Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 258 Ruins of Zikui Mountain

Long Bai and Mo Lan spent more than ten days to find the entrance to the Xuanling Brown Mantis tribe's treasure house.

The result was nothing.

There is no shimmering gold, no god-given remains left, and only many murals can be seen in the entrance hall, which vividly record the various fighting skills of the mantis warriors.

This is a warlike tribe.

Nothing gained.

Next stop, Zikui Mountain, the territory of the Migratory Locust Tribe.

The plain land between Jianlan Plain and Hanlan Plain is also very easy to find. It is a large mountain with a slope of less than 30 degrees. At the foot of the mountain is a lake with many mulberry trees growing there.

Long Bai and Mo Lan had visited this place before to collect mulberry fruits and refine them to make ant honey.

Locusts like to eat mulberry leaves, and the cultivated plants are mainly mulberry trees. Many high-quality mulberry tree species have been left here.

This is where the mulberry trees that sow the banks of the Azure Reservoir come from.

"I didn't expect it! There is actually a large tribal treasure trove hidden in this place."

"The once Zikui Mountain and the Sea of ​​Trees are now dilapidated and in such a state of decline. It's really a great change."

The ruling throne stopped at the lakeside, and Mo Lan looked at the mountains in front of him and made a speech.

After sighing, Mo Lan started to get into trouble again, "Long Bai, this mountain seems to have no steep cliffs. Where is the right place to dig?"

Long Bai had already surveyed the terrain when the ruling throne descended, and was pondering this issue at this time.

"First, open a hole horizontally on the mountainside facing the lake to confirm whether there is a treasure chest."

"Okay!" Mo Lan flapped her wings to urge the start of work.

Take off from the Throne of Dominance and choose your spot.

Long Bai dug the soil and made a hole in front.

Mo Lan used an animal skin bag to transport soil from behind.

I have done the same thing a lot, and my cooperation is skillful and efficient.

Five days later, an 80-meter-deep tunnel was dug inward, and finally encountered a stone wall hardened by the earth element.

Zikui Mountain is huge and the treasure house is hidden deep in the mountain.

The next step is to find the entrance to the treasure house.

As usual, it must be on the side facing the reservoir.

But there were no steep cliffs, so it was difficult to determine the location for digging. Long Bai couldn't think of a better way. He could only find relatively steep slopes. With Mo Lan pointing out the location, Long Bai moved his claws and dug straight down.

Practice has proved that Mo Lan is not sure about this kind of exploration that does not involve fluctuations in the force, and has missed eleven consecutive points.

The sun in the sky is getting brighter day by day.

Long Bai grabbed the time and rushed to Feiguang Mountain to complete the harvest of the seeds given by Feiguang God.

Further northwest, go to Baifan Mountain to observe the growth status of the seeds given by Baifan God, and at the same time complete the traveling merchant trade in early summer.

Gai Sang and Bai Fan explained that there would be many things going on this year, and trading would be suspended for a year in the fall.

There is no need to go to Ghost Fan Mountain and Black Lotus Lake.

Starting from Baifan Mountain, we headed straight to Zikui Mountain and continued digging.

The roar of lightning lights up the night sky.

The morning after a rainstorm.

The ruling throne rested on a steep slope near the top of the mountain.

Long Bai was responsible for digging.

Mo Lan was responsible for lifting the soil.

Silent and tacit cooperation.

Another day under the scorching sun.

Late at night, when he was about to finish his work and rest, Long Bai swept his mental energy to the side, took a long breath, and muttered:

"Damn locusts, what did they think, putting the entryway at the top of the mountain!"

"Found it?" Mo Lan whispered.

"Found it." Long Bai replied calmly and climbed out of the hole.

--Finally found.

Long Bai and Mo Lan were relieved and returned to the throne to rest and regain their original strength.

In the middle of the night, we dug again and worked until early morning to clear the entrance of the cave.

Passing through the winding entrance passage and entering the wide hall, there are a large number of dead branches and leaves. The air rushes in and is quickly carbonized and crushed.

A remnant of the divinely gifted seed of a certain mulberry tree.

On the left and right sides of the hall, there are two passages, spiraling downward.

First enter the passage on the left to check. Every once in a while there is a cave where raw stones are stored, where the relics of God-given seeds cut into pieces are stacked.

To the end, nothing else was discovered.

Entering the passage on the right again, you will see the same layout, with caves where the relics of God-given seeds are piled at regular intervals.

Walking quickly along the way, I scanned and checked with my mental power, but found nothing else.

