Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 714 Reading and Writing Energy Field

[Time: 78th Era-120 Yuan-288 Years]

[Longbai·Big Head Blind Leaf-cutting Ant King·Nine Marks Realm]

【Assets: 43000】

【Debt 0】

【Pandan Chamber of Commerce】

【Assets: 3800000】

[Liabilities: 300000000]

After Long Bai and Bai Wei settled their accounts for purchasing the divine pine nuts, they planned to deposit 50,000 raw crystals into the Chamber of Commerce account every year.

After 78 years of hard work, he accumulated a total of 3.8 million.

Long Bai's private account has little money.

Misappropriating some funds from the chamber of commerce account,

According to President Gansui's prompts, first buy 5 of each of the four energy field crystals of the soul type.

Continue to look at the water energy field crystals.

The water system is divided into four categories: living water, clouds, frost, and life.

Corresponds to the four common states of the water system.

There is no Longbai who imitates the Holy Butterfly tribe and obtains the 'dead water state' through the gift of natural divine power.

Long Bai controlled it with his mind and continued to examine 'life'.

There are as many as nineteen types of products, [Forgetting Insect Energy Field], [Rain and Dew Energy Field], [Sea Nest Energy Field], [Water Breath Energy Field], [Water Healing Energy Field]...

The price is the cheapest 1000 raw crystal/piece.

Long Bai is not stingy either, buying 5 pieces each.

A total of 110,000 chamber of commerce funds were misappropriated.

Chamber of Commerce account assets: 3.69 million.

Continue reading below.

The third column of goods is called ‘Luohuo liquid preparation’.

[Price: 1,000 raw crystals/piece]

[Introduction: After the Force Plant breaks through evolution, it accelerates the growth of the Force Plant, saving 100 years of time each time. Dilute water for irrigation. Warning, the use interval shall not be less than 30 years]

This is good stuff too!

In the current territory, there are still many who are stuck at the king level because they were born not long enough, their original energy growth is insufficient, they are still flowering and fruiting, and they are stuck at the king level.

Red fox, crimson light, southern jujube, rock-leaf ironwood, 5 wild God-given seeds that Blue Island took refuge in, as well as the God-given seeds that were bred in the 9th instar insect king stage, a total of 25 trees.

This 'luoluo liquid' is a practical and cheap product!

Buy 100 pieces first.

Chamber of Commerce account assets: 3.59 million.

Continue reading below,

There are also seven goods, all of which are used to help the growth of Force plants. The effects are not as good as the first three, and the prices are relatively low.

Long Bai looked up and fixed his gaze on the Source Crystal at the top of the list again.

There is no doubt that the Origin Crystal is the highest grade and the most useful among all goods.


The price of 3,000/piece is not generally high.

All in all, it is more expensive than the source gemstones, much more expensive.


This thing has its beauty.

Regardless of whether you use Origin Gem or Origin Crystal, there are two constant rules: first, the lower the life level, the better the improvement effect, and vice versa; second, the comprehensive effect decreases with the amount used.

When used on ordinary life types, the effect will be very significant.

First, it can accelerate the growth and awakening of soul consciousness of ordinary life types.

Second, it can significantly increase the life level of ordinary life species. If the dosage can be grasped and controlled at a critical node, the quality of the force food produced will be significantly improved, which can increase profits.

Third, for the future evolution and growth of ordinary life species, understanding and condensing ‘marks’ will be helpful.

Long Bai uses super brain power to analyze and calculate,

For ordinary life species, use 50 to 60 pieces per tree. The cost can be recovered in ten thousand years, and you may even make a small profit.

If you use the seed given by God, you will suffer losses.

The use of the divine seed given by the gods will be a big loss.

Currently, the total number of common species taking root in Pandan Mountain is more than 700.

Each tree uses 50 to 60 pills, so as a compromise, a total of more than 41,000 pills are needed.

120 million raw crystals are needed.

If you purchase a large amount with a loan, you will still lose money after interest is taken into account.

The only option that doesn’t make a loss: buy as much as you have and give it to ordinary people.

Long Bai has another option: stock up on a batch of source crystals for Ye Xiang to use.

After Long Bai thought about it briefly, he first spent 600,000 and bought 200 small pieces.

Turn away from Star Spider.

Other insects followed.

Let’s go to the branch hall of the Luojun Chamber of Commerce.

"Longbai Ant King, they are all good things we need!"

