Seeing a young woman standing outside from the cat's eyes, Black Lightning was a little puzzled.

After opening the door, he asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Jenna."

The green light girl Jenna smiled and said to the other party: "I am a member of the government's Transhuman Affairs Council. This is my business card."

Black Lightning took the business card from Jenna's hand in confusion, frowned and said, "I don't think I have anything to do with you. I'm now working for the housing department, for hundreds of people who have evacuated their homes for various reasons. people, looking for a new home."

"Actually, we need your help in investigating some things, so I hope you will come to Metropolis with us."

Jenna tried her best to appear friendly.

"What if I say no!"

Black Lightning obviously did not accept her friendliness, and asked in a rude tone.

"Sorry, then I can only take some non-essential measures."

Jenna raised her finger secretly, the green ring glowing green.

Black Lightning's eyes also flickered with little black lightning.

Eric didn't know what happened in Metropolis and Star City.

Now he is standing outside the training room, quietly watching Wonder Woman who is teaching Rachel swordsmanship inside.

Rachel saw Wonder Woman's Vulcan sword, and she didn't know why she wanted to learn swordsmanship.

Although Eric didn't understand why she became interested in swordsmanship.

Rachel wore loose sweatpants, her long hair was tied up, and she held a Vladimir steel sword in her hand to practice furious slashing.

The one-meter-long steel sword flew like silver lightning under her powerful swing.

The sharp and rapid sword wind swayed open space, and then beheaded all the imaginary enemies in front of him.

Just looking at it from a distance, you can feel the power contained in it, which is intimidating and afraid to approach.

"Too much useless action, Rachel!"

Wonder Woman, standing by, pointed out Rachel's shortcomings.

"You must hit the weakest part of the enemy's body with the sword in the shortest possible time!"

Wonder Woman feels the need to correct Rachel's bad habits,

"Wear knee pads and shoulder pads, put on your face shield, Rachel, hold up your steel sword and fight with me."

The so-called cross sword means that one side attacks with a downward slash, and the other responds with a defensive downward slash. The two sides collide with steel swords to gain control and suppress each other.

Through the exchange of swords, we can conduct instant discussions and decide the side with higher sword skills.

Wonder Woman has lived in America for a long time and knows a lot about the way these mortals fight with swords.

"Really? I'm very good, Sister Diana, and I have already memorized most of the movements after two days of study."

Rachel looked like "I'm awesome".

"Then I'll check your progress, Rachel!"

"All right!"

Rachel put her hands up, her left and right feet slightly staggered, one behind the other.

Hold the steel sword in both hands, raise it to the shoulders, lean forward slightly, and make an attacking posture.

Great momentum!

Diana was more relaxed, holding the steel sword with both hands, keeping it at the waist and abdomen, with the sword tip slightly raised.

"I'm going to have sex, Sister Diana."

Rachel reminded, and then stepped forward to attack.

The steel practice swords used by Rachel and Wonder Woman are somewhat different from the real sharp blades, which will bite when they collide with each other.

The practice sword cannot do this because it is a dull sword.

So there are still some differences between the actual feel and the real blade.

Rachel attacked from the center line.

Diana raised her steel sword and stuck to hers.


The two swords intersected, making a gorgeous collision sound.

The swords of the two slashed and slammed into each other, and there was no doubt that Diana had the upper hand in terms of power control.

But in the battle of sword fighting, it is not necessarily the stronger side who controls the situation.

Little Rachel was overjoyed when she saw that the steel swords of the two sides clashed fiercely, and she controlled the center line to stick to the other side.

Taking advantage of the victory, the blade slid through an elegant arc, posing a strange angle, and stabbed at Wonder Woman's hand.

At the same time, she lowered Wonder Woman's steel sword, destroying her posture and making her unable to defend effectively.

In swordfighting, once it hits the opponent's weak parts, such as the hands and neck, it is regarded as the most effective killing. Victory directly.

Although wearing armor, once she stabbed Wonder Woman in the hand, the match ended in Diana's defeat.

The midline crossed sword lost "control" and fell into a downwind, but Diana didn't panic, flipped her wrist, pressed the blade on the opponent's steel sword, and dragged it forward along the blade.

The target was Rachel's face!

Both sides attack each other's weak points with their own attack style.

As the rabbit rose and fell, Diana's sword tip stabbed Rachel in the face first.


