Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 367 Sowing the seeds given by the god of barberry

Jianlan Plain.

At the shallow bend of Zhanjiang, Baifan activated his earth element ability to stir up the river sand, while the ghost fan shook his tentacles and swept back and forth, attracting the metal gravel he found to the tentacles.

Next to it lies a medium-sized bag of spider silk.

The ghost fan swept twice and then put its tentacles into the bag, and the adsorbed metal gravel slipped into the bag.

The soil ability and metal ability work together to extract metal gravel from river sand.

The King's Throne came flying in and stopped at the shore.

"Ghost fan. White rice."

Long Bai greeted, jumped off the throne, and stepped forward to pull the spider silk bag to check.

It was only noon.

The medium spider silk bag is half filled with the small one.

This should be their harvest in half a day.

It looks like earnings were much higher than predicted.

"Take a rest."

Greeted by rice.

Ghost Fan stopped and asked, "Longbai Ant King, have you evolved to the fourth stage?"

Long Bai: "Yes."

Bai Fan: "Planning to sow the seeds given by the god of barberry? Has the north thawed?"

Long Bai: "Let's go there early."

Long Bai: "Gui Fan, you should also go over and help guard the spot."

Ghost Fan: "No problem!"

Bai Fan was very excited and said: "The harvest is a little higher than expected. The gravel collected so far is enough to make 500 small metal cans."

Long Bai: "...Okay!"

Long Bai: "The deal with the Flame Spider Traveler is over in the thick spring. I will take the Sugarcane to the deserted plains and transport the metal gravel along the way. We will make metal cans in the Purple Lime Worm Country."


Gui Fan and Bai Fan agreed.

Long Bai waved his tentacles to greet him and said: "Spring is short, don't waste much time, let's set off now..."

Purple linden country.

Under the warm golden sunlight, the remaining ice on the ground melted little by little and seeped into the soil.

There are hardy weeds that sprout first.

The ant colony that has been dormant for the winter comes out of the nest.

Cuibai and Heiye continue to dig the canal that divides the land.

The cedar also directs the worker ants to plow the nursery soil and create ridges for sowing.

The ruling throne flew over and landed directly on the dirt bag.

Long Bai picked up the bag of spider silk and jumped to the ground.

Ghost fans, white rice, red maples, and spruce trees all fell to the ground.

Long Bai raised his head and shook his tentacles.

The instructions for legion assembly were passed from level to level.

The soldier ants and blue soldiers who were patrolling the surrounding forest and resting in the palace ran over and formed a neat formation.

Fragrant cypress, green cypress, and black leaves rushed over surrounded by soldier ants.

"Your Majesty! Are you going to sow seeds?"

As soon as Xiangbai saw this formation, he immediately understood that he was about to sow the seeds given by the god of Baibai.


Long Bai didn't say much, quickly walked up to the round bag, stood on the top, inserted his tentacles into the soil, gathered the force energy, slowly released the boiling ability, and thawed the deep soil.

Dig a shallow pit four to five centimeters deep in the ground.

Open the spider silk bag and take out the metal box.

Inject the original force to open it, carefully take out the divine seeds of Bai Qi, place them in the pit, and backfill them with soil.

The water ability is activated, controlling a group of ice cubes on the ground in the distance to fly up, flying in front of you, melting and watering it.

Lie aside and wait patiently.

Check with a mental glance from time to time.

Soon, the seeds were awakened.

In the evening, the seeds sprout and take root.

In the middle of the night, the tips of the buds are unearthed.

At dawn, facing the golden morning light, the cotyledons unfold and the true leaves emerge.

In the middle of the morning, the first and second true leaves unfolded

At noon, the third and fourth true leaves unfold...

The new green leaves greedily absorb the energy of the sun, and their growth rate is accelerating.

Within one day of sowing, the seedlings will grow to a height of about 10 cm.

After three days, the seedlings grew into saplings half a meter tall.

Ten days later, the sapling grew into a large sapling more than one meter tall. The cotyledons wither and fall off, the large amount of energy and nutrients carried by the seeds are exhausted, and the growth slows down.

