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The time is now 11:52 in the middle of the night.

Lu Yan listened to the conversations coming from the walkie-talkie with a serious expression on his face. He didn't expect that after the first wave of worms were easily wiped out, the difficulty of the second wave of enemies would suddenly increase!

The three forces arrived outside the shelter at the same time, and Lu Yan had to face more than a dozen enemies. The only thing that made him happy was that he learned from the conversations with members of the [West Coast Alliance] that this group of experienced hunters seemed to be planning to catch fish The advantage, that is to say, they will not make a move for the time being...

And just like the middle-aged hunter said, if two hunters from different camps meet in the forest, in order to get the best prey, they may first eliminate their competitors.

In other words, before attacking the refuge, the warrior squad is likely to clash with the Stinger combat company!


The sound of electric current sounded again in the monitoring intercom, and soon, a common language with strong Sakura country style sounded:

"Mr. Abe, it seems that our luck is a little bit bad, and our competitors have arrived!"

Immediately afterwards, a more fanatical and violent voice laughed.

"What kind of bad luck? Our luck is amazing! It seems that we can not only plunder Lu Yan's supplies tonight, but also kill a team on the leaderboard! This is... a big harvest!"

Under the **** moonlight in the wilderness, the two teams were separated by a hundred meters, but they had already discovered each other.

The five members of the Stinger Combat Company didn't seem to want to clash with the warrior squad, and they chose to retreat as soon as they spotted each other.

The personal combat effectiveness of their team is far inferior to that of the samurai squad. If there is a head-on conflict, it will definitely end in their disastrous defeat.

However, the retreat of the Stinger Combat Company did not satisfy the warrior squad, but instead aroused their desire to hunt violently.

For the samurai team, attacking a solid shelter is not their strong point. Although they bought Lu Yan's shelter information at a high price, the success rate of rash actions is really not too high.

If it wasn't for Chen Hang selling the refuge information to the four forces at the same time, causing the warrior team to be afraid of being taken first by others, I'm afraid they will prepare for a while, and then recruit some members who are good at attacking and blasting before attacking Lu Yan!

To them, the action tonight was very hasty. Although Abe Dongming and Yoshida Takeshi kept talking about rushing into the shelter and cutting off Lu Yan's head, they actually knew very well in their hearts that they could The chances of success are less than half.

Attacking difficulties is not their forte...

But fighting head-on, hunting and plundering is their specialization!

After discovering the members of the Stinger Combat Company, the three members of the warrior team immediately realized that maybe even if they could not break through the Luyan shelter tonight, they could still gain a lot of benefits from this operation, at least they could get back the materials purchased for Luyan’s information .

If the success rate of the samurai team breaking into the Luyan refuge is 50%, then the success rate of killing the 5 members of the Stinger combat company in this open wilderness and plundering the opponent's resources can reach 90%!

After realizing this, the warrior team immediately shifted their spearhead from Lu Yan to Stinger Combat Company.

In fact, in the wilderness at this time, there is also a [Law of the Dark Forest].

In the wilderness, every team is a hunter, but at the same time, every team is also a prey!

Every team is unwilling to easily meet with a team that is more advanced than itself, because once encountered, in order to protect themselves, they can only fight against each other.

In the early stage of the wilderness, each team is savagely plundering for the accumulation of resources, and basically there will be no cooperation. Once other forces are discovered, it will be a life-or-death situation.

Stinger Combat Company ranks fifth in the Power Ranking, among dozens of large and small teams in the wilderness. It is already considered a strong team, but it is still much inferior to the Warrior Squad!

In terms of combat effectiveness, they are not even as good as the lower-ranked [West Coast Alliance]!

In the hunt against Lu Yan this time, the members of the Stinger Combat Company were lucky and prayed that they would not encounter other forces, but they did not expect the most feared thing to happen.

They are being targeted by three butchers from the samurai squad!

"Abandon this battle plan and run away! Sell Lu Yan's information to other bounty forces to recover the loss!"

The captain of the Stinger Combat Company said in a deep voice. He looked at the oncoming warrior squad and led his men decisively to withdraw from tonight's hunting operation.

A strong wind blew in, and dust covered the entire land.

The captain of the stinger combat company turned around and ran away, and his four team members also dispersed and fled in different directions.

But it was a coincidence that one of the team members fled in the direction where the five members of the [West Coast Alliance] were ambushing.

Seeing that member getting closer and closer to him, Abe Dongming, who was holding a long knife, was also chasing after him. The middle-aged old hunter who was covered with sackcloth cursed secretly, it seemed that he couldn't pretend anymore... The plan to be a fisherman was also completely shattered.

"Death to them!" The middle-aged hunter lowered his voice and gave orders to the team members around him.

Following his order, four self-made hunting bows were pulled horizontally under the sackcloth, and the arrows slowly aimed at the members of the Stinger Combat Company and Abe Dongming who were approaching this position.

15 meters!

13 meters!

10 m!

8 meters!


A sharp arrow flew out instantly under the cover of and directly sank into the chest of the member of the Stinger Combat Company who was running wildly, his body staggered and fell to the ground suddenly while running wildly.

And the remaining three sharp arrows arrived later, but the target was not him, but Abe Dongming behind him!

The ear-piercing sound of breaking wind sounded, and three sharp arrows pointed at Abe Dongming's right shoulder, throat, and lower abdomen respectively. At this moment, Abe Dongming keenly sensed the approaching danger, his whole body rolled on the spot, and the long knife in his hand danced , only heard a few crisp sounds of "click, click", and the two arrows were chopped off by him in the middle, and fell to the ground powerlessly.

And the last one brushed past his back, leaving a light bloodstain!

"Who? Get out!" Abe Dongming asked sharply with a gloomy face.

Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, the middle-aged hunter took off the disguise on his body, led others to stand up, and quickly surrounded Abe Dongming.

Facing the staring eyes of the five people, instead of showing any fear, Abe Dongming retracted the long knife into its sheath, lowered his waist slowly and almost touched the ground, and at the same time held the handle of the knife with his right hand to get ready to go.

"It's the sword drawing and cutting technique of the Sakura Kingdom..." The middle-aged hunter raised his eyebrows. He has heard of this kind of sword technique of the Sakura Kingdom, and he has seen samurai pose similar to Abe Toaki in battles in movies and TV dramas. attitude.

"This move seems to be the lower the body bends down, the faster the speed and the greater the power..." Someone beside him swallowed and said in a trembling voice.

"Then according to this statement, before the next fight, get a **** excavator to dig a 12-meter-deep pit on the ground. If he squats in the pit and shoots a knife, he will be invincible?" The middle-aged hunter squinted and scolded. One sentence.


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