Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 407: Round-leaf vine (2)

Long Bai stayed in the purple linden country for two months and was not idle. Together with juniper and Bai Fan, he divided the private territory of the big linden warriors.

territorial issues resolved,

The barley bug warriors began to plan what plants to plant on their own land.

The number of medium, small and micro worker ants cultivated by Longbai has reached 1,500, and the number of medium, small and micro soldier ants has also reached 500. It has also begun to formally plan the reclamation and development of the purple linden kingdom.

First of all, the first task is to choose a suitable location and dig a large reservoir 500 meters long and 400 meters wide in the due north direction, on the edge of the Land of Force, an area where the Force is thin but movable.

Raise fish to provide stable food for the ant colony.

In the future, such a large reservoir will be opened in the four directions of due east, due west, and due south to ensure the supply of meat for the ant colony.

At the same time, the second job, the original termite kingdom, due to various restrictions, planted a large number of short shrubs, less than ideal vines, and even many herbs in the cultivated garden.

These low-quality gardens were all cleared and replaced with high-quality plants sent by caravans.

The third task is that the cultivation and management technology of many high-quality large trees originally cultivated by the termite kingdom is not up to standard. Many trees need to be pruned, and many old and weak trees need to be eliminated and replaced in time.

The fourth task is to name and number all the orchards, build nearby nests, and rationally plan ant passages, so that the ant colonies can be mobilized to complete various daily tasks with character commands and reduce the workload of the commanding ants.

The purple linden country has a large area and a large workload, and is planned to be completed in 10 years.

There were not enough commanding ants, so Long Bai had to stay in the purple linden country for most of the next 10 years and personally direct the work of the ant colony.

Currently, there are five Force Lands of Jianlan Plain, Cicada Mountain, Xuelan Mountain, Panlan Mountain, and Desolate Plain that have not yet been cultivated. They have no time to spare and can only wait until 10 years to go there.

The reclaimed Bailian Lake, Molan Mountain, Nanzizao Mountain, Hanlan Mountain, Palm Rainforest, Red Juniper Mountain, and Hulan Mountain also need regular maintenance and management.

Some are too busy.

Need more command ants.

With the current income of the Fanglan Mountain Kingdom, it can afford to raise more command ants.

However, Long Bai considered that the ant kingdom would definitely give birth to all-round kings such as Heiti, Heiye, and Heihua in the future, and did not plan to cultivate commander ants such as Juniper and Xiangbai who specialized in territory management and logistics management.

You can wait slowly.

It's late autumn.

The ruling throne set off with Mo Lan.

autumn trade,

First stop: Citi Hill,

The crucial Dinghun fruit is harvested when it is ripe.

The second stop was Bailian Lake, to see the seeds of night fragrance given by the god.

Stop by to check the conditions of the orchards and look for God-given seeds.

The third stop is Xianglan Mountain, where we will stay and rest for two days.

The fourth stop is Molan Mountain.

The fifth stop is South Jujube Mountain.

Mo Lan roared towards the inlet where the sea blue tree took root.

The dragon cypress controls the throne and flies towards the god-given wild jujube seeds.

After one year of flowering and fruiting, the height of the tree does not increase much. It becomes bloated and fat, and its branches become thicker.

The rate of breathing natural force is also significantly improved.

If he continues to stop flowering and fruiting, he may be able to break through to the evolutionary lord level next year, or the year after at the latest.

——The God-given Seed of South Jujube has a great chance to evolve to the king level and then leave the natural star realm.

Long Bai threw away the ten big bags of god-given debris he brought along the way, jumped off the throne, and walked into the tree trunk to check.

"Your Majesty!"

Heiti hurried over, surrounded by soldier ants.

"Heiti, if you have time, direct the worker ants to scrape these God-given remains into powder and use them for the God-given seeds of South Jujube."

"I understand. Your Majesty."

"100 rough stones every day for 100 days, and then use 10,000 rough stones to help it grow."


This is a waste of resources. Heiti agreed with heartache, changed the topic and said:

"Your Majesty, the length of the main vine of the suspected mutated 'Corundum vine' is over 10 meters. Would you like to go and have a look in person? Can you confirm it again?"

"Okay! Take a look!"

The dragon cypress flaps its wings and takes off, galloping towards the goldenrod vine.

The wooden stakes were used as a framework and the spider silk guided the main vines up the hillside.

Heiti directed the ant colony to clear away the surrounding shrubs and weeds, leaving a few large trees for shade. Some of the branches of these large trees have been cut off to ensure that there is a certain amount of light.

Handled just right.

The vines of the round-leaf vine grow wildly and have luxuriant branches and leaves.

Long Bai observed carefully and found that compared with the ordinary Acanthus vine, the leaves of the Acanthus rotundifolia were obviously rounder, which was a significant difference.

