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He Chuan ran away.

After chasing for hundreds of meters, these players finally gave up due to exhaustion, and could only watch helplessly as this nasty **** disappeared from sight.

"It's over! It's over!" A male player cried and fell to his knees: "Now the only chance is gone!"

All the players looked at each other in blank dismay, all choking silently.

"Why don't we go?"

"We can't break in..."

The players were downcast, and the appearance of He Chuan undoubtedly dealt another blow to their already low morale, almost equivalent to the last straw that broke the camel's back.

At the same time, Wang Zhi, who was in the pig-headed tribe, was undoubtedly more disturbed than these players.

After he traded the flintlock guns, he has been speaking on the world channel to communicate with the players outside the forest, asking about the real-time situation, but when he heard that He Chuan had killed several players, he brazenly threw all three flintlock guns After snatching it away, his mood was like falling from heaven to hell!

Sitting in front of the pig-headed leader, Wang Zhi kept swallowing, his forehead and back already wet with cold sweat.

He knew how serious the consequences of this incident would be. If the pig-headed man knew about it, his head might move in the next second!

"How's the battle going?" The leader noticed Wang Zhi's strangeness and asked with narrowed eyes.

Wang Zhi squeezed out a smile: "My lord, those humans are fighting fiercely with Lu Yan, I believe the obstacles will be cleared soon!"

The leader stared at Wang Zhi, and suddenly called a few pig-headed warriors over, ordering them to go to the animal path at the edge of the forest to investigate the situation of the battle. Wang Zhi felt a thump in his heart when he heard this, and suddenly became chilled.

On the other hand, after He Chuan fled with a gun, the pressure on Lu Yan's side dropped a lot.

In the next two hours, although there would still occasionally be a few hot-headed players charging Lu Yan desperately like smashing cans, but the price was very heavy, and no one could reach the 20-meter range of the safe house alive. Inside, they all became corpses lying on the dry river bed.

According to rough calculations, eleven people have died here.

Lu Yan photographed the corpses of these players and sent them all to the world channel. Although there was another wave of hysterical curses and accusations, it still played a deterrent role after all.

Most of the players who were originally emotional and wanted to join the King of the Hill team calmed down now. They made a choice between life and death, and reluctantly gave up their plan to break into the forest.

Outside the forest, there were only a dozen or so players left crouching in the shade of the trees, as if they wanted to fight Lu Yan for a long time, and sneaked in when he was resting or relaxing his vigilance.

Faced with this situation, Lu Yan didn't panic at all.

After receiving the title of Wall of the Wilderness and the blessing of the hero halo, his attributes have nearly doubled that of ordinary people. All attributes represent not just the most basic data such as [strength, speed], such as endurance, spirit, physical strength, etc. They are all on the rise!

Now Lu Yan can persist for more than 48 hours with a full mental state even if he does not eat, drink or rest!

Within 48 hours, no one will be able to pass through here; after 48 hours, no one will dare to pass through here.

Those corpses lying on the river bed have already scared the hearts of most players!

Except for a few extremely stubborn people, basically no one dared to take refuge in Wang Zhi...

Lu Yan sat cross-legged in the safe house, he looked very relaxed and comfortable, drinking sweet drinks, eating fragrant beef jerky, and crouching outside under a tree in ragged clothes, sweating profusely and thirst Players are in stark contrast.

"Go back's going to be hot to death." Lu Yan looked at those players, and very "kindly" popularized the horror of [Heat Stroke] for them on the World Channel.

At this time, the temperature is the highest in the day, even if you stand in the shade, you can feel the heat wave. If you stand in the sun, you can peel off a layer of skin in three minutes!

"Damn it, if this continues, before Lu Yan can't take it anymore, we will die first!"

"God! I beg you, kill this devil!"

The players under the shade shouted in despair.

It seemed that their prayers had an effect. Three seconds later, four burly figures slowly walked out from the mountain path at the end of the river. They were wearing camouflage sun protection clothing and their bodies were tightly wrapped.

Elbow pads, wrist guards, helmets, military boots, everything is available!

The whole body except the face is not covered in any way, revealing tough Eastern European faces and a very thick beard on the chin.

These four people are very fast, but they walk very vigorously, and their limbs swing very close. They look like specially trained personnel, and they also look like soldiers from the army!

They got closer and closer, and soon, the players saw their true faces, and suddenly took a breath.

"Yes...the four members of the Wild Hunter team!"

"Boss Kadylov! God, he actually dispatched himself!"

"It's the team with the number one power list! Hahaha! Are they also interested in mountains and forests? Lu Yan is in trouble this time!"

What appeared in front of everyone was the wilderness hunter team headed by Kadilov. Their members were not all there, only four arrived, and the remaining three were unknown!

But it's shocking enough!

You must know that in the wilderness at this time The Revenant Hunter team should have the strongest comprehensive combat effectiveness, they have a large number of people, and all of them are elites.

Even if Yao Qi faced them, he might have to avoid them!

Their appearance undoubtedly stirred up the pig-headed forest, which had already become a foregone conclusion, into a cloud of muddy water again!

And the moment Lu Yan saw Kadilov, his face quickly became serious, and his muscles became tense. He didn't expect that the pig-headed forest would attract this guy...

If Lu Yan was staying in his underground safe house now, he wouldn't be afraid of Kadilov at all, even if all the Revenant Hunters were there, it would be useless!

But the problem is that I only have a dilapidated safe house on the ground. If Kadilov really wants to break in, can he hold it?

Lu Yan's face darkened, he stared at the four-person team walking towards the safe house, without saying a word.

The burly Kadylov stopped a hundred meters away from the safe house, surrounded his mouth with both hands in the shape of a megaphone, and shouted loudly: "Lu Yan, my dear friend! I I want to discuss something with you!"

"I'm very interested in the resources of the King of the Hill team in the forest behind you. Can you make way for us to go in and **** him away?"

Lu Yan touched his chin when he heard the words, and responded through the shooting hole: "What if I say no?"

A trace of regret appeared on Kadylov's face, he spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I don't want to have a conflict with you, because you are a very valuable person, and I would rather fight with you than war." make friends!"

"But if you insist on blocking our way, then I'm sorry, I have to fight you first!"


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