"Is the Origin Crystal the best? Buy more?"

"The first-level energy field crystal is useful for Ye Xiang and Zhan Lan! I must buy it, right?"

"Can we stock up on first-level energy field crystals? They are expensive, but the demand for each god-given seed is not large."


Long Bai raised his paw, signaled everyone to be quiet, and said: "At present, only Ye Xiang and Zhan Lan can use the energy field crystals, and I have already bought them. The other God-given seeds are still far from the Star Mark Realm, so there is no need to stock up."

"As for the source crystal stone..."

"The Luoluo Chamber of Commerce has calculated the price accurately, and it's stuck. The best option is to use it for ordinary species. Use 50 to 60 pieces for each tree. Calculated over thousands of years, you will make a profit."

"You can use more of the ordinary green and red kiwi seeds of green maple and red maple in an appropriate amount."

"Currently, our Pandan Chamber of Commerce has a total development fund of 3.8 million, and each person will receive 76,000. I will share it with you first, and you can buy it yourself."

"I've already bought the rosacea liquid, you don't need to buy it."

Long Bai said, standing in front of a star pillar, communicating and operating, and distributed the original crystal in the form of dividends.

"Junja, Xiangcedar, Black Sophora, Heidi, and Hongguang, come back with me. White Rice, Ghost Fan, and Green Maple, you can stay and hang out, waiting for the other insects to come."


"I understand. Your Majesty."

The insects agreed.

Long Bai led Zuo Wang, casually called a star spider, took it back to Jiaolan Star, and hurriedly returned to the territory.

At the foot of Pandan Mountain,

The ants who stayed behind came to greet them.

The trees also asked about the situation.

The pokeweed divine pattern on Long Bai's forehead shone brightly, and a pile of purple-red crystal stones floated out.

"Take the cedar, the black locust tree, and the spades, and give one to each god-given seed, so that everyone can have a taste."

——Only one?

——How about fooling a three-year-old sapling?

The trees were dissatisfied.

Long Bai ignored it and turned into a shadow, drifting to the tree planted by the Night Fragrance God.

"Ye Xiang, try this!"

"This is……"

"First-level energy field crystal. Fantasy heart energy field. You use mental power to control it and integrate it into the tree trunk. Then you can activate the power in the sealed original crystal, experience different advanced energy fields, and learn about it. You try it."


Long Bai activated his hydra tentacles to wrap around the spar and cling to the tree trunk.

Yexiang activated her mental power package and pulled it into the tree trunk. After waiting for a few seconds, a soul energy that made the insect dizzy spread out.

The scene in front of Long Bai kept changing, and he suddenly turned into a first-year junior warrior who had just awakened in the jungle of Wanzu Continent. He was in the jungle, looking at the towering ancient trees around him. He was small, weak, confused, helpless, as if falling. The endless fear of the abyss.


The ultimate beast's star mark shines fiercely.

Long Bai's empty eyes regained their radiance.

Looking around, there is a super powerful soul-based original energy field with a radius of more than 300 meters.

Following Ju Bai, Cui Bai and other fighting assistant kings who joined in the fun, their eyes were dim and dull, and the original energy aura on their bodies was filled with strong hesitation and fear, and their confusion and helpless emotions collapsed and spread.

The fighting Zuo Wang all has the ultimate evolutionary ability, and the divine marks on their foreheads shine fiercely, but Zuo Wang is only at the first stage of the Three Marks Realm, and his strength is far inferior to Long Bai, and he is unable to compete with this super powerful energy field.


"This is……"

Juniper looked left and right, and after a moment of confusion, he asked:

"This is a soul-based hallucinogenic energy field at the star level? Don't you feel it?"

Juniper then said with disdain: "What are these all doing? Are they too weak? In Shuangse Sang's words, they are all trash."


Juniper is very strange, and all mental abilities have no effect on it.

The dragon's cypress tentacles connected together, blessing all the princes with a layer of night shield.

The ants woke up from the illusion one after another.

Before anyone could speak, Long Bai waved his tentacles vigorously to signal: Stay away and don't interfere with Ye Xiang's study.

Wait quietly.

After one day, the energy field disappears.

"Ye Xiang, how are you?"

"It's a bit advanced. I need the help of super brain power."


Long Bai asked:

“Can we learn something from this?”

"Yes! I can learn a lot."

