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A sharp hiss sounded, and a mud snake squirmed in the snow like a spring, jumped up high, and bit Lu Yan's face.

Xiaobailong flapped his wings, grabbed the mud snake with sharp claws, and tore it forcefully, the opponent's body was broken into several pieces, and a bean-sized life crystal fell to the ground, and was collected by Lu Yan.

【Crystal of Life】

[Quantity: 46 units]

Lu Yan's "Sea of ​​Beasts Tactic" was obviously very effective. After throwing the mud snakes into the snow, the number of life crystals in his hands had reached nearly fifty units in just one hour.

After the crystal was taken out, its volume was about the size of an apple.

"It's almost enough to bring a big tree back to life now..." Lu Yan made a rough calculation. With the help of this thing, the difficulty of attacking the pig-headed forest may be greatly reduced: "But it can only revive a tree. A big tree is not enough, the pig-headed tribe has all the weapons and heavy catapults, although the revived [Treant] has very strong vitality, it may not be able to withstand this kind of attack!"

"I still need more life crystals!"

Lu Yan originally planned to make a plan to attack the pig-headed forest tonight, but when he was interrupted by the two snow demons knocking on the door and found the crystal of life, he completely overturned his previous plan.

In his opinion, these life crystals can be used as a trump card. If they are used to create some [living creatures] near the pig-headed tribe, then the invasion of the pig-headed tribe will be harder than him and Kadilov. It's much better to rush!

And without taking any risks.

It's just that this plan requires a lot of life crystals, at least ten times more than the 46 units Lu Yan currently has, in order to create chaos that can shake the pig-headed tribe...

Although the "Sea of ​​Beasts" tactic is indeed effective, the efficiency is still a bit low in Lu Yan's opinion.

After all, no one knows when the tide of the blue moon will disappear.

Perhaps in another hour, the weather in the wilderness will return to normal, so Lu Yan must hurry up and think of ways to get as many crystals as possible.

"I don't know if other players have them?" Lu Yan touched his chin, and immediately thought of other players in the wilderness.

At this time, after several disasters, the number of players in the wilderness of the Eastern Continent has dropped sharply from the 12,000 players initially set to around 1,000, but for Lu Yan, 1,000 players is still a large base. .

In the hands of these players, someone might have killed a certain large [dead thing] and obtained a large number of life crystals!

While thinking, Lu Yan turned on the world channel.

[Lu Yan: Who has the life crystal in his hand? I pay a high price to buy it! 】

[Lu Yan: 10 units can be exchanged for a normal weapon, which can be customized! 100 units can be exchanged for a non-range excellent weapon except bows, hand crossbows and so on! 】

[Lu Yan: The price of long-range weapon arrows—two per unit! 】

The way Lu Yan chooses to buy life crystals is still very simple and violent, and he directly chooses the most scarce resource in the wilderness at this time—weapons.

During this wave of blue moon, many players were attacked by [dead objects]. Some players have already been killed, and some players are relying on the underground safe house for support.

Not all players have the dual attributes of the hero halo and the wall of wilderness like Lu Yan, and not all have large-caliber weapons. Most players face this kind of immortal [dead] attack, They can't do a simple and quick instant kill like Lu Yan.

Perhaps there are some players who managed to kill the [Dead Object] after a arduous battle and obtained life crystals, but in the battle, their weapons may have become too damaged to support their next battle.

In this case, it is the best time for Lu Yan to sell weapons.

In this tide of blue moon, what Lu Yan wants to harvest is not only the leeks of mud beasts, the players are also one of his goals!

[Johnson: Wang Defa? 10 units of life crystals for an ordinary weapon? Am I right? Do you know how much trouble it takes to kill a monster? 】

[Li Xiao: I laughed, he really deserves to be the number one black-hearted ghost in the wilderness! This afternoon I used the hegemony to formulate a rule, and at night I turned into a black merchant to harvest us. I destroyed three daggers and two machetes in order to kill the attacking monsters, and only got 11 units of life crystals. You now have one Ordinary level weapons dare to ask for 10 units! Are you crazy? 】

[Koizumi Jiro: This is blatant extortion! I have every reason to suspect that this wave of blue moons was caused by Lu Yan. He relied on creating chaos to sell weapons. We must unite to resist this kind of behavior. If the weather is in the hands of those who sell umbrellas, then there will be no more There are no sunny days! 】

[Wang Yan: The little devil upstairs creates chaos and sells weapons. Isn't this what your beautiful father often uses? Why haven't you seen your country speak out against hegemony internationally before? 】

[Wang Dongchuan: @路岩, I don’t have a life Can I exchange it with other resources? 】

[Lu Yan: The flesh and blood of mutant beasts can also be exchanged for weapons, the rate is...]

There was chaos in the world channel, some people accused Lu Yanxin of being black, and some people took the opportunity to scold him.

Lu Yan ignored those crazy players, and directly made a batch of spears, chopping axes and other weapons to hang in the trading field. He knew that no matter how hard those players scolded, they had to obediently buy his weapons in order to save their lives. .

After all, this is the benefit of monopoly!

At this time in the wilderness, he is the only one who has the ability to make weapons.

What's more, those life crystals are in the hands of other players, which are of little use at this time; but if they are replaced with a weapon, they can save their lives!

Although the players were all angry, they were all scolding Lu Yan for taking the opportunity to harvest.

But no one would really put themselves in danger just to take a gamble.

No one knows how long this blue moon wave will last. Those players who managed to kill one or two dead creatures have seen the horror of this monster, so they feel even more uneasy.

Even if their weapon is not damaged in the first battle, who can guarantee that it will still be intact next time?

There is always no harm in preparing a few more weapons!

Sure enough, five minutes after Lu Yan put on the weapon, the first transaction notification sounded.

[Player Li Chong spent 10 units of life crystals to buy a steel chopping axe! 】

This is followed by a second prompt.

[Player Robinson proposed a weapon customization request, and the customized weapon is a repeating hand crossbow! 6 arrows! A deposit of 5 units of life crystals has been paid! The remaining 8 units will be distributed to the seller's backpack after the seller's weapon is successfully delivered! 】


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