Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 336 Trade Secrets

Lord Heartwing picked up the bag of spider silk, turned around and ran down the mountain. After running a few steps, the call of King Mantiswing came from behind again.

"Xinyi. Wait a moment!"

King Mangyi Mantis suddenly thought of something and asked: "The Banji Mantis belongs to the Liji Kingdom? Is it separated from the Yunguan Mountain Liji Tribe?"

Lord Xinyi replied: "Yes! I specifically asked for relevant information. A new ethnic group that was separated about 500 years ago has a history that is not as old as you. There is a Ni Ke Insect King in the tribe, who is favored by the true god of nature. , alone has 6 God-given Life Seeds, and supports the entire tribe by himself. However, there is only one Insect King in the entire tribe, and the number of Insects is only about 300."

Lord Xinyi: "I also heard that many warriors of the Banji Tribe have God-given seeds, and they are a very wealthy tribe."

King Mangyi Mantis lightly tapped his tentacles and said, "I understand."

Lord Xinyi was in a dilemma, he gently waved his tentacles and pointed at the mountain road, and asked carefully: "King Mangyi Mantis, do you have any other orders?"

King Mangyi Mantis: "Don't worry. Listen to me first."

King Mangyi Mantis slowly said: "When I was young, I followed the caravan on the mainland and visited Yunguan Mountain. It was a richer place than our Hidden Wing Mountain. I once heard that there was also a divine tree in Yunguan Mountain. The name of this seed is unknown, I only heard that it gives a powerful ability of water and wood, but only a Zerg warrior with the potential of water and wood can use it."

The so-called potential refers to the elemental talents that may be awakened by the Zerg warriors who evolve to the mountain master level.

The stone-patterned mantis warrior has the potential of both water and earth elements, but the evolved mountain master level can only awaken a single element, water or earth.

Lord Heartwing and King Mangyi Mantis both awakened to the water element, and there were also many other warriors in the tribe who awakened to the earth element.

King Mangyi Mantis said: "The divine seed from Yunguan Mountain should be endowed with the water-wood dual-system hallucinogenic ability of the Banji Tribe."

Standing on the hillside road, neither going up nor down, the somewhat hesitant Lord Xinyi suddenly straightened his tentacles when he heard the words. He was stunned for a moment, then he immediately reacted and trotted back to King Mangyi Mantis.

"King Mangyi Mantis, isn't this a coincidence?"

King Mangyi Mantis: "Of course not, how can there be such a coincidence? A Zerg tribe can derive new branch tribes, which can be divided into three situations: one is the mixing of blood of closely related tribes, which is prohibited by the true god of nature; the other is blood mutation, It is random; the third type is that ordinary insects have lived near a certain highly evolved god-given seed for a long time, and are affected by the force energy field invisibly released by the god-given seed. Under the influence of the force energy field, the stimulus-induced directional mutation is subtle. .”

King Mangyi Mantis: "The spotted bug should belong to the third situation."

Is there such a thing? Lord Xinyi said respectfully: "Junior has learned a lesson!"

King Mangyi Mantis: "Very few insects on the mainland know about the existence of the divine god-given tree in Yunguan Mountain. The Banji Tribe must know about it, but they may not tell Master Baiwei."

King Mangyi Mantis said sincerely: "Xinyi, when making friends with insects, you must treat them with sincerity."

Lord Xinyi thought and thought, and said: "I understand..."

Late autumn.

The Flame Spider Kingdom, the southeastern coastal rainforest, and the territory of the Watase Flame Spider Tribe.

Most of the caravans trading in Wanzu Continent are on the road of traveling merchants at this time.

The caravans that entered the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent for trade have returned one after another. It is still early, and most of the lords and mountain lord-level flame spider merchants will take advantage of the two or three months before winter to rush to certain tribes to trade. . Sell ​​the goods brought back from the Ten Thousand Nations Continent, purchase the specialties of the Ten Thousand Nations Continent, and enrich the inventory of back armor to prepare for the journey in the coming year.

The empty dirt squares were deserted with only a few spiders here and there.

The business circle of the Zeqi Spider King.

The Zeqi Spider King was lying in the middle of the square, enjoying the peaceful sunlight.

Two little flame spider warriors were crawling over the mountains of cargo on its back, trying to find an openable spider silk bag containing Force food.

The sound of hurried running came from far and near, kicking up dust.

Bai Wei's back armor was empty, followed by Caolong, Ludou, Nandi, and Hongtao. The group ran back in a hurry and went straight to the center of the square.

"Zeqi Spider King!"

Bai Wei greeted with enthusiasm.

Caolong, Yuzu, Nandi, and Hongtao followed and said hello.

