Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 327 The Soul-fixing Fruit Is Ripe

Citi Hill.

Yellow skewer and spruce were busy planting grass on the slope. Feeling the fluctuation of the force of the throne, they took off and quickly came to the ridge to wait.

"Yellow skewer. Spruce."

The Throne of Ruler flew close to it, slowed down, levitated, and landed on the ground.

Long Bai went straight to the topic, "Quandong Sacred Tree! I got the Yizhao Fruit. How long will it take for the Soul-fixing Fruit to mature?"

Quandong: "The beginning of summer."

The Quandong Sacred Tree was no less curious than the Zerg warriors, and urged: "Longbai Ant King, have you brought the Yi Zhao Fruit? Let me see!"

"I'm here!"

Mo Lan opened the spider silk bag, took out the metal can, held it in both claws, shook it, straightened it on the throne, and unscrewed the lid.

Seeing this, Huang Ya and Yun Shan jumped up on the throne and got closer to take a closer look.

Both the Citizen Sacred Tree and the Quandong Sacred Tree think it is an incredible, extremely unique divine fruit.

silence. Hold your breath.

Mo Lan looked at the yellow skewer, looked at the spruce, and screwed on the lid.

They all turned around and looked at the Quandong Sacred Tree.

a long time,

Quandong Sacred Tree said slowly: "This is a very normal divine fruit, which belongs to the ability-granting type. The Yi Zhao Fruit is supposed to give the Zerg warriors the ability to 'return to heaven with Yi Zhao'."

"I have two guesses. The first one is that the God of Nature may not allow such an ability to exist, so it becomes an ability that can only be used once."

"The second guess is that this ability needs to match the talent of a specific race. Ordinary insects don't fit in, so they can't get original energy transformation and can't get abilities."


——It should be the first type.

——The God of Nature does not allow the existence of disrupting the order of the astral world.

——I think it’s the second type.

——Yizhaoguo belongs to the life system? Then Zerg warriors with life-related talents should be suitable, right? There is no shortage of such Zerg in Wanzu Continent.

——The second possibility can be ruled out.

——Whoever has the ability to infinitely cast the "Return to Heaven" will definitely be feared and rejected by other Zerg warriors. If any tribe can master this ability, it will definitely end in destruction.

Dragon cypress, ink orchid, and spruce are all insects that have more than one god-given seed. In the future, yellow skewers will also breed life-giving god-given seeds.

Everyone is somewhat afraid of and rejects the ability given by the ‘Yizhao Fruit’.

Of course you will be happy if you master this ability.

But if there are other insects around who have this ability, I will not be able to sleep at night.

Something that makes insects and trees uncomfortable.

Mo Lan put away the metal can and wrapped it in three spider silk bags.

Long Bai changed the topic and asked: "Quandong Sacred Tree, when the soul-fixing fruit matures, how many rough stones do you need to put into each fruit on average? Do you need me to bring the ant colony here to help?"

Quandong: "It will take about 2.8 million to 3 million rough stones. Just dig a few holes under the trees and fill the rough stones in them."

So you don't need help?


Long Bai: "Then Mo Lan and I can stay and help."

Quandong: "Okay."

Huang Ya asked: "Longbai Ant King, how is the construction going on the deserted plain? What is the size of the ant colony?"

Long Bai: "Currently, I have stationed a sufficient number of blue ants in the Pandan Mountain, Nan Zizio Mountain, White Lotus Lake and Black Lotus Lake that have been reclaimed and built into orchards, and all logistics support work is ready. I started cultivating them on the barren plains last autumn. The specialized blue soldiers still have 7 or 8 years to go, and excluding all the delays in the meantime, there will be almost 5,000 combat soldier ants."

Long Bai: "It only takes half a day to travel from the throne to the deserted plains and back. I can help in Citizen Mountain during the day and return to the deserted plains at night to manage the ant nests."

Huang Yao: "...You make your own arrangements."

Huang Ya: "All the rough stones have been moved to the Palace of Knowledge. The season is right now. Yunshan and I will sow grass seeds and take care of the hatchlings. We will start digging holes in half a month."

Long Bai: "That's just right. Let Mo Lan stay in Citi Mountain for now. I'll go to the deserted plains, sort out the ant nests, and come back in half a month."

Long Bai went to the ant nest in the deserted plain alone.

Counting it day by day, when it reaches 15 days, we immediately set off for Citi Mountain.

Under the sacred tree in Quandong,

Yellow skewer, spruce, and mochi orchid have already started construction. They are digging a circular pit with a diameter of 10 meters and a depth of about 2 meters 100 meters away from the main trunk.

