened his mouth full of yellow teeth and let out a shrill howl, like a wild beast rushing towards Gao Feng. Gao Feng stared at this guy coldly, He took a deep drag on the cigarette and puffed out again.

The cigarette was like a sharp arrow, spraying on the man's face, causing him to stop waving his arms. He expected Gao Feng's various expressions, such as panic, fear, anger, begging for mercy, etc., but he did not expect Gao Feng. He didn't even show any expression, and even blew out the cigarette in his face.

The next moment, Gao Feng's right hand pressed down on the guy's neck like lightning, and with a slight exertion of his thumb, the guy rolled his eyes, like a woman fainting, and threw herself at Gao Feng's feet with a hint of pretentiousness.

The man fell down, and more people rushed over. Gao Feng took another puff of the cigarette, took it off his mouth, and flicked it with his fingers. It was like a meteor hitting the eyes of the guy at the front. The guy yelled and covered his eyes. , flew out in an instant, rolled and hit a group of men, knocking three or four men to the ground.

At some point, Gao Feng had two metal swing sticks in his hand. With a violent shake of his hands, the swing stick stretched to about 1.2 meters, and then like a whirlwind, it rushed into the middle of the rushing men. There were not many of these men, and they were too small. There were more than a dozen of them, and at the moment when the peak rushed in, streaks of metallic silver light shone like mercury splashing, and the muffled sound of them exploded like corn kernels in a microwave, and the screams sounded like the chorus of a choir. The four layers of music sounded melodiously.

In the blink of an eye, a man fell to the ground next to Gao Feng, surprising the guys who were looking here not far away. Suddenly, the most powerful man stood up. This man was more than two meters tall and had a bulging figure. His muscles are like those of a bull, but his hands are extremely asymmetrical. One arm is like a hemp pole, and the other arm is so deformed that it looks like an elephant's leg. It occupies one-third of his body, and he is holding a stick tightly. A giant mace about the size of a telephone pole.

The mace full of steel nails was thicker than an ordinary person's waist, but when swung in his hand, it was lighter than a feather duster. It made a sound of breaking through the air before hitting the peak.

In front of hundreds of people, Gao Feng raised his arm and swung out the stick in his right hand. It flew in a perfect circle and hit the guy on the bridge of his nose, causing him to let out a huge cry of pain. , the swing stick hit the guy's nose and bounced back, spinning out of a half arc and falling back into Gao Feng's hands, as if nothing had happened.

The big man with deformed arms threw away the heavy mace, covered his nose and knelt on the ground trembling. The next moment, the sound of landslides and earth-shattering cries erupted from the guy's mouth.

The cry was as shrill as an air raid siren. It echoed repeatedly in the cave, shaking the dust on the rocks and falling. Gao Feng touched his nose speechlessly. It seemed like this guy was afraid of pain?

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