Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 397 Dayu Mountain Ruins (2)

Time flies,

Early summer.

Long Bai controls the throne and carries Mo Lan back to the Purple Lime Worm Kingdom.

Rest for two days.

Then he set off with rice and went straight to Dayu Mountain.

A short mountain range dominating the plain forests.

Shannan is a small lake with an irregular shape. If you examine the soil quality, you can also find a dam built four to five thousand years ago in the forest and with enhanced soil capabilities.

During the long years of geological changes, flowing soil and unbridled growth of plants have filled two-thirds of the lake.

"Longbai Ant King, is this here?"

Bai Fan was very uncomfortable with the vacuum environment of the Force, so he hurriedly jumped back to the throne, opened his air holes, and breathed in the force released by the throne.

"It should be right here."

Long Bai took his time and looked around, fixing his eyes on the mountain peak ahead and observing intently.

Bai Fan: "This elm forest must be a forest managed by the White Star Flower Scarab Tribe. Maybe some of the top elm trees cultivated by them have survived."

Long Bai: "...It's not impossible, but it's not very hopeful."

Bai Fan: "Why?"

Long Bai: "Theoretically, once high-quality plants are cultivated and selected, once they are separated from the care of Zerg warriors, it is almost impossible to survive in the brutally competitive natural environment. Mo Lan and I explored many Zerg ruins, and the field exploration results also proved that Such inference."

Bai Fan: "Oh——"

Bai Fan: "That's such a pity——"

For the first time, Bai Fan went deep into the void of the Force to explore the tribal relics of the previous Force era. He was excited, looking forward to it, but unwilling to do so, and said: "There are always surprises."

Long Bai: "Yes. It is not ruled out that some cultivated plants have particularly strong survivability and continue to this day."

"First dig the ruins. After we're done, let's come over and take a look."

Long Bai jumped onto the throne, controlled the air, flew horizontally, and landed directly under the southeast cliff.

"Longbai Ant King? Here?"

Bai Fan shook his tentacles and pointed at the cliff.

"Underneath! Over the long years, due to wind and rain erosion, the rocks collapsed and the soil flowed, burying the entrance of the cave."

Long Bai's majestic mental power condensed into one, and he glanced underground.

Obstructed by earth and rocks, it can only penetrate to a depth of three to four meters into the soil.

Bai Fan jumped to the ground, his tentacles touched the ground, and he raised his head suddenly, "Found it! Over there! There is a hole five or six meters underground."


Long Bai couldn't help but think of the time when he and Mo Lan were digging ruins together.

To search for the entrance of the cave, Mo Lan relied on blind guessing based on his feelings.

Nine times out of ten, you guessed wrong.

I don’t know how much time was wasted.

For this kind of work, the earth element ability is reliable, and the exact position can be locked directly as soon as it comes up.

Bai Fan stepped back, measured, touched the ground with his tentacles, and said: "Longbai Ant King, from here, dig downwards at an angle."


Long Bai jumped to the ground lightly, and his original energy gathered at the tips of his claws to dig.

A tunnel was quickly dug deep into the earth and rock.

Long cypress is digging the soil ahead,

Bai Fan used his soil ability from behind to condense the excavated earth and rocks into balls, and controlled them to automatically roll out of the cave and down the hillside.

It only took a short while to get through.

In front of it is an arched passage with a height of just over 2 meters and a width of about 1.5 meters. The smooth stone walls are hardened and reinforced by earth and stone. There are patterns of flowers, plants, birds and animals carved on them. There are white star flower beetle warriors working in the forest.

Turn around and go through the cave and enter the tribe's reception hall.

The hall is empty, except for a circular stone platform in the center where food is placed and used for gatherings.

There are horizontal passages on the left and right sides, and in front is a spiraling downward passage.

Long Bai unfolded his mental power, scanned around, and quickly ascertained the situation.

On the left and right sides are rooms for tribal warriors. The left room is equipped with door panels disassembled from the wreckage of the starship. The right room also has door panels, but they are not created by extraterrestrial civilizations. They are made by the Zerg warriors themselves using their metal abilities. The facade has a subtle distortion. The original energy pattern has not decayed after thousands of years, maybe it is due to the strengthening of the 'Golden Myrobalan' ability given by the 'Golden Myrobalan'.

