Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 554 Hongdao, Jinna Ant King

Mo Lan and the Edelweiss Spider King walked across the sea.

Long Bai controls the throne, carries Black Birch, and sneaks into the deep sea.

Traveled all night.

Along the way, the Edelweiss Spider King introduced everyone to every divine fruit in the southern hemisphere.

In fact, for Long Bai, the most powerful divine product in the southern hemisphere is not the Jingjie fruit or the Silver Leaf fruit, but the 'Culam fruit' of a queen bee who is commanding the Allied Forces of Bo Shue Bay to fight against Blue Island. Only one fruit is produced at a time, and the flowering and fruiting cycle lasts for eight years. After using it, you will gain an alien ability called 'Queen Bee Heart'.

This ability is only suitable for queen bees, ant queens, termites, and their queens.

The ability is activated, the energy field is expanded, and within the coverage area, their bee colonies and ant colonies receive comprehensive strengthening. The strengthening range can reach 10% to 50%. The energy field range is equal to the mental power range, and the strengthening increase is equal to that of the ant king, The strength of the queen bee or queen is closely related.

It's a pity that the 'Crystal Fruit' is only used within the Bo Shue Wan Alliance, and the output is too low, so the Edelweiss Spider King can't get it.

The Edelweiss Spider King could only agree to give it a try later to see if he could exchange the divine product Melanzi for one of Long Bai.

Rest at midnight.

At dawn the next day,

The Throne of Control carried Black Birch flying at low altitude, Mo Lan flew close to the sea surface, and the Edelweiss Spider King activated a lightning acceleration ability called "Electricity Switch" and rushed across the sea. Everyone hurried on as fast as possible.

It was another whole day and half a night of driving, and we approached the 'Qieye Island' at midnight.

The official name of Kiriye Island is ‘Hongdao’.

Living on the island is a kingdom of eight-spined leafcutter ants. The ant king is named 'Jinna'. He has three divinely gifted seeds. With the continuous assistance of the flame spider kingdom, he has five assistant kings under his command.

The group landed on the island.

Immediately discovered by the soldier ants on guard duty at night, the ant country became restless. One of them was 3.5 meters long with well-developed jaws and teeth. At first glance, it was King Xiong Zhuangzuo who was dedicated to fighting. He led a large group of soldier ants and rushed to the coast.

"Edelweiss Spider King! What are you..."

"Shanthorn, has Jinna Ant King rested?"


"Send the ant back quickly to inform you that I have something important to discuss with it."

"Okay...Edelweiss Spider King...these are..."

"My new friends, King Longbai Ant, Lord Molan, and King Zuo Heihua, I'm going to introduce them to King Jinna."


King Zuo, named Mountain Thorn, didn’t know why: Didn’t it mean that Rainbow Island involved the secrets of the Flame Spider Kingdom and other Zerg species were not allowed to land on the island?

The Flame Spider Kingdom has been assisting Rainbow Island.

"Edelweiss Spider King, please come with me."

Mountain thorns lead the way.

The group walked along the ant path, over the mountains and ridges, and came to the foot of the majestic mountain where the main nest was located.

When the news came back, in the ant nests along the way, the ant colonies that had fallen asleep were awakened, and under the moonlight, there was a panic.

The Edelweiss Spider King was familiar with the journey and led the dragon cypress, mochi orchid, and black birch to the golden tree planted by the gods, and waited in front of a long table made of wood.

Some large worker ants came forward and placed a wooden square plate, and some smaller worker ants came in line with golden mycelium in their mouths, climbed up the table legs along the table legs, and placed the mycelium into the plate.

The mycelium with a faint scent of Force is cultivated using the petals of Force plants as nutrients. It is a precious food exclusively for the King and King of the Leaf Cutter Ants in the Kingdom of Leafcutter Ants.

It is only displayed when entertaining particularly important guests.

It was the first time for Long Bai, Mo Lan and Hei Hua to visit other ant kingdoms. They were all a little cautious and tasted it lightly.

This kind of golden mycelium, regarded as a treasure by leaf-cutting ants, actually has a little special force that refreshes the insects and quickly restores their mental strength. It has no taste and is not delicious. It is inferior to the force ant honey. Far.

They stopped touching it and turned their heads to look in the direction of the mountain road.

