The latest website: Lu Yan looks at the current camp. With a strong and tall city wall and a drainage system, it can already meet the normal defense and living functions. The city wall can resist the invasion of those beasts, and the drainage system can avoid heavy rain and snow. submerged.

In the wilderness, there are four main factors that are most likely to cause harm to players so far.

One, hordes of beasts!

Two, natural disasters, heavy rain and heavy snow!

Three, famine!

Four, other players...

Today's camp has ice cellars, drainage systems, and city walls, which are sufficient to resist the first three hazards, but the tall city walls are difficult to resist those players with self-awareness.

A city wall can't let Lu Yan sit back and relax, and isolate the danger from any enemy from now on.

He must set up some shooting holes, sentry towers, and guard posts similar to underground shelters in the camp as soon as possible. As long as the enemy approaches, he will immediately receive information and counterattack!

"Let me see...a 16-meter-high watchtower should be set up at the coordinate 662.53, and a few more bonfire towers need to be built on the city wall." Lu Yan looked at the design drawing in his hand. When he commissioned Mu Qianqian to design the drawing, he All the detailed data in the camp was sent to the other party in the form of videos and pictures. Mr. Zhang referred to the surrounding trees and the height of the mountain when drawing the drawings, so the error of the final design drawing was basically kept at about 1%. During the construction process, there will be no situation where the drawings are not correct.

Lu Yan made punctuation marks at the corresponding positions according to the design drawings. Although the pig-headed tribe had also manufactured some equipment such as watchtowers, arrow towers, and catapults before, those crudely made products could not be seen by Lu Yan at all. What he wanted , is a strong fortress strong enough to resist any natural disasters, any animal riots, and even any players attacking in groups!

So in every step of building the camp, he must implement it with the highest standard!

"After eating something, let's start working..." Lu Yan drank the juice in the cup, and he lit a bonfire in the unfinished camp, and took out some meat from the ice cellar to roast for lunch.

With the city wall, the sense of security in the entire camp is doubled.

If it goes well, half of the large-scale protection works in the camp will be completed after night falls from today to night, and a city will rise in the mountains and forests in a short time!

Lu Yan looked at the burning fire His mood was jumping like this flame!

He Chuan came to the target location based on the information obtained from the trading field. The senior player's refuge was located in a dense forest. He stood outside the dense forest and looked at the depths of the lush forest. Under the shade of the trees, there seemed to be some dangerous creatures swimming quietly.

If it is said that the various terrains in the natural world are divided into a dangerous ranking, then the dense forest must definitely be among the best.

Lush trees, thick fallen leaves, dense bushes, there are many dangers hidden in them, whether it is small poisonous insects and snakes, tigers, leopards, jackals or even human traps, they can all be hidden under the cover of dense forests , without revealing the slightest trace.

Standing outside the forest, He Chuan felt a little apprehensive, stepping into an unfamiliar dense forest rashly, obviously the risk factor was extremely high, but if he didn't go in, his hunting plan would fail...

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