"That's good. Don't be in a hurry. Take your time. I bought five phantom energy field crystals. Don't worry, use them all at once. When your understanding reaches a certain level, you can call me again when you feel the need."


The divine pattern on Long Bai's forehead lit up, and the reading and writing energy field crystal floated out.

"Ye Xiang, this is the category of soul-based thoughts, another type of power. Give it a try and see if you have any talent in this area."

Long Bai explained: "Your star mark is mainly about hallucinogenic power, and you mainly understand the hallucinogenic power in the star mark realm. When it reaches a level that is enough to break through the evolved half-star realm, don't rush to break through the evolution..."

Long Bai repeated President Gansui's words.

"I understand what you mean, but..."

Yexiang asked: "Long Bai, is this not a matter of talent? One thousand years is not enough, right? What about the loan? The semen gems are not enough. Without the assistance of semen energy, no matter how good the talent is, ten thousand years may not be enough." It can be done.”

Long Bai: "You don't have to worry about the loan. My idea is to simply take another loan and buy 50,000 to 100,000 Origin Crystals."

Ye Xiang: "..."

Ye Xiang asked: "What is the specific probability of this? What should I do if it fails?"

Long Bai: "Different trees, different situations, the probability of success or failure is uncertain. It doesn't matter if you fail, at least Yexiang you have achieved full growth."

"Ye Xiang, it's not just you. In the future, when we go to the White Crystal Galaxy, all divine products and ordinary god-given seeds will come here like this."

Ye Xiang: "..."

Ye Xiang sighed with emotion: "Boss Long Bai is so heroic!"

Long Bai: "Ye Xiang, I'm counting on you to make everyone rich now."

Long Bai then asked: "Ye Xiang, how much original energy does this source stone have left now?"

Ye Xiang: "It's bottomed out. There's probably a little more than one-tenth left. It will be exhausted within forty years."

Long Bai asked: "How far have you completed the growth and understanding of the Star Mark Realm?"

"It's not ideal either, about one-third."

Ye Xiang added: "However, after seeing the 'Illusory Heart Energy Field', I have learned a lot and gained a lot. In the next forty years, there should be huge improvements!"

"That's good!"

"The number of source crystals to be purchased will depend on the situation in forty years."

As Long Bai spoke, he ducked under the tree. The hydra tentacles wrapped around the reading and writing energy field crystal and clung to the tree trunk.

Ye Xiang activated the mental power package and pulled it into the main body.

After two or three seconds,

A slightly imperceptible soul force spreads out, forming an energy field with a radius of about three hundred meters.

The ultimate beast star mark on Long Bai's forehead flashed, making him directly immune to the power of the energy field.

Concentrate on the feeling.

It was quickly confirmed that, in fact, this energy field could not directly read one's own soul memory.

The soul needs to be suppressed and resistance lost.

"Long Bai?"

The message of the call appeared directly in Long Bai's soul consciousness.

The 'writing' ability of the reading and writing energy field is relatively easy to exert. As long as there is no intentional resistance, it can be 'written'.

Ends after one day.

"Ye Xiang, how are you?"

"It's pretty good. It feels very consistent with my hallucinogenic abilities."

"A gift for understanding literacy?"

"Yes? I feel like it's quite suitable. It's not too difficult."

"That's great! That should be possible!"

Long Bai felt happy, thought for a moment, took out two more first-level energy field crystals, and introduced:

"These two are soul-based thoughts. They are the object control energy field and the divine power energy field. Yexiang, do you want to try it too?"

Ye Xiang was very interested and said hopefully, "Of course I want to see it!"

Long Bai didn't say much and attached the object control energy field crystal to the trunk of the tree.

Night fragrance is absorbed.

Similarly, the subtle and difficult-to-detect soul energy field unfolds.

Long Bai's feet clicked lightly, and he lifted off the ground involuntarily, flying three hundred meters into the air with a whooshing sound.

As the name suggests, the energy field for controlling objects means controlling objects with thoughts.

"Long Bai! This is amazing!"

Ye Xiang exclaimed, unable to control herself with joy.

"so so."

As soon as Long Bai thought, the night power covered his whole body, his figure flickered, and he landed lightly.

Ye Xiang tried again, but found that her power was blocked by the night and she could no longer control Long Bai. Her thoughts deflected, and within a radius of three hundred meters, dirt and gravel rose from the ground, flying and floating, spinning and dancing around the trunk.