The blade of the steel sword stabbed Rachel's hood with a crisp sound.

Victory and defeat!

"How could it be?"

Rachel's eyes widened, she clearly controlled the midline, how could she fail?

Rachel was extremely frustrated, and her unwillingness and annoyance were all written on her face.

I just wish it was faster!

she thought to herself.

"Rachel, our Wonder Girl, do you know why you lost?"

Diana off

"Maybe I'm not fast enough? Or maybe I'm too careless. I should completely suppress Sister Diana, so that your hands are not spared for movement."

Rachel concludes.

"No, in fact, I have emphasized the importance of "control" before, and both sides exchange swords. Once one side controls the situation, it is either your strength is stronger, or your experience is more abundant, in short, you have taken the initiative. power and control. "

Diana looked Rachel in the eyes and continued, "And then, that's what I wanted to stress. If you gain control, just stab him in the face, don't complicate it, and you're done!"

"Am I supposed to stab you in the hand?"

"Swordsmanship is a killing technique. It pays attention to the fastest and easiest way. It needs to abandon all cumbersome and complicated moves, directly exploit the opponent's weakness, and kill them with one blow."

Rachel held her chin in her right hand and listened carefully.

"And after you took control, you actually did a juggling move. Although it was beautiful, it was useless. Instead, it was a waste of precious time. If you stabbed me in the face cleanly, then I must lose. Rachel, do you understand?"

Rachel nodded heavily, "I understand, my movements are too complicated and fancy!"


Wonder Woman nodded, then turned her head to look at Eric outside, and said in her heart:

"If it's a pure sword fight, Eric, I won't necessarily lose to you!"

Recommend a good book, my career as an arms dealer, if you like it, you can Kangkang.

thanks for your support!

Chapter 303 is weak and humble

"You seem to be in a good mood."

Eric said to Wonder Woman, who had finished teaching Rachel's swordsmanship, "There is still enough energy left to teach Rachel's swordsmanship."

"She's your sister, but sometimes I feel like she's like my sisters on Paradise Island."

Wonder Woman shares her feelings with Eric.

"So, teaching Rachel swordsmanship is the same as teaching my sisters. It reminds me of the past. I enjoyed it and liked the atmosphere."

Eric nodded when he heard the words.

"Rachel usually has a three-minute enthusiasm. Compared with swordsmanship, I think she is still interested in those dark and profound things, so I hope her enthusiasm can last for a while."

"Compared to your enthusiasm against her, I think you should focus on encouragement."

Diana smiled at Eric and turned to leave.


After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and asked Eric, "When are you free, we can learn about swordsmanship."

"For the most part, I'm not proficient in swordsmanship."

Eric expressed his refusal.

"Then when did you become proficient in swordsmanship?"

Diana asked Eric.

"If my speed and strength are not as good as mine, I will be very proficient in swordsmanship, but against people of the same level as me, my swordsmanship will be very unfamiliar."

It was rare for Eric to say something less serious.


Diana's eyes flashed dangerously, and she asked Eric, "What type do you think I am?"

"For the time being, it should be the former."

Eric said bluntly.


Wonder Woman felt that her mood suddenly turned a little bad.

She took a deep breath and said to Eric, "Our sparring has not been completed, so you don't want to be proud of me for the time being, understand?"

Before Eric could answer, she left angrily.

She felt that if she continued to stay here, she would be directly blown away by the other party's anger.

After Wonder Woman left, Rika came to Eric, saying that all the superheroes on the list had been successfully captured.

"What to do with these superheroes next?"

Rika asked Eric.

"It's enough to lock them all up. If there is any resistance, they will be executed directly, and there is no need to keep them."

Eric has no interest in, and has no liking for, these masked superheroes who fight criminals on the street.

No matter what kind of heavy fate he bears, or how compassionate he is, or he takes the creed of "Greater Ability, Greater Responsibility" as the criterion for being a chivalrous person.

These so-called superheroes who like to mask, in his eyes now, are just a group of criminals who disrupt the order, and there is a great possibility that they will stand on the opposite side of him.

For fighting criminals, he has always been ruthless.

Those supervillains in Gotham should all be well aware of this.

Scarecrow, Two-faced Man, Riddler, Baine, Poison Ivy, Black Mask, these super villains, were all imprisoned by him in Arkham and Black Gate Prisons.

And for the other party's escape, Eric formulated severe punishment.

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