The two passages meet at the bottom of a circular cave about 30 meters in diameter.

In the center of the cave is a statue of a Locust tribe warrior carved from brown-red rock. The surrounding stone walls are engraved with various patterns and texts, which mainly record information on managing the territory and cultivating plants, and also depict and record some major events that have occurred.


Mo Lan raised her paw and pointed at the dome of the cave.

Long Bai raised his head.

Carved above are three big trees, one tall and two short. There is no doubt that they were all king-level god-given seeds provided by the tribe, and the remains in the cave were left behind by them.

The two short trees on the sides are mulberry trees of unknown species, which are God-given seeds.

There is a tall tree in the middle. The height of the tree is more than twice as high as the mulberry tree. At first glance, it looks like a Ziziphus jujube tree. But if you look closely, it is clearly a Ziziphus jujube tree!

Mo Lan: "Southern jujube?"

Long Bai: "That's right!"

Mo Lan's frustration was swept away, "Use the remains of the king-level Ziziphus jujube god-given seed as fertilizer to irrigate the wild Ziziphus jujube tree in the South Ziziphus mountain. The effect will definitely be very good!"

Long Bai: "That's the theory."

Mo Lan: "Try!"

Long Bai: "Try."

Wild God-given seeds grow too slowly.

Originally, Long Bai had decided to give up the god-given seed of the South Jujube, but now that he had found its sibling, he could cultivate it accordingly.

The round trip from Nan Suanzao Mountain to Zikui Mountain takes about four or five days. It just takes some time to transport and does not waste other resources.

Long Bai: "Mo Lan, we have been delayed in Zikui Mountain for a long time. Let's go, pack a few bags and go back."

"Where's Shuo Jin?" Mo Lan suddenly felt a little unwilling.

Needless to say, Shuo Jin was probably taken away by a certain locust clan insect king who left.

Long Bai was also unwilling. He turned around and swept his mental energy towards the sculpture of the Locust Warrior in the cave, but couldn't find any gap.

He stepped forward and tried to cut with his claws. The king-level earth element ability was solidified, and his toes passed through without leaving any trace.

Long Bai flapped his wings and took off, hanging upside down from the dome, searching carefully, but did not find any hidden mechanism.

Mo Lan crawled along the cave wall and looked carefully, but found nothing.

"Mo Lan, forget it." Long Bai landed.

"The good stuff has been taken away."

Mo Lan was discouraged and didn't have much hope for the other eight tribes that once had Shuojin given by Ye Xiang's god-given seeds.

It is said that the information is worth 100 million, but in fact, I am afraid that it is not worth even one rough stone.

I also know the seed of Yexiang God-given, so I give it away for free.

Long Bai and Mo Lan returned to the throne, took the spider silk bag, filled 6 bags of god-given remains, and set off back to Xianglan Mountain.

Take a short rest and set out again.

The dusk fell heavily.

Bailiu flew along the shore of Black Lotus Lake, suddenly sank, grabbed a herring, climbed straight up, a black shadow passed by, stopped suddenly, and landed vertically at the entrance of the ant nest hole in the mountain range.

The worker ants swarmed up, cut the herring into pieces, moved them back to the ant nest, and fed them to the blue ants for refinement.

It is rare that this year the Longbai Ant King has not come to pick up Heiti.

In the forest at the foot of the mountain, Heiti was directing the ant colony, working overtime to open up wasteland, cut down trees, dig up tree stems, clear weeds, turn over soil, clear gravel, raise ridges, and build fruit orchards and seedlings.

Working together according to the division of labor, Bailiu was responsible for hunting for the ants. He fluttered his wings and was about to return to the lakeside. He suddenly stopped, flipped on his back and sideways in the air, faced the north, and looked intently.

Familiar fluctuations in the Force come from far away.

Soon, blue spots came into view.

The ruling throne is heading this way.

Bai Liu's figure flickered and stepped forward to greet him.

"Longbai Ant King... Mo Lan..."

"Where's Heiti? Have you rested?" Long Bai asked.

"...Get some rest."

Bai Liu replied, adjusted his posture, flew beside the throne, and asked:

"Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, are you taking Heiti to the southeastern desert?"

Mo Lan: "Yes. If we dig out the original stones, we will give Heiti a share."

Long Bai: "It'll be half a year's work at most. I'll definitely send Heiti back before winter. From now on, I won't have anything to do with him. I'll just stay in Black Lotus Lake and plant trees."


Bailiu was a little happier when he heard this, and announced the good news: "Longbai Ant King, the azure tree is bearing fruit!"

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