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The time counts down six minutes.

In the pig-headed tribe, after Kadilov and his party arrived outside the forest, Wang Zhi saw this message on the World Channel.

Although it is clear that Kadilov's purpose of breaking into the forest is definitely not to seek refuge with himself, Wang Zhi still feels extremely excited!

Because no matter who came, no matter what the other party's purpose was, as long as they could kill Lu Yan, it would be a good thing for Wang Zhi.

The three flintlock guns were lost by Wang Zhi. If Lu Yan was killed today and the obstacles blocking the forest were cleared, then the leader of the pig-headed man might not care about him, because this is also considered possible in the [Puppet Project]. Accepted 【Loss】!

But if the gun was lost in the end and Lu Yan was not killed, then Wang Zhike would be completely finished.

The pig head leader will definitely eat him alive!

The arrival of Kadilov undoubtedly gave Wang Zhi a shot in the arm. This group of big men of the Cheqin tribe is powerful in combat. Even if they want to plunder the pig-headed forest after killing Lu Yan, Wang Zhi doesn't need to worry about it. , for his task has been accomplished.

He has [guided] the players to kill Lu Yan, as for what those players want to do after rushing into the forest, that is beyond his control.

And even if it was as strong as the No. 1 team on the power list, Wang Zhi didn't think they could beat the pig-headed tribe. After all, this group of monsters was no weaker than the wilderness team in terms of size and number of weapons!

If Kadilov and the others really want to plunder after killing Lu Yan, then their results are predictable!

Absolutely must die!

"Damn it, why should I care about the rest? The life and death of Kadilov and other players has nothing to do with me! Only Lu Yan's life is closely related to mine! If he lives, I must die!" Wang Zhi's eyes flickered anxiously Although he felt that Lu Yan had no chance of winning against Kadilov, he was always worried and felt uneasy. He always wanted to see the war with his own eyes in order to calm down: "No, I have to see it with my own eyes. , In case Lu Yan has any other tricks, and finally repelled Kadilov's attack at the cost of serious injuries... I can also look for opportunities to make up for Lu Yan!"

Driven by strong unease, Wang Zhi expressed his thoughts to the leader of the pig-headed man, expressing his desire to go to the entrance of the forest to observe the latest battle situation and look for opportunities to kill Lu Yan.

Under his begging, the pig head leader agreed to his request and handed him a large hard crossbow.

In order to prevent Wang Zhi from escaping quietly after leaving the forest, the leader took out a pitch-black fang and stabbed him on the arm, and claimed that it was a poisonous python fang passed down from generation to generation in the pig-headed tribe. Take the specially-made medicine once every three days, otherwise the toxicity will explode like crazy, making people's flesh and blood melt away!

And this kind of special medicine, only the leader himself has it.

Enduring the pain, Wang Zhiqiang watched the blue veins on the arm stabbed by the poisonous fangs bulge, and several dark snake-like things were swimming wildly under the skin, which was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

He cursed Cao Nima secretly in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely respectful, and slowly retreated from the camp.

A strong pig-headed man came over, picked up Wang Zhi with great ease and threw it into the bamboo basket behind him, and then he opened his two thighs and rushed towards the exit of the mountain forest like a powerful off-road vehicle.

Branches, mountain roads, all the pictures in front of me are rapidly rewinding in front of my eyes as if I pressed the fast forward button.

This huge monster can run so fast with all its strength!

Wang Zhi silently calculated in his heart that at this speed, he could reach his destination in five minutes at most...

Back to the present time.

According to the instructions of the brown-bearded man, Kadylov slowly approached the Luyan safe house. His speed was very slow, but his pace was unusually steady, and he had already walked within 30 meters of the safe house.

Just now Lu Yan fired a shot relying on his intuition, but it didn't have any effect.

At this moment, he only has a loaded flintlock and a shotgun left, and there is still one minute and ten seconds before the blinding effect is released!


Lu Yan picked up the shotgun decisively, loaded the bullet skillfully, and took out the blood-stained imperial sword from the inventory.

He blew his whistle, wanting to call the little white dragon back, and lock Kadylov's location for him.

But at this moment, in the three-dimensional image of his talent for seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, two extremely dazzling light spots suddenly appeared from the opposite direction of Kadilov and from the inside of the mountain forest!

[Threat 1: A pig-headed man in his prime, without weapons or armor...]

[Threat 2: A man with a heavy crossbow, 30 years old, of medium build! The threat level is high! 】

After seeing these two light spots in his brain, Lu Yan immediately realized that the man holding the heavy crossbow might be Wang Zhi who had been recruiting players on the World Channel before!

Previously, He Chuan's scheme cost him three flintlock guns, but now he couldn't hold back any longer and decided to do it himself?

Lu Yan cursed secretly in his This is simply a leak in the house and it rains all night.

Kadilov and his group are already difficult enough to deal with, and now there is another Wang Zhi, and he is now in a state of being attacked, if he is not careful, he may die on the spot!

But there is a saying that goes well, how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain?

How can you gain a foothold in this cruel wilderness without experiencing several battles on the line of life and death?

Lu Yan gritted his teeth and stopped thinking of recalling Xiao Bailong. If Wang Zhi really wanted to attack him from behind, then Xiao Bailong would be an ambush!

It might be difficult for a little white dragon to deal with a rough-skinned and thick-skinned pig-headed man, but if you want to kill a human, as long as your sharp claws and sharp beak can accurately hit the neck artery, killing people is still very easy!

Outside the safe house, Kadylov had already walked to the location of the knife he had lost before. He touched the blade lightly with his foot to confirm the position of the handle, and then quickly groped to the wall of the safe house.

At this time, the distance between Lu Yan and Kadilov was less than three meters.

There is a wall between them, and the two blind men are unable to determine each other's position. They stare at each other in the air, staring at each other, but they can't see anything clearly.

[There are still thirty seconds until the blinding is released! 】

On Lu Yan's personal information interface, it shows that the blinding negative status bar has almost disappeared.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a rough voice coming from the monitor intercom.

"Remove Kadilov's blinding state!"

With the sound of this low growl, in the three-dimensional image of Lu Yan's brain, a spot of **** light instantly lit up like the sun three meters in front of him.

Kadilov grabbed the machete, roared and broke through the door of the safe house and rushed in!


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