Latest website: How does it feel to meet hundreds of bison running head-on?



At this time, the players in these mountains and forests are all filled with fear. Most of the weapons in their hands are cold weapons, such as swords and spears. Even if someone is lucky enough to get a musket occasionally, it is also the most old-fashioned That kind can't be fired continuously, and its power is very limited.

And bison is a creature with rough skin and thick flesh. Even with a modern repeating pistol, it may not be able to kill it instantly, let alone an old-fashioned musket?

Therefore, when facing these "small tanks", no player has the idea of ​​fighting back, and just wants to dodge desperately to avoid the impact of the herd.

But...Because the players were standing too densely when they sorted the team before, and the speed of the herd was too fast, before the players had time to disperse, the herd had already rushed in front of them.

At this time, nearly half of the players did not have time to climb the tree at all. They were squeezed, shoved, cried, and collided with the cows head-on.

The next moment, the sound of bones breaking and screams sounded, and they were finally drowned out by the rumbling hooves.

Hundreds of people fell under the hooves of the cows, their bodies were easily crushed, and even the torches in their hands fell to the ground, crushed to pieces.

Those players who fell under the hooves of the cows wailed in despair, and those players who climbed up the trees were also trembling at this time, hugging the tree trunks tightly, for fear that they would fall if they could not grasp it firmly, and become meat at the feet of the cows. mud.

I don't know how long it took, but the herd finally went away.

A player hiding on the top of the tree bravely glanced down. Suddenly, his face changed and he vomited.

It's hard to describe the tragic scene below. There are corpses and broken arms everywhere on the ground. The blood has dyed the whole ground red. Some players' heads have been trampled to pieces, looking like exploded watermelons. …

There are also some players who did not die. They dragged half of their bodies and fell into a pool of blood, crying in pain, begging others to help them and let them die happily...

This scene, a cruel hell-like scene, filled with **** images filled the minds of every surviving player.

"How could there be a buffalo riot all of a sudden?" someone tremblingly asked on the tree trunk

At this time, the black man hiding in the depths of the darkness witnessed what happened just now with his own eyes, his arms were trembling uncontrollably. He knew very well that the buffalo race is extremely powerful even in the mountains and forests. Tigers are also difficult to pose a threat to them.

But they have a docile personality, and they rarely riot, let alone get close to the area where the flames are. This time, they completely ignored the threats of many players and torches, and ran wildly from this area. There is only one explanation...

That is behind them, there is something more dangerous than torches driving them away!

Although the buffalo herd had passed by, the danger had not disappeared. The black man looked at the pitch-black forest, his brows were beating non-stop, and he slowly took out a hand crossbow from his arms.

In the darkness, there was a sharp eagle cry suddenly.

The black man woke up in an instant. He had guessed before that the riot of the cattle might be planned by Lu Yan, but hearing the eagle cry at this time confirmed his thoughts even more.

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