Long Bai stepped forward and after a brief greeting, he controlled the throne and helped lift the soil.

It's just a matter of digging a few shallow pits, an extremely simple task for a Mountain Lord-level warrior.

One pit a day, completed in six days.

3 million yuan of raw stones were moved out, and six pits were poured. 500,000 yuan of raw stones were dumped into each pit, and soil was backfilled to build six round earth bags two meters high from the ground.

The Quandong Sacred Tree will extend its roots and wrap up the original stones. It will use as much as it needs and keep the ones that cannot be used up. It breathes every day and consumes an average of about 400 stones every day.

The three soul-fixing fruits under the Quandong Sacred Tree have taken shape.

The oval pine cone is very large, about fifteen centimeters in length and seven to eight centimeters in diameter at breast height.

The brown fruit shell looks like fish scales, and each scale has a complex network of white original energy lines. The shell is so thick that even with all your mental strength, you can't detect the kernel inside.

Look at it at night, and you will see these lines flickering, breathing in and out, drawing on the power of nature and exuding hazy original energy.

It's early summer.

The divine fruit is about to mature.

Huang Ya and Yun Shan were very calm. They got up early and came back late as usual every day, busy going up and down in the mountains.

Long Bai was afraid of missing it, so he stayed in Citi Hill, staying under the tree with Mo Lan, chatting with the Quandong Sacred Tree.

After waiting patiently for several days,

Suddenly one day, at noon, amid the chirping of insects, the sleepy Long Bai and Mo Lan received a message from the Quandong Sacred Tree, "The soul-fixing fruit is about to mature."


Long Bai and Mo Lan woke up.

Mo Lan: "Quandong Sacred Tree, do you need us to do anything?"

Quandong: "No need."

Quandong: "I'm reminding you to stay away."

Mo Lan: "Uh..."


Long Bai's thoughts turned, and he controlled the throne to take off from the ground. He accelerated and flew horizontally away from the shadow of the huge tree body of the Quandong Sacred Tree, lifted off vertically, and landed on the top of Citizen Mountain.

Huang Ya and Yu Shan noticed the movement at the same time.

Huang Ya ran straight to the top of the mountain.

Spruce fluttered its wings and flew up the ridge, asked a few questions to the Quandong Sacred Tree, and ran up the mountain as if running for its life.

Not long after waiting, the Quandong Sacred Tree accelerated its absorption of natural force, forming a vacuum of force that spread rapidly, covering the entire place of force in a few breaths.

The terrifying momentum made the insect shudder.

——Didn’t you prepare a sufficient amount of 3 million rough stones?

It was also the first time for Huang Ya and Yun Shan to see this kind of formation. They stood there for a while and then jumped onto the throne in embarrassment.

Fortunately, this process does not last long.

The Quandong Sacred Tree deliberately suppressed it, and the speed at which its branches and leaves absorbed the Force slowly decreased. The scope of the Force's vacuum coverage continued to shrink, and was finally compressed to a diameter of 1,000 meters to avoid affecting the vital growth of yellow skewers and spruce trees.

It lasted for another half day. At dusk, the speed of absorbing the Force dropped sharply and soon returned to calm.

The ruling throne took off and landed towards the main trunk of Quandong Sacred Tree.

Quandong Sacred Tree said leisurely: "Mo Lan, Dragon Cypress Ant King, you guys don't be impatient, just wait one more day."


"...We are in no hurry."

Long Bai and Mo Lan replied.

He raised his head, looked at the fruits on the tree, and waited impatiently.

The bright color of the brown shell faded little by little.

The leaves on the fruit branches wither and wither.

Eventually, the fruit branches dry up.

The soul-fixing fruit automatically fell off and fell to the ground.

Dragon cypress, mochi, and spruce fluttered their wings and took off at the same time, each grabbed one, and then circled to the ground.


——Quandong Sacred Tree, thank you for your hard work!

——Thank you Quandong Sacred Tree!

After getting the things, I felt relieved. After thanking each other happily, they looked at each other for a while.

Molan has only evolved into the 1st-stage Mountain Lord for two years, so there is no rush to use it yet. This soul-fixing fruit was first sealed with ant royal jelly.

Yunshan is not yet at the Mountain Lord level, so he cannot use the soul-fixing fruit, so he uses ant royal jelly to seal it first.

Yun Shan: "Mo Lan, do you want to put your soul-fixing fruit into the treasure house and keep it refrigerated together?"

Mo Lan: "No. Thank you. I'll eat it in the autumn."

Huang Ya: "Long Bai, are you just going to stay in Citi Hill and use it?"

Long Bai: "Okay!"

Huang Ke: "Go up the mountain. The palace of knowledge."

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