Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 248 Late night secret conversation

The ruling throne is close to the purple linden kingdom and rests on the river.

Long Bai and Mo Lan flew into the land of force.

Three years later, great changes have taken place. The forest has been cut down in large quantities, and saplings have recently been replanted.

A large amount of mature forest land has been reclaimed, and the types of planting have been changed. The White Barberry Ant King is constantly optimizing and enriching the kingdom's plant species.

late at night.

Long Bai walked in front, and Mo Lan followed behind invisibly. One after another, they ran on the ground and arrived at Wuye's cave by a familiar road.

"Five leaves——" Long Bai restrained his mental power and called in a low voice.

In the cave, Wuye suddenly woke up from his deep sleep. He raised his head and took a closer look. He tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart, stood up and walked out quickly.

"Longbai Ant King, where is Mo Lan?" Wu Ye looked around.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and pointed to the left.

Under the moonlight, in the shadow of the walnut tree, Mo Lan's figure is vaguely visible.

Mo Lan asked: "Wuye, have any major changes happened in the past three years?"

Wuye: "No. Everything is the same as before. I followed your instructions, silently observed and listened, and collected information."

Long Bai: "Mo Lan and I came here this time just to find out how much useful information you have collected."

Wuye: "A lot."

Wuye: "I have inquired clearly. The White Barberry Ant King is currently the 5th instar lord. He is ordered to plant an integer of 40 trees, one of which is a gift from the White Barberry God. He is ordered to plant an ordinary White Barberry tree with a height of about 45 meters. meters; if you plant one common long-leaf cypress, the tree will be about 60 meters high; if you plant one mountain maple tree, the tree will be about 65 meters high..."

Wuye: "The queen of red barberry ants has an ordinary god-given seed, and its name is 'Red Barberry'. The strengthening effect is to strengthen the metal element ability. This is inconsistent with their awakened elemental talents, and it is equivalent to wasting a seed quota." .The other 39 trees are all common species, and one tree is a barberry tree..."

The King of White Barberry Ants and the Queen of Red Barberry Ants are very ambitious and want to plant high-quality trees.

Wu Ye continued: "Our barley bug tribe warriors, the oldest Mountain Lord of Mountain Jing, evolved into the Mountain Lord level 134 years ago, and is currently in his 6th instar. His planted plant is, in order, a tree of Jing Ye Shan Jing, a shrub. The tree is currently about 20 meters tall; a whiteberry tree is also a shrub..."

Wuye narrated detailed information about all the warriors of the Damaiworm tribe.

Currently, there are 14 Mountain Lord-level barley bug warriors, ranging in age from over a hundred to thirty or forty years old.

The older the plant is, the longer it will take to grow, the taller the tree will be, and the more output it will produce.

Wuye understood Longbai's intention. Not only did he count the detailed plant species, tree heights, and yields, but he also understood the distribution of these outputs.

Every insect, every Force food, and food enhancement have upper limits. When you first start eating, the strengthening effect is most significant. When the strengthening reaches a certain level, the effect begins to decrease until it reaches the limit.

As the Lord level continues to evolve upward, it requires thousands of species of Force food.

The current output of the purple linden kingdom is somewhat difficult to sustain the continued evolution of the white barberry ant king and red barberry ant queen. They had eaten very little of the Force food collected every year, and most of it was distributed to those barley bug warriors who were willing to surrender, as well as to their own King Zuo.

About 40 years ago, the White Barberry Ant King gradually relaxed the restrictions on the Mountain Lord-level barley insect warriors and began to allow them to continue to evolve.

At the same time, the White Barberry Ant King is also breeding common barley bugs, training new barley bug warriors, and forcing them to choose designated plants as their life seeds.

Wuye: "The King of White Barberry Ants and Queen of Red Barberry Ants evolved into lords 126 years ago. After that, it took 12 years to evolve from the 1st instar to the 2nd instar lord. The evolution season is autumn; from the 2nd instar to the 3rd instar , it took 19 years, and the evolution season was also autumn; it took 27 years to evolve from the 3rd instar to the 4th instar; it took 38 years to evolve from the 4th instar to the 5th instar, and the season of dormant evolution was all chosen in autumn. "

Wu Ye: "They evolved into fifth-instar lords 30 years ago. Due to the restriction of Force food categories, it is very obvious that their evolution is becoming more and more difficult."

Wuye: "Longbai Ant King, this is all the information I have collected so far. Is there anything else I need to ask about?"

Long Bai: "There are 10 auxiliary kings in the Termite Kingdom, and currently there is only 1 lord level?"

Wuye: "Every year when the fruit from the purple linden god is ripe, all the insects will gather under the tree. The tribe's Mountain Lord-level barley insect warrior has carefully looked at it, and there is indeed only one at the moment."

Long Bai nodded, relieved.

The order in which the white barberry ant king distributes the force food is himself, the red barberry ant queen, the surrendered barley worm warrior, and finally his subordinate king.

The reason is simple. As the barley bug warriors evolve, they can choose more life types that are useful for their evolution and growth.

And it can be seen that the white barberry ant king and the red barberry ant queen thought they were sure to defeat these barley bug warriors, so they did not take strict precautions against them.

The information provided by Wuye is detailed enough, and these data are enough to roughly estimate the time when the white barberry ant king and red barberry ant queen will next evolve into sleep.

"Wuye, through what channels did you obtain this information?"