There are caves along the spiraling downward path, filled with the remains of the God-given seeds.

Long Bai trotted forward and explored downwards with his mental energy. He quickly hit the bottom and touched a room with a door.

"Baifan, go this way! Down, to the bottom."

"Is the thing there?"

"There is a door panel blocking the mental power detection. Let's go down and have a look!"


Long Bai ran down the winding passage.

White rice follows closely behind.

Soon to the end,

What's blocking the front is a left-right push-pull metal door that is relatively rare in starships.


There are two standing cabinets neatly placed in front of the rectangular cave, which are deeply embedded into the stone wall.

Place one on each side.

As the Citizen Sacred Tree said, there are exactly four standing cabinets.

Long Bai and Bai Fan cooperated tacitly, rushed forward, opened the cabinet door and checked.


Look closer at the stone wall.

The standing cabinet is embedded in the stone wall.

Bai Fan tried to activate the 'soil improvement' ability in an attempt to destroy the strengthening effect on the stone wall.

"My level of evolution is too low to shake the enhanced ability of the Earth Insect King."

As Bai Fan explained, he put his tentacles on the stone wall and felt a sensation, and his head shook.

"There is a layer of metal sandwiched inside the stone wall. It must have been strengthened by the metal insect king. We can only wait until the ghost fan evolves to a high level and come here to try..."

This is all to be expected.

Long Bai: "It's not a big problem. In the future, you and Gui Fan will evolve to the lord level. Let's come back."

Bai Fan: "...Okay!"

Bai Fan: "Longbai Ant King, shall we go to other caves to search?"

Long Bai: "Search every cave."

Long Bai and Bai Fan quickly searched all the caves and found the remains of a white star flower beetle warrior, but nothing else was found.

After careful inspection and identification of the remains piled up in the cave, there were a total of four remains of God-given seeds, a poplar tree, two elm trees, and a suspected grapevine tree, which could be transported back to Black and Yellow for use.

Searching in the forest at the foot of the mountain, we found two varieties of elm trees that were not recorded in the inheritance memory. In autumn, you can come here to collect some seeds and try to find two barley bug warriors to breed them into life seeds.

Rest one night at Dayu Mountain,

Without further delay, we set out early the next morning to head to the next relic: Sanlang Mountain recorded on the dome map of the Citizen Hall of Knowledge...

With Baifan's earth element ability to explore, he can find the entrance caves of various ruins and dig them out quickly.

The super high efficiency of one building per day, in the middle of summer, there are ruins of large tribes with specific locations marked in the Hall of Knowledge, all of which were dug up and inspected.

There is no expected harvest from the heart of a tree or the creation of an extraterrestrial civilization.

More than 80 divinely gifted trees were found, but unfortunately there were no divinely gifted barberry trees that Long Bai was expecting.

Bai Fan stayed in the purple linden country to help.

Long Bai counts the vital plants of all the Zerg warriors in Yunji Continent, and travels alone to various ruins and various points of origin, transporting the remains of the God-given seeds.

Another month of flying around under the scorching sun.

late summer,

Black Birch completed his sixth leap of evolution with the help of the Control Throne. As expected, his body size was fixed at about 1 meter, and his evolution level dropped to the 1st age Senior King.

There are 4 blue rings on the abdomen. It can master four water-based abilities at the advanced king level, and there are no other differences.

Cui Bai leads the first blue army, Black Birch leads the second blue army, Black Leaf leads the fourth mixed army, and the three kings lead the troops to protect the god-given seeds of Bai Bai.

Long Bai and Mo Lan set off from the Purple Lime Worm Kingdom and headed east in a straight line.

The Dominion Throne clung to the divine barrier to the east, flying at low altitudes to search until it reached the southern end.

Nothing was found.

Immediately afterwards, the Dominion Throne flew close to the divine power barrier located on the equator line, searching from east to west.

The two chapters are daily, and will be updated in two days.

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