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Before setting off, Lu Yan specially repaired the gate of the secret passage. This was not a difficult project, and it only cost less than 2 units of wood and 1 survival point to complete it.

In addition, Lu Yan placed the [thorn trap] outside the refuge gate and safe passage in the middle of the night last night. As a treasure that was opened from the silver treasure chest together with the sand bike, the [thorn trap] is also very practical .

Its shape looks like a large animal trap, which can be placed hidden regardless of the terrain, buried under the soil without any traces, once triggered, the tough and sharp thorn vines like steel will pop out immediately, Those who step on it will be entangled tightly, and their bones will be broken!

After placing the traps, Lu Yan deliberately opened the leaderboard information and took a look. He found that the scores had not changed, and the description information did not introduce the introduction of the traps.

This made Lu Yan feel very strange.

Things like traps and secret passages did not appear on the leaderboard information. Thinking about the commonality of these two things, Lu Yan vaguely guessed that there are some rules.

It seems that the information displayed on the leaderboard is all the [explicit equipment] in the shelter!

For example, drains, power systems, shooting holes, partitions, these things have no hidden meaning, and they are placed on the surface!

And things like secret passages and traps are all [hidden devices]!

Their usefulness determines that they must be used under the premise of [concealment], otherwise they will become waste!

"This leaderboard rule is still a bit humane! It didn't expose all my shelter equipment!" Lu Yan sighed with emotion. Since his location was exposed, he can no longer relax as before when he goes out.

After confirming that all the traps were placed successfully, Lu Yan finally felt relieved. After turning around the shelter for a few times and finding no one approaching, he twisted the accelerator, and an earth dragon kicked up under the motorcycle wheel, heading straight into the distance.

Above the sky, the little white dragon is like a loyal guard, circling high above the sky, guarding against any approaching danger.

The terrain in the wilderness is rough and rough. Even though the sand bike has strong off-road capabilities, Lu Yan is still a little dizzy from being shaken along the way.

It was already around nine o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the treasure location.

The warm sunshine in the morning had become venomous, and the temperature in the air had reached over forty-five degrees. Lu Yan was wearing the white shirt he picked out from the spoils last night, and was soon drenched with sweat.

chug chug...

The sand bike stopped at the foot of a low mountain. Lu Yan glanced at the treasure map, and found that the treasure was located on the mountainside of this short mountain, and the road into the mountain was only a beastly path trampled by wild beasts. Let the sand bikes pass.

He snapped his fingers, put the sand bike back into the inventory, then held a flintlock gun in one hand and a spear in the other as a trekking pole and climbed up the mountainside along the animal path.

After walking along this animal path for less than 150 meters, a fork road appeared on the right hand side of Lu Yan. The branches and shrubs on the fork road were all cut by knives and axes, and it could probably accommodate an adult People pass.

"Is there someone living on this low mountain?" Lu Yan looked at the fork, and quickly realized that the figure of the pig-headed man quickly appeared in his mind.

Could it be that this dwarf mountain, like that mountain forest, is the site of a group of intelligent creatures?

"No! If it is an indigenous intelligent race like the pig-headed people, then they must have lived here for a long time, and this fork is obviously just opened up, it is absolutely impossible to be an indigenous race... There is a high probability of living here It's a player like me!" Lu Yan quickly made an analysis, his treasure-digging trip itself has a certain degree of danger, if there is another player nearby, the danger will increase exponentially.

Before digging for treasure, this player must be eliminated first.


Control this player and use it as cannon fodder for your own treasure digging!

[Advantages and avoidance of disadvantages] talent activated!

The azure brilliance spread rapidly, and in Lu Yan's sight, more than a dozen red light spots appeared within 500 meters from him.

[Threat 1: A distance of seventeen meters, a poisonous scorpion under the rock...]

[Threat 2: 20 meters away, thorny bushes with paralyzing effects...]

[Threat 3: 38 meters away, animal traps...]

[Threat seventeen: A distance of 89 meters, a 22-year-old human male with medium physical fitness, and a machete weapon]

"That's it!" Lu Yan focused on [Threat Seventeen], which had the most **** spot in his line of sight, and quietly approached the opponent along the side road opened by the opponent, avoiding the trap set by the opponent along the way.