Not long to wait,

The ant king, who was fatter than Long Bai and had a somewhat bloated body, walked out of the ant nest and walked down the mountain quickly with the support of many soldier ants.

"Edelweiss Spider King, these are..."

Jinna Ant King asked puzzledly and a little strangely.

No Zerg other than the Flame Spider Traveler has ever landed on Rainbow Island.

"This is King Longbai Ant, this is Lord Molan, and this is King Zuo Heihua."

The Edelweiss Spider King raised his claws and pointed, "This is the Jinna Ant King, and this is the Qiong Ci, Mi Xi, and the Shan Ci just now, three assistant kings who specialize in fighting. This is the Golden Needle, and this is the Full needle, dedicated to logistics and management.”

brief introduction.

greet each other.

Jinna Ant King asked again: "Edelweiss Spider King, didn't you say you rushed to Blue Island to watch the battle? What happened?"

The edelweiss spider king raised his claws and pointed, saying: "Male ant king, giant-headed blind leaf-cutting ant. Orchid mantis warrior."

Jinna Ant King searched for the inherited memory and hesitated: "Oh... male ants... are very rare."

Edelweiss Spider King: "They are not Zerg from Wanglan Continent, but from... the north!"

The Snow Spider King raised his paw and pointed to the north.

On Hongdao, if it is daytime, you can look up and see the seven-colored divine power barrier stretching across the sky and earth to the north.

"Could it be that they are..." Jinna Ant King had a guess in his mind and couldn't believe it.

The Edelweiss Spider King explained: "King Jinna Ant, in fact, the secret of the Rainbow Island you guard is very simple, that is, there is an undersea tunnel that penetrates the divine barrier and leads to the Yunji Continent in the north. According to legend, the flame spider ancestors left a A very powerful seal was placed, sealing off the entrance to the passage. One day in the future, when the force of Wanglan Continent is exhausted, the seal will be weakened and released..."

Edelweiss Spider King: "It didn't seem to be sealed. It was easily opened by Longbai Ant King and the others. They also dug a tunnel from the mountainside to the bottom of the sea. They sneaked into Wanglan Continent from Yunji Continent to move around. However, Jin You guys haven’t discovered the Ant King.”


Jinna Ant King and his five subordinate kings all stood up.

"Don't get excited yet."

The Edelweiss Spider King greeted: "The reason why our Flame Spider Kingdom has sealed the passage is because the Cloud Trail Continent has entered a period of Force silence. For our Force life, it is a desolate and dead place without the Force... "

Jinna Ant King: "The Force is silent?"

Edelweiss Spider King: "The silence of the Force means that the Force of the mainland disappears, and all races become silent and reduced to a vacuum of the Force. The Force star realm we are in is a giant sphere, divided into southern and southern regions by a divine barrier. There are eight continents in the northern hemisphere. The four continents in the northern hemisphere are named Yunji, Longzhu, Wanzu, and Wanguo. The southern continent is also four continents, named Wanglan, Zhibai, Qianshu, and Qianqiu. The northern and southern hemispheres, The eight continents alternate between two, the Force is silent and flourishing, and it comes back and forth every eighteen thousand years..."

The Jinna Ant King guards Rainbow Island, but he knows nothing about it.

The Edelweiss Spider King took some effort to explain the entire situation clearly.

King Jinna Ant and the five subordinate kings under his command were stunned and speechless.

The Edelweiss Spider King continued: "There are two unexpected problems at the moment. The first problem is that there is a starship channel that connects the Cloud Trail Continent and the Ten Thousand Nations and Ten Thousand Races Continent, and can communicate with the Flame Spider Travelers in the Northern Hemisphere; The second question is that there is actually a land of force in Yunji Continent.”

Edelweiss Spider King: "I need to return to the kingdom, report to the spider kings in charge of the ancestral land, and discuss together to decide whether to restart the channel. Jinna Ant King, Longbai Ant King, whether they are restarted or not, it will have no impact on you, but Qian Qian Be careful to keep it secret. The existence of the passage goes against the will of the True God of Nature. Once a large number of Zerg know about it, this passage will disappear."

Both Long Bai and Jin Na Ant King solemnly moved their tentacles in agreement.

Edelweiss Spider King: "Longbai Ant King, let's go through the undersea passage and go to Yunji Continent first. Jinna Ant King, if you are interested, you can go there together to broaden your horizons."

