Chapter 185: Come to Little Parker and let Aunt Natasha tell you why I’m called Black Widow

The more I thought about Jiang Bai, the louder his laughter became.

Everyone else who laughed began to hair.

Stark asked meanly, “You? Sick? ”

“Get out!”

Poor little Parker, don’t want to find an ordinary person as a wife in this life.

With Parker’s physical strength, facing a garbage heap every day, sooner or later he will disgust himself to death. As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see my girlfriend crawling with mites all over her face, emitting a strange smell all over her body. Thinking about it, Jiang Bai smiled more and more impudently.

“Ah! Hahahaha!!!! Hahaha!!! ”

“Hahaha! Parker is right, he is all adolescent, and those of us who are elders should find him a partner! ”

“Harry is the same, there is no girlfriend in adolescence, this is not a full adolescence, and the key that has not been inserted in the keyhole is not for nothing?”

Harry blushed as well.

It’s not that he hasn’t thought about falling in love, and since being transformed into an angel, this thought has become less and less.

After all, as long as he is an ordinary person standing in front of him now, he can know all the information of this ordinary person from life to death with his eyes.

Even if you wet the bed when you were a child, how old you stole money, or how old you secretly watched others take a bath. Even how the whole person died in the future, whether he was hit by a car or died of disease.

What will a person do when he lives a very long life that is almost infinite, and has the power that can easily obtain the desired power, and at the same time the world has opened its doors to him without any secrets?

Please refer to Mephisto, it will be very boring, bored to make his own son to play.

Harry also gradually moved closer to Mephisto, including Jiang Bai, the power of infinite life, knowing all the information, no secrets in the eyes, then the whole world will be bored.

When people are bored, they either become more and more silent, or they directly become perverts. Jiang Bai was originally a pervert, so he didn’t have to change at all.

But Harry is only a teenager and just an adult, and he has begun to appear in this state, not to mention the girl, if it is not for the physiological need of eating, if it is not for Jiang Bai always pulling to eat barbecue and eating hot pot, he will quit.

Because he doesn’t eat now and won’t starve to death, and eating is boring to him.

Norman is much better, Norman is better than his son, because Norman has something to do every day, has been studying angel technology, and does not study angel technology to study other things.

It makes my long life force a little fun.

Part of the reason why Stark did not actively transform himself into an angelic god body was also because he was afraid that the world would have no secrets and no attraction to him, and eventually there would be no pursuit.

Now Harry is almost in, playing the game himself is both a player and a GM can open and hang for himself at any time. Among them, the people who actually performed the best and did not have brain problems were Amelia and Selena.

Because both of them are vampires, they have lived for a long time, past the age of curiosity about the world. You don’t feel how boring a long life is.

Now Selena plays with a group of small mutants every day, and Amelia plays with Laura every day, not boring at all as Logan also lives long, but he is a bit special, there are many people with the same power as him in his era.

So Rogan didn’t have that condescending feeling, unlike Harry who suddenly changed from a human to a god now, with no transition at all, and couldn’t fit in at all.

Logan himself struggled for hundreds of years to mix up the name of Wolverine in recent decades, in fact, he has long been a pervert of the blow, so he is in a daze with a cigar in his mouth every day.

Deadpool has long been crazy, so crazy that even Professor X can’t solve it. After counting around, the Hulk is actually the most normal one here.

It has only been a year since the Hulk was born, and his intellectual development has only reached the level of a few years old children, and he has not yet reached the level of being able to feel bored in the world.

The more Jiang Bai looked at Parker and Harry, the more he felt that the two of them were so pitiful.

At a young age, he has already lost interest in the world and entered the old society in advance.

“Or, Harry, do you have a girl you like?”

Jiang Bai looked at Harry with bright eyes like a gossip man who had suddenly awakened the matchmaker system. Harry sweated and came down, how did Jiang Bai’s expression look like he had found a toy?

“Nothing… No!!! ”


“There really isn’t!!”

Harry quickly denied it.

He used to like a girl named Mary Jane at school, but since he was transformed into an angel, he didn’t like it anymore. Seeing that girl, it was like watching a movie, looking directly from life to death, and even what Harry would look like when he was old in the future already knew, how could this arouse interest?

“This way!”

Jiang Bai looked at Parker, who was riding on Deadpool’s crazy output with regret on his face.

“Parker, do you want Uncle Jiang Bai to find you a girlfriend?”