After ten consecutive days of warm sunshine, the earth warmed up, the ice and snow melted, and the rivers and ditches that had been frozen all winter began to flow again.

The barley bug warriors came out of the cave at this time and began to take care of their territory.

Cedar nursery planting continues.

Black Leaf and Cuibai command the legion's defense.

Dragon cypress, white rice, ghost fan, red maple, and spruce guard under the round bun.

A time of quiet waiting.

Another half month later,

The god-given seed of the white barberry grew to a height of nearly 2 meters, began to produce side branches, and the rate of absorbing the force increased.

The concentration of the Force at the center of the Purple Tilia Kingdom is extremely high, so there is no need to use raw stones to replenish the Force.

However, raw stone powder can provide raw energy nutrients needed for the growth of raw power plants.

Long Bai was extravagant and used 100 pills every day, and observed a slight effect for 5 days.

If it works, it’s worth continuing to invest.

Sunset dusk.

Long Bai summoned Cui Bai, Black Leaf, and Xiang Bai to arrange tasks.

"The transaction with the Flame Spider Traveler this spring is quite important and cannot be delayed. It's time for me to return to Fanglan Mountain. This trip will take about 14 to 15 days."

Long Bai jumped onto the throne and put down the wooden board.

"Xiang Bai, you take a permanent working ant colony and go to Heiguo Mountain with me to take care of Hong Xi's territory for a period of time."

"Okay! King!"

The cedar waved its tentacles to guide the selection, directing the ants to climb onto the throne along the wooden board.

Long Bai continued to make arrangements and said:

"Hei Ye, you command the fourth mixed legion and guard around the Baibo God-given Seed."

Kuroye: "Okay! Your Majesty."

Long Bai instead communicated with his mental power and said: "Cuibai, you have to work harder and command the first and second blue soldier legions at the same time. The first legion is divided into brigade units, dispersed around a kilometer and patrolling outposts; the second legion follows closely. The pool is guarded near the god-given seed of the white barberry.”

Cui Bai: "I understand, Your Majesty."

Long Bai tapped his tentacles and continued: "The Barley Worm Warrior may be looking for something. If you find yourself approaching, don't overreact. Ghost Fan, Bai Fan, you go over and communicate. Yunshan, use your soul-fixing ability to observe, if there is a situation , notify Cuibai as soon as possible.”

After Long Bai finished speaking, he added: "The Barley Worm tribe doesn't know that there is such a divine fruit as the 'Yizhao Fruit' in the world. They didn't know that the god-given seeds of the white barberry were beaten back to their seed form and sown in situ. "

Bai Fan: "Understood!"

Yunshan: "Okay!"

Red Maple shook its tentacles fiercely, emitting crackling light, and said: "Longbai Ant King, you can rest assured. No insect dares to touch your divine seed. If there are any, I will electrocute as many as they come." .”

Ghost Fan hurriedly said: "According to my observation, the barley insect warriors are kind-hearted and are very friendly to us and the Longbai Ant King..."

Long Bai: "So I said, if you have something to do, communicate first."

The insects clicked their tentacles to agree.

Long Bai simply packed up and set off.

Xia Zhu was waiting for the crack on the side of the Yunji Continent in the Starship Passage three days in advance.

Nandi and Hongtao also came early.

One is more anxious than the other.

Nan Di turned sideways, one middle leg passed through the crack and rested on the dirt ground.

"Longbai Ant King! Here he comes!"

Nan Di suddenly retracted her legs and jumped up and down cheering.

--come yet?

——That must be a success!

——Have you grabbed the seed given by the god Bai Bo?

——The pace is brisk, it should be done.

——If everything goes well, the seeds will be planted by now, right?

Nan Di, Xia Zhu, and Hong Tao were jumping up and down excitedly, analyzing and speculating.

Xia Zhu squeezed Nandi away, stretched out her long foot, and put it on the ground to sense.

Yes, the march of the ants vibrates.

As in previous years, Long Bai led the ant colony to trade on time.

Pull your legs back and wait patiently.