"Of course I'm interested!"

Jinna Ant King stood up again and asked: "Longbai Ant King, where did you dig the tunnel?"

Long Bai stood up and said, "Let's go this way..."

Long Bai led the way and together we arrived at the northern end of the island.

Rocks and cliffs.

The Edelweiss Spider King scanned the sensor with his mental power and locked the location of the cave entrance.

"I'll go down first!"

The Edelweiss Spider King said nothing, jumped down, and disappeared into the waves.

Long Bai opened his mouth, and the throne of control flew out, rapidly growing in size.

Long Bai jumped up and said: "The Dominion Throne can only transport one person through the deep sea passage at a time. Jinna Ant King, shall I send you there first?"

Jinna Ant King hesitated for a moment, then jumped onto the throne.

Mo Lan, Hei Hua, and the five assistant kings under Jin Na Ant King are waiting for now.

The ruling throne propped up the azure original energy shield, flew off the ground, fell rapidly, and submerged into the waves with a roar.

Pass through the undersea tunnel, pass through the thick metal gate, and enter the wide cave left by the ancestors of the Flame Spider tribe.

The Edelweiss Spider King had arrived a long time ago and was staring at the gate to check.

The Edelweiss Spider King still couldn't accept it. According to legend, the unbreakable seal left by the ancestors was actually broken by a lord-level Zerg warrior...

But looking at the metal door and the traces left in the cracks, the enhanced abilities left by our ancestors are indeed indestructible...

Bad luck, your ability is restrained?

Seeing the arrival of Long Bai and Jin Na, the Edelweiss Spider King turned around without thinking and looked at the cave murals. He was soon attracted by the continent map on the dome.

Jinna Ant King looked around for a while, and after sighing in shock, his eyes fell on the dome map.

Yunji Continent, Longzhu Continent, Wanglan Continent, and Zhibai Continent are detailed maps of mountains and rivers covering half of the planet.

Long Bai climbed along the stone wall, walked upside down on the dome, and finally stopped at the sea on the west side of Wanglan Continent. He waved his tentacles and pointed at a large offshore island and asked:

"King Edelweiss Spider, if I guessed correctly, this should be 'Boshu Bay', right?"

Edelweiss Spider King: "Yes. Yucalyx Island covers an area of ​​about 13,000 square kilometers. The terrain is flat and difficult to defend. The Ishikari blue ants invade the main continent and attack this island first every time."

"Behind Haeha Island is a bay, about a hundred kilometers away from the main mainland. To invade from Blue Island, Haeha Island is the ideal first choice landing point. In every war, the coalition forces of Blue Island and Bo Shuwan surround this island. Fighting on the island.”

The Edelweiss Spider King finished speaking.

A long silence.

At the same time, the eyes of the Snow Spider King and the Jinna Ant King turned to the stone wall, recording the pictures of the Flame Spider Traveler's travels on the mainland.

"I'll pick up the other insects."

Long Bai, who was hanging upside down from the cave ceiling, spread his wings, circled to the ground, and began to run back and forth, picking up Mo Lan, Hei Hua, and the five assistant kings under the command of Jin Na Ant King.

I spent a long time observing the cave ruins.

The Edelweiss Spider King retracted his gaze, walked to the central 'water pool', and said, "Longbai Ant King, time is pressing. Just take Jinna Ant King over and take a look."

After the Edelweiss Spider King finished speaking, he jumped into the 'water pool' and disappeared in a deep dive.

Long Bai carried King Jinna Ant and followed closely behind.

Pass through the undersea starship channel.

It is dawn here on Yunji Continent.

The sun peeks out in the eastern sky.

Light breeze and microwave,

The sea surface is sparkling with golden light.

"King Jinna Ant, let me take you to see it from a high altitude!"

Long Bai said, and the throne of control slowly rose into the sky.

The Jinna Ant King lay on the edge of the throne, looking at the endless sea in front of him. After a long time, his mental power and thoughts were slightly sad, and he asked:

"Was this continent once full of the Force?"


"There must be many races and kingdoms, too."

"Yes. The Force fell silent and died."

"It's unimaginable. Where has the force of a continent gone?"

"The Force comes from deep underground and is constantly consumed by the life of all things. Once the source is cut off, it will slowly dry up."


