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【Ding! The live broadcast room of Sakura Kingdom Swordsmanship is invincible is closed! 】

After the temporary truce, Abe Dongming stopped his live broadcast. After all, the next thing to do was to attack the shelter. Lu Yan was probably watching the live broadcast to predict their actions.

"This is a design drawing of Luyan Shelter..." Osamu Kitano suddenly had an extra blueprint in his hand. He stared at the design structure on this drawing for a long time, then slowly pointed to one of the positions and said: "According to the label, the refuge The location of the flaw is here, and this is where the firepower cannot reach!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Kitanoji's finger, and the location marked on the drawing was on the southeast side of the refuge, covered by rugged rocks.

"Is this blueprint credible?" someone asked next to him.

"Lu Yan entrusted someone else to design this, and the transaction has already been completed...I believe Lu Yan will not spend money on a useless thing." Kitano Osamu said with certainty.

The fine-grade steel ax sold by Lu Yan in the trading market before caused a great sensation. The item he needed at that time was a blueprint. That one, then the authenticity will basically not be a problem!

"Even if this design drawing is true, how can you be sure that Lu Yan's shelter has been constructed according to this design drawing? After all, the transaction was just completed today. In such a short period of time, he has the ability to Has the shelter been remodeled?" the middle-aged hunter asked again.

Kitanoji smiled when he heard the words, he opened the refuge ranking list, and said softly: "We are all forces that have offered rewards to Lu Yan, and we must have often paid attention to his refuge information? Before today, his refuge The score is only 210 points, and there is no partition or power system at all, but at noon today, his shelter score suddenly skyrocketed..."

"Through this, I can be sure that Lu Yan has a way to quickly upgrade the shelter. After getting the design drawing, there is no need to do the transformation bit by bit like us. Instead, it can be upgraded in a short time. The reconstruction can be completed!"

"In addition, the introduction of the information about Lu Yan's shelter on the leaderboard at this time has a high rate of overlap with the ideas in this design, so I have reason to believe that Lu Yan has already transformed the shelter according to this design. It's over! The defects marked on this blueprint are the defects of his shelter at this time!"

After some reasoning by Kitano, he basically restored the truth.

And everyone agrees with this view.

"In this case, let's prepare to attack! Who will take the lead?" asked the middle-aged hunter.

Kitano took a deep breath: "Each of our teams will send one person to take the lead. If it is determined that this route is safe, then the rest of the team will attack with all members. How about it?"

The middle-aged hunter and the leader of the Stinger Combat Company looked at each other and nodded slowly.

In the refuge, Lu Yan could clearly hear the conversation between the three forces by listening to the walkie-talkie.

His eyebrows twitched wildly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"The Yanhuang League sold the shelter design to the warrior team? And there are some flaws in the design?" Lu Yan gritted his teeth, he quickly dug out the previous design and checked it carefully.

But to his surprise, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any flaws in the design drawings.

And according to his test, if you want to invade from around the shelter, no matter what angle you take, you can't avoid the fire blockade... unless you get in from the ground!

So where is the [location that cannot be covered by firepower] that Osamu Kitano vowed to say?

Lu Yan frowned, staring at the drawings and lost in thought.

In his heart, he was extremely contemptuous and angry about the backstabbing behavior of the major leagues. Although he knew very well that in the wilderness, interests are paramount, but Mu Qianqian had acted so kindly before, and kept talking about the Yanhuang family, but he still chose to betray in the face of interests. .

This behavior made Lu Yan, who originally wanted to cooperate with the other party for a long time, completely cut off this idea.

Selling out the client's privacy, this kind of unprofessional behavior, directly made Lu Yan sentence Mu Qianqian to death in his heart!

But now is not the time to be angry.

The most important thing for him now is to find out the defect location in the design and remedy it as quickly as possible.

But after reading it over and over again, he still couldn't find the loophole. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he quickly took out the first version of the design that Mu Qianqian traded to him and spread it on the table.

After carefully comparing the two designs, Lu Yan found that the positions of the shooting holes in the first version of the design drawing are slightly different from the second version!

If it is designed according to the first version of the drawings, then the blind spots of the fire blockade... exist!

"What Mu Qianqian sold him was the first blueprint?" Lu Yan was stunned, he blamed Mu Qianqian wrongly!

An indescribable feeling surged from the bottom of Lu Yan's heart.

Mu Qianqian is indeed a good person!

She really didn't betray herself!

On the contrary, this misprinted blueprint can also lead the enemy into its own shooting range...

This woman is helping herself?

"[Advancing Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages] talent is activated!" Lu Yan glanced at the game interface and the time stopped at 11:59, and immediately activated the last talent ability for today. After 12 o'clock, the number of talents will be reset. If you don't use it It will only be wasted!

The blue light swept out again, and a three-dimensional image appeared in front of Lu Yan.

In his line of sight, three enemies are slowly approaching the shelter along the so-called "blind spot of firepower", and behind, the remaining six enemies keep a distance from them and are also advancing along this route !

"They really believed it!" Lu Yan laughed loudly. He didn't expect this blueprint to be of such great help to him. He was originally worried about how to get the wary enemies into the shooting range after killing the swarm. , I didn't expect that I didn't need to do it myself!

[Lu Yan: Come to me if you have any difficulties in the future. As long as I can help, I will definitely not stand by! 】

He opened the private chat interface, sent a message to Mu Qianqian, then focused on the enemy's position in the 3D image, lightly pressed the palm of his hand on the joystick, and began to silently calculate the distance!

Since the number of enemies was scattered, and he had only one chance to shoot, Lu Yan did not intend to shoot the three enemies in front, but left the firepower to the six behind.

He decided to let the three people in front reach his refuge, because the three Pathfinders were basically injured, and they were less threatening. Even in close combat, his winning rate was very high!

On the Kitano Ji watched the three pathfinders walking carefully in the "blind fire area" in front of them, getting closer and closer to the shelter. Finally, they arrived safely within 3 meters of the shelter!

"The defect area is correct! This blueprint is correct!" Kitano Zhi clenched his fists excitedly. He stopped hesitating and strode forward following the footsteps of the three Pathfinders.

Even the leader of the middle-aged hunter and the stinger followed closely, and no one was willing to be left behind.

At the same time, in Lu Yan's three-dimensional perspective, a huge blood-colored light group that almost fit together moved quickly into the fire range!

15 meters!

10 m!

8 meters!

5 meters!

Finally, this **** spot of light entered the fire range of the No. 7 shooting hole. Lu Yan pulled down the joystick without hesitation. With the sound of "collapse", the bowstring vibrated, and the ten arrows instantly triggered double the firing rate and flew away. go out.

And Chen Hang, who had been standing by for a long time, pulled the string winder again to tighten the bowstring the moment the arrow flew out.

Lu Yan pulled down the operating lever again.

Chen Hang picked up a dozen arrows and loaded them into the arrow slots at the fastest speed in his life.


Launch again!

Within 8 seconds, the crossbow fired four times in a row, shooting out thirty-eight arrows, completely covering the area where the **** light ball was located!

The shrill screams resounded through the night sky.

In Lu Yan's three-dimensional perspective, the color of the huge blood-colored light group is gradually fading and disappearing!

Big league sanctuary.

Mu Qianqian looked at the private message sent by Lu Yan with a confused face.

"What does he mean by this? What happened? Why did he suddenly change his attitude towards me so much?"


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