Ask Sword

Chapter 172 Fingerprint (4K)

In the end, Dali Temple Minister Yun Hanchi did not agree with Li Ang's plan.

But this is also in Li Ang's plan.

First of all, Li Shenbin is a member of the royal family, and his father Li Chenghe, the king of Changxiang County, has a close relationship with Emperor Yu, so he was granted the title of county king by En Jin from the title of county duke.

For the sake of the royal family, it is impossible to use such an embarrassing method to verify the truth.

Secondly, Li Ang actually didn't know how capable the four Fusi dogs were, and whether they could still recall Li Shenbin's smell after several days.

The reason why he proposed that ridiculous method was just to delay time and save Nie Shilei's life.

The fact is just as he expected, now that the case involves members of the clan, Dali Temple Minister Yun Hanchi announced that the trial of the case will be suspended and the case will be reported.

Once reported, the level of the case will be raised again, and the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Yushitai will jointly try it.

More time can be gained.

Nie Shilei and the servants of the county palace were taken away by the guards of Dali Temple and detained for interrogation.

Li Shenbin himself, because of his identity as the son of the county king and lack of evidence, was not locked up for the time being, but asked him to return to the county king's mansion to wait for the summons.

No one doubted that he would take the opportunity to abscond. Now that there is insufficient evidence, if he escapes, he will directly prove the crime and bring endless troubles to the family.

"Mr. Li Xiaolang."

Old man Nie, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up with difficulty, pulled his daughter, and was about to salute Li Ang with trembling lips, but Li Ang waved his hand and refused.

It is not appropriate for Li Ang to communicate with the defendant's family members right now, so he stepped out of Dali Temple, motioned Wu Shiqi to follow with his eyes, and came to a secluded restaurant.

Li Ang said bluntly: "It will take at least seven days to organize three joint trials.

The best situation during this period was when the servants of the county palace directly confessed Li Shenbin's crimes in prison. But that's not realistic.

What was even worse was that the servants of the county prince's mansion had directly committed all the crimes in prison and exonerated Li Shenbin.

In the worst case, the servants were convinced that there was insufficient evidence and refused to say anything. As a result, in the three joint trials, it was impossible to prove that Li Shenbin was directly related to the case, and he was acquitted.

And Nie Shilei was sentenced because he was found at the scene of the crime. "

Wu Shiqi nervously said, "Then what should I do?"

"Protect Nie Shilei in the prison, and don't let him have contact with anyone. As for the evidence, I will apply to the Academy so that I am qualified to conduct an investigation."

Li Ang explained a few words, then turned to look at the restaurant box.


The door of the box was pushed open, and Jin Wusuan, who was in charge of the Liuguang Bank, and Meng Chengye, the father of the deceased Meng Ying, walked in from outside the room.

Knowing that they would come, Li Ang said directly: "Two shopkeepers, what we are looking for should be the same.

Namely, to find out the truth of the case. Let the real murderer pay the price. "


Meng Chengye's eyes were red, and he said hoarsely, "Mr. Li Xiaolang, do you believe that Nie Shilei is innocent?"

"I don't fully believe that Nie Shilei is innocent, but now Li Shenbin is more suspected. If the final investigation finds that Nie Shilei is the real culprit, I will not prevent shopkeeper Meng from taking revenge."

Li Ang said indifferently: "You two have many eyes and ears in Chang'an City, so I hope you can protect all civil witnesses during the preparation stage of the third trial, and prevent them from being pressured by the outside world to temporarily change their confessions."


Jin Wusuan nodded, and suddenly asked: "But I want to know why Mr. Li Xiaolang intervened in this case. I just heard that the disease of the king of Changxiang County was announced by you, Mr. Li Xiaolang."

"Healing is healing, justice is justice."

Li Ang said indifferently: "I checked Changxiang County King's illness, but it doesn't mean that I am friends with him. It doesn't mean that I will look at his face and violate the law of Yu."

"Then Mr. Li Xiaolang is not worried?"

Jin Wusuan raised his finger and pointed to the sky, "The relationship with there."

Emperor Yu?

The corners of Li Ang's mouth raised slightly, "Don't be joking, Shopkeeper Jin. I'm a disciple of the academy."

The school has gone through two generations, and its history is longer than that of Yu State. The emperors of the two dynasties changed one after another, but the school still stands.

For the imperial power, it is not as dependent on the imperial court institutions.

Li Ang, as the number one scholar in the academy and a member of the Neo-Confucian Society, didn't need to be trembling and terrified all day long just because he offended the emperor a little bit.

