Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 468 Suppression

Not long after, floats rushed out one after another. The floats that rushed out were supposed to land according to the established procedures, but when the people on the floats saw the battlefield-like square, they immediately manually controlled the floats and reset the landing. To rise, at this moment, a powerful sniper bomb accurately hit the first float, exploding it into two pieces in mid-air, throwing countless parts and falling to the ground, frightening the remaining survivors. Running around.

However, the second float suddenly rushed out of the burning wreckage, suddenly pulled up, and flew towards the wall. However, it was preparing to bypass the laser fence and escape from mid-air. A stream of light shot out at the survivors below at a speed faster than the blink of an eye. The pupils left an afterimage and hit the butt of the car hard, penetrating it entirely.

The bullet entered from the rear of the car, passed through the front of the car, flew a hundred meters away and hit the ceiling, exploding into a ball of fire and shattering several rocks. However, the seemingly intact floating car began to shake and finally lost its balance. , rolled and hit the laser fence, and was instantly divided into grid-like pieces.

The third float saw what happened to the two floats in front and stopped in mid-air without daring to move. Gao Feng grabbed a two-meter-long sniper rifle and jumped off the wall. He quickly ran to the front of the float and pointed the gun at it. The person above gestured towards the ground.

The corpses on the ground made the armed security guards on the float dare not fight back. The moment the float landed, one by one the armed security guards raised their weapons high and walked out of the float, surrendering to Gao Feng. At this time, Gao Feng had the opportunity to cover his injuries. waist.

Because the battle was over, the breath he had taken up before was relaxed, and the pain in his waist suddenly amplified dozens of times, making Gao Feng break into a cold sweat. But he couldn't rest here. He was the only one present, and he had to find someone. Find a way to turn off the self-destruct system.

"You..., who are you here, you devil, look what you have done..."

Gao Feng was looking for upper-level managers when he suddenly heard a stern question. He turned around and saw a pistol pointed at his head. The owner of the pistol was Di Huo. The big man Gao Feng had seen before had a weird hairstyle. Starting from the midline, half of it is as smooth as a mirror, usually with three-color hair, which is weird and mysterious, but now it is scattered like a chicken coop, and the side without hair is shiny and smooth, covered with sweat.

Standing among the corpses and a pool of blood, blackened by the thick smoke circulating in the underground space, the ground fire looked at Feng Feng with great anger, holding a pistol in one hand and a small metal box in the other.

"Did you activate the self-destruct system?"

Ignoring the muzzle of the gun that could spit out deadly flames at any time, Gao Feng asked Ji Huo sternly.

"How about that? Even if you are very powerful, your life is in my hands now. Now, kneel down for me..."

Dihuo shouted loudly, and was about to pull the trigger with his finger, but a silver light flashed in the corner of his eyes. The next moment, he watched helplessly as the right hand holding the gun fell off his wrist, and a thin stream of blood spurted forward like a fountain. .

Before the pain had time to reach the nerve plexus, he stared blankly at the arm without his right hand. His heart suddenly tightened to the limit. He held a breath in his lungs and could not spit it out. When he turned red because of suffocation, the pain in his wrist Finally breaking the fearful repression in his heart, he let out a miserable wail. '

But this wailing was only half a sound, and the remaining half was swallowed by him.

The cold blade was placed on Dihuo's neck, and his hair was pulled back by Gaofeng, like a rooster about to be slaughtered. Dihuo's eyes widened and he kept looking down, trying to see clearly the steel knife holding him. , the pain in his wrist made his whole body convulse.

"How do I turn off the self-destruct system?"

Gao Feng continued to ask in a cold voice, but Di Huo bit his lips and remained silent, his heart already falling to the limit.

Dihuo didn't speak and was regarded as a tough nut by Gao Feng. In order to extract information on the battlefield in his previous life, Gao Feng did not hesitate to engage in torture. He didn't even ask a second question. The blade of the knife slightly slid through the artery, but cut off Di Huo's throat.

The throat is not a blood vessel. Even if it is cut, it will not be fatal immediately. It will only allow air to leak from the break, causing people to suffocate and die. Earthfire is frightened to the extreme, and his pupils shrink smaller than the tip of a needle. He wants to reach out and cover it. , but with only one hand, air leaked from the gap in the palm. He breathed loudly, wanting more air, but to no avail.