"There were Zerg warriors who were proficient in earth abilities who dug deep into the ground. When they dug to a depth of 10,000 meters, they were stopped by a divine barrier."


Jinna Ant King thought for a while and sighed: "We, who are beings of the Force, are still as small as ants."

After saying that, he looked down.

on the sea,

The velvet spider king has bristles all over its body, its front four legs are straightened, and it is looking straight at the sky.

Jinna Ant King was immediately alert, "Is there something going on?"

"There will be no danger here..." Long Bai looked up at the sky and controlled the fall of the throne.

"Edelweiss Spider King?" Jinna Ant King called.

The straight legs of the Edelweiss Spider King slowly bent, he looked back, and explained unhurriedly:

"Normally, when a Zerg warrior evolves into the ninth-instar Zerg King, a reminder message will appear in his soul consciousness, reminding him that he will be summoned by the True God of Nature to leave the Force Star Realm in a number of years."

"According to legend, in the early days of the silence of the Force, the abundance of the natural Force gradually decreased. Every time it dropped by one level, the conditions for leaving the Force Star Realm dropped by one level, and finally dropped to the first-instar Insect King."

The Edelweiss Spider King paused and said: "After more than five thousand years, the laws on the Cloud Trail Continent have not changed. The first-instar insect king will receive a summons message to leave the star world. I feel the call from outside. Due to the oppression of invisible forces, the laws of nature do not allow the seventh-instar insect king to exist in Yunji Continent."


The Jinna Ant King's tentacles stood up straight, and he was shocked again.

From midnight last night to now, I don’t know how many times I have been shocked.

Jinna Ant King's thoughts started to change rapidly, his eyes flashed, and his forehead's heavenly eye lit up: In the future, he will evolve to the king level. If he is unable to continue upward, can he sneak into Yunji Continent in the opposite direction and leave by taking advantage of the situation?

——There is a loophole in the laws of the astral realm!

King Jinna Ant thought again and understood more clearly that the secret of the undersea starship passage must not be publicized.

Once word spreads, the order of the entire star realm will be thrown into chaos.

Long Bai knew about this a long time ago and didn't say it out loud. He brought the Snow Velvet Spider King over. Another idea was to test the reaction of the 7th-year-old Spider King.

It seems that the reaction is not big.

Long Bai asked: "Edelweiss Spider King, have you received the summoning message to leave the Force Star Realm?"

Edelweiss Spider King: "No. But if I shed my shell and evolve once in Yunji Continent, I will receive a prompt message."

Long Bai: "Do you have to leave after receiving the message? Then in the future, Mo Lan and I will break through to the evolutionary king level... Can we hide in Wanglan Continent to avoid the laws of nature?"

Edelweiss Spider King: "I don't know. No insect has done this kind of test."

Those who have the ability to leave are trying their best to stay in the star realm for a few more years and accumulate strength.

The insects who are unable to leave are all deliberately thinking about leaving, hoping to achieve a breakthrough in the outer world.

The Edelweiss Spider King said to the Jinna Ant King: "I plan to visit Yunji Continent with the Longbai Ant King. Jinna Ant King, if you don't worry about Hongdao, you can follow me. However, the capacity of the ruling throne is limited, and your subordinate king will definitely not be able to Followed."

Jinna Ant King: "..."

Jinna Ant King said with interest: "Edelweiss Spider King, Longbai Ant King, you go ahead. If there is a chance in the future, I will enter Yunji Continent with Longbai Ant King to gain more knowledge."

Edelweiss Spider King: "Okay——"

Long Bai then sent King Jinna Ant and his five subordinate kings back to Hong Island.

Take Mo Lan and Hei Hua back to Yunji Continent.

The group clung to the divine barrier,

The Edelweiss Spider King activates his lightning ability and runs across the sea.

The ruling throne carried Black Birch flying at low altitude, while Mo Lan flapped its wings and flew high in the sky.

Go all the way to the west end and turn north.

Late at night, we finally landed on land.

Long Bai led the way and came to Zizhuang Mountain to separate their nests.

The people stationed here are mainly blue soldiers and blue ants cultivated in the mountain master stage, and they are now responsible for fishing at sea.

Rest overnight and continue on the road the next morning.

Stay close to the divine barrier and head north,

It was another day of driving at high speed, and we finally made it back to Xianglan Mountain late at night.


