The sharp bone blade tore open another large hole in the already softened shell.

When the raging flames touched the sticky software, it immediately felt like touching cotton soaked in gasoline. The flames surged, illuminating the originally dark room as if it were directly illuminated by sunlight.

Amidst the sizzling sound of burning grease, the black filth rushed in the cage of flames, trying to escape the redness of destruction.

The black soft body gradually shrank in the flames, and the huge energy seeping out poured into the already fierce flames.

Until the last wisp of black disappeared in the flames, the originally violent flames became calm at this moment, clear and bright, without a trace of filth.

From the top of the flame, the flame turned into a stream, and poured back into the undead body along with little sparks.

The undead man lowered his head and looked at his palms. He quietly felt the futile increase in power and once again confirmed a fact.

The abyss and the flame are each other's food.

As for the things inside the ghost shark, there is no explanation other than the abyss.

So the question is, how did the ghost shark come into contact with the deep?

Was it really the Originium disease she was infected with?

Or is it what the white-haired bounty hunter always talks about.

What about the hometown that is far away and longs for the wanderer to return?

210. Is the Source Stone conscious?

"So, do you think this matter should be blamed on Iberia?"

The Undead and Kelsey, as well as The Shining. The three parties involved did not leave the room, but watched as the undead took back the flames and then came to sit down on the sofa again.

During this period, Kelsey also took the time to give Ghost Shark a full-body examination using the current equipment.

Then based on existing events, they tried to restore the truth behind the rampage of the ghost shark.

When talking about the possible reasons for the ghost shark's state, Kelsey expressed his own special opinions.

"The Agor people always have some special physiques that others cannot understand. Warfarin and I have the same interest and research on this, and we also found some special meaning in them."

Kelsey is still Kelsey after all. Although she likes to fight against the undead, she doesn't dare to cause trouble to the undead often. But her professional proficiency was matched by her attitude toward others.

"The common characteristic of the Agor people, represented by Skati, is that they possess extremely powerful and tough bodies, and in terms of strength, they also have an overwhelming advantage that is incomprehensible to the humans on land."

"For example, the Ghost Shark is a branch of the Argor people similar to Skadi. Their physical strength is so strong that ordinary weapons cannot pierce their bodies, and even Origin Stone spells can hardly cause substantial damage to them."

"To give you another piece of information, almost no Agor people have been found to suffer from Originium disease. Ghost Shark is the first Agor person we have found suffering from Originium disease. And her body is still resisting The source stone infestation. Moreover, the source stone solution hidden in her spine is enough to infect an entire small city."

When Kelsey said this, Shining couldn't help but look at the quiet ghost shark lying on the hospital bed next to him.

She thought of Nightingale. If she had the chance...

"But strength often has shortcomings. On the basis of very strong physical strength, the Agor people have almost no adaptability to Origin Stones, which means that they can hardly use any Origin Stone supplies. Even the most convenient Origin Stones None of the circuit supplies can be used.”

Kelsey thought for a while and then added.

"Of course, Source Stone tools that independently supply energy can be used. Such as vehicles and communicators."

"So, when the ghost shark's body resisted the Source Stone solution in her body, her body's rejection reaction was so severe, which caused her to have mental problems. She was unconscious for a long time and could only survive for a moment. Communicate rationally with us in the situation.”

"You may not believe it, but the ghost shark is very easy to get along with when she is in a rational state. We also have operators who take care of her. They blushed after seeing her smile."

The undead man tilted his head. What Kelsey wanted to express was that the ghost shark's mental state had been forcibly changed by the Source Stone solution. The ghost shark in its normal state was definitely not so inaccessible.

Perhaps because of the agreement with Skadi, Kelsey has been speaking for the ghost shark.

Of course, it is also possible that this is the only case of Agor infection. Kelsey does not want the undead to destroy this case so easily. She also has extremely high research value.

"However, I can't say that it is unheard of to be tortured to such an extent by oriosis, and even give rise to a second consciousness. I have seen it. But that itself is based on the fact that the patient has already developed a second consciousness before he was infected with oriosis. In case of mental illness.”

Kelsey frowned. Like the ghost shark, it was a second consciousness that was completely tortured by the ore disease. In the entire history of Origin Stone, there is no record so far.

"Where's the nightingale?"

Shining couldn't help but ask.

"What's Nightingale's mental condition like?"

"The situations of Miss Nightingale and Ghost Shark are not the same."

Kelsey shook her head and explained.

"Miss Nightingale was tortured by both illness and the past, which led to the closure of self-awareness and the loss of memory. You can think of her as the Nightingale from a few years ago, because she is still herself in essence. But the ghost shark looks like this , it’s obviously a different person.”

Shining opened her mouth, wondering what else she wanted to ask.

At this moment, the undead man spoke.

"Have you ever considered a possibility?"

The undead man leaned on the sofa, looked at Kelsey, and asked cautiously.

"Does the Source Stone itself have consciousness?"


Kelsey opened her mouth, her expression turned into surprise for a moment, and then returned to tranquility.

"This is a subject, Mr. Immortal. How do you know these things?"

This white-haired lynx was actually willing to use the honorific title to the undead man, which showed that what the undead man said really made her shake and think.

"You two have more or less thought that I really don't belong to this era."

The undead man clasped his hands together and said.

"I've seen something similar in my time, very similar to oriosis now."