After a while, Long Bai led Xuanlang and Hongqian into the cave quickly.

"Longbai Ant King!"


"Life-extending magic product?"

"A seed given by the god Bai Bai?"

Nan Di, Xia Zhu and Hong Tao greeted them warmly and asked eagerly.

Long Bai didn't have the habit of beating around the bush when speaking, and said calmly:

"A great victory! There were zero casualties among the Zerg warriors participating in the war. The seed given by the God of Baibo has been nurtured into a life seed. It was sown as soon as spring began. The tree is currently over two meters tall."



"Very good!"

"The lord-level termite kingdom was destroyed like this?"

"Long Bai Ant King is so awesome!"

Nan Di, Xia Zhu and Hong Tao cheered.

Long Bai continued: "The concentration of the Force in the central area of ​​the Purple Lime Worm Country is extremely high, about... more than 2.5 times the concentration of the Force in the hills opposite. It is a super-friendly natural Force environment."

"I composted the corpses of the lord-level ant king, queen ant, and ten termite queens, and used the remains of the original trunk of the divinely gifted white barberry tree to crush sawdust to make matrix soil, creating the best soil environment."

"I also plan to invest 100 raw stones every day and use the raw stone powder to replenish the original energy substances of the divine seeds of Bai Qian."

Long Bai: "Referring to the growth of the God-given red cypress seed that year, I predict that the God-given seed of white barberry will be able to grow over 15 meters tall this year and over 30 meters tall next year. Force, soil, and nutrient supply all depend on each other. If all conditions are met to the extreme, they will bloom and bear fruit the next year without affecting normal growth.”

Composting the corpses of dead Zerg? !

This is a big taboo in Wanzu Continent and Wanguo Continent.

As neutral traveling merchants with principles, Nan Di, Xia Zhu and Hong Tao could only secretly rejoice in their hearts, while their faces were solemn and silent.

Long Bai continued: "I have also seen the wild purple linden god-given seed. The tree is more than 200 meters high and has reached the height of the evolutionary king level. It is just a little short of an opportunity. When we have time, Mo Lan and I will meet Excavate the remains of the northern Zerg tribe in the last Force era to see if we can find suitable god-given remains to help it break through."

"Yeah! That's great!"

Nan Di couldn't hold it in any longer, so she raised her front legs high and screamed in joy.

Long Bai continued: "The red peach, the divine night-scented fruit will mature this autumn and can be delivered next year. The next batch of normal production will still be 3 fruits. However, I will move it to the purple linden country later. It may be It will take a year or two.”

Heart: "Remember!"

Xia Zhu asked: "Longbai Ant King, where is the Quandong Sacred Tree? How are its fruits?"

Long Bai: "Everything is normal. The fruits will mature in the late autumn of next year and can be traded in the spring of the following year. Please remind King Caowu Spider that the Divine Grade Six Daozi is ready. Let's barter. We will give back more and make up for less."

Xia Zhu: "Okay!"

Xia Zhu: "King Longbai Ant, you want to move the seeds given by the Night Fragrance God to the Kingdom of the Purple Lime Worm? In an environment with ultra-high force concentration, you can save a lot of raw stones."

Long Bai: "Yes."

Nan Di rushed to ask: "Longbai Ant King, I remember you mentioned that Huaqishan was once the largest clan in Yunji Continent, and there were two sacred trees..."

Long Bai said: "There is also a Linnan Sacred Tree, and the divine Kunlanzi it produces is endowed with the wood element talent. I have already thought about your ideas. The first time I conquered the Termite Kingdom, I followed Citi Hill communicated..."

Long Bai shook his tentacles and said: "Citizen Hill doesn't dare to completely trust me, but they don't say anything to death. They are not questioning the credibility of my insect product, but they are worried that I will suddenly die suddenly while sleeping and evolving..."

Nan Di rushed to say: "This is easy to handle! Longbai Ant King, you will be fine if you eat more god-given force food with comprehensive physical and life systems. For ordinary god-given force food, our caravan can trade it normally. Meet your needs."

