Ask Sword

Chapter 76 Scope

"Just need to, further, narrow down"

Li Ang was talking to himself, holding the corner of the table to stand firm again, heaved a long sigh of relief, waited for the pain to subside a little, and said again: "Tao begets one, to nothingness, endowed with chaos, good fortune is clear and turbid, cultivates Taihe .”

He kept repeating this step, and the tingling became stronger and clearer,

After several times, the clothes on his body were completely soaked in sweat, and his whole body looked like he had just been salvaged from the lake.


Chai Cuiqiao bit her lips tightly, said nothing, just dipped the towel into the washbasin filled with warm water, and silently helped Li Ang wipe his sweaty face.

The frontal region, approximately below the superior sagittal sinus.

Li Ang leaned back, lay down in the chair, exhaled stale air, closed his eyes, as if the structural map of his own brain was reflected in front of his eyes

Is it here?

The last obstacle on the road of practice.

Li Ang raised his palm, as if he wanted to grab the brain structure map that didn't really exist.

The frontal lobe is an important part of the cerebral hemisphere before the central sulcus and above the lateral sulcus of the brain. It carries the first body motor area, premotor area, head-eye motor area, motor language center, writing center, and prefrontal cortex.

If this area is damaged, it can range from neurological impairment, motor aphasia, eye gaze disturbance,

Seriously, insanity, and even death.

"Skull-broken sword, it's really a broken sword!"

Li Ang muttered to himself, stood up, borrowed the towel handed by Chai Cuiqiao, wiped off the sweat on his body, and changed into new clothes.

"Master, are you going out?"

"Well, go find that senior brother Ding Jingshan in Yiningfang."

Li Ang stretched his waist, "Now I probably know which area of ​​the brain is the problem. Ask him to go to the academy for me, borrow a few books, and see if there is any solution."

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door sounded outside the courtyard, Li Ang frowned slightly, and signaled Chai Cuiqiao to put away the pen and paper with his eyes, pushed the door out by himself, came to the courtyard, and opened the courtyard door, "Who is it?"

"Risheng, it's us."

Four students from Weizhou said anxiously: "Shao Yuan was taken away!"

"Brother Song?"

Li Ang said in surprise, "What's going on? Tell me clearly."

The four students from Weizhou explained in a hurry. They wanted to go to Zhai Yiming and Song Shaoyuan in the morning to comfort the two who had failed the exam - the two usually lived in the same courtyard.

When I got to the yard, I saw only Song Shaoyuan and a group of men with tattoos on their faces who were obviously not kind, talking about something.

Four students from Weizhou wanted to ask questions, but they were pushed away by several tattooed men, who told them not to meddle in their own business.

Song Shaoyuan, on the other hand, comforted them from a distance not to worry, and never to report to the officials, and left voluntarily with the other party.

The four students from Weizhou had no choice but to enter the room, and woke up the drunk Zhai Yiming, only to find that Zhai Yiming was too frustrated after failing the exam, and had no idea what happened after drinking all night.

The four of them could only pour Zhai Yiming a bowl of hangover soup, let him rest in the room, and went out to find Li Ang, who was the most helpful.

"A man with tattoos on his face?"

Li Ang frowned and said, "The gangs in Chang'an City? When did Brother Song get involved with them? And you are told not to report to the authorities?"

"have no idea."

Yan Zhou shook his head and asked, "Risheng, what should we do now?"

Li Ang asked, "Where's Ji Linglang?"

Yanzhou student replied: "I went out of the city with other female students to join the Chang'an Women's Club."

".Let's go, go to Yang Yu first."

Li Ang immediately made up his mind and asked Chai Cuiqiao to close the courtyard door to take a good look at the house, and went to find Yang Yu with four of his classmates from Weizhou.

Every afternoon, Yang Yu would go to Granny Tang's at the entrance of the West Market to drink a bowl of fermented glutinous rice. When Li Ang and others found him, he had just sat down.

"Shao Yuan was taken away? Who is the other party? Dare to kidnap students in broad daylight?"

Yang Yu patted the chopsticks in surprise, thought for a moment and asked, "Wait. What kind of tattoos are on the other side's face?

It is flying cloud pattern,

Or waves? "


The four students from Weizhou thought for a moment, "Neither of them. The one in the lead has a bird in a cage stabbed under his bangs on his forehead."

"Caged bird?"

Yang Yu's pupils shrank, he took a deep breath, and said to the servant beside him: "Go to Chang'an County, just say to find the bad guy Wu Shiqi, go on horseback, hurry up."

"Wu Shiqi, wasn't that the tour guide for our Sanzhou students when they entered Chang'an? Yang Qilang, you mentioned before, he used to be a member of the Shuran Gang."

A classmate wondered: "Could it be that Shuan Ran helped take Shao Yuan away?"

"No, the base of the Shuran Gang is Luyundidian, and the tattoo pattern is a cow with ears behind.

There is only one family that embroiders birds in cages. "

Yang Yu said slowly: "Pingkangfang, Jiao Cheng."

The sound of horseshoes went and returned, and the servants around Yang Yu came back on horseback, followed by Wu Qiqi in the uniform of a bad person.

"It happened to be patrolling the West Market."

Wu Shiqi smiled at Li Ang and the others, then cupped his hands at Yang Yu and said, "Qilang Yang, are you looking for me?"

Yang Yu nodded and said, "Well, one of my friends, Song Shaoyuan who you led around Chang'an before, was taken away by Jiao Cheng's people. I want to know what's going on."

"Jiao Cheng. How did Xuezi Song provoke him?"

Wu Shiqi frowned in surprise, seeing the expressions of Li Ang and the others, he hurriedly explained: "Students don't know, Pingkang Square is divided into Northern Qu, Middle Qu, and Southern Qu. There are Lianhualou, Zuifang Building and Linyue Building are also called the third building of Sanqu.

These third floors are all the first-class selling gold caves in the world, and the backs of Lianhua Building and Zuifang Building are inextricably linked with Jiao Cheng. "

According to Wu Shiqi, Jiao Cheng's mother was a brothel girl, she didn't know who her father was when she was a child, she worked as a servant in Sanqu when she grew up, and was often beaten and scolded.

Jiao Cheng has been in a very deep city since he was a child. He could not fight back when he was beaten or scolded. Even if his leg was broken by a drunk guest, he still greeted him with a smile.

Relying on the ability to observe words and expressions and flatter people, he became the biggest steward in the trilogy step by step from a servant.

And even go one step further.

"The third floor of Sanqu is the place of Fengyue, and every night, countless dignitaries and dignitaries go there to enjoy themselves.

Even if you whisper on the pillow, only seven parts are fake and three parts are true,

But these three parts of the truth, gathered together, become extremely terrifying. "

Wu Shiqi said in a low voice: "No one knows how many private affairs of important people Jiao Cheng holds, how many secrets that can kill people.

Because of this, Jiao Cheng can live so securely - on the one hand, there are always several monks around him to protect him, on the other hand, the people above don't want him to die.

Seven years ago, a supervisory censor under the eighth rank wanted to get rid of Jiao Cheng on the grounds that he was suspected of selling a woman, but the next day, the supervisory censor was accused of conniving at his family in Zhuangzhou and annexing him. Reason, expelled from Chang'an.

Even after the matter was over, they didn't know who made the move to help Jiao Chengping. "

"Jiao Cheng of Pingkangfang is the dog of many people."

Yang Yu said softly: "But only he knows who the rein around his neck belongs to."

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