Chapter 106 Before joining that person's Guangyu Laboratory

in the Second World Destroying War, the Hanging Temple and the Liberation Mountain rarely killed the Void, and for them, the methods to deal with the Void were more measures such as imprisoning, imprisoning, and sealing. But later, a certain void transcended the super advanced rank, achieved feathering and ascended to immortality, triggering the second war of annihilation, the Hanging Temple and the Shiling Mountain changed their previous practices, from "imprisonment, imprisonment, sealing" and the like to "extermination". It is not a simple "kill" but a "kill", the difference is that "killing" is one more mending knife than "killing", and it is the kind that does not make the void to death thoroughly, and vows not to give up.

As a result, the "void" was also very simply "swapped" by the monks of the Hanging Temple and the Shiling Mountain, who once regarded the void as an animal, and the practitioner had their own right to life. After the Second War of Annihilation, in the subjective opinion of the two major forces, the void was regarded as "without the right to life" and as a plant. To

be honest, I can still understand that Buddhism pays attention to the precept of "not killing", and does not drink alcohol or eat meat. It doesn't matter if you don't drink alcohol, what if you don't eat meat??just because animals "have life"?What about plants?Is it not the same as having "life"?

........................ The dividing line of all evils............ Excerpt from "Reincarnation" Author: Wang Junli ..................

Kiyonosuke Yamada thought he had misheard: "Let me go

to the Zao Realm?" "Haha, go to the Zao Realm...... Maybe you don't need to go to the Zao realm, the current Celestial Empire can do the same?"

"Kyoraku!" Ukitake Shiro looked at him, and to be honest, Kyoku Harusui suddenly spoke, which frightened Ukitake Shishiro.

Kiyonosuke Yamada's face was serious, and the two captains had said that they had asked Kiyonosuke Yamada to go west, so he needed to think about it: "For what?

Captain Uno Hanari?" "Two things, first, investigate the matter of Captain Uno Hanari, and second, join that Guangyu laboratory. Jingle Chunshui said the purpose.

"Is this an order, Captain's?"

Ukitake Shiro nodded and said, "Our proposal, the captain's order."

"That is, the original task was to let me join some laboratory? Now the captain's thing suddenly popped up...... By the way, investigate?"

"No, the main investigation, piggyback to join the Cosmic Laboratory. Ukitake Shishiro said solemnly.

"Why did you want me to join that lab?"

"We need to strengthen communication with the Zao world...... The night of Simapein is just the first step. Jingle Chunshui said.

"I see, why me?"

"Because of your strong talent in the ghost path. He said after a long time, he said.

............ The dividing line of all evils............ The camera switches to the Zao Realm, the Void Realm, and ..................the Southern Battlefield

After Chen Yunsong divided the spiritual power belonging to the Heavenly Burial Master into seven equal parts of the black gold relic, two copies of each were sealed in the bodies of Yun Shanshan and Li Xiyuan, and one was in the Yeyi of the Sifeng Courtyard, Wang Junli and someone unknown. In any case, Chen Yunsong, whose eyes had returned to normal, could be regarded as a breath of turbidity, relieving his slightly nervous mood.

At this time, Di Han walked over, not only Di Qiang, but nearly two or three hundred monks, lay people, etc., with large and small blood stains on their bodies, and lay people and so on surrounded them, and everyone's face was complicated, hatred, resentment, perseverance, confidence, sadness, fear, etc. Perhaps this is the only follow-up that can make the monks and laymen of the Hanging Temple deeply understand what it means to have "seven emotions and six desires" and what is "rolling red dust"? But everyone shows more solemnity and sadness.

Chen Yunsong got up with the support of Li Xiyuan and Yun Shanshan, looked around and asked, "Di Qiang, dead...... No, how many people have lived?" Chen Yunsong suddenly changed his tone.

Di Han took a deep breath and said, "Chao Yuan Realm two...... I don't know how Master Tianhong and the Chiyang Monk are? Under the Chaoyuan Realm...... There are two hundred and twenty-one people in total, and ...... can still fight," he said, looking around.

I don't know who in the crowd shouted: "Senior brother, we can all fight

!" "Yes! we can!" "This little injury is nothing!" "I just lost an arm!"

The voices of all the big and small voices were endless, and the statements of the two hundred and twenty-one people really shocked Chen Yunsong, Di Han and the two girls. Maybe they were very scared and sad, or they were full of hatred and resentment, no matter what, this scene touched the four of Chen Yunsong, so Di Yan said with confidence: "There are still two hundred and twenty-one people who can fight! No, two hundred and twenty-five!"

"What should we do now?" Di Han asked, without the powerhouse of Chaoyuan Realm, Chen Yunsong had become the backbone of the large army at this time, although his current strength, Di Han could easily defeat him.

Chen Yunsong asked again: "...... of the battle results" "

I don't know how many voids I killed, but within a radius of tens of kilometers, I guarantee that not a single mosquito will be left!"

Perhaps at this time, some of the Buddhist precepts such as "not killing" have long been forgotten.

Chen Yunsong took a deep breath and said, "Rest in place, and then go to the main battlefield in the northeast

!" "Yes!" After everyone drank in response, they slowly scattered around and began to rest in place. Many people took out various pills and began to swallow them, with varying effects, some for internal injuries, some for external injuries, and more for restoring aura.

"Fierce earth!" Chen Yunsong sat on the white sand dune, leaning on a white stone, quite weak.

Di Gang walked over, sat down on the spot, and took out a brown glass bottle from his pocket: "You three eat it." "

Thank you. I need demonic blood. Yun Shanshan replied with some apologies.

Then Chen Yunsong and the other four people began to recover their spiritual power on the spot, and everyone, including Yun Shanshan and Li Xiyuan's two daughters, also had all the spiritual power in their bodies when they helped Chen Yunsong to lift the "military liberation".


In about half a day, the faces of more than 200 people have improved significantly compared to before. Except for Chen Yunsong's exception, Bing Jie's consumption of spiritual power and spiritual power in his body was too overdrawn, even if he ate all the pills that he and Di Gang carried.

With the support of the second daughter, Chen Yunsong slowly got up and said, "Let's go!

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