"Second King? Black Birch?"

"Who is this……"

The junipers and black persimmons guarding the Shanxi Reservoir Pass looked at the big spider following them, and immediately thought of something and did not dare to speak.

"The Edelweiss Spider King! A distinguished guest of the Flame Spider from the Phytophaga in the far southern hemisphere."

Mo Lan made a grand introduction.

Hei Hua briefly explained: "The Edelweiss Spider King came to Yunji Continent to travel and visit Xianglan Mountain."

——It is indeed it!

——The king and the second king must have acted carelessly and bumped into each other.

Juniper and Black Persimmon felt secretly in their hearts and said in unison:

Black Persimmon: "I've seen the Snow Velvet Spider King!"

Juniper: "Welcome the Edelweiss Spider King!"

Black Persimmon: "I'm going to inform Xiangbai to prepare a dinner for the distinguished guests!"

Juniper: "I'm going to the jungle to hunt and prepare ingredients!"

Long Bai waved his tentacles, signaling them to go quickly, and led the way on foot, leading the Edelweiss Spider King straight to Shannan Zhanlan Reservoir.

From a distance, you can see the tall and tall blue god-given seed.

“I never thought that plants could grow like this!”

A plant from an extraterrestrial civilization, its unique tree-shaped structure makes the eight eyes of the edelweiss spider glow green.

The main reason for coming to Pandan Mountain is to see the wonders and see rare plants.

It's really strange!

Mo Lan explained: "We have tested that azure trees and sea blue trees grow better in the southern tropics."

Long Bai also speculated: "The creator civilization is a single water system. The two plants of azure and sea blue should be considered the best planting of their civilization, but in our natural god system, they can only be regarded as a medium level. However, these two plants Each plant has its own distinctive characteristics. The azure blue fruits are delicious, the sea blue branches are hard, and the fruits are pure and sweet and contain high energy."

"Very valuable!"

A brief review of The Edelweiss Spider King.

Quicken your pace, run along the ant path in the mountains, and come together to the azure god-given tree.


Black and yellow's mental strength came over.

"Long Bai! Who is it?"

Nan Qian asked, wary.

The azure god-given seed also conveyed doubtful thoughts of spiritual power.

"This is the Edelweiss Spider King from the southern hemisphere, Phytolacca, a 7-year-old spider king whose strength is close to the peak of the star realm..."

Long Bai introduced them warmly.

"Hello Spider King..." Nan Qian sent a friendly mental thought and quietly retreated.

"I want to sleep, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do..." Heihuang followed and retreated.

Zhan Lan: "..."

Zhan Lan asked: "Long Bai, why did the Edelweiss Spider King come to Xianglan Mountain..."

Long Bai: "Traveling increases my knowledge. Mainly to go to the Hongnan Mountain branch and see the starship passage there. Also, we have initially reached a trade agreement. In the future, some of the divine products, Melanzi, will be sent to the southern hemisphere for trade. Exchange for other powerful divine fruits. This is very important!"

Zhan Lan: "Oh——"

Long Bai looked at the Snow Velvet Spider King.

Edelweiss Spider King: "I feel the water-based force field of the azure god-given seed. It feels like an innate ability. An ability left over from the extremely high level of evolution in the past."

Mo Lan immediately asked: "Edelweiss Spider King, does a god-given seed also have powers?"

Edelweiss Spider King: "I don't know either. I'm just guessing. Maybe it will happen after the evolution reaches the king level."


There are no three sacred trees: Citi, Quandong and Linnan.

Long Bai and Mo Lan didn't speak.

The Edelweiss Spider King praised: "It is also a very fruitful water-type god-given seed! In the future, when it evolves to the king level, its output will be very valuable."

"It's just so so. After all, it's just an enhancement of elemental abilities, so it can't be sold at a high price." Mo Lan helped Long Bai modestly.

Long Bai: "..."

The azure god-given seed is of the highest quality.

The dragon cypress evolves to the king level, and the fruits produced by Zhanlan are beyond the king level. They are full of gimmicks and have a premium price. At present, the price of Zhanlan fruits is 60 rough stones per piece, and the unit price will at least double by then.

The Edelweiss Spider King moved his eyes back and forth, carefully looking at the common azure trees and ocean blue trees planted on the shore of the reservoir for a while, and asked:

"Longbai Ant King, Lord Molan, it's still early, is it convenient to go and see the seed given by King Molan?"

