Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 522 Nine-leaf yellow skewer

The half-moon rises in the east, and the sky becomes dark.

Hulan Mountain,

The throne of rulership flew over, landed vertically on the top of the snow-capped mountains, and stopped firmly. Long Bai clung to the backrest, buried his head, pulled his tentacles, and went directly to sleep.

"Don't sleep!"

Mo Lan spread her wings and patted Long Bai, "Don't waste time. I'll look for it first. Rest after it's late at night."

——Does your search for the God-given seed conflict with my sleep and rest?

Long Bai raised his head and then lowered his head, ignoring it.

Mo Lan flapped her wings twice to help Long Bai wake up, kicked off and took off, diving towards the dense forest at the foot of the mountain.

When approaching the foot of the mountain, he suddenly slowed down, flapped his wings, landed on the ground, started the Lotus Walk, and turned into a shadow, flickering forward...

On the ruling throne, Long Bai, who had just regained some sleepiness, was awakened, and his soul-fixing ability was deployed to anchor Mo Lan's position.

"The second king?"

"Your Majesty! This is incredible!"


"Seed given by God!"


"Nine-leaf yellow skewer!"


Long Bai was shocked, his mind suddenly cleared, and he jumped up excitedly.

Communication is interrupted.

The ruling throne took off and plummeted towards Mo Lan's position.

Before attacking the Termite Kingdom, Heiti had visited Hulan Mountain. Since there were many high-quality large trees in the area, only half of the land had been cultivated.

The plants planted are mainly nine-leaf cypress, Douglas fir, and silver cypress, with some large-leaf juniper, emerald cypress, red pine and other trees that are cold and drought tolerant and do not need to be taken care of at all.

The original plan was to replace all planted trees every 30 years, but later it was discovered that century-old trees have a high probability of giving birth to God-given seeds, and the cypress was also lazy and extended the time for tree replacement to 100 years.

Now, in front of Long Bai is a giant tree that is more than 50 years old, more than 30 meters tall, and has a trunk diameter of nearly one meter.

Tracing back to its origins, the nine-leaf yellow skewer is selected from the white skewer. It is also a type of pine tree. It has been a top-notch large tree selected and bred in Citi Mountain for thousands of years.

At the top of the tree, a green pine cone that had just faded and grown emitted weak force fluctuations.

A mental scan revealed that the fruit was deformed, with only one seed inside.

"Longbai? The top god-given seed?"



Mo Lan jumped and cheered.

Long Bai was calm on the surface but ecstatic in his heart.

There is no mutation. This nine-leaf yellow skewer god-given seed was born purely randomly.

Longbai has always advocated large-scale planting of various top-quality species, and now it has finally seen results!

With just this one, decades of hard work are not in vain.

"Long Cypress! Quickly command the worker ants to cut off all the excess fruits on the tree."

Mo Lan was happy but didn't forget to remind her.

"It's late at night, and the little worker ants don't work accurately."

Long Bai glanced up and down mentally and examined the big tree in front of him. He found that the growth condition was okay.

Keep your head down and check the soil, spring rain is still acceptable.

The tentacles moved, and a burst of prosperity ability landed on the main trunk.

Two water balls with a diameter of 30 centimeters condensed on the tentacles, split into four parts, and divided into eight parts. They quickly divided into water droplets, activated their boiling ability, and turned into a mist, rising upwards.

Immediately after activating the tranquility ability, the pure wood vitality merged into the water mist, turning into a large green mist that enveloped the Nine-leaf Yellow Tree and lingered there.


"I'll treat it this way, and in a few days, it will reach its best condition."

Long Bai jumped onto the throne.

Mo Lan immediately jumped up.

The ruling throne slowly rose into the sky, hovering on the top of the tree, getting close to the fruit, and observing it closely.

"it's beautiful!"

Mo Lan sighed infatuatedly.

Long Bai did not refute.

In the eyes of a bug, this deformed pine cone is the most perfect form in the world.

"Mo Lan, you stay and guard!"


"I'll go to the Purple Lime Worm Country and pick up Black Birch to help."


"Molan, a top-notch god-given seed that is 100% confirmed, cannot allow any negligence. You will also stay in Hulan Mountain this year. Don't let any living creature that may threaten the pine cone come close to this 100-meter radius."

"no problem!"

"Okay, I'll leave now."

Long Bai traveled all night, and in the middle of the night, he rushed to the purple linden country.

The green cypress stands alone under the white barberry tree planted by the god.

"Crystal? Where's the spruce? Where's the black birch?"

"Your Majesty——"

Cuibai, who was suddenly awakened from his sleep, was still a little confused: Your Majesty, why did you come here in the middle of the night?