"Part of it is from my daily observations and counting; part of it is from what I heard when the Barley Worm warriors gathered secretly to discuss the conspiracy; and some of the information was from my occasional questions to the elders of the same clan."

Wuye saw that Long Bai was suspicious and stated: "I am very careful. I only ask one or two questions at a time and never more. When everyone is discussing, I won't say much and just listen silently."

Long Bai asked: "You barley insect warriors often gather to discuss how to deal with the white barberry ant king and red barberry ant queen?"

Wuye: "Definitely we can't gather often. We gather together every year before the fruits of the purple linden god-given seed are about to mature and we are asked to gather under the purple linden god-given tree. Occasionally, during the hottest time in summer, There may be small gatherings to inform each other.”

Long Bai asked: "Who is organizing?"

Wuye: "Mainly the three elder mountain owners Shanjing, Zhongpu, and Velvet Flower."

Long Bai: "Are they arranging other barley bug warriors to pretend to surrender and continue to grow and evolve?"

Wuye: "Yes. The combat effectiveness of the barley bug warriors is too weak. We need more mountain lord-level warriors, preferably lord-level warriors."

As an ant tribe, Long Bai often thinks about how to motivate the ants under his command to work as hard as possible with the minimum effort.

Long Bai knew management very well and said firmly: "This is a disguised form of manipulation and encouragement. It controls your growth and evolution in a disguised manner to facilitate the allocation of resources. It gives you hope and encourages you to live. There must be a traitor among the three mountain masters Pu and Ronghua! Maybe the three old guys have completely fallen to the White Barberry Ant King!"

"Ah?!" Wu Ye was stunned when he heard this, "This... this is impossible... why?"

Long Bai: "The White Barberry Ant King promised to allocate resources to help them evolve to lord and king levels, so they can live longer."

Wuye shook his tentacles vigorously, refusing to believe it.

Long Bai didn't want to irritate it and said with relief: "This is just my guess. The purpose is to remind you to be more careful. My guess may not be correct. You don't need to verify it."

Long Bai then said: "However, no matter what, the information they gave will not be false. There is no need to lie. This is enough."

Long Bai: "Wuye, we still have more than 15 years of preparation time, so there is no need to worry. You should not show any obvious signs of asking for information. Just listen and observe."

Long Bai: "Next, you only need to understand the dynamic changes in the Purple Linden Insect Kingdom, and always pay attention to the evolution of the Mountain Lord-level warriors and King Zuo. I will come back to you in three years to find out more."

Wuye: "Understood!"

Long Bai: "Also, pay attention to the terrain and terrain, and keep in mind the locations of nests in various parts of the termite kingdom and the approximate number of stationed soldier ants and worker ants."

"I have observed this, Longbai Ant King, do you need it?" Wuye said, raising his claws and starting to carve on the ground.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and interrupted, saying: "It's not necessary for the time being. I will ask you before confirming the action."

Like the ant kingdom, the main purpose of setting up separate nests for termites is to facilitate territory management and food collection. The separate nests will change with the development of the territory and the depletion of food sources. There is no point in asking this now.

Long Bai raised his paw, drew a circle on the ground, adjusted his position, and pointed: "This is the east, this is the west. Wuye, you will take the seeds given by the purple linden god, the white barberry god, and the red barberry god. Show me the distribution of the species given by the king of white barberry ants and the king of red barberry ants, as well as the location of the king termite nest."

Wuye: "They are all concentrated in the middle of the land of force. The seed given by the god Zilin is in the middle. The concentration of force there is about twice that of mine."

Wu Ye raised his paw and drew a small circle in the center of the circle. He looked left and right to confirm the direction. He walked around the small circle and poked three small holes in the ground with his toe tips. He explained:

"The God-given Seed of White Barberry is here, and the God-given Red Barberry Seed is here. About 1,000 meters away from the God-given Seed of Purple Barberry, the White Barberry Ant King built a palace as tall as two mountain peaks with his earth element ability. .”

Five Leaves: "The ordinary species of the White Barberry Ant King and the Red Barberry Queen Ant are all scattered around the palace. With the white barberry and red barberry god-given seeds as the center, there is a garden of various barberry trees. They especially like barberry trees."

Long Bai: "Where is the water source? Is there an obvious dry season here? How to irrigate? There should be drought-resistant water conservancy measures, right?"

Wuye: "There is no fixed dry season, but droughts may occur in certain years. As early as the Purple Tilia Kingdom, five reservoirs in the east, south, west, north, and middle were built, connected by rivers and canals, to irrigate the entire Insect Country.”

Wuye used his paws to draw circles to mark the location of the reservoir, and connected lines to draw rivers and canals.

The central reservoir is between two divinely gifted trees, white barberry and red barberry.

Moreover, there is a river flowing past the termite palace.

There is also a reservoir close to the center of the Force Land...

Long Bai was pleasantly surprised.

Fighting in such a geographical environment, your water blue soldiers can play a big role!

Long Bai solemnly reminded us again: "Wuye, you have done a good job. In the next time, you don't need to do too much. We should focus on confidentiality and safety. Don't leak the existence of Mo Lan and me to any insects."

"I understand!" Wuye agreed, twitching his tentacles vigorously.

"Then Mo Lan and I won't stay long and come back in three years!"

Long Bai said goodbye and led Mo Lan away in a hurry.

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