Mo Lan: "It's convenient——"

Long Bai said cheerfully: "Mo Lan, you stay in Xianglan Mountain and preside over the preparations for the banquet. I will take the Edelweiss Spider King to visit Molan Mountain."

The flame spider's body is inherently wider and stronger than the average Zerg warrior.

The Edelweiss Spider King has evolved by eating only God-given force food since it was a junior warrior, and its body is exceptionally strong.

The soft cushion of the throne could only accommodate half of the Snow Spider King's body, leaving the remaining half hanging in the air.

Long Bai could only stand on the top of the throne's backrest.

This guy is also very heavy.

The Throne of Control carried the Snow Spider King, took off with difficulty, and staggered towards the Molan Mountain.

Fortunately, it's not far away and we arrived quickly.

"King Edelweiss Spider, here is the seed given by King Molan. The handful in the distance is my life seed, the seed given by King Molan. It is called Erlan."

Long Bai introduced enthusiastically.

Erlan heard the mental thoughts of furious questioning.

Just ignore it.

Dalan sent a questioning mental message.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and fired eight consecutive rounds of prosperity power, sending back a soothing mental message.

Unfamiliar life from the Force broke in, and the spirits and thoughts of Leigang Oak, Beikuiyu, Purple Barberry, and Purple Emperor Peach that had taken root in the Molan Mountain approached and asked.

Long Bai patiently introduced and explained to them.

The Edelweiss Spider King looked at it and praised it again and again, "Not bad! Twelve-fold ramification, which is considered top-notch among the herbal divine-grade God-given seeds! And it also has the effect of strengthening the God-given debris, right? Every ramet grows Gotta be extra strong.”

The Edelweiss Spider King is well-informed and has seen similar herbal god-given seeds. It is not very new. He came to visit mainly to verify the authenticity.

If it is confirmed to be true, then you can rest assured.

If Long Bai wants to get the 'Orange Fruit', he can try to communicate with Yiguo Queen Bee in the coming year, and he can also inquire about war-related information along the way.

Long Bai led the Edelweiss Spider King and continued to visit his other God-given seeds.

The Edelweiss Spider King has seen all kinds of prosperity, and is not very interested in ordinary god-given seeds. He only gives a few perfunctory compliments without sincerity.

Late at night, the sleeping spade in the ant nest woke up, hurried over, and shouted from a distance: "Your Majesty? Why are you back?"

The spade tentacles swayed in a high-frequency and orderly manner, capturing the scent in the air, warning and questioning: "Your Majesty, are there strange insects? The smell of spiders..."

"Edelweiss Spider King! People from the southern hemisphere come to visit our Molan Mountain."

Long Bai greeted: "Spade, come here quickly and let the Edelweiss Spider King look at your eyes. Maybe it can do anything."


Spade ran forward.

The eight eyes of the edelweiss spider king flashed with white light, and he scanned with mental power, inspecting them carefully at close range. He was secretly happy in his heart, but solemn on his face, and said:

"Sure enough, it is wood-type force energy that far exceeds the king-level level, and it has the attributes and characteristics of the round purple flame spider warrior..."

Spade: "Edelweiss Spider King, can you help break it?"

Edelweiss Spider King: "It's too strong. I can't help it."

Spades: "Oh——"

Spade: "What about the Spider King of the Round Purple Flame Spider Tribe?"

The Edelweiss Spider King thought for a moment and said regretfully: "The difference in power level is too big, so I'm afraid it won't work. Judging from the original energy aura, there is no malicious intent in attacking. You can use the wood element original energy yourself after evolving to the king level, with a little With a little bit of assimilation, spending some time and energy, you should be able to eliminate it on your own.”

Spade wanted to ask more, but Long Bai whipped him back with two swings of his tentacles, "Spade, it's okay, you can go back to the nest to rest. The Edelweiss Spider King has been on the road for three or four days, and he went back to Xianglan Mountain to rest first. .”

Long Bai: "Edelweiss Spider King, let's go back to Xianglan Mountain first..."

PS1: I wish you all double happiness on the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

PS2: This chapter is a 6,000-word chapter. Daily updates have not decreased, and the most recent update is a two-in-one chapter of four to five thousand words. (End of chapter)

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