As for the reaction of the princes and county kings of the Li clan.

Do I need to care?

Li Ang watched Jin Wusuan and Meng Chengye leave. After the two returned, they would definitely use their own channels to continue investigating the clues of the case.

I just don't know if we can find any useful evidence.


In the next few days, Li Ang has been following up the investigation.

Dali Temple, Criminal Department, Yushitai, Zhenfusi and other departments all dispatched their own officers to conduct separate investigations in various parts of Dongshi City.

Li Ang had also seen the wreckage of the carriage on the Prince's Mansion in Changxiang County. It was burnt to the point where only a few pieces of charcoal were left, and there were no clues at all.

If the carriage hadn't been completely demolished, Li Ang might still be able to find a way to test the blood in his laboratory.

For example, blood testing agents such as benzidine, o-benzidine, and colorless malachite green are used.

Finally, the time came to the day of the three trials.

There are crowds of people outside Dali Temple, and the majority of Chang'an citizens are rushing to see it, looking forward to seeing the legendary scene of Li Xiaolang, the God of Little Medicine King, going to court with the son of the county king.

If you can see the classic plot of "the prince breaks the law and the common people commit the same crime", it will be more enjoyable.

In anticipation, the gate of Dali Temple slowly opened,

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice with the highest official position sat in the first seat, and on both sides were Dali Siqing and Yushi Zhongcheng. Li Ang, who represented the Academy, also had a seat.

Li Shenbin, one of the suspects in the case, stood in the audience with a calm expression on his face.

And lying next to him was Nie Shilei.

Or, Nie Shilei's body.

"Three officers, now that Nie Shilei committed suicide in fear of crime, can I go back?"

Li Shenbin stood under the stage, smiling and asking questions.


Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice took a deep breath, and exchanged glances with his colleagues on both sides, their expressions were a little gloomy.

Nie Shilei hanged himself in prison a few hours before the trial. The veteran of the Zhenfu Division has checked the scene and confirmed that there is no trace of coercion or poisoning

This is very strange. After the trial ended seven days ago, Dali Temple changed Nie Shilei to a safer single cell, and there were no other prisoners in the cells on the left and right sides.

And during this period of time, the management of the prison was stricter, and no guards or servants were allowed to talk with Nie Shilei alone, or torture him to extract a confession.

"No one visited Nie Shilei last night. But someone visited the prisoners in the cell diagonally opposite to Nie Shilei."

Yu Shi Zhongcheng said expressionlessly: "That prisoner was recently locked up because of roadblocking and robbery.

The person who visited him was not related to him, but a gang member. And just now, he was found drowned in a street ditch. "

Dali Siqing's face was ashen,

The truth of the matter is not difficult to guess,

The king of Changxiang County, who was said to be about to die of illness, used all his energy to save his son.

Find a gang member and go to Dali Temple to visit other prisoners. During the visit, he took the opportunity to say something to Nie Shilei.

The rascals in the market are more ruthless than wolves, tigers and leopards. If they threaten the lives of Nie Shilei's family members, it is easy to force Nie Shilei to go to extremes.

The three bureaucrats sitting on the stage all started from the bottom and rose up step by step. It is clear how the rich and powerful persecute ordinary people

"Li Shenbin!"

Dali Temple Minister slapped the table and killed someone on his own site, which made him lose face in front of his colleagues, regardless of the face of the clan, and said gloomily: "Nie Shilei did not leave a confession statement, the case is not over yet."

"What the minister said is true."

Li Shenbin nodded and smiled, with a docile and harmless appearance, "But my father is still sick at home, and I need to go home to take care of him quickly. If there is no more evidence."

Li Ang stared at the other party coldly, and suddenly said: "Do you want evidence?"


Li Shenbin was a little surprised, but he still smiled and said, "But it's better not the method you proposed, Mr. Li Xiaolang, which would hurt the face of the royal clan."

"Bring up the body of the dead."

Li Ang waved his hand and asked the guards of Dali Temple to bring Meng Ying's body up.

It has been more than ten days since Meng Ying died, but because the body has been kept in the underground ice room of Dali Temple, and her father also bought many talismans to protect the body,

So there are not many signs of decay yet.

Li Ang got up, took out a white coat, mask, gloves, etc. from the medicine box beside him, put them on, and came to the corpse.

Li Shenbin smiled and said: "Mr. Li Xiaolang, is this going to kill people, flesh and bones? Or do you also know how to do injury inspection?"