Gao Feng's methods almost scared the surrounding armed men to the point of peeing. Have they ever seen such cruel methods?

After cutting off Di Huo's trachea, Gao Feng bent down to pick up the box dropped by Di Huo, but saw Di Huo looking at him with pleading eyes, and at the same time there was a trace of reluctance.

He was about to die and still couldn't let go of the box. Gao Feng felt it was a little strange. Although the box was sealed with metal and required the owner's built-in chip to scan it, as long as it was metal, there was no secret in Gao Feng's hands. However, it took a lot of effort for Gao Feng to open it. The strength actually made Gao Feng interested in this kind of metal, which was much better than tank armor.

The moment the box was opened, a surge of anger rose in his heart. Gao Feng threw the box to the ground, and hundreds of crystal clear energy crystals popped out. The quality of this energy crystal was much higher than that shipped in the car. , there is no trace of impurities, and you can cleanly see the fingerprints on the other side when you put it in your hand, but these are of no use to the peak.

What Gao Feng did made Dihuo feel extremely distressed, and his heart twitched, causing him to take his last breath and die in frustration.

"You...you...and you..."

The long knife in Gao Feng's hand hit three people, making his face extremely pale. Before they could beg for mercy, Gao Feng yelled:

"Tell me how to turn off the self-destruct system, or I will kill you..."

The three people looked at the murderous Gao Feng in horror. One of them rolled his eyes and fainted, but the remaining two people knelt in front of Gao Feng and wailed loudly:

"Once the self-destruction system is activated, it is impossible to turn it off. Even if it can be turned off, our level is not high enough..."

"Then point it out to me, who has the highest level!"

Gao Feng forcibly suppressed his anger and shouted loudly again. The next moment, both hands wanted to hide not far away, trying to hide the young man.

"He..., he is the administrative deputy and the assistant of Dihuo. Only he knows..."

This young man was the one who fell down in the command center. When he saw someone identifying him, he was so frightened that water stains flowed into his crotch, and he cried loudly with a grimace:

"I can't turn it off, not even the ground fire. Only one person can turn it off..."


Gao Feng felt slightly relieved, as long as someone could turn it off, but then his heart sank after what he said.

"Miss Jasmine, the big boss of the mining area, she set up the self-destruct system herself, but she is not here..."

"Miss Jasmine? If the people below can't survive, she can't survive either..."

Knowing that he couldn't do anything, Gao Feng didn't express his anger at the others. He turned around and looked around. The ground was in a mess. Many people were smoked and looked like black people. Coughs could be heard everywhere. Many people looked at him in horror, and the armed men Some of us already want to escape and are looking for a way under the wall.

Seeing those people, Gao Feng picked up a rifle and shot at the wall beside them, driving them back, and then said to the young man:

"Want to die or live?"

"To live, of course I want to live..."

When the young man answered, his body was still shaking slightly, but he was extremely afraid of the peak, which also showed that his mind was not strong.

"Well, you will be my deputy from now on and manage these people. If anyone disobeys me, you will kill him..."

As he spoke, Gao Feng handed over a pistol and looked at the handle of the pistol. The young man wanted to reach out to take it, but he couldn't. Gao Feng waited for three seconds, and gun flowers danced on his fingertips. He held it in his backhand. He held the handle of the gun and pointed the muzzle at the young man's head.

"If you dare not kill anyone, I will kill you..."

A loud shout caused the young man to collapse physically and mentally. He suddenly knelt down in front of Gao Feng and cried loudly: "I can't do it. I really can't do it. Just kill me..."

Seeing this man's useless look, Gao Feng smiled angrily. He turned his eyes to the others, but for a while, he couldn't find anyone who could help him. He couldn't help but regret the five people he hadn't saved before. , if there are a few helpers, why are there so many people unable to start?

"No..., that's not right..."

Suddenly someone shouted loudly and jumped up from the ground. Gao Feng turned around and glared at him, but it was one of the two people who had been frightened by Gao Feng before.

"Thirty minutes are up, thirty minutes are up, look..."

The man raised his wrist for a personal interruption, and the hour hand was projected, but it was 23:59.

"The self-destruct activation time is 23:28, which is more than one minute..."

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