Da Wang Bai, who was silently paying attention to the movements here, couldn't help but admired with envy: "This object control field is really powerful~!"

——Good ability!

The other trees echoed in admiration.

From the perspective of immobile plants, the ability to control objects is indeed powerful. They can use this energy field to do many things that they could not do originally.

But from the perspective of a Zerg warrior, it is very ordinary. He is proficient in the seven elements and can not only control everything in the universe, but also use it.

In Long Bai's view, this ability to control objects is of little significance and of average value.

after one day.

The power of the object control energy field is exhausted.

Long Bai then tried the divine power field on Ye Xiang.

The original soul energy swept through like a tidal wave.

In an instant, Long Bai felt a loud roar in his brain, an unmatched pressure directed toward his soul, and fear instantly filled his body.

The entire insect was paralyzed to the ground instantly.

The nine-color light of the ultimate beast star mark on his forehead shines fiercely.

——Can’t become immune through adaptive evolution!

Long Bai calmed down, struggled, and climbed out of the energy field.


Juniper didn't dare to say anything, so he moved forward cautiously and walked into the energy field to give it a try.

No feeling~

Juniper turned around and saw the king's evil gaze. He had an idea and charged twice in succession. With a sudden boom, Juniper was knocked into the energy field.

Yinbai fell to the ground instantly, unable to move.

"I want you to watch quietly! Don't make a fuss! Don't affect Ye Xiang!"

Long Bai was furious, pressed down on the juniper with one claw, and swung his tentacles wildly.

Cui Bai raised his claws, and the hydra's tentacles rolled up, pulling Yin Bai back.

"Your Majesty! Let me help you!"

Yinbai rushed forward and beat Juniper randomly.


Yinbai said with lingering fear: "Your Majesty, this divine power field is the most powerful!"

"Not Powerful!"

Long Bai simply denied it and analyzed: "The most primitive emotion of intelligent life is fear. The essence of this ability is to induce inner fear, amplify it tens of millions of times, and then achieve the purpose of suppressing the soul."

"There is no essential difference from hallucinogenic abilities. They are all based on the conscious emotions deep in the soul of intelligent beings."

"This type of ability is very ordinary. When faced with a real life-and-death battle, when a Zerg warrior enters a fighting state, burning fighting spirit, forgetting fear, and forgetting superfluous emotions, the effects of divine power and hallucinogenic abilities will be greatly weakened or even failed."


The ants suddenly realized.


Ye Xiang said: "Long Bai, this divine power field is quite powerful, isn't it?"

Ye Xiang said depressedly: "The power of soul and thought, the hallucinogenic power I control is the weakest?"


——The selling price of energy field crystals is intuitively reflected.

Long Bai said sternly: "Ye Xiang, there is no strength or strength, only whether it is suitable for you or not, and whether you can use it."

Long Bai then warned: "I used my super brain power to calculate that the hallucination energy field and the reading and writing energy field are most consistent. Yexiang, you first focus on comprehending the hallucinogenic power, and then the reading and writing power."

"As for other types of soul-based thoughts and powers, it will be the same in the future when they evolve into the star realm and slowly comprehend them."

Ye Xiang: "I understand. Reading and writing skills are valuable, right?"

Long Bai: "That's right!"

Long Bai: "I also purchased a large number of first-level energy field crystals that are suitable for azure. I'll give them a try."

The situation of Zhanlan and Yexiang is completely different.

Azure is a super-grade god-given seed, and the fruits it currently produces are already at the star level.

Zhanlan's main mission is to grow and evolve, and break through to the semi-star realm as soon as possible.

Of course, don't be too anxious.

First try out the water breath energy field and rain and dew energy field that are most compatible with each other to experience, comprehend, and learn from them.

Long Bai also purchased 100 bottles of rosacea liquid, and arranged to use one for all the God-given seeds that have not yet evolved into the Three Marks Realm.

Mo Lan returned with Bai Fan, Gui Fan and the others who were watching the fun.

Green Heart also ran over.

"Second King, Lu Xin, where did you go to play? I haven't seen any insects in these years."

Long Bai asked seriously.


Mo Lan was angry, "We are busy! We are looking for God-given seeds!"

Long Bai was startled when he heard this, "God-given seeds? Where can I find them? Don't wander into other insects' territories, or you may be caught and sealed."