Long Bai still shook his tentacles and said: "Citizen Hill can't rest assured. We need to discuss this matter after I evolve to the lord level!"

Nandi: "Lord level?"

Xia Zhu: "That should be very soon, right?"

Long Bai was speechless.

Whether it is fast or slow, you will understand in a few years.

Heart: "Longbai Ant King, is there anything else?"

Long Bai: "Yes!"

Long Bai was very helpless and said: "The red barberry ant queen left behind a red barberry god-given seed, lord level, it grows for one or two hundred years, the tree is a hundred meters high, and the metal system's comprehensive elemental ability is strengthened. In all aspects, , can only be regarded as a mediocre small tree-type god-given seed. However, Mo Lan must..."

Long Bai asked: "Nan Di, after you go back, you can ask the Fengmoi Spider King if he is interested in making a deal? Help me buy a divine grade Yi Zhao fruit. I will pay for the rough stone as much as it costs! In the future, I After reaching an agreement with Citi Mountain, Lin Nan’s God-given seed took root and blossomed and bore fruit..."

Long Bai: "Lin Nan's god-given seed has a high yield! The flowering and fruiting cycle is 11 years, and there are 5 fruits. Of the 5 fruits produced in the first batch, Mo Lan and I each had one, and the remaining 3... Citi If you give me a rough stone of 5 million yuan per stone, I won’t make any profit from the rough stone, but I will give it to the Fengmoi Spider King at a fair price. In subsequent transactions, I will also get a share of one of the Fengmoi Spider King.”


Nandi jumped with excitement.

"Okay! I'll go back and report to the Wind Spider King!"

Nandi said, turned around and ran away.

"Wait! Don't worry! You are a little warrior, don't let the Spider King make the decision."

Long Bai hurriedly stopped and said: "Citizen Hill sells divine fruits and usually only accepts raw stones in stock. This is a very troublesome matter. Please make it clear to the Spider King."

Long Bai: "Of course, I will try my best to fight with Citizen. The first batch of Kunlanzi produced by the Linnan Sacred Tree can be exchanged for other divine products, or high-quality raw food can be discounted to pay off the debt."

Nandi: "Okay!"

Xia Zhu and Hong Tao were obviously moved, and when they were about to speak, Long Bai raised his paw and interrupted, saying: "I am far away from the lord level. I will not discuss the matter of the Linnan Sacred Tree for the time being."

Long Bai said: "Last year, I got a lot of purple linden seeds given by the gods. Nandi, you can take them back first and show them to the Wind Spider King."

Hongqian immediately handed over a small spider silk bag.

Nan Di took it, opened it, and manipulated the spider silk to twist a grain for inspection.

Long Bai waited for a short while and continued: "38 rough stones/grain, no bargaining is accepted. Starting next year, I will use the purple linden seeds given by the gods to repay the 3 million debt of Zhifengcaoguo."

Nan Di: "The quality is good and the particles are large. The price should be no problem. However, I still need to obtain the consent of the Feng Ai Spider King."

Long Bai tapped his tentacles and asked, "Do you have anything important to say?"

there is none left!

Xia Zhu, Nan Di and Hong Tao all responded.

Long Bai: "Xia Zhu, Nan Di, and Hong Qian, please bring the news of the victory of the war first. Don't keep the three spider kings waiting. Hong Tao, you and Bai Wei Mountain Master have a lot of goods, let's trade first. Finish your work early. , I will return to the Purple Lime Worm Country as soon as possible to guard the seeds given by the God of Bai Bai."

The foreleg of the sugarcane struck the ground, and the little flame spider slipped from its carapace to the ground, passed through the crack, and ran towards Nandi.

Hongqian followed closely and left with Xia Zhu and Nandi.

Hongtao handed over the slate that recorded the order information and asked, "Longbai Ant King, is there anything else you can do?"

Long Bai: "The war cost a lot and emptied the Xianglan Mountain treasury. The transaction funds between me and the Damai Chong tribe are unable to circulate. You go and discuss with the owner of Baiwei Mountain and lend me another 500,000 rough stones..."

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