Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 675 Living Lei Feng?

What made Gaofeng howl with horror was the small electronic device in Yan Erjiu's hand. The connecting cable was actually inserted between his chest and abdomen, and his heart, liver, spleen and lungs were penetrated deeply by the fiberglass cables, making him Reminiscent of the robot transformation in science fiction movies of previous generations.

Yan Erjiu had been concentrating on checking various data on the device the size of a cigarette box, and did not see Gao Feng's rare frightened side. Fortunately, Gao Feng was a century-old ghost who had died once and was reincarnated. After being frightened, he accepted it. reality.

"Am I going to be well in twenty-one days? Where are we now?"

Gao Feng's head was able to turn, and he saw that there was no cold wind blowing in from the gap in the deck that he had opened before, and they were not in the sky.

"It's impossible to recover. The toxin has invaded your bones. Even after using the DF988 dissociation agent, it's impossible to completely clear it. You can only live as an ordinary person from now on..."

Yan Twenty-Jiu sighed a little. Maybe she thought these words would hit Gao Feng. Without waiting for Gao Feng to show despair, she continued with comforting words:

"But it's not hopeless to get you back to your previous state. Shuguang Institute of Technology is researching a new generation of transcendent genetic medicine. If it succeeds, you may be able to recover. Of course, the cost will be very expensive..."


Gao Feng did not dwell on whether he could return to his previous state. Just now, Thousand Calamity Threads had wrapped around Yan Twenty-Jiu's delicate neck. As long as he was willing, he could easily kill the beauty who looked exactly like Catherine in front of him.

"It takes about a month's profit of a medium-sized consortium, calculated in terms of energy crystals, calculated in hundreds of thousands..."

Gao Feng didn't care how expensive the price was, but when he heard that the mid-level consortium's monthly profit was only 100,000 energy crystals, he was immediately surprised by Jasmine's generosity. Jasmine didn't bother him at all for the tens of thousands of energy crystals he stole. At first, he thought that Jasmine, who had tens of thousands of energy crystals, still looked down upon him, but now he realized that this was not the case at all.

"But don't worry. I captured two Xianfeng Jia Luo, which should be able to exchange for a certain amount of military merit points. The exchange ratio of military merit points and energy crystals is good. When the time comes..."

Another piece of news that surprised Gao Feng. He couldn't tell that the inconspicuous beauty in front of him actually grabbed two Xianfeng Jialuo. The beauty seemed to want to use Xianfeng to exchange for her medicine money? It seems that he is not as handsome as Tom Cruise, nor does he have the ability to attract women?


The woman's figure wrapped in the leather jacket was excellent. Her breasts, waist, and thighs were all perfectly displayed in Gao Feng's eyes. Gao Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and spoke hesitantly.

Yan Erjiu still lowered his head and looked at the various test data seriously. His messy hair hung down by his ears, covering half of his face, slightly revealing his seductive red lips. When he heard Gao Feng speak, he raised his head slightly, revealing his charming and narrow eyes. Staring at the peak, his eyes were clear and indifferent, with no other meaning.

"Do I look like someone you know?"

Gao Feng asked his question. In fact, what he wanted to ask was whether he was very similar to Yan Erjiu's dead ex-boyfriend, and then he blindly regarded himself as a substitute. Otherwise, he would have saved himself without saying anything. To spend a huge price and give yourself a huge benefit?

"This is the first time I've seen such a dark guy like you..."

Yan Erjiu calmly and indifferently said these words that made Gao Feng tangled and depressed. There was no ambiguous feelings between the two. Gao Feng lowered his head and looked at his bare chest. The original skin was full of black pigment spots, which immediately grew. Taking a breath, it seems that even if he looks like the other person's ex-boyfriend at the moment, he is still the African version.

"Did Lei Feng also travel through time? Treat your comrades as warmly as spring, and treat your enemies as cruelly as the east wind sweeps away fallen leaves?"

Gao Feng breathed and thought about all kinds of ridiculous reasons, and suddenly felt an inexplicable heat from inside his body. Then he was surprised to find that the melanin under the skin turned into fiery red and turned into burning white charcoal.

The scorching heat burned Gao Feng, and his throat that had just drank water began to smoke again. He wanted to scream, but couldn't scream. Gao Gao's eyes suddenly widened, but their eyes were also fiery red, as if even his eyes were on fire.

If there is an appropriate metaphor, Gao Feng thinks that he is lying in a cremator waiting to be burned into withered bones. What does it mean to be miserable and miserable? Do you dare to sit in the furnace and wait to burn yourself to ashes? What is the dilemma of life and death? Gao Feng no longer cares about life or death. No matter which one he chooses, he will nod with pride.

The body that had no consciousness before was now like a pain sensor with an amplification effect of a thousand times, making Gao Feng's brain almost boil. The threads that could sustain him even if he was in a coma slipped from his hair to the deck, and his consciousness was blurred. As a result, his eyes could no longer see anything, and he could only imagine himself as a sizzling roast duck in the deepest part of his mind.

Fortunately, the scorching heat that almost burned him into a fool subsided quickly, and Gao Feng's eyes regained clarity. If the sweat on his body hadn't dried up, he would have thought it was just a dream.

The kettle was brought to Gao Feng's mouth again. It was still the kind of liquid that could replenish energy and physical strength, but this time it tasted a little salty and sweet, and it felt very much like the nutritional water in his previous life.

"What's going on?"

Gao Feng was still frightened. If the so-called recovery meant that this kind of pain would be with him for life, he might as well give himself a break. When he asked Yan Twenty-Jiu, he found that the woman had been observing the data. He was immediately furious. Have you seen the pain he suffered before?

"DF988 dissociation medicine is just a small side effect, which is a good thing. Every time it attacks, the toxins in your body will be neutralized. If you have three or five attacks a day, maybe you will... in less than a week."

"I will become a madman, a lunatic, a fool, an idiot..."

Gao Feng couldn't bear it any longer and yelled angrily. Seeing Yan Erjiu's indifference, Gao Feng knew it wouldn't hurt her, so he said that.

Yan Twenty-Jiu shrugged his shoulders, put down the equipment in his hands, and lifted up the blanket covering Gao Feng's waist. Gao Feng's complaints stopped abruptly and he looked at Yan Twenty-Jiu in horror.

"Could it be that her real purpose is to make me pay with my body? Should I rather die than surrender? Or should I give in half-heartedly?"

In his wild thoughts, Yan Erjiu quickly pulled out a fiberglass cable with a long needle and inserted it between Gao Feng's legs. Gao Feng almost screamed. Fortunately, he had never done anything so embarrassing in his life. He suddenly covered his mouth with both hands, waiting for the shot that would make his heart bleed.

The moment the pillow fell, all kinds of weird emotions flashed through Gao Feng's heart, including anger, regret, shame, despair, and the urge to chop Yan Twenty-Jiu into pieces, but he forgot that because of this, He broke through the shackles of immobility and was able to move his hands.

The needle did not insert into the place that Gao Feng was afraid of, but stabbed a little lower in the lower abdomen. He let out a long breath slowly, finally closed his eyes, and fainted with relief. He had been tortured by the scorching heat for a long time, and at this moment I was frightened again, even if I was an iron man, I couldn't bear it.

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