"Your Majesty——"

Heiti ran after him.

"Your Majesty, how is it?"

"very nice."

"Are you sure it's a mutant strain now?"

"I can't guarantee it 100%, but I'm still 99% sure. Moreover, this Acanthus voluptiana plant is growing very well, with strong roots, strong stems, and luxuriant branches and leaves. It's a strong plant. I Guess, if it mutates, there is a high chance that when it blooms and bears fruit, it will directly trigger the laws of nature and receive a divine gift."

"Very good!"

Heiti cheered.

Long Bai waved his paw to indicate silence, and then said:

"Heiti, in the next few years, you will mainly stay in Nanzizao Mountain. Manage the orchard, take care of the three God-given seeds of red juniper, chestnut bean, and sea blue. At the same time, you will also focus on taking care of the goldenrod vine. Manage it well. , it will bear fruit for the first time in two years.”

"Okay... Your Majesty... Then I won't go back to Black Lotus Lake?"

"You can go back and rest for two months in winter."

Just as he was saying,

Mo Lan rushed over quickly, circled at low altitude, and landed close to Long Bai.

"Wow! This goldenrod vine grows so fast!"

"Very strong!"

"When will it bloom?"

"Will it really trigger the divine gift and give birth to the divine gift seed?"

Mo Lan came up with a series of sighs and exclamations, asking questions one after another, and finally asked: "Longbai, if a god-given seed is born, who does it belong to? Heiti's? But I remember that South Jujube Mountain is mainly made of juniper and incense cypress. , Yinbai is under reclamation and management.”

This is indeed a problem...

But Heiti discovered and planted this round-leaf vine, and he is also taking care of it...

Long Bai: "Nowadays, there are more and more command ants in our Xianglan Mountain Ant Kingdom. If we follow the previous sharing rules, we won't have anything to do with you and me."

"Moreover, now that we are operating more and more territories, the chances of birthing God-given seeds are also increasing."

“To keep pace with the times, it’s time to adjust the rules.”

Long Bai buried his head in thought, made a rough calculation, and said to Mo Lan and Hei Ti at the same time: "Hei Ti discovered the round-leaf vine. If the god-given seed is born, Hei Ti will be the first to contribute, accounting for 20% of the profit, and the other 8 command ants will , each accounting for half."

Long Bai: "Mo Lan, once the god-given seed of Acanthus rotundifolia is born, it will probably be top-notch, and you and I will get about 40% of the profit."

Mo Lan: "Yes——"

Heiti was ecstatic, raised his front feet and cheered: "Thank you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty is generous! Your Majesty is mighty!"

Long Bai waved his tentacles and ordered: "Mo Lan, hurry up and search the South Jujube Mountain. I'll go see the red juniper and chat with it for a while. Leave the harvesting to Heiti. We are here. Stay for one day and leave for Guishan Mountain at noon tomorrow..."

Drifting around for a month, going around in circles,

Finally came to Xuelan Mountain.

It is an oval land of force located between the vast mountains with an area of ​​about 18 square kilometers.

At dusk when the sun is about to set.

Long Bai will rest his throne on the snow-covered mountain top.

"I'll do the work first!"

Mo Lan left behind a word, fluttered her wings and left, flying at low altitude to investigate and search.

Just leave the job of finding the God-given seed to Mo Lan.

Long Bai waited quietly on the throne, watching the red sunset on the mountain.

——With Mo Lan’s persistence in the god-given seed, she might have to work until midnight.

——A little bored, looking for something to do?

——My stomach is not very full.

Long Bai thought about it, controlled the throne to take off, and glided down to the river below the mountain.

There was a crash.

A string of water droplets jumped out of the river, turned into tiny ice picks, and knocked down a wild boar walking on the river bank.

Long Bai quickly stepped forward and performed bloodletting and dissection.

Using local materials,

The tentacles swung lightly to control a large ball of water to escape from the river, transform into the shape of a stone pot, solidify into ice, and land lightly on the ground.

The tentacles moved again, and another ball of water was submerged into the ice pot.

Distraction serves two purposes.

On one side, it releases the freezing ability and continuously freezes the ice pot.

On one side, the boiling power is released, and the water in the pot is heated and boiled.

Long Bai picked off the pork bones and threw them into the pot to cook.

With a powerful soul at the lord level and precise and subtle control over the original energy, Long Bai still had the energy to cut the meat and throw it into the pot to cook.

Melt water into ice to make a serving plate.

He took a jar of white rice ant king honey from the throne and poured it into the plate.

Take the cooked pieces of meat from the pot, dip them in ant honey, and eat slowly.


Long Bai suddenly woke up and turned his head.

In the distance, under a Pistacia chinensis tree, in the dimness, two small orange eyes stared straight at this side.

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