"Last time I talked to you like this. Still, um..."

"A month ago, when you came back from Great Yan."

The doctor added the last piece of the memory puzzle for him, he said.

"At that time, I didn't think of anything, and you didn't think of anything either. I just simply thought that Dayan's matter was a bit strange, and it had something to do with Tracys."

"Mostly you."

The immortal added.

"I didn't expect that you could still remember her."

"This is also what happened some time after you left. My memory is always blurry. After all, I am also someone who experienced a burning experience."

The doctor said ambiguously. He took a sip from his coffee cup and looked at the undead man in front of him.

"So, this time you went to Minos, did you bring back the prophet?"


The immortal nodded. Speaking of the fire girl, he actually felt quite complicated.


"That adult has done more than you imagine. There is no doubt, Lord Ashes. After all, she is someone who will always be loyal to you."

It was rare for the Doctor to describe an event with such certainty, even if it had nothing to do with him.

"Honestly, when I saw the spiral sword on your waist, I was a little surprised as to why the prophet wasn't with you. I didn't realize it until later."

The doctor sighed.

"After such a long time, her body must have rotted away."


The immortal admitted.

The reason why the fire girl does not always appear next to the undead is because during the time when Minos sealed himself, her body had already disappeared from the wear and tear of time.

But she herself lived from another angle. She sealed her consciousness and memory into the last spiral sword fragment, waiting for the arrival of the undead.

In other words, the current fire girl can only follow the undead all the way, and her range of movement is also limited to the vicinity of the spiral sword.

The undead don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But judging from the fire girl's expression, she seems quite happy.

After all, she used to wait for the return of the undead at the Fire Sacrifice. When did she travel with him?

Although she was once again bound by the flames, this time she was willing to do so.

"Since that time, I have noticed the signs. Although she lost her body, it is a good thing to be able to stay with you. After all, this is her wish."

The doctor held the coffee cup in his hand and chatted with the undead again and again.

"So, you should also know what I was doing at that time?"

"I saw part of the memory."

The immortal said.

"We are having a meeting. In that meeting, it was said that we would go to the bottom of the sea and build a city."

"You said it can be sacrificed. I think you are right."

The doctor nodded and thought about it.

"The time you mentioned was probably the last time we met. I still remember when I said I wanted to give you a gift?"

The doctor blinked and said oddly.

"You should have received it, right? It's not so much that you received it, but rather that you came to your door yourself?"

The undead man was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses.


"Yes, that's the child. At that time, we did many experiments in the laboratory over at Ursus. One of them was the experiment on abyss adaptability. She was a second-generation experimental subject, so she was correspondingly resistant to the Origin Stone. Sexuality is inherently high.”

said the doctor.

"You have also seen her file. Her Source Stone resistance is so high that none of us can understand it. A person has lived in such a high-density Source Stone environment for several years, and the Source Stone content in the form is already high enough to be considered... She's almost dead, but she still doesn't have any loss of physical function. It's just that her natural intelligence seems a bit unexpected."

"But she must have been sealed in a special source stone solution and sleeping. After the fall of the Ursus stronghold, she may have been living outside, so she met you in the wild."

The doctor sighed.

"Originally, I didn't believe in fate. I believed that everything was achieved through my own efforts. But the meeting between her and you has to be said to be a feeling of destiny."

The immortal thought for a moment and then retorted.

"This is not fate, this should be fate. Those who should meet will always meet. And I just chose to accept her."

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"makes sense."

The immortal's words are even more confident and proud. He has his destiny in his own hands. It is a choice he makes, not a choice made by fate for him.

The doctor strongly agrees with such words.

"So, you talked about it, Ursus."

The undead man continued to ask.

"Usas was also established by us?"

"Rather than being built by us, it is better to say that Ursus today is a country that has absorbed some of the results of the original experiments."

The doctor explained.

"The current internal defense system of Ursus is the original research on the adaptability of the abyss. Because this experiment was too miserable, Kelsey and I stopped it for a time. Although the power of the abyss was finally confirmed to be controllable, it needs The weakening and the cost of human lives are simply too great. Now Ursus just found an opportunity to delay this process."

"The so-called demon fragments in the body of the inner guard are actually the nest of the abyss. The nest of the abyss continuously produces energy similar to the nature of the abyss, corroding the world. The armor of the inner guard tightly confines this part of the energy. The inner guards of Ursus become stronger as they get older. And Mr. Patriot is the best among them."

"As for mental issues, Ursus chose those who were already mentally strong, coupled with the brainwashing education of the emperor, it eventually evolved into what it is today."

"A controllable power of the abyss is controlled by humans, so Ursus is also the most dangerous country."

The doctor's left leg was raised up and rested on his right leg. Unknowingly, his movement looked a bit like silver gray.

"After all, the place where I slept was Chernobog in Ursus. The first facilities were built in Ursus, and were later sealed in Chernobog as the energy core."