Bai Qi was awake and answered helpfully: "Blue Ice Cypress No. 3 cultivated by black birch and juniper finally gave birth to a god-given seed. Spruce and wisteria are watching the excitement."

Long Bai: "!!!"

Blue Ice Cypress finally triggered the gift of nature and gave birth to a god-given seed?

This year's luck is simply explosive!

"Okay! Cuibai, it's okay, just rest."

"Bai Bo, why don't you go to bed so late? Go to bed quickly."

Long Bai spread out his soul-fixing ability and locked the positions of juniper, black birch, spruce, and wisteria. He quickly took off the throne and rushed towards them.

"Your Majesty!"

"Longbai Ant King!"

The insects greeted.

In the middle of the night, there were quite a few people watching the excitement.

Bai Zian is also there.

Velvet Flower, Wuye, Ziluo and other barley bug warriors gathered in the nearby forest, and they were all awakened by the fluctuations in the force of the throne.

After a greeting,

Yunshan asked doubtfully: "Longbai Ant King, are you...Mo Lan not here?"

Long Bai: "We found a god-given seed that was being conceived in Hulan Mountain. Originally, I planned to pick up Hei Hua to help..."

Long Bai: "Forget it. I'll go back to Nanjuozao Mountain and send Heiti there."

Is there another one in Hulan Mountain? !

Tengluo kicked her legs and jumped onto the throne, "Thank you for your hard work, Dragon Cypress Ant King. I will accompany you!"

Bai Xian and Nita Luo also approached the throne of control...

Long Bai waved his tentacles to drive him away, spread his wings and swept down the wisteria, "It's just a seed given by the gods, nothing unusual. Wisteria, stay in the purple linden country honestly, don't run around, be careful of the Linnan Sacred Tree to stab you to death." "

"White cypress and cypress, you also stay. Juniper and black birch have a lot to do, help them light them."

After saying that, I took a closer look at the edge of the garden, the blue ice cypress trees next to the ant path, and the throne of control rose vertically into the sky and disappeared into the moonlight...

Longbai worked day and night, heading straight to Nanzizao Mountain, picking up Heiti, and then rushed straight to Hulan Mountain.

"Long Bai? Heiti?"

"Where's Black Birch?"

Mo Lan asked doubtfully.

Long Bai spoke quickly and explained: "Over there in the purple linden country, the blue ice cypress should have triggered the laws of nature, and a god-given seed was born and is being conceived. The juniper cypress and black birch must be guarded. I had to find a way to get away. So I went back to Nan Suanzao Mountain and took Heiti over."


Mo Lan was inexplicably surprised, "We are very lucky this year, right?"

Long Bai felt the same and moved his tentacles vigorously.

Heiti waved his tentacles and shouted: "The two kings are mighty!"

Mo Lan waved her claws to urge, saying: "Heiti, go to the ant nest quickly, bring the worker ants over, be careful, go up the tree, and pick all the irrelevant pine cones."


Heiti didn't talk nonsense, jumped to the ground, and ran towards the mountain...

The strengthening effect of Jiuye Huangke is in the direction of muscles, specifically the strengthening of muscle energy storage capacity.

Almost all types of abilities of Zerg warriors require the consumption of raw energy stored in the body in order to be displayed.

About 10% of the original energy stored in the body is in the blood, and about 20% is in the carapace; the other 70% is stored in the muscles.

Once the original energy is consumed, it takes time to absorb the original energy from nature, convert it into original energy bit by bit, and restore the reserve.

The intuitive benefit of strengthening the original energy storage limit of muscles is that the number of times the ability is released is increased, and it also has the effect of increasing the strength of the ability.

There are two core concepts in the Linnan Sacred Tree's combat training: [Use the least amount of force to cause maximum damage; strive to kill with one blow in a life-and-death battle]

how so?

Because all Zerg warriors face the problem of limited energy reserves in their bodies and a limited number of ability releases.

The strengthening effect of the Nine-leaf Yellow Cedar is highly practical, and it produces high quantity and quality of pine nuts. The price is high, and it is a top-notch plant that is no worse than the Azure Persimmon.

At the lord level stage, entering the fruitful period, the top god-given seed can bring in more than 400,000 rough stone income every year.

There is no room for error.

Long Bai stayed in Hulan Mountain for half a month longer, leaving behind a group of small and medium-sized green soldiers. They emerged after a month or two and guarded the trees full-time, guarding against being picked by birds and animals that feed on pine cones.

After arranging things here in Hulan Mountain, he hurried to the purple linden country.

Then take a closer look at the gestation of the God-given Blue Ice Cypress seeds, and stayed under the tree for five or six days before returning to Fanglan Mountain with confidence. (End of chapter)

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