Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 866 848 Understanding of God

Chapter 866 848. Understanding of God

"You want to say that now everyone is interested in the 'Witcher' group because of me, and has studied it in depth, not wanting to miss any hint. So your attention to the Witcher is normal and common, and there is no reason Suspected, right?”

Under Lan En's calm question, Wigefortz also answered calmly.

"Of course, I have to admit. Before these things happened, I was already interested in the witcher. But that was not because of anything else, but because: the witcher is the one who is most deeply entangled with the law of accidents in the world. A common group.”

"Who could not be interested in the elusiveness of fate?"

Lan En interjected: "Especially for an Archmage like you, who has already stood at the top of wizards, is it more attractive?"

"What else could it be? What else could arouse my desire?"

Vilgefortz said matter-of-factly.

"I read your thesis during the time I came to Arethusa, Sir. I also had a comprehensive understanding of the crystal cultivation project you took over from Tisaya. I have to say that the sharpness of the thinking in it amazed me. .”

"Under her leadership, although news about that project came out occasionally, it was still regarded as a joke by everyone. But after you took over, the project began to become practical by leaps and bounds, and now it is even making money every day."

"So unlike those mediocre people, I know very well that I am facing a wise man with rich knowledge reserves, clear logic, and quick thinking. Rather than a fierce and cruel man who just waits to kill a few people every day to refresh himself, in addition to showing off his strength and venting A reckless man whose sexual desire seems to have no other pursuits in his life.”

"So I think you should understand my thirst for knowledge."

Lan En nodded slightly.

"Understanding is understanding, but I do not support the temptation of the law of accident. Some things in this world are obscure. On the contrary, it is a protection for those who seek knowledge."

"Just like a cabbage trying to explore the causes and effects of its existence, and calling the result of thinking the 'eternal and mysterious conflict between head and roots', it also regards rain as an unfathomable high-latitude induced force."

"You compare me to a cabbage?" Wilgefortz was not angry, but became curious. "So in your opinion, what is the so-called 'rain falling from high altitude'?"

Lan En looked at the oil painting in front of him. Tishaya's face didn't look much different from now, but at that time, her eyes were still as smart as a deer.

The witcher just shook his head, then turned and left.

"You are lying, Vilgefortz, I can feel it. You are hiding something from me. Your interest in the witcher is not because of the law of accident, but for some other reason."

"That's okay. After all, everyone has things they don't want to say. But in return, I won't satisfy your curiosity."

Lan En can sense other people's emotions from the smallest details, which is a talent of being the Emperor's son.

The Emperor's Children often use this gift to inspire others and provide insight into the direction of the battlefield.

Wilgefortz's slightly disordered breathing when he first saw him meant that he couldn't hide too deeply in front of Lan En.

He said that he became interested in demon hunters because of his exploration of the ‘Law of Accident’.

But from Lan En's point of view, what this guy desires is not a certain type of knowledge, but something more specific.

An object, or. a person.

He is indeed, as Margarita said, a dangerous person who is ambitious and good at hiding himself. Such people often have clear goals.

Even if they pursue something ethereal, such as the law of accident, they will definitely seize a practical and concrete road to move forward.

But it's a pity.

As he said himself: He mistakenly mistook the reflection in the lake for the sky full of stars.

This ambition for knowledge and power is so obvious, but he does not realize the truth of the world.

Wilgefortz is too young.

Lan En, who was walking away, shook his head and thought of Tisaya in the oil painting again.

Lan En said that Wilgefortz was young, but of course he was not speaking from his own perspective. After all, the demon hunter was only in his early twenties.

This 'young' is based on the history of wizards.

Young wizards think that they have understood the laws of nature, believe that they are the only ones who use reason and logic to move forward on the path of supernatural power, and refute everything except themselves.

But in the eyes of a veteran wizard like Tissaya, who has lived for nearly five hundred years, or even a spell caster with a longer history?

Tissaya once wrote some papers in his early years to explore how the clergy's spellcasting ability came from.

After all, in Melitelli's temple, in the hands of Cliff's priests, and in Freya's hall, the clergy did not need to learn theoretical knowledge or recite incantations.

The spellcasting method they used was completely incomprehensible to the sorcerers. They just prayed, and then the spell appeared.

In his early years, Tissaya had vaguely put forward some ideas in his paper, namely, "the true existence of gods." And after Lan En had long-term contact with the Lady in the Lake, Tissaya had confirmed her original thesis.

However, among the younger generation of warlocks, these sensual and self-respecting spell casters no longer have this sense of inquiry at all.

According to Geralt, his sweetheart who sounded very strong, Yennefer of Vengerberg, once wanted him to spend the night together in a certain temple.

Make love in front of the idol!

The attitude of the younger generation of warlocks towards gods is evident.

They only thought that the sacrifices in the temple were similar to the witch doctors and goddesses in the countryside, relying on the power of imagination to try their luck to induce the magic of chaos.

And blindly pursuing higher levels of power and knowledge without considering or even knowing the existence of gods. Lan En is not optimistic about this move.

Wigfortz listened to the footsteps slowly walking away, and then turned his gaze from the oil painting in front of him to Lan En's back disappearing into the shadows.

His expression showed no trace of disappointment or anger at being rejected, just a profound meaning.

"No, he hasn't seen through me yet, Lydia."

Suddenly he turned his head and said something without any end, and in the direction where he turned his head, a woman with an abnormally stiff face came out.

She seemed unable to speak, so she only communicated with Vilgefortz telepathically.

"He only noticed that I lied, but he had no way of knowing my exact target."

He seemed to be talking to himself without any end, but Lydia frowned next to him.

"Such people are scary, right? As soon as we met and exchanged a word, you knew I had lied. Gee, how many years has it been since I've been seen so clearly?"

Vilgefortz said nonchalantly, and at the same time turned his face to the oil painting on the Glorious Corridor.

It was low as if he was mumbling to himself.

"But I am certain that as long as we still want to get the ancient blood, we will definitely face each other. He has a close relationship with Geralt."

"Well, that's right. You're right, Lydia. Not only is he terrifyingly sharp, but he also has Aretuza as a back-up."

"Margarita and Tissaya, the level of magic in these two women is amazing to me. Each of them is as good as two Philippa Earharts. But before this meeting, I have always been I think Philippa is more difficult than the two of them combined."

"Because they lack ambition, decisiveness, and persistence, it is not difficult to deal with them even if they are powerful. But coupled with this demon hunter, he seems to think that he has a deeper understanding of the world than I do, which makes it even more interesting. "

Vilgefortz pondered, then smiled with interest.

"It seems that it will be very difficult to accomplish my goal as long as this demon hunter is still here."

The youngest member of the Wizarding Council in history chuckled, holding his steel staff like a straw, and gradually walked into the darkness of the corridor with his female assistant.

But no matter how things in this world ferment, Lan En has already entered a new world riding a unicorn.

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