I see.

The undead man nodded slightly, so that the doctor's question about sleeping in Ursus could be answered.

The doctor picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, then put the coffee down again.

Cross your hands and place them in front of your lower abdomen, with your thumbs touching each other.

"At the same time, I think you are also very curious about Kelsey's situation."


The immortal said bluntly.

"In those memories. I saw it too, Kelsey."

"But she doesn't seem to remember me. She has forgotten all the previous things."

Kelsey was strangely resistant to the undead.

But once faced with serious matters, Kelsey can believe in the immortal without reservation. This feeling of contradiction is very strong.

"That's because she has almost forgotten the past."

The doctor took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"How should I put it, Lord Ashes. This is not the first time I have woken up. The last time I woke up from a deep sleep was more than ten years ago."

"At that time, I also forgot a lot of the past. It was Kelsey who pulled me up from the facility."

"But she only did this based on her own instinct and intuition. She has forgotten my name and how to address me. She can only rely on instinct and call me."

His tone was heavy and sad.


The immortal didn't speak, he could feel the sadness in the doctor's words.

"When the last underwater city of Agor was established in the sea and used as the core anchor to fix the world barrier, among the twelve people we participated in the round table meeting with, eight died in that war and survived. There were four of them, including me, Kelsey. The other two went crazy during the long period of research and self-questioning and died on the operating table."

"I had a brief conversation with Kelsey. She believed that humans in the future must survive the long-term adaptation to the abyss, try to become familiar with the nature of the abyss, and even use the power of the abyss in turn, otherwise we will Everything is meaningless.”

"After all, not everyone is like you and can be recognized by the flame. If humans want to find a way in the darkness, the first thing they have to do is learn to adapt to the darkness."

"I naturally agree with this point of view. Then, she believes that these new generations of humans cannot be allowed to develop as they please. Otherwise, we may not be able to survive the day when you come back, or launch a complete counterattack, and the abyss will pass through the barrier again. "

"However, if we all live and spend the rest of our lives taking care of the social development of these children, then within a few hundred years at most, we will become corrupted and grow old."

"So, Kelsey made a suggestion to me. Between the two of us, I am the more rational and can handle one thing without any personal emotions, so I am the one who falls asleep."

The doctor paused.

"Seal me up to turn the tide in the future. And she will try her best to live as long as possible as a new generation of human beings. Even then she may forget everything as time goes by."

"I don't know what she has experienced during these countless years of events. But her body is no longer the same, and she has forgotten what she looked like in the past."

"The only thing that accompanies her now is the name Kelsey, and Mon3tor, who was born as an experimental subject and now lives with her."

Even the undead don’t know what to say.

What the doctor said is really shocking.

In other words, Kelsi is an immortal who has been walking on this land since the founding of the Terra continent until now.

Perhaps no one has lived longer than her. She is like a pioneer holding a torch, lighting up her side in the darkness.

She has forgotten many things, but the only thing she has not forgotten is her responsibility.

She is emotional, and she can see clues from the memories of the undead.

She would argue with the doctor over the experimental subjects, and she would believe that death should not be the destination of those experimental subjects. She longed to create a future where everyone could survive, and she hated sacrifice.

But it was the cruel reality that turned her into what she is today.

She changed her body, tried to survive alone, and changed into countless skins. Even I can’t remember what I looked like in the past.

She began to force herself to accept the doctor's ideas, turning herself into what she once hated most, a slave to reason.

She knew she couldn't do any better than the Doctor. Although people may not understand her, she still works hard in that direction.

Now, she has forgotten her identity and who she really is, but she still remembers her responsibilities.

Keep everyone alive.

"Kelsey always said that I had forgotten so much, and she felt that I was not the same person as before. But..."

The doctor picked up the coffee cup without drinking it. He just wanted to keep something in his hand.

"How could I be the real me during those days when I got along with her more than ten years ago?"

"The one who really forgets everything is not me, but her."

382.World Barrier

"The Kelsey of the past is completely opposite to what she is now."

When the doctor talked about Kelsey, he spoke more words unconsciously.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s because the past makes people feel nostalgic, and memory is a person’s most precious gift.

"At that time, she was a scientific researcher. But she had extra kindness that a scientific researcher should not have."

The doctor sighed.

"Of course I'm not saying kindness is bad, but for her. For our target at the time, such kindness was a devastating blow."

"She is reluctant to let the children we created go to the battlefield. She will provide psychological diagnosis and treatment to children who are on the verge of mental breakdown. She will also read storybooks to them by their bedside at night."

"Ah, by the way, the story she told is still related to you."

The undead man leaned back slightly, not expecting Kelsey to do such a thing.

"She instilled hope for the future in the children, and at the same time encouraged them with smiles and words, asking them to work hard to survive. At least until the end of the war."

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