Parker’s eyes immediately lit up when he heard Jiang Bai’s words: “Suck it!” ”

Hurriedly wiped his saliva: “Is it?” What kind? Is it white and beautiful with long legs? Are pearls big enough? ”

“I can’t accept ordinary people!! It’s better to be like Natasha, Selena Amelia like that, a little style!! 4。 ”

“Oh~~~ okay?”

This time, not only Jiang Bai showed an expression of sudden realization, but others also showed expressions of sudden realization. Amelia looked at Parker with a smile.

Selena rolled her eyes.

Natasha smiled and deliberately twisted her body and swayed towards Parker.

The one that walked in that position was called the swaying posture, and tugged at his tights. He asked with a smile: “Little Parker, is my sister beautiful?” ”

Watching Natasha bend down to reveal a pair of large snow-white pearls, Parker quickly sucked his saliva.

“Do you want your aunt to teach you what an adult is?”

Parker nodded subconsciously, and suddenly reacted, who is this, this is Black Widow. This one is terrible.

Quickly shook his head: “Example!” Example!! ”

“Beauty, look, you are the dream lover of all men!!”

“Even Deadpool pronounces your name when he sleeps in dreams!!”

“As a goddess in the minds of men, I will never let your name be tarnished!!”

“Ugly! Look at the trick!! ”


With a bang, Parker punched Deadpool’s Tinker Bell.

Deadpool shrunk into a large shrimp: “Peter Parker!!! You’re dead!! You actually dare to sneak attack Uncle Deadpool!! You’re dead!! ”


Everyone burst into laughter.

Harry was directly transformed into an angel, and it is too normal for him to gradually lose interest in girls, women are like NPCs in a game in his eyes, and this game is still his own creation, of course, he will become less and less interested in women.

Parker was bitten by a spider and mutated, and the sensitivity of his body strength and facial features has been greatly improved, but he has not reached Harry’s level of seeing everything at a glance.

The hormones of youth are still secreted, and even because he is strengthened, the hormones are secreted more.

This is a very embarrassing place, Parker sees ordinary people like seeing garbage, but the hormones in the body do not think so.

The body will constantly secrete the hormones of youth, that is, hormones, and will constantly stimulate Parker to have a good feeling for all the opposite sex, want to be close and even have the urge to reproduce.

He is now in a state of uncontrolled brain, and his body constantly wants to be intimate with the opposite sex.

And what the eye sees and smells always tells him that you have to like the trash heap you want to be close to now. No wonder Parker didn’t bother to think about Natasha.

Because Natasha and they are now transformed according to the highest human aesthetic, have you heard that the angel is ugly? Well, except for Gabriel’s pervert who looks like a twin.

And there will be absolutely no bacterial dust all over the body, and there is a strange smell, what mites crawl all over the face, is this looking down on angels?

793 In a sense, the state of Natasha and Amelia is the most perfect state in the hearts of men, you must know that Amelia held a product launch with Jiang Bai when she was a vampire.

Just by looking like you can cause exclamations, now it’s an angel, how can it be worse than when it was a vampire, right?

Although Selena is not as exaggerated as Natasha and Amelia, how can people say that she is also a vampire who has been a vampire for hundreds of years, and is it not the basic condition for vampires to have delicate skin and a good figure?

Poor Parker, what kind of demons and ghosts are around.

A normal ordinary person does not have it, and directly raises his aesthetic standards infinitely. Natasha smiled as Parker and Deadpool rolled around on the ground.

“Little Parker, if you want to have a girlfriend, it’s easy to do it, fancy who to let Norman transform one for you!”

“However, you look like you have a crush on Deadpool now!”

Parker quickly let go of Deadpool from the ground and stood up, and kicked Deadpool’s ugly face by the way.

Muttered: “What’s the meaning of the transformation, there is no emotion at all, it’s better not to look for it!” ”

“Didn’t you say that the newcomer named Wanda was coming?”

“As soon as I heard it, I knew that it was a high-quality target with white skin and beautiful long legs!”

“Then how do you know that you are not an ordinary person?”

Parker snorted softly and took two steps back a little away from Natasha.

“I’m a lot of hormones, isn’t my brain stupid, can there be ordinary people we find here?”

“Is it? When you called my name just now, I didn’t think your brain looked like a smart one? ”

Suddenly Natasha jumped out of thin air, and her two long legs were directly wrapped around Parker’s neck.


With a bang, the waist forcefully put Parker directly.

“Come, let Auntie teach you, why Auntie is called Black Widow!!”

One of Deadpool’s wits jumped up from the ground, and he rushed directly to Natasha’s vicinity with a flying pounce to suppress Natasha.

“Uncle Deadpool also wants to know!!!”

Suddenly the three people rolled together on the ground.

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