Green Heart quickly explained: "After the Force Plant evolved into the Three Marks Realm, it has stronger environmental adaptability and prefers to take root in tropical and temperate zones with high temperatures and strong sunlight. Five major life planets, millions of insect populations, and Earth-wide Insects Rare. As a result, the temperate and cold zone territories at the north and south ends of the planet will no longer be inhabited by insects."

Mo Lan continued: "Theoretically, these territories belong to the Luoji Chamber of Commerce. But the two presidents of the Luoji Chamber of Commerce, Gansui and Alocasia, are too embarrassed to go out and search in person. Therefore, every autumn, some Smart Zerg warriors will run over and try their luck."

Green Heart: "No pest control. But don't conflict with other insects."

Mo Lan: "Lu Xin and I searched in spring and summer. We spent two years doing detailed inspections and calculations, and found that the total area of ​​completely insect-free territory reached 600 million square kilometers. Calculating the probability, we can find it in about 1,000 years A god-given seed was born!”

Long Bai: "..."

Everyone said nothing.

Hongsang asked cautiously: "Second King, how much time do you need to spend searching every year?"

Mo Lan: "This is a good question. If I only search once a year, it will still waste four or five months of my time. So, I will come back to discuss it with everyone. How about I use resources to evolve the Star Mark Realm first? The realm is high. , the soul is strong and the search efficiency is high, so life will not be wasted."


Long Bai: "First arrange for King Zuo to evolve into the Nine Marks Realm. Then, Mo Lan will give priority to evolving into the Star Marks Realm. But before that, Mo Lan, please stop wandering around."

"Okay. That's okay."

Mo Lan pondered for a moment and asked: "Long Bai, how many source crystals do you think is appropriate to buy? Do you want our ordinary life types to be strengthened as well?"

Long Bai and Mo Lan only had 49 ordinary life seeds in total.

If Long Cypress and Mo Lan only care about themselves, each tree will use 60 source crystals, which will cost about 8.8 million.

Small money...

Long Bai: "Mo Lan, I have a bold idea!"

Mo Lan: "How bold?"

Long Bai: "I heard a new saying that Ye Xiang can also comprehend the second type of soul ability besides hallucination ability..."

Long Bai told the story in detail.

"Support the work of the great leader!"

Without thinking, Mo Lan raised six legs and two tentacles and enthusiastically agreed, and then said:

"Chief Longbai, I also have something to discuss with you."

Long Bai: "...Say."

Mo Lan: "How about I recruit a trustworthy Zerg warrior to join our chamber of commerce?"

Swish, swish, swish! All eyes turned to Green Heart.

Mo Lan explained: "The Yelu Ant King's territory income is only enough to support himself and his subordinates, and he doesn't care about Green Heart at all. There is not even a God-given seed in Green Heart, and all the planted plants are in flower and fruitless state. To raise the soul, I am still in the pitiful first stage of the Three Marks Realm, and I will have no income for at least the next two thousand years."

"It's too difficult to be green. I said, why don't you come over and hang out with us, at least you can get some dividends."

"Moreover, look at those big tribes, with hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of insects at every turn. The insects are numerous and powerful, making it easy to do anything, and the big leaders are also majestic. Look at our Chamber of Commerce, we have such a pitiful insect, and the big leaders and leaders are in front of them. It’s not interesting. If you want to do a big business, first of all, there won’t be enough insects. We need more reliable insects to join.”

Long Bai was moved when he heard this.

Green Heart looks a bit dull and doesn't like to talk. However, it has been helping Yelu Ant King to establish relationships and make deals since he was a child. He has been trained to speak simply and clearly, and his thoughts are clear.

The Pandan Chamber of Commerce really needs a person who is good at communication and running relationships.

Green Heart is a good fit for the business department.

Long Bai asked: "Green Heart, what did the Night Dew Ant King say?"

Mo Lan rushed to answer: "It's settled! Yelu Ant King said yes, just go back and compensate it with three divine grade Mo Lanzi."

"The Second King is awesome~"

Long Bai waved his claws and said, "That's good. Green Heart, look at the time and transfer the life seed here."

Mo Lan: "All the life seeds have been collected and brought here."

Long Bai: "..."

Long Bai couldn't help but said angrily: "The two kings don't return to their nest easily. If they come back, they must be well prepared!"

Long Bai didn't wait for a rebuttal, waved his tentacles and greeted: "Okay! Let's go. Find a place and settle the life seed first." (End of Chapter)

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