After Hemo left, Xia Feng lay on the bed and fell into deep thought.

The SP experiment, also known as the Balrog Project, is a secret experimental plan of Rhine Life.

Ifrit, the 19th subject of the SP experiment, Xia Feng could guess with his toes that all the previous 18 subjects were undoubtedly dead.

And his own life number in the Rhine is 020-SP.

Helmer said that the mutation experiment on his body was related to the Balrog plan, but he could not figure out the connection between the two.

If we trace it back to the time when his mutation occurred, it was the battle between Mandel City and the Dark Crow. The battle was over the moment it started.

At that time, he had just contracted the ore disease and was injured. He was pinned to the ground without any ability to fight back and violently hammered. Finally, Dark Crow stuffed two hard things into his throat.

Xia Feng was almost unconscious at that time. He didn't know what it was, but in a daze, he seemed to hear Dark Crow shouting, "Aren't you afraid of ore disease? Then I will let you eat as much as you can." From these words, he speculated that the person who ate it should be the Source Stone Cluster.

The reason for the change probably lies in these two source stone clusters.

There are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that his body structure is different from the residents of the Terra world. He is not a demi-human with animal characteristics, but a pure human with the weakest strength. His body may be different from the Terra world. Some strange "chemical reaction" occurs in the source stone.

The second possibility is that the two clusters of Origin Stones he ate were not ordinary Origin Stones, but substances containing some kind of power. His body seemed to be divided into black and white, and the two strands were mutually exclusive. The forces that are entangled with each other at the same time may be sealed in those two source stone clusters.

Based on his understanding of the world of Terra, coupled with the feedback from the authoritative scientific research organization Rheinland Life, this phenomenon he experienced has no precedent and is unique.

The cause of the mutation may be the first possibility, the second possibility, or the result of the two possibilities added together.

Xia Feng didn't know what this had to do with the SP experiment, but he knew one thing. The SP experiment of Rhine Life was the cause of the "Fire Demon Incident" mentioned in the White-faced Owl operator information three years later.

May 16, Rhine Life Experimental Base No. 4.

According to the agreement with Hemo, Xia Feng will participate in the experiment in a sober state today, and will also learn the results of the experiments over the past few days.

early morning.

Xia Feng walked out of the room, and Hemo was already standing in front of the door waiting for him.

"let's go."


Xia Feng followed Hemo and walked to a secret elevator. He had seen this elevator before, but his fingerprint did not have the authority to open it.


Helmer stretched out his finger to print on the identifier, and the heavy elevator door opened with a sound.

Xia Feng took a deep breath and walked into the elevator.

Standing in the elevator, the two of them had no communication. Hemer was wearing an ordinary white coat worn by scientific researchers, with his signature sleepy expression on his face.

The elevator started, and based on the feeling of weightlessness, Xia Feng knew that the trajectory of the elevator was downward.

Soon, the elevator stopped moving and the thick metal doors opened to both sides.

"Here we are."

After that, Hemo walked out of the elevator first.

Xia Feng hesitated.

"here it is?"

"This is the third underground floor of Experiment Base No. 4. Oh, by the way, although you have been here many times, this is your first time in a sober state. Don't be nervous, let's go."

Obviously, the four floors above ground are all furnishings, and the truly important experiments of Rhine Life were actually conducted in the secret underground laboratory.

10 minutes later.

Sitting in front of a laboratory screen and looking at the rows of data listed above, Xia Feng was stunned.

"Hemer. These are."

Helmer stood nearby, holding a coffee cup and taking a sip.

"This is your personal experimental data in the past 20 days."

Rheinland Life S-class confidential data.

Date: April 25, 1093.

No.: 020-SP

The fusion rate of somatic cells and Origin Stone is 12%, the crystal density of Blood Origin Stone is 0.48u/L, and the abnormal material state in the body is stable.

Physical function test level: A2

Individual strength: 504

Physiological tolerance: 107

Somatic cell activity: 231

Source Stone skill adaptability: unknown.

Source Stone energy conversion rate: 447

The light in the underground laboratory was a little dim because the experiment hadn't started yet and the room was empty at this time.

The dim light from the screen shone on Xia Feng's face, reflecting a confused face.

What do these data mean?

Seeing Xia Feng's doubts, Hemo put down the coffee cup and began to explain to him.

"These data are a simplified report of our test results on April 25. It may be difficult for you to understand the more detailed data, so it is better to look at this simplified report directly."

Xia Feng frowned.

"Wait a minute, I can't understand this simplified version either."

"Okay, let me explain it to you."

Helmer took out a pen from his breast pocket and pointed at the various data on the screen like a pointer and explained.

"The fusion rate of body cells and Origin Stone, and the crystal density of Blood Origin Stone. I won't explain these two items. They are just literal meanings."

"Well, I understand these two, what about the others?"

"Body function level, this is a specification we use to classify the physical strength of living creatures. It is divided into four levels: SABC. S represents the strongest. They are arranged in backward order. Each level is divided into numbers 1 to 8. A total of It is divided into eight sub-sections. Because of different races, people’s levels are also different. The average level of ordinary people without any abilities is generally C level, and very few will reach B1 or B2 level.”

Xia Feng understood. Judging from the A2 level alone, he was already beyond the scope of ordinary people. However, he did not feel that he was any different from ordinary people under normal conditions. It seemed that this test result should trigger a mutation. data obtained afterwards.

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't question, Hemo continued to explain.

"The following item, individual strength, is easy to understand. It refers to the pure physical strength range, which is commonly known as strength. The average strength value of adults is generally between 70-100. Professionally trained personnel may Increase to 200-400. Of course, there is a special situation, that is, through some power-enhancing Origin Stone skills, the value of individual power can be greatly increased in a short period of time. Most of the infected people use this ability. Of course, , among non-infected people of some special races, there will also be people whose values ​​are far higher than this, but such people are very few."

Xia Feng nodded to express his understanding. He happened to know one of the few people that Hemo mentioned, and that was Wei Na.

And his value is 504. Compared with ordinary people, this value is already very exaggerated. However, this is only the test data on the first day. He remembers that in the building in Mandel City, he punched the floor of the floor. It was blasted through.

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