When he was more than ten meters away from the opponent, Lu Yan saw the player's true face.

It was a man with dyed yellow hair. He was squatting in front of his safe house on the ground, using a machete to slowly carve out fence-like pickets. He worked so hard that there was no Find the road rock that has come out of the fork.

"Don't move!" Lu Yan suddenly shouted, raised the flintlock gun in his hand and aimed at Huang Mao's chest: "Put down the knife in your hand!"

Huang Mao trembled when he heard Lu Yan's voice, and suddenly raised his head, and saw the black muzzle of the gun pointing at him, his hands and feet softened suddenly, and the machete dropped to the ground.

" are Lu Yan? We have no grievances, you...don't kill me!" Huang Mao raised his hands tremblingly: "Why don't you see what you like in my yard and take it away !"

Lu Yan glanced around, and saw that the opposite party was half surrounded by wooden fences in the safe house courtyard, except for a broken water tank and food that looked like dried radish drying, there were only a few dirty clothes left …

Poor blast!

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said expressionlessly: "Who said I'm going to kill you? I need your help with something. If you cooperate, I will not only not kill you, but I will also give you some survival supplies!"

"But if you don't cooperate, then this is where you will be buried!"

Hearing Lu Yan's murderous threats, Huang Mao immediately nodded his head like a garlic, and said repeatedly: "I cooperate! I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yan's mouth, and he said softly, "Stand up and follow me!"

About fifteen minutes later.

Lu Yan and Huang Mao came to the location marked on the treasure map, which was a mountain wall halfway up the low mountain. The information marked on the treasure map showed that the treasure was inside the mountain wall.

Lu Yan glanced at the thick mountain wall, and after confirming the location, he threw Huang Mao an iron pick, pointed at the mountain wall and said, "Smash it!"

Huang Mao didn't dare to refute, so he picked up the iron pick and smashed it **** the mountain wall. As the iron pick struck, the originally solid mountain wall began to slowly shatter.

Soon, a huge rock fell off the mountain wall and rolled down the mountain with a loud bang.

And on the mountain wall, there appeared a... iron gate full of quaint atmosphere.

On the iron door, there is also a line of text engraved.

No, exactly, that's a problem!

[Before entering my treasure house, please answer me, what do you think is the most painful thing you have experienced in your life? 】

Seeing this line of text, Lu Yan was silent for a long time. He tried to push the iron door, but found that the iron door did not move.

And using the iron pickaxe to smash it a few times, it still can't break through!

"Could it be that the entry setting for this treasure have to answer this question?" Lu Yan rubbed his gave up the plan to break through the door violently, turned his head to look at Huang Mao, and said in a deep voice: "You come here Reply!"

Huang Mao swallowed when he heard the words, a look of painful memories appeared on his face.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and lit a cigarette.

"The most painful thing?" In the smog, he said slowly in a vicissitudes of voice: "It was half a year ago. My wife and I had some conflicts. She was always finding fault. No matter what I did, she would Find reasons to quarrel with me, as if everything I do is wrong!"

"She humiliated me with the most vicious language and trampled on my dignity! Like a shrew!"

"That day, I was working overtime at the company, and I worked late. I thought she must not have left me a meal when I got home, and I was in a depressed mood, so I went to the bar to drink and relax for the first time."

"Under the bright flashing lights of the bar, I saw a girl blocking drinks for her boyfriend, hugging her boyfriend's arm tightly at all times, kissing in public, interacting intimately, as gentle as a kitten At that time, I thought, it would be great if such a gentle and sensible girl was my wife!"

Listening to Huang Mao's narration, Lu Yan frowned slightly.

This is a very common story, just a contrast between my savage and vicious wife and other gentle and lovely girls.

Although this gap is uncomfortable, it is not painful...

This story is too clichéd!

When Huang Mao said this, he put the cigarette into his mouth tremblingly with his right hand and took another puff. His emotions broke down instantly, and he said in a crying voice:

"Then I passed that desk on my way home from checkout and took a closer look...

"That woman is really **** my wife!"


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