Ascension For All: Start With Sss-Level Mechanical Heart

Chapter 59: Starship, Capturing The Wilderness Hunting Team

Australasia, Gobi.

R-49 starship ruins.

A motorcade was driving slowly into the ruins.

They are the lighthouse hunting team.

Two hunting teams, led by Mark, the commander of the Lighthouse Hunting Team, went to the starship ruins to search for supplies.


"Master, a starship base has been discovered."

At this time, aircraft of various sizes were flying towards us in the sky.

This is Ye Hang’s Sky Force.

The largest fighter plane led a dense crowd of planes and rushed towards this side.

On the plane, the Red Queen reported the news.


Ye Hang turned on the virtual projection in front of him and looked at the picture detected by the drone.

It was indeed a huge starship, looking like a spaceship for immigrants.

It's a pity that it has been scrapped there.

The technology of this world has begun to be inferior to the level of interstellar immigrants.

"Find ways to acquire the technology of this world."

Ye Hang mentioned it casually.

"We have arrived at our destination!"

Soon, the sky troops came to the starship ruins and landed slowly.


Smoke and dust billowed up.

One after another, the aircraft doors opened.

Teams of fully armed mechanical puppets quickly ran down from above.

There were also a large number of tyrants slowly coming down from the plane.

"Surround the entire starship."

"Arrest all the people inside."

Ye Hang for a moment and immediately issued the order.

"As you command!"

A large army of mechanical puppets rushed into the starship.

At this time, another team of hunters realized that something was wrong.

The second team of hunters guarding the entrance to Area B noticed an unknown person approaching quickly.

"Discover the situation!"

"Stop, who is it?"

In Area B, a group of hunters shouted nervously.

They all held guns and watched the figures approaching quickly in the wind and sand with vigilance.

"There are enemies!"


A man who looked like a captain shouted.

Da da da--

He fired first, and the other team members opened fire.

There was a burst of gunfire.

But a scene that frightened them appeared.

They saw figures walking in the wind and sand, even though they were hit by bullets, they were still approaching them quickly.


A black shadow flashed.

With a bang, one person was knocked out and fell unconscious on the spot.


"What monster-"

"Captain...they can't be beaten to death~~~"

A scream came from the communication channel, and then the connection was cut off.

The sudden situation made the remaining members of the second team extremely nervous and gathered together to take precautions.

"Who are you?"

Team leader Jeff looked nervous and kept calling Mark.

Unfortunately, the wind and sand were too strong, resulting in poor signal and unable to contact us.

Da da da--

Soon, figures appeared one after another around them.

When they saw these people clearly, the expressions of Jeff and others changed drastically.

The people who came were all wearing black metal armor, completely wrapped in full metal, and their faces could not be seen.

All of them were silent, cold, and solemn.

"Damn it, I'll fight them."

Jeff gritted his teeth and roared.


In the next second, several people were instantly knocked down by these guys of unknown origin. They were so fast that it was impossible to capture their movements.

He was knocked down after just one encounter.

Before Jeff fell, he saw these people dragging each team member and throwing them together.

"It's over!"

A thought flashed through Jeff's mind and he eventually passed out.

The peripheral team in area B was eliminated in this way.

Mark and others who entered the starship were still unaware of the situation outside.

"Master, the people outside have been controlled."

Soon, the news came.

The Red Queen reported this information.

Ye Hang nodded: "Try to catch as many alive as possible. These people are the only remaining humans in the world. We can collect their genes to expand the gene pool."


The red queen nodded slightly.

"Let's go into the spaceship."

Ye Hang waved and led the red queen, followed by dense mechanical puppets, into the starship fully armed.

There are also several huge tyrants acting together.

One thousand mechanical puppets were left to guard the outside, and the other one thousand mechanical puppets followed Ye Hang.

This operation is to capture Mark and others.

Then Mark and others were used to contact the lighthouse to locate the location of the lighthouse.

In this way, Ye Hang can attack the lighthouse and completely control the human forces in this world.

Inside the spaceship, it was dark.

What you can see are strange people standing there like statues.

He even maintained a posture, as if he was escaping during his lifetime.

"Master, are these meat and soil?"

The Red Queen scanned the meat and soil as she walked.

Ye Hang nodded gently: "Yes, these were originally human beings, but when the disaster struck, they were too late to evacuate and lost their vitality in an instant."

"They were turned into flesh and earth by something that absorbed the life essence of their whole bodies."

"Have a team of mechanical puppets clean these things up."

Ye Hang waved his hand and released a large number of mechanical puppets for cleaning.

A large number of infrastructure sentries were then released.

"Test whether the spacecraft can be repaired and see if there is any data in its core system."

"It is best to be able to obtain the scientific and technological information of the original human beings. Whether it is a gene bank or a knowledge base, it needs to be collected."

Ye Hang conveyed the instructions one by one.


The mechanical puppets began to clean up the flesh and soil.

On the other side, a large number of infrastructure sentries began scanning a large area, preparing to repair this huge interstellar spacecraft.

Meanwhile, inside the starship ruins.

Mark and others came to the innermost part and discovered some available resources and energy.

"it's wired--"

In the team, Ran Bing looked at the two Routu hugging each other with a strange expression.

Penny beside her joked: "It is said that people in the old world can have such intimate activities as long as they are willing."

"Tch, that's just a bad habit from the old days."

One of the companions looked disdainful.

Penny shrugged her shoulders.

Ran Bing looked confused and followed Captain Mark in front of him to move forward cautiously.

"What's this?"

Soon, the group came to a gate filled with flesh and soil.

This is a storage compartment.

Everyone entered the storage warehouse and found some usable energy.

"Wow, what is this?"

Soon, Ran Bing and Mo Cheng looked at a huge flesh and earth body in front of them in surprise.

Looking at the condition of the meat and soil above, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"It's the body left behind by the transformation of a large pole-devouring beast."

Mark reminded everyone with a solemn look.

"I don't feel right."

"Let those dustmen move quickly and don't touch those flesh and earth."

Mark immediately made arrangements.


"You guys move faster -"

The team members scolded Chen Min and started working.

"Zizi—Captain, there's a situation."

"Who are you?"

Da da da--


At this moment, screams came from the team channel.

The expressions of Mark and others changed greatly.

"No, Captain, something might have happened."

Ran Bing, Mo Cheng and others looked at Mark solemnly.

Mark's eyes narrowed, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"somebody is coming."

He raised his gun and stared into the darkness behind him.

"Who's there?"

Ran Bing and Mo Cheng raised their guns one after another and shouted loudly.

In the darkness, they saw people wrapped in black metal armor walking towards them.

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