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I am very sorry for your tragic experience...

But I really can't help it!

The corners of Lu Yan's mouth couldn't stop rising, and he thought to himself that if he smiled like this, ten years of merit would be lost!

As Huang Mao's voice fell, the solid iron door that seemed to be integrated with the short mountain began to shake slowly, and then, a tired voice sounded from behind the door.

"The betrayal of a loved one is is truly one of the most painful things in the world!"

"Having such an experience, I believe you can empathize with my pain, and you have the qualifications to open this door..."

When he heard this voice, Lu Yan's muscles tensed up, and he drew his gun and aimed at the iron gate in an instant.

The next moment, the iron door began to shake violently, shrinking to the left like an elevator door into the mountain, and at the same time, the two of them saw the source of the sound at the same time!

It turned out to be an electronic tape recorder with a novel shape, and a line extending from the fuselage was connected to the iron door. It looked like some kind of intelligent machine box integrating [recording] and [controlling].

Behind the iron gate is a long, narrow and dark downward corridor, the steps are covered with thick dust.

And as the iron gate opened wide, an extremely strong smell of decay rushed over. Obviously, this [treasure house] has existed for a long time, at least ten years or more!

In the tape recorder, there are still intermittent voices.

It sounded like the violent panting of a dying person, like a bellows that had been in disrepair for a long time, and even Lu Yan frowned.

Why does the owner of this recording sound like he is about to die? Could it be that the contents of the tape recorder were the last words of this person?

After more than ten seconds, the violent panting finally calmed down.

"Hey... Can you hear it? Hehe, since you can hear this audio, it means that my shelter should have been reopened. Before getting the treasure I left behind, are you interested in listening to me tell you about my life? s story?"

"..." Lu Yan waved his hand, signaling Huang Mao, who wanted to rush in directly, to stop.

He is not interested in the story of the so-called [treasure owner], but judging from the experience gained from entering the ruins several times, there are often some more important clues hidden in this kind of "story summary" information. It may be related to the treasures and dangers in this vault.

Be patient and listen, it never hurts!

"Being able to pass the audit of the intelligent system, it seems that you should also be an advanced intelligent creature, and it is absolutely impossible to be those greedy and violent beast-headed monsters with only basic intelligence... Could it be that you are also a human from Blue Star?"

The voice in the tape recorder sounded again, but the message from this sentence made Lu Yan feel like being struck by lightning.

What's... also?

Could it be that the owner of this treasure house was also a player who participated in the doomsday game?

Could it be that the first players of "Doomsday Survival Game" are not these people in the wilderness now?

Lu Yan was full of doubts, but in the next second, his questions were answered.

"Let me introduce myself first! My name is Chogori, and I was brought to this world by the so-called high-dimensional power in 1914. At that time, the Crown Prince Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had just been assassinated, and many countries were at war. As a civilian, I am not too scared to be brought into this world suddenly, although it is very barren here, at least I can avoid war."

After hearing these words, Lu Yan was completely sure of the identity of the owner of the tape recorder.

He turned out to be a group of players earlier than himself...

"No, when we entered the game, the system clearly said that we were the first batch of could someone be earlier than us?" Lu Yan recalled the seven system prompts when he first entered the wilderness. Suddenly, he was like It was like remembering something, and suddenly reacted.

The 7 tips when I first entered the game, the first of which is [The former glory has been turned into wasteland, players, what you have to do is to survive and build a new civilization]!

The key lies in the two key points of [past glory] and [new civilization]!

From these two points, it can be seen that a glorious civilization was established in the wilderness in the past, but it collapsed for some unknown reason. So who established the civilization in the past?

Perhaps it was the player from the previous game who arrived in the wilderness earlier than Lu Yan, like the owner of the tape recorder.

Note that it is the last game, not the last batch!

The doomsday survival game may have been implemented many times on Blue Star.

And every game may end with the destruction of a civilization in the wilderness, or the death of all players!

That is to say... Jogel may be a player from [the previous version].

And the real meaning of the system saying that I am the first batch of players may be the first batch of players after this version update, not the first batch of players since the game was established!

After realizing this, Lu Yan's thoughts turned rapidly.

He seems to know where the [Secret Realm Ruins] with different historical ages and backgrounds come from. Perhaps those ruins are not the products produced by the game but the previous version of [Old Players] 】The brilliance they once created has been preserved in a peculiar form with the replacement of versions!

"But later, I found out that I was wrong, and it was outrageous. The open and secret fighting in this wilderness is no less **** and violent than the chaotic European battlefield. It is very difficult to survive... and most importantly, I was Forced to separate from my wife, God, we've only been married for less than a year, and I left her alone, in a land surrounded by war, and my heart is so sad that I can hardly calm down."

"But fortunately, the mysterious force that brought me here told me that my wife will also arrive here in 15 days, so I was relieved and started to prepare to build our love nest, trying to survive in the wilderness. We need at least one room, right?"

On the radio, the weary voice chattered endlessly about his experience after arriving in the wilderness, and how he missed his wife.

"It may be due to good luck. On the first day in the wilderness, I searched for a lot of supplies, but later because I was stung by a poisonous scorpion hidden in the soil when I went to pull a nettle, my hand swelled very high. , the pain made me a little dizzy."

"Actually I didn't have to pick the **** plant because it didn't do anything for me, but Maria, she might use this stuff! Nettles are good for hair, and Maria's favorite Her long golden hair..."

"I spent the first night in the wilderness in pain. Although the pain was unbearable, but when I think of my dear Maria, these pains seem to be nothing at all. My love, for you, I am willing Suffer any suffering!"


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