Li Ang was too lazy to talk to him. After confirming that the mask was on, he lifted the white cloth, revealing the unrecognizable terrifying face of the deceased Meng Ying.


The onlookers outside the temple subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Ang was not affected and explained on his own.

"There were maroon choke marks on the neck of the deceased, four marks on each side of the neck, bleeding from the skin under the neck, and a fractured throat cartilage, which proved that the murderer's hands put pressure on the neck before death.

Due to the strangulation of the neck, the deceased could not breathe, his face was swollen, cyanotic, and bluish-purple, there were scattered spots of bleeding in his eyes, and there were bite marks on the tip of his tongue.

Injuries caused by suffocation and struggle can be found on the chest, back, limbs and other parts. "

Li Ang analyzed one by one: "The other cause of death of the deceased is here."

Using his thoughts, he gently lifted Meng Ying's body, revealing the entire sunken back of his head.

"If you have read the agronomy paper I published half a month ago in the Science Journal of Xuegong, you should know that when slaughtering livestock in some places in Yu State, in order to prevent the blood from overflowing, they will hit the head of the livestock with a stick. Fractured its skull and died quickly.

Depending on the size, shape, weight, and location of the impacted object, skull fractures will also show different characteristics.

Can be roughly divided into linear fractures, depressed fractures, hole pile fractures, comminuted fractures, disintegration fractures and so on.

There were traces of comminuted fractures at the back of the skull of the deceased, and according to the direction of the fracture line and the truncation relationship, it can be seen that the blow site was at the back of the head, and there was only one blow. "

Li Ang took out a piece of drawing paper from the medicine box, on which was the image of the alley that he had copied.

Red paint was used on it to mark the direction of blood spattering.

"Based on the direction in which the blood was sprayed on the wall, it can be seen that the wounded object was the stone wall itself.

That is to say, it was the murderer who strangled the neck of the deceased that night, became angry because of the struggle of the deceased, strangled his neck, and smashed his head against the wall, causing the skull to rupture and died on the spot.

To achieve this effect, the murderer's body must be very strong. "

Li Ang pointed to Nie Shilei who hanged himself to death, "Nie Shilei's family is poor, his health is not good, he is weak and thin. Even if he is stronger than Meng Ying as a woman, it is impossible to smash Meng Ying's skull with just one impact. "

Li Shenbin's face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "So what, it can only prove that the murderer is very strong, but it cannot prove that it is me."

Li Ang said indifferently: "I remember the father of Changxiang County King, because of some things back then, he forbade his children to practice martial arts, right? Have you practiced physical training?"


Before Li Shenbin finished speaking, Li Ang pulled out the three-edged spear tied at his waist, injected spiritual energy, and made the spear stretch out, hitting the opponent's door from top to bottom.

Li Shenbin subconsciously raised his hands and grabbed the spear.

Hearing a dull bang, he actually grabbed the heavy metal spear with his bare hands, without any sign of bending his arm.

Li Ang withdrew his spear indifferently, "You are indeed practicing martial arts."

"So what?!"

Li Shenbin gritted his teeth and argued: "My grandfather's ban was imposed on my father and uncles, and has nothing to do with me. And my martial arts training does not prove that I am the murderer of Meng Ying.

To put it bluntly, you still have no direct evidence. "

"Evidence, you have given me."

Li Ang took out a hairpin from Meng Ying's stretcher through his gloves, "Do you still remember this jade hairpin?

This was used by the murderer to scratch Meng Ying's face, in order to prevent Nie Shilei from waking up and discovering that Meng Ying is not the same woman who seduced him.

There are fingerprints of the murderer on it. "

Since the father of the deceased Meng Ying, Meng Chengye, was Jin Wusuan's life-and-death friend, her belongings would naturally not be tampered with. As for the fingerprints, the folks in the country of Yu already have the habit of signing, drawing, and pressing fingerprints, and there is no need for the particularity of Li Ang's fingerprints.

The only problem is how to make the fingerprints on the hosta visible.

Li Ang took out a small bottle from the medicine box, which contained iodine crystals he made from kelp and sulfuric acid.

He held the hosta over heated iodine crystals, and as the steam swirled, clear fingerprints appeared on the hosta.

Compared with Li Shenbin's fingerprint on the triangular gun, it was confirmed that they matched.

"it's over."

Li Ang didn't even look at the ashen-faced Li Shenbin, and indifferently took out a white cloth, wiped off the traces of iodine on the spear, and walked out of Dali Temple.

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