Ludou took out a jar of Force Ant Honey from his back armor.

The grass dragon waved its forelimbs and said, "Hundreds of flowers, single flowers, delicious food, come here quickly."

The two junior flame spider warriors on the Zeqi Spider King's back crawled quickly and landed...

Two spider silks were rolled over, wrapped around the spider's legs and picked up. Lu Dou took the two little flame spiders away and gave a stern warning: Stay there, don't come near, I'll beat you to death...

The Zeqi Spider King stood up slowly and looked at it coldly.

"King Zeqi Spider, I have something, please help me keep it."

Bai Wei quickly untied the spider silk rope on her back, took off the spider silk bag containing the divine light wings, and handed it over.

Caolong suppressed his mental power and rushed to explain: "This is the 'Divine Light Wing' that we have been planning for several years and replaced from Hidden Wing Mountain. It gives a life system the ability to heal very quickly. We plan to..."

Bai Wei slapped her front feet and pushed with her side legs to drive the grass dragon away, and then said: "Longbai will be useful in attacking the termite kingdom. Send it to it next year. It's not safe for me to carry it with me. King Zeqi Spider, please help preserve it."

Zeqi Spider King: "..."

The Zeqi Spider King's mental power swept away, and after being confused for two seconds, he roughly understood how the thing came from.

The Zeqi Spider King thought about it again and understood why Long Bai gave the share of the divine white barberry fruit to Luo Li and Bai Wei instead of Qiye.

He manipulated a spider silk rope, rolled it around the spider silk bag, opened it, looked at it, quickly packed it away, hid it at the bottom of the cargo, and muttered: "You little guys are quite capable."

The Zeqi Spider King asked: "How many rough stones did you get?"

Bai Wei: "1 million! We have agreed to give 1.2 million to Long Bai."

The Zeqi Spider King gave a rare compliment: "This is a great deal!"

The Zeqi Spider King asked: "Which of you planned this?"

Caolong: "It's not me!"

Bai Wei: "If it's not me...who else could it be?"

The Zeqi Spider King's heart was bright.

It has long been obvious that Cao Long is a little spider with a more flexible mind than Luo Li and a more cheerful personality than Luo Li. He is a very promising little spider.

The Zeqi Spider King asked curiously: "Did you go to Hidden Wing Mountain first? Did you go there with the divine Night Fragrance Fruit?"

Bai Wei: "Yes."

Zeqi Spider King: "The person who contacted you must be an old mantis king with a high reputation, right? The mantis's curiosity is as strong as its desire for revenge. Why don't they buy a divine night scented fruit to try?"

Bai Wei: "This one has been reserved for a long time. The next batch will be produced and Hidden Wing Mountain will reserve one."

Zeqi Spider King: "..."

The Wanzu Continent has been at peace for a long time, and there are more and more idiots~

Zeqi Spider King: "Who did you sell this one to?"

Bai Wei warned: "Business secrets."

Zeqi Spider King: "..."

Zeqi Spider King: "How many rough stones were produced?"

Bai Wei: "Business..."

Bai Wei saw the Zeqi Spider King raising its front legs and aiming at her head, so she temporarily changed her words and said, "Ask Cao Long."

Caolong hummed and said vaguely: "The ability given by the night scented fruit is really useless. We paid the price and didn't earn a single rough stone."

——Look at how nervous you guys are~

——So what if it’s useful? Can I, the majestic spider king, still compete with you group of little spiders for business?

The Zeqi Spider King said angrily: "Get out of here!"

The Zeqi Spider King lay down and didn't want to say more. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but remind him:

"The price of the divine night-scented fruit is 400,000 yuan. Even if you don't make a profit on the price, it's not a small sum of money. I suggest you find a big place like Hidden Wing Mountain to sell it. Insects from rich and large tribes have more energy. Afterwards, If I find that something is not good and the abilities given to me are useless, I usually won’t take it seriously with you. On the contrary, bugs from small tribes and small places like to be cheap but are unwilling to suffer a little loss. If they don’t do it well, they will hold grudges. You can’t If you don't get the original stone, you will lose your life..."

Bai Wei: "No!"

Bai Wei ignored the Zeqi Spider King's advice, turned around and waved her front legs to drive him away, "Get out of here! Get out of here! Don't disturb the Zeqi Spider King's rest."

The team was divided into three.

Nan Di went back to find the Feng Ai Spider King.

Caolong and Ludou rushed to join Luo Li.

Bai Wei and Hong Tao rushed to the territory of the Lord of Huangtao Mountain in a hurry, eager to go north to trade, and eager to deliver the divine night scented fruit to Zibei Mountain. This year, they wanted to test the compatibility between the night scented ability and the innate ability of the spotted bug.

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