"It's hard to explain if you talk too much. You just need to know. At that time, this kind of thing was not actually a disease in itself. It could be said to be a... mutation, or parasitism."

The undead tried to explain themselves in words they could understand.

"Human beings themselves are the source of such things. But once these things appear in humans, they will rob people of their vitality very quickly and transform them into a new life."

"Just like what happened with the ghost shark?"

Kelsey frowned.

"But how do you explain the symptoms of those ordinary operators? Some of their symptoms are simply symptoms of crystallization, which is completely different from the ghost shark's condition."

"I have no idea."

The undead man shook his head.

"Maybe it's the concentration? The amount?"

"It's possible. What you said is of great research value, Mr. Immortal."

Kelsey rubbed her brows and wrote down the undead man's words.

"When I have time, I will check the literature again, and I will ask you if I have any questions. But now, we have a more urgent matter that has not been resolved."

Having said this, Kelsey looked at the ghost shark next to her.

"Will she wake up now?"

Hearing this, both the undead and the Shining fell silent.

The Shining itself simply protects the body of the ghost shark and does not involve research on the spiritual level.

If she had done her own research, she would not have come to Rhode Island to seek help from Kelsey.

The undead simply have no experience in this area.

In the past, he would never have thought of simply solving the mystery without harming its parasitic body.

Who wouldn't kill you with one knife and burn them all to death?

"Although this emergency situation is over, the examination I just conducted showed that the Originium solution in her spine has almost no change, but the Originium content in her body has returned to the previous normal level, and no crystallization characteristics have appeared."

Kelsey handed the file she had been holding to Shining next to her.

Shining checked the side and nodded. She could understand the data on it.

"The content of Originium solution in the blood is 0.19u/L, and the fusion rate of somatic cells and Originium is...7%?"

Shining looked up in shock.

"Isn't this lower than her previous lowest record?"

"Even the level of neurological infection is much lower than before, returning to the level of people with mild infection."

Kelsey said as she motioned for Shining to continue reading.

"After each episode of rampage, the ghost shark's neurological infection level will increase irregularly. Surprisingly, this rampage did not increase its neurological level, but instead reduced the infection level."

The two of them looked at the undead man next to them at the same time, focusing on the undead man's right hand.

The undead man felt their gaze, raised his right hand, and created a ball of flame in the air.

"This flame is my power and can kill everything related to the abyss...well, related to the Source Stone."

The power the undead used just now was a spell called [Purifying Flame].

Inject the flame into the enemy's body and ignite them all in one breath.

This is a spell used to purify living sacrifices, so it is called the purifying flame.

But the undead man maintained its power within a controllable range, and coupled with the strong body of the Agor people, the ghost shark was able to survive.

This is why the undead need the Shining to keep the ghost shark's body from disintegrating. The cracks that appeared on the ghost shark's body just now are the external symptoms of the flames burning in her body.

"However, it does not distinguish between friend and foe. I cannot use it to burn the contents of the ghost shark's body, let alone the spine, such a critical part."

The undead man shook his head, causing the two of them to give up such an idea.

Kelsey rubbed her head. She had a headache now.

Before Skadi came back, something happened to the ghost shark again. Although the matter has been settled, it is not known what the ghost shark's current mental state is.

"We can only take one step at a time."

Kelsey sighed. While she was worried about these, there were still matters at Longmen waiting for her to deal with, as well as rescue supplies from Chernobog.

I really hope that Doctor can grow up soon...

Kelsey recalled the doctor's performance yesterday, which made her slightly moved.

Could she leave these matters to the Doctor a little bit?

The immortal didn't know what Kelsi was thinking. Now that the ghost shark matter has been resolved for the time being, he won't stop there.

"When will the ghost shark wake up? Call me. I'll leave first."


As for the rescue operation in Chernobog, the first team of people set out as early as this morning.

Mr. Herage and Scout were the leaders of the first team at the same time, leading some members to Chernobog first.

After all, the Qicheng Incident happened last time. Even if the leader of the integration movement now separates the core city from Chernobog, there is no guarantee that the integration movement will not be entrenched in Chernobog.

Therefore, Mr. Herage, as a local, and the Scout team's reconnaissance capabilities are needed to conduct the investigation first.

Later in the day, Ace and Amiya will lead the members of the operational preparation team A4 and some operators who signed up individually to carry relief supplies to Chernobog.

In other words, Melanza is also in the queue. At the same time, she also came with a registration to go to Kyobe in Chernobog with her.

The money that Ciobe earned in the past is about to be used up in Rhodes Island.

After all, he still needs to receive treatment from Rhode Island. Even for the sake of the immortal, most of the fees were waived for Keob. Plus, food, clothing, housing and transportation all cost money.

And there happened to be Melanza in the team, who could look at Keob. After thinking for a while, Ace agreed to Kiobe's request to join the team.

The Immortal did not participate in the rescue operation in Chernobog. Instead, he used the terminal to make an appointment with Vulcan through the help of Melantha, hoping to see if his weapon could be used.

So, when Melanza and Kiobe got dressed and gathered in the garage in the afternoon, the undead also came to see them off.

"Hey, hey, you have to fasten it here, don't let it go!"

"But! Keob thinks it's so crowded!!"

"Then just adjust the elastic strap. This is the backpack you want to carry. There is food and drink in it..."

“There’s something to eat!!”

Kyobe's eyes suddenly lit up. She quickly closed the buttons of